The following Flip Catalog has been brought to you courtesy of Our hopes are to bring you the most comprehensive information we can so you can make an informed decision regard- ing purchases. Not all of the items in this series of catalogs are stocked, some are special order and require lead times. We hope that when it come time to make a purchase you will offer us the opportunity to quote you on the items. Please call our offi ce with any questions you may have regarding these items. 1 800 669 5519 DIAMOND TOOLS & EQUIPMENT866-688-1032 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 2 5SBEJUJPOBM Weakened support tails "3*9 HJWFT'BTUFS$VUUJOH4QFFE BOE-POHFS#MBEF-JGFXJUIQSFDJTF EJBNPOEBSSBOHFNFOUUISPVHIPVU FBDITFHNFOUGPSVOQBSBMMFE QFSGPSNBODF:PVWFHPU UPTFFJUUPCFMJFWFJU %JTDPWFSUIF%*5&2 %JGGFSFODF 8FMDPNFUP%*5&2  Thanks for picking up and reading our new catalog. This new edition will feature many new products and accessories added to our product line. We want to show you the DITEQ Difference. This isn’t just a catchy slogan or corporate tag line created by some marketing company. Knowing who DITEQ is and what we do will help you discover a unique company, with tons of expertise and experience, who wants to do business with YOU. Defining the %*5&2 brand: % ependable high quality products and services * nnovative, revolutionary diamond tools and equipment Trustworthy, experienced, helpful, friendly people & xceptional service before and after the sale 2 uality products and services you can trust %*5&2o%JBNPOE5PPMTBOE&RVJQNFOU Your complete source of high quality diamond blades and core bits, core drilling equipment and accessories, concrete and masonry saws, high speed gas cut off saws, concrete grinding and polishing machines, tile and stone cutting tools, hand polishing and grinding tools and related products and services that make %*5&2 your one-stop for all of your cutting needs. %*5&2 has some of the world’s most innovative metallurgical engineering with our "3*9 technology, introduced several years ago. This amazing technology allows for precise diamond arrangement and alignment on each blade, set to control wear and make the blade cut faster. In some situations, this technology can increase the cutting speed by 50% while doubling a normal blades life. How and where you use an ARIX blade will affect the outcome.%*5&2 is the only company that employs full ARIX technology. "3*9 is a %*5&2 exclusive."3*9‰UIFUFDIOPMPHZUIBU $)"/(&4&7&3:5)*/( %*5&2—where our customers are the No. 1 priority, where quality and service are next to none, where technology and innovation come in every product we sell. We don’t want to be just another diamond tool source, we want to be your BEST diamond tool source. Give us call today and %JTDPWFSUIF%*5&2%JGGFSFODF DIAMOND TOOLS & EQUIPMENT866-688-1032 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 3 Every time we pick up the phone; every time we fill an order; every time we read an e-mail, we see it as an opportunity to do what we do best – take care of our customers. It’s what sets DITEQ apart. It’s part of the i%*5&2EJGGFSFODFw ":PVOH$PNQBOZo8JUIB-POH)JTUPSZ Even though the DITEQ brand name was recently developed, our company and the people who make up the DITEQ team, have been around for a long, long time. Our core management team has more than 200+ years of combined experience in the field. We have state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, that have been providing the industry with top quality diamond products for more than 20 years. $POWFOJFOUUJNF[POFBOEDFOUSBMMZMPDBUFETIJQQJOHDFOUFS Our headquarter’s central location in Lee’s Summit, Missouri allows us to provide you with fast and cost-efficient delivery. Having Sales, Customer Service, Production & Technical Support, and our warehouse under one roof enables us to coordinate order processing more smoothly to ensure you get the level of personal service you deserve. Ask for the name of the DITEQ distributor in your area. They are your local source for product training and field support, and they will do everything possible to bring you success. Diamonds Abrasives Equipment Parts 5BCMFPG$POUFOUT ª$PQZSJHIU%*5&2$PSQPSBUJPO"MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE *OUSPEVDUJPO  ⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā㐀儀䘀䐀䨀洀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā⠀嘀䨀䔀䘀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ   㘀伀䔀䘀匀吀唀䈀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀吀ഀĀ㌀䨀一吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā␀倀匀䘀吀ĀĀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ⠀䘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā㄀䘀䈀䰀Ā㄀䘀匀䜀倀匀一䈀伀䐀䘀Ā䜀匀倀一Ā䘀䈀䐀䤀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ8  㠀䤀䈀唀Ā唀倀ĀⰀ伀倀堀Ā∀䌀倀嘀唀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā⸀䈀唀䘀匀䨀䈀䴀Ā㨀倀嘀Ā␀嘀唀ĀĀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ &DPOPNZ'MBU4BX)JHI4QFFE3JOH#MBEFT  ☀䐀倀伀倀一娀Ā㠀䘀唀က─匀娀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ12-13  㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā㠀䘀唀က─匀娀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀሀᔀ 'MBU4BXT  ✀䴀䈀唀Ā㐀䈀堀Ā㔀☀㈀฀␀倀伀Ā㐀䈀堀吀ĀĀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ሀ  ⠀฀㔀☀㈀Ā⠀匀䘀䘀伀Ā␀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀Ā㐀䈀堀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ20-22  ␀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀Ā─䘀吀唀匀倀娀䘀匀Ā␀䤀䘀一䨀䐀䈀䴀Ā␀䴀䘀䈀伀䘀匀က㌀䘀一倀圀䘀匀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ23  㔀☀㈀㘀⨀ⰀĀ⤀䨀䠀䤀Ā㐀儀䘀䘀䔀Ā㐀䈀堀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ጀ 130%JBNPOE#MBEFT  ㄀㌀ Ā∀㌀⨀㤀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ㄀㌀ Ā✀䴀䈀唀Ā㐀䈀堀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀ༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  㠀䈀䴀䴀Ā㐀䈀堀฀㠀䈀䴀䴀Āഀ⤀䈀伀䔀ഀ␀嘀匀䌀Ā␀嘀唀ഀĀ㌀䨀伀䠀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ30-31  ─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā␀䤀䈀䨀伀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā㠀䨀匀䘀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ32 "CSBTJWF1SPEVDUT33-38 $PSF%SJMMT  㐀⤀⨀⌀㘀㨀∀Ā⌀ⴀ㘀฀─㌀⨀ⴀⴀ␀倀匀䘀Ā─匀䨀䴀䴀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ␀倀匀䘀Ā─匀䨀䴀䴀Ā∀䐀䐀䘀吀吀倀匀䨀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ㄀倀堀䘀匀吀Ā∀伀䐀䤀倀匀䨀伀䠀Ā㐀娀吀唀䘀一吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ53  㔀☀㈀฀⤀䈀一一䘀匀Ā㌀倀唀䈀匀娀Ā─匀䨀䴀䴀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā㐀─㐀Ā㄀䴀嘀吀Ā⌀䨀唀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᘀ  ─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā␀倀匀䘀Ā⌀䨀唀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ55-58  ─䨀䈀唀䨀儀餀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā␀倀匀䘀Ā⌀䨀唀Ā㌀䘀唀䨀儀儀䨀伀䠀Ā⸀䈀䐀䤀䨀伀䘀吀ༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ⠀䘀伀䘀匀䈀唀倀匀吀က㄀嘀一儀吀က㄀倀堀䘀匀Ā␀倀匀䔀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ60 4VSGBDF1SFQ5PPMTBOE&RVJQNFOU  㔀☀㈀฀㐀唀匀䨀儀儀䘀匀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā∀䐀䐀䘀吀吀倀匀䨀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ⠀฀㔀☀㈀Ā␀匀䈀䐀䰀Ā␀䤀䈀吀䨀伀䠀Ā㐀䈀堀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀᜀᤀ฀ᜀ  ⨀伀䔀嘀吀唀匀䨀䈀䴀Ā㜀䈀䐀嘀嘀一吀ༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᜀ  㐀䐀䈀匀䨀洀䘀匀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā␀嘀唀唀䘀匀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  㔀☀㈀฀☀䔀䠀䘀Ā⠀匀䨀伀䔀䘀匀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā∀䐀䐀䘀吀吀倀匀䨀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ✀䴀倀倀匀Ā⠀匀䨀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā⤀䘀䈀䔀吀က∀䌀匀䈀吀䨀圀䘀Ā㐀唀倀伀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᠀  㔀☀㈀฀⠀匀䨀伀䔀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā㄀䴀䈀伀䘀唀䈀匀娀Ā⠀匀䨀伀䔀䘀匀က㄀倀䴀䨀吀䤀䘀匀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ᠀  ✀䴀倀倀匀Ā㄀匀䘀儀Ā㔀倀倀䴀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā∀䐀䐀䘀吀吀倀匀䨀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ .BTPOSZ4BXTBOE%JBNPOE#MBEFT 5VDLQPJOUJOH#MBEFT86 5JMFBOE4UPOF'BCSJDBUJPO5PPMT  㔀䨀䴀䘀Ā␀嘀唀唀䘀匀吀ကⰀ伀䘀䘀Ā㄀䈀䔀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ88  㔀䨀䴀䘀Ā㐀䈀堀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ∀䐀䐀䘀吀吀倀匀䨀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᨀ  ㄀匀倀洀䴀䘀Ā㠀䤀䘀䘀䴀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᨀ  㔀嘀匀䌀倀Ā㐀唀倀伀䘀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  ␀倀伀唀䨀伀嘀倀嘀吀Ā㌀䨀一Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᨀ  㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā㐀唀倀伀䘀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ  㐀儀䘀䐀䨀䈀䴀䨀唀娀Ā㐀唀倀伀䘀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ᨀ  㐀唀倀伀䘀Ā␀倀匀䘀Ā⌀䨀唀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ100-101  㐀唀倀伀䘀Ā⠀匀䨀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā㠀䤀䘀䘀䴀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ102  ─䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā㄀倀䴀䨀吀䤀䨀伀䠀Ā㄀䈀䔀吀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ103  ⤀䈀伀䔀Ā⠀匀䨀伀䔀䘀匀吀က㄀倀䴀䨀吀䤀䘀匀吀က⤀䈀伀䔀Ā㔀䨀䴀䘀Ā㐀䈀堀Āༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀༀ ሀᄀ %VTUMFTT%VTU$POUBJONFOU4ZTUFN %JBNPOE(SJOEJOH8IFFMT $VUUJOH4QFFETBOE%FQUIT 4BGFUZ8BSOJOHT 110 5FSNTBOE$POEJUJPOT 8BSSBOUZ111 *OEFY112-116 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $BUBMPH1SPEVDU$IBSUT DITEQ offers a wide range of diamond tools in a vast array of specifica- tions. Use the following guide to understand the product codes and find the products you need with greater speed and ease. #MBEF.BSLJOHT Each DITEQ diamond blade is QFSNBOFOUMZFOHSBWFEwith a wealth of information to help you understand and keep track of each blade’s performance and intended use. Critical information is contained under the flange to protect it over the life of the blade. 8FUBOE%SZ$VUUJOH%JBNPOE#MBEFT When you see the wet cutting symbol on a DITEQ blade, it means water must be used as a coolant when cutting with it. Dry cutting blades can be used with or without water. Water is often used with dry cutting blades to keep dust down. Typically dry cutting is reserved for intermittent and/ or shallow cutting. Air does not cool as effectively as water, so adequate time must be given between cuts to cool the blade. If a dry blade is to be used for deep cutting, it should be done in steps. Cut an inch or so deep, then come back and cut another inch or so until the desired depth is reached. -BTFS8FMEFEPS4JOUFSFE On a laser welded blade the segment is manufactured under higher pressure and heated and formed onto a carbon steel backer that is then welded with a laser to the steel blade core. On a sintered blade the segment is basically pressed and formed directly to the steel core. Sintered requires less heat and pressure, thus allowing manufacturers to use a lower concentration and grade of diamond, which significantly lowers the cost to manufacture but also lowers the overall performance quality and value. 4QFDJBM4J[FTBOE$VTUPN0SEFST If you can’t find what you are looking for in this catalog, give us a call. We manufacture a wide array of diamond tools, and not all are featured in this catalog. We also welcome custom orders. 1BSU/P $PPMBOU 86TFXBUFSGPSDPPMBOU %6TFESZ03XJUIXBUFS "QQMJDBUJPO This letter indicates the type of material the blade is designed for. The color of the blade also reflects the application. -FUUFS.BUFSJBM ⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā␀倀䴀倀 A Asphalt Black B Brick/Block Red C Concrete Blue G Green Concrete Green U Universal None -FUUFS.BUFSJBM D Ductile Iron M Marble O Overlay S Stone/granite T Tile/ceramic porcelain W Wall Saw 1PXFS&RVJQNFOU F Flat Saws, Low HP F Flat Saws, Medium HP F Flat Saws, High HP . Tile Saws . Masonry Saws % Core Drills 8 Wall Saws 4 Stationary Saws ) Hand-Held Saws )% Hand Drill )( Hand-Held Grinder 44 Circular Saw 7BMVF-FWFM This number conveys the overall value of each diamond blade which is a combination of these factors: t4FHNFOUIFJHIU t%JBNPOERVBMJUZ t%JBNPOEDPODFOUSBUJPO 0 – Economy 1 –  Standard 2 –  Premium 3 –  Super Premium 4 –  Pro IV 5 –  Pro V 6 –  Pro VI ARIX 7 –  Pro VII ARIX .BUFSJBM)BSEOFTT This number reflects the hardness or softness/abrasiveness of the material for which the blade is designed to provide the best overall performance cutting. 1-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hardest 5-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Medium 7-9 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Softest #MBEF4QFDJmDBUJPO(VJEF F Early Entry F Crack $PQQFSTBOEXJDI TJMFOUDPSF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 5 4FHNFOUT3JNT Segment height is one way to determine a diamond blade’s overall value. Typically, the taller the segment, the more diamond and the longer the blade life, but there are exceptions. Some blades have a higher diamond concentration or higher grade diamond in the matrix, and while their segment height may be the same as other blades, their overall value is greater because of the increased performance they provide. Segments may be solid or serrated. Solid segments tend to provide longer life. Serrated segments tend to cut freer, faster and with less chipping. Continuous rim blades can either be solid or have some type of serration or pattern. Solid rims are best suited for cutting materials where reduced chipping is essential for cosmetic purposes. Tile blades usually feature solid continuous rims. Turbo/serrated continuous rim blades come in a variety of configurations and generally give fast, clean cuts on harder materials. $PSFT Diamond blade cores may be solid or have some type of slot between segments to relieve stress. Smaller blades used for tile are typically not under adequate stress to necessitate stress relief slots. Larger blades used on flat saws, masonry saws, stones saws and high-speed saws typically need the slots to maintain the tension of the core. Most segmented blades have either LFZTMPUTPS6TMPUT. Key slots are the most common type of stress relief. U-slots were developed for more aggressive cutting of abrasive materials. The additional space between segments provides more efficient clearance of abrasive slurry and provides manufacturers with the space required to insert undercut protection. Generally, wider U-slots produce louder cutting with greater chipping. DITEQ’s closed segment blade for porcelain features $VSMZ2VF stress relief slots that permit fast cutting of hard porcelain with virtually no chipping. 4JMFOUDPSFT are more common in applications where noise reduction is a factor. There are two types of silent cores; those which feature a layer of copper sandwiched between two steel cores and those with laser-cut, resin-filled relief patterns–Noise Killers. Both systems dampen vibration to reduce noise. DITEQ’s resin-filled blades are more economical and can be purchased nearly the price of a non noise-dampening blade. 6OEFSTUBOEJOH4FHNFOUT 3JNTBOE$PSFT 5VOHTUFO $BSCJEF 2VBMJUZ  (SFFO"TQIBMU 1300OMZ 0WFSMBZ 5SJQMF4UFQ%JBNPOE1SPUFDUJPO %JBNPOE *OTFSU 130(SFFO"TQIBMU 6OEFSDVU1SPUFDUJPO A number of undercut protection features have been developed to protect from excessive wear to cores at the point where they connect to the segments. The wear is caused by slurry and is most prevalent when cutting abrasive materials such as green concrete and asphalt. 5VOHTUFO inserts feature tungsten carbide metal strips that are wider than the core and extend below the segment. These strips are welded to the leading edge of the segment and core. %JBNPOEJOTFSUT are fashioned similar to tungsten inserts but are made of diamond matrix material. 4MBOUTFHNFOUT are standard segments that are seated below the normal segment cutting path. 8FEHFTFHNFOUT have a top edge that runs down the same path as normal segments, but the base is extended deeper into the core to provide improved slurry clearance. DITEQ provides the ultimate in undercut protection with5SJQMF4UFQ EJBNPOEJOTFSUT. These blades feature three sizes of diamond inserts alternating between each segment. -BTFSDVU SFTJOmMMFE TJMFOUDPSFCMBEFT ,FZTMPU 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 6 The Arix Diamond Arrangement Technology produces a revolutionary segment that has each individual diamond strategically placed for maximum performance. It provides the ultimate in cutting speed and efficiency get it from DITEQ! The Turbo ARIX Diamond Arrangement Technology produces a revolutionary segment that has each individual diamond strategically placed for maximum performance. The Turbo ARIX provides the ultimate in cutting speed and efficiency get it from DITEQ! The key-slot core is the traditional design for stress relief. It is proven reliable under the most difficult cutting conditions. Slanted U-slots were developed for more aggressive cutting. The narrow U-slots and split turbo segment design gives the Deuce™ unusually fast, free, smooth cutting on a wide variety of harder materials including: concrete, stone, granite and brick. The Segmented Turbo Key Slot blades combines the fast, smooth cutting of turbo blades with the longer life associated with segmented blades. DITEQ silent core blades feature cores with laser-cut, resin-filled relief patterns that muffle vibration to reduce noise. These blades are more economical than traditional silent core systems that sand- wich copper between two steel cores, and can be purchased for nearly the price of regular blades. The unique segment design of the Max Wave segment makes for excellent quick-start cutting. The wavy segments and rounded key slots circulate air faster for improved cooling to eliminate wobble and make straight cutting easier. Max Wave is excellent for high-speed hand-held saws when cutting speed and productivity are important. They are designed for general purpose cutting of concrete, reinforced concrete, masonry, stone and roof tiles. Silent Wave™ gives the same performance as the Max Wave™, but with the added advantage of DITEQ’s Noise Killer™ Resin-filled silent core. Great on electric saws. 4MBOUFE 6TMPU 4QMJU4FHNFOU 6OEFSTUBOEJOH4FHNFOUT 3JNTBOE$PSFT 4JMFOU5VSCP 4FHNFOUFE5VSCP,FZ4MPU The ARIX X-TEQ Crossover blade is comprised of three entirely different style segments designed to accomplish any cutting job encountered in any material. These segments include a standard segment, ARIX turbo segment and the deep undercut segment for protection when cutting in extreme abrasive situations. Made with advanced ARIX segments, X-TEQ typically cuts twice as fast and lasts 30% longer than conventional diamond blades. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  Continuous rim blades provide chip-free cutting on a wide variety of tile, stone and masonry materials. The wide pattern tends to provide longer life in concrete and universal cutting applications. The narrow pattern is a good choice for marble and granite and provides a smoother, fast, chip-free cut. Firestar blades feature curved diamond wedges protrude deep into the core to provide addition protection from side wear of the core. An excellent choice for curved cuts and cutting green concrete on early-entry saws. Also good for fast, free, smooth cutting on a wide variety of harder materials including: concrete, stone, granite, brick and green concrete on early-entry saws. The D25 is a specialty blade design exclusively to cut very dense and abrasive ductile iron - an iron-carbon-silicon alloy commonly used to make water and sewage pipes. Vacuum bonded utility diamond segments rip through virtually anything you can find in a rescue situation including bullet-proof glass, PVC, plastic, steel, railroad rails and more. Pro III - A favorite of professionals, the Pro III pointed bit seats quickly and cuts through the heaviest steel reinforcing without glazing over or dulling. Pro V - Double-pointed bits deliver maximum performance with lowest drilling costs. They feature the highest segment height and provide extremely fast drilling. They seat fast and hold a straight drilling path to reduce side drag reducing vibration and improving cutting efficiency and bit life. The FireHawk features a medium-wide turbo rim with side feathers for additional side grinding of hard materials. It is an excellent blade for use on right-angle grinders and where additional side clearance is needed.DITEQ’s closed segment blade for porcelain features Curly Que™ stress relief slots that permit fast cutting of hard porcelain with virtually no chipping. Laser cut continuous rim blade for ceramic tile and porcelain. -BTFS$VU $POUJOVPVT3JN 4PMJE$POUJOVPVT3JN 8JEF$POUJOVPVT5VSCP3JN /BSSPX$POUJOVPVT5VSCP3JN %VDUJMF*SPO 3FTDVF#MBEF $PSF#JUT 6OEFSTUBOEJOH4FHNFOUT 3JNTBOE$PSFT Standard - DITEQ segmented core bits provide excellent cutting speed and life on an wide array of materials. 62AX core bits for faster cutting of heavy steel, hard aggregates, river gravel, granite quartz and similar material. "3*9 technology gives you maximum productivity with the lowest possible cost per inch/foot cut. Diamonds are individually placed in strategic positions to maximize cutting performance. DIAMOND TOOLS & EQUIPMENT866-688-1032 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 8 )PXEJBNPOECMBEFTXPSL Diamond blades provide cutting through mutual erosion of the material (concrete, etc.) and the segment, or rim, of the diamond blade. Diamond crystals are embedded throughout a blade’s rim, suspended in a metal matrix. As the crystals either get crushed or fall out of the rim, it is essential that the matrix wears down at an optimal rate to expose new diamonds to continue efficient cutting. If the matrix fails to wear down fast enough, the rim will glaze over and cutting will become much more difficult and slow. If the matrix wears down too quickly, crystals will be lost before their usefulness has expired. The blade may appear to cut very fast, but the life of the blade will be greatly shortened. Years of experi- ence, extensive testing and experimentation have gone into developing the DITEQ diamond blade line. If you have any questions about which blade to use for a particular application, just give us a call – we’ll be glad to help you with a recommendation. 5IF3VMFUP3FNFNCFS Soft blades cut hard materials, and hard blades cut soft materials. As a general rule, you need a blade with a softer matrix to cut hard, less abrasive materials such as cured concrete, brick, tile or stone. Conversely, you need a blade with a harder matrix to resist the excessive abrasion of softer materials such as green concrete, asphalt or block. %FmOJOH7BMVF You want an optimum balance between cutting speed and blade life to get the best overall value for your blade. 8FBS3BUF'BDUPST A number of factors affect the wear rate of rims and overall performance of diamond blades. These include: t5IFIBSEOFTTPGUIFNFUBMNBUSJY t5IFRVBMJUZPGUIFEJBNPOEDSZTUBMT t5IFEFOTJUZPGUIFDSZTUBMTXJUIJOUIFNBUSJY t5IFIBSEOFTTPGUIFNBUFSJBMCFJOHDVU t5IFBCSBTJWFOFTTPGUIFNBUFSJBMCFJOHDVU t5IFIPSTFQPXFSPGUIFTBXCFJOHVTFE t5IF31.TPGUIFCMBEF t$VUUJOHEFQUI t$VUUJOHQSFTTVSF #MBEF-JGFWT$VUUJOH4QFFE Typically, there is an inverse relationship between cutting speed and blade life. If a saw operator makes a change, such as increasing cutting pressure to make a blade cut faster, blade life will tend to be shortened as a result. Likewise, if an operator wants to extend the blade’s life, he can reduce cutting pressure and cut slower. Each job is different, and labor cost also needs to be added to the equation to arrive at the most cost-efficient solution. 8IBUJTSJHIUGPSNF Professional contractors tend to have larger projects and higher labor costs, and typically lean toward blades and equipment that cut faster and give a higher performance to reduce cost per cut. Rental customers often have smaller jobs, and rent for the diamond blade is calculated by the amount of wear on the rim. Consequently, choosing blades and equipment that provide slightly slower cutting with less wear on the blade is often a good choice. "TLVT DITEQ manufactures a comprehensive line of diamond blades designed to deliver the best value in virtually any application. If you need assistance determining the best blade for a specific application, let us help you with our recommendation. Block is considered a soft, abrasive material that requires a blade with a harder matrix bond to resist wear and retain diamond crystals until their useful life is spent. (FUUJOH1FBL1FSGPSNBODFGSPNFBDI%JBNPOE#MBEF AGGREGATE MAP The map shown provides an overview of aggregate hardness for the United States. Local conditions may vary from the general trend in the region. Please ask your sales representative for recommendations on the best product for your area and use. (Map used with permission of National Equipment) 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $0/$3&5& Age The length of curing time after concrete is poured greatly affects the way a diamond blade will interact with it during cutting. Curing can be affected by weather (temperature, moisture and time of year) and the composition (admixtures, aggregate and sand). (SFFO$PODSFUF Concrete is typically in its green state for 6 to 48 hours after it is poured. In this early state, the sand has not completely bonded with the mortar and the concrete has not reached full hardness. When cutting green concrete, the sand loosens more readily, flows more freely in the slurry, and produces much more abrasion on a diamond blade. Undercut protection is critical when cutting green concrete to prevent excessive wear on the blade core at the segment joints. Green concrete sawing is common when cutting control joints for highways, runways, driveways, industrial flooring and other new construction applications. $VSFE$PODSFUF Cured concrete has typically set at least 48 hours. The sand has completely bonded with the mortar and the concrete has reached full hardness. "HHSFHBUF Both the size and type of aggregate have a great impact on the overall hardness of concrete. The aggregate can make up as much as 75% of the total volume. As a general rule, larger aggregate tends to make the concrete act harder, slow- ing cutting. Smaller aggregate makes the concrete act softer, allowing for faster cutting. Large aggregate can average up to 11/2” in diameter, while smaller aggregate can average in the range of 3/8” in diameter. The type of stone used as aggregate also has a great impact on the hardness of concrete. The following chart shows the types of minerals often used for aggregate and their relative hardness. 4UFFM3FJOGPSDJOHJO$PODSFUF The amount of rebar reinforcing on concrete is also a critical factor in determining material hardness. The more rebar – the harder the concrete acts. )"3% ✀䴀䨀伀唀ഀĀ␀䤀䘀匀  ㌀䨀圀䘀匀Ā㌀倀䐀䰀ഀ  ⠀匀䈀伀䨀唀䘀 40'5 5SBQSPDL #BTBMU 2VBSU[ %FOTF-JNFTUPOF 4BOETUPOF %PMPNJUF .BSCMF 4PGU-JNFTUPOF 8IBUUP,OPX"CPVUUIF.BUFSJBM:PV$VU 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 10 'MBU4BXJOH Ġ.BTPOSZ 㔀䨀䴀䘀ĀĠ4UPOF 7FSZ)BSE"HHSFHBUFXJUI)FBWZ4UFFM3FJOGPSDJOHJO$VSFE$PODSFUF 1 )BSE"HHSFHBUFXJUI.FEJVN4UFFM3FJOGPSDJOHJO$VSFE$PODSFUF 2 )BSEUP.FEJVN"HHSFHBUFJO$VSFE$PODSFUF 3 4PGU"HHSFHBUFJO$VSFE$PODSFUF"TQIBMUPWFS$VSFE$PODSFUF  )BSEUP.FEJVN"HHSFHBUFJO(SFFO$PODSFUF 5 .FEJVN"HHSFHBUFJO(SFFO$PODSFUFPS)BSE"TQIBMU 6 )BSE"HHSFHBUFJO"TQIBMU  (FOFSBM1VSQPTF"TQIBMU 8 7FSZ"CSBTJWF"TQIBMU  "TQIBMU Asphalt is always considered soft and abrasive. It does not cure and does not come in the range of hardness that concrete does. Even though asphalt includes aggregate, the size is consistently small and the type of aggregate has little bearing on the cutting quality. Shortly after it is rolled, asphalt is ready to be cut. The extremely abrasive nature of asphalt makes undercut protection on a diamond blade essential. #SJDL#MPDL Concrete block tends to consistently have soft, abrasive qualities while brick tends to be hard and less abrasive. There are a large variety of brick types on the market, each designed and manufactured to provide certain qualities. The degree of hardness is mostly determined by the clay mixture, method of manufacture and the firing temperature. Generally, brick and block are softer and more abrasive than ceramic tile and stone. 5IF%*5&2)BSEOFTT4DBMF UISV DITEQ assigns a number of 1 thru 9 to each diamond blade to indicate the hardness of the material it is best suited to cut with the lower the number the harder the material being cut. For example: A38 is (A for Asphalt application, 3 for Quality level and 8 for Hardness level)  ∀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀ĀĠ2VBMJUZ ⤀䈀匀䔀伀䘀吀 A 3 8 Asphalt Super Premium 1-9 4UPOF Natural stone comes in a variety of hardness as reflected in this chart. Pre-cast stone comes in a range of hardness affected by their manufacturing methods. Finding the best performing diamond blade for a particular type of precast stone may require some testing or consultation with the stone manufacturer. DITEQ has a world of experience in this field and we will be glad to help you with a recommendation. $FSBNJD5JMF Ceramic tile is typically on the higher range of the hardness scale although there are some differences between each type based on clay mixture, manufacturing processes and firing temperature. A common concern when cutting tile is chipping, because of the cosmetic applications for tile. For this reason, diamond blades with continuous rims, closely spaced segments or turbo segments are often a popular choice. #SJDL ㄀倀匀䐀䘀䴀䈀䨀伀Ġ.BSCMF  Ġ(SBOJUF  ĀĠ4MBUF #SJDL $FSBNJD ✀䴀䈀䠀吀唀倀伀 #MPDL  4BOETUPOF  Ġ-JNFTUPOF #MPDL )"3% ⠀匀䈀伀䨀唀  ⸀䈀匀䌀䴀  㐀䴀䈀唀  ✀䴀䈀䠀吀唀倀伀  㐀䈀伀䔀吀唀倀伀 40'5 ⴀ䨀一䘀吀唀倀伀 8IBUUP,OPX"CPVUUIF.BUFSJBM:PV$VU 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 11 %*".0/%#-"%&4$0/$3&5& 4"84%*".0/%$)"*/8*3& &DPOPNZ#MBEFT 4FHNFOUFE#MBEFT %P*U"MM#MBEFT %VDUJMF3FTDVF#MBEFT 5&2$PO'MBU4BXT (5&2&BSMZ&OUSZ4BX -JCFSUZ"SCPS#MBEFT $PODSFUF%FTUSPZFS $MFBOFS3FNPWFS 5&26*,)JHI4QFFE4BX 130"3*9#MBEFT 130%JBNPOE#MBEFT 8BMM4BXBOE#MBEFT )BOE4BX$VSC$VU 3JOH#MBEFT %JBNPOE$IBJO %JBNPOE8JSF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 12 w Use for cutting aSBOHFPGDPODSFUF CSJDL CMPDL BOE 吀唀倀伀. Segmented blades that tend to provide a longer life but rougher cut when compared to turbo and continuous rim diamond blades. Use on hand-held high speed saws, masonry saws and right angle grinders. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96205 4.5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96206 5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96220 6” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96221 7” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D96207 8” x .085” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D96222 9” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D96223 10” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D96208 12” x .125” x 1” - 20mm D96214 14” x .125” x 1” - 20mm D96215 %946OJWFSTBM4FHNFOUFE 4UBOEBSE w Economy universal segment blade with monster segment height for longer life. This blade is best for cutting DPODSFUFBOENBTPOSZ where the initial cost is most important. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D70080 69USB6OJWFSTBM 4FHNFOU 4UBOEBSE %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .095” x 7/8”- 5/8” D96209 4.5” x .095” x 7/8”- 5/8” D96210 5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D96224 7” x .095” x DM-7/8”- 5/8” D96211 10” x .110” x 7/8”- 5/8” D96213 12” x .125” x 1”- 20mm D96216 14” x .125” x 1”- 20mm D96217 %958JEF5VSCP 4UBOEBSE DX-T turbo blades are ideal for HFOFSBMQVSQPTF DVUUJOHPOBSBOHFPGDPODSFUF NBTPOSZBOE TUPOFNBUFSJBMT. Turbo style rim will give a cleaner and faster cut as compared to segmented diamond blades. Use on hand-held high speed saws, masonry saws and right angle grinders. w %9$$POUJOVPVT3JN #MBEF 4UBOEBSE DX-C continuous rim diamond blades are used to cut DFSBNJDUJMF QPSDFMBJOBOETUPOF Continuous rim blades are best for cutting materials where reduced chipping is essential for cosmetic appearance. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .060” x 20mm-5/8” D96201 4.5” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D96202 5” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D96219 7” x .060” x 5/8” D96203 10” x .060” x 5/8” D96204 w &DPOPNZ8FU%SZ /&8 %JBNPOE#MBEFT w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 13 Use for cutting a range of concrete, brick, block and stone. Segmented blades that tend to provide a longer life but rougher cut when compared to turbo and continuous rim diamond blades. Use on hand-held high speed saws, masonry saws and right angle grinders. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96205 4.5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96206 5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96220 6” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D96221 7” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D96207 8” x .085” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D96222 9” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D96223 10” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D96208 12” x .125” x 1” - 20mm D96214 14” x .125” x 1” - 20mm D96215 %946OJWFSTBM4FHNFOUFE 4UBOEBSE %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .095” x 7/8”- 5/8” D96209 4.5” x .095” x 7/8”- 5/8” D96210 5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D96224 7” x .095” x DM-7/8”- 5/8” D96211 10” x .110” x 7/8”- 5/8” D96213 12” x .125” x 1”- 20mm D96216 14” x .125” x 1”- 20mm D96217 w %9$$POUJOVPVT3JN 4UBOEBSE DX-C continuous rim diamond blades are used to cut DFSBNJDUJMF QPSDFMBJOBOETUPOF Continuous rim blades are best for cutting materials where reduced chipping is essential for cosmetic appearance. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .060” x 5/8” D96201 4.5” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D96202 5” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D96219 7” x .060” x 5/8” D96203 10” x .060” x 5/8” D96204 w #MBEF%94FSJFT1MBOPHSBN 4UBOEBSE The DX series of blades are economy priced when initial cost is most important. These blades are for the homeowner, do-it-yourselfers and small contractors. This planogram offers a complete 17 blade assortment of DX blades to cover a wide range of cutting needs. %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā DX-C Continuous Rim 4" x .060" DX-C Continuous Rim 4.5" x .060" DX-C Continuous Rim 5" x .060" DX-C Continuous Rim 7" x .060" DX-C Continuous Rim 10" x .060" %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā DX-S Segmented Rim 4" x .080" DX-S Segmented Rim 4.5" x .080" DX-S Segmented Rim 5" x .080" DX-S Segmented Rim 7 x .080" DX-S Segmented Rim 10" x .095" DX-T Turbo Rim 4" x .095" DX-T Turbo Rim 4.5" x .095" DX-T Turbo Rim 5" x .095" DX-T Turbo Rim 7" x .095" DX-T Turbo Rim 10" x .110" DX-S Segmented Rim 12" x .125" DX-S Segmented Rim 14" x .125" #MBEF1MBOPHSBN ─ᨀᜀጀሀᤀ &DPOPNZ8FU%SZ.VMUJ1BDLT 0SEFSJO1BDLTBOE4BWF 0SEFSUIF%94FSJFTCMBEFTJO .VMUJ1BDLT PSUIF #MBEF1MBOPHSBNBOE4BWF PSEFSJORVBOUJUJFTPGTJYVTJOHUIFTBNFQBSUOVNCFS 0SEFSJO1BDLTBOE4BWF %958JEF5VSCP 4UBOEBSE DX-T turbo blades are ideal for general purpose cutting on a range of concrete, masonry and stone materials. Turbo style rim will give a cleaner and faster cut as compared to segmented diamond blades. Use on hand-held high speed saws, masonry saws and right angle grinders. 0SEFSJO1BDLTBOE4BWF %JBNPOE#MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  4FHNFOUFE8FU%SZ 1SFNJVN #VZB1BDLBOE4BWF For fast cutting on a wide variety of medium to hard materials including DPODSFUF  NBTPOSZBOETUPOF &YDFMMFOUPOCSJDLQBWFST %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D41015 4.5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D41016 5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D41017 7” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D41018 8” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D41019 9” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D41020 10” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D41021 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41002 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D41004 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D41006 64FHNFOUFE 5VSCP#MBEF 1SFNJVN w w w Excellent value for performance to price. General purpose blades for cutting a wide variety of material including DPODSFUF NBTPOSZBOETUPOF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀ 4” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D70001 4” x .080” x 20mm-5/8” D70002 4.5”x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D70003 5”x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D70004 6 x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D70005 7” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D70006 Our best economy BTQIBMUHSFFODPODSFUF blade that is also great onMJHIUXFJHIUDPODSFUFCMPDL. 12” and 14” size blades have undercut protection segments. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4.5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D70074 7” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D70075 8” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D70076 10” x .095” x 1”-20mm D70077 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D70072 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D70073 66OJWFSTBM4FHNFOUFE 1SFNJVN 6"6OJWFSTBM4FHNFOUFE 1SFNJVN w Extremely tall MEGA .512” segments gives longest life and best value concerning cost per cut. Same quality segment as the U-22 with a taller segment. 69USB6OJWFSTBM 4FHNFOU 1SFNJVN %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀ 8” x .085” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D70007 9 x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D70008 10” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D70009 12” x .125” x 20mm D70012 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D70013 14” x .125” x 20mm D70016 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D70017 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D70085 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm - 6 pack D70066 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm - 6 pack D70067 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D70068 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D70069 4FHNFOUFE#MBEFT w A harder segment and undercut protection makes the U-A36 ideal for cutting soft abrasive materials such as green concrete, asphalt or lightweight concrete block. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D70070 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm +DP D70071 6"6OJWFSTBM4FHNFOUFE 4VQFS1SFNJVN 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 15 4FHNFOUFE%SZ8FU 4VQFS1SFNJVN These Super Premium blades give you lower cost per inch/foot cutting of soft, abrasive materials. Features Tungsten inserts for undercutting protection (o(SFFODPODSFUF "o(SFFO$PODSFUF"TQIBMU "o"TQIBMU 1BSU %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀ⠀᐀ᘀĀĠ" ∀᐀ᤀĀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm DP D22003 D20003 D24022 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm DP D22006 D20006 D24003 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm DP D22009 D20009 D24045 18” x .135” x 1” DP D24035 D24006 20” x .135” x 1” DP D24038 D24009 ""9BOE""9 4VQFS1SFNJVN %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D11021 12” x .125” x 20mm DP D11026 14” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D11022 14” x .125” x 20mm DP D11027 16” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D11023 18” x .125” x 1” DP D11024 20” x .145” x 1” DP D11025 $"9  4VQFS1SFNJVN w Segmented diamond blade made with ARIX Diamond Arrangement Technology for higher performance. Engineered for superior cutting performnce on a wide range of material. Great product for return on investment and performance. Use on soft, medium and hard concrete, concrete with steel rebar, hard brick and block. ARIX diamond blades typically cut twice as fast and last 30% longer than the most popular blades in the industry. Individual diamonds are precisely arranged throughout each segment to provide unparalleled performance.  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀᐀ᜀ∀㤀ĀĀĀĀĀ∀᐀ᤀ∀㤀 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D24501 D24506 14” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D24502 D24507 16” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D24503 D24508 18” x .135” x 1” DP D24504 D24509 20” x .135” x 1” DP D24505 D24510 (""4FHNFOUFE 4VQFS1SFNJVN A36AX - Segmented diamond blade made with ARIX Diamond Arrangement Technology for higher perfor- mance. Engineered for superior cutting performance on soft, medium and hard green/fresh concrete (5-48 hours old), asphalt and lightweight concrete block. Features tungsten inserts for undercutting core protection. Great product for return on investment and performance. /&8 /&8 4FHNFOUFE#MBEFT ""9o(SFFO$PODSFUF"TQIBMU  ĀĀĀĀĀĀⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā⌀䴀倀䐀 ""9o"TQIBMU-JHIUXFJHIU#MPDL 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 16 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĠ 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D10058 14” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D10053 14” x .125” x 20mm DP D10069 16” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D10054 16” x .125” x 20mm DP D10070 18” x .125” x 1” DP D10055 20” x .145” x 1” DP D10056 Made with ARIX diamond technology for high performance. Engineered for superior cutting performance on a wide range of materials. DO-IT-All diamond blade for use on soft-medium-hard concrete and abrasive materials. Great product for return on investment and performance.  w %P*U"MM#MBEFT )JHI1FSGPSNBODF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 14” x .125” x 1”20mm DP D10082 16” x .125” x 1” DP D10095 18” x .125” x 1 DP D10084 20” x .125” x 1 DP D10087 w $"9 130*7 )JHI1FSGPSNBODF XJUI6OEFSDVU1SPUFDUJPO $"9  )JHI1FSGPSNBODF w Segmented diamond blade made with ARIX Diamond Arrangement Technology for highest performance. Engineered for superior cutting performance on a wide range of material. C44AX features tungsten inserts for undercutting core protection for abrasive material including soft-medium-hard concrete, abrasive materials and asphalt. Great product for return on investment and performance. Great DO-IT-ALL blade. Same as the C43AX but with undercut protection. The C43AX is the best hand-held high speed blade on the market. Delivers long lasting performance for any type of concrete cutting in hard material applications with high speed performance. %P*U"MM#MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  #4QMJU5VSCP4FHNFOU 4VQFS1SFNJVN The narrow U-slots and split turbo segment design gives the Deuce™ unusually fast, free, smooth cutting on a wide variety of IBSEFSNBUFSJBMTJODMVEJOH DPODSFUF TUPOF HSBOJUFBOECSJDL. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41008 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41010 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41012 #4JMFOU5VSCP 4VQFS1SFNJVN Get a silent-core blade for the price you’d usually pay for a comparable regular blade. The Noise Killer features a special resin-filled core that dampens noise - making it perfect for jobs where noise level is a concern. Use for fast, free, smooth cutting on a wider variety of medium- to-hard materials including: DPODSFUF NBTPOSZBOE TUPOF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41023 Firestar blades feature curved diamond wedges which protrude deep into the core to provide additional protection from side wear of the core. An excellent choice for curved cuts and cutting green concrete on early-entry saws. Also good for fast, free, smooth cutting on a wide variety of harder materials including: DPODSFUF TUPOF  HSBOJUFBOECSJDL Excellent on 7-10” early entry saws for green concrete. Cuts either wet or dry. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 4” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D57110 4.5” x .070” x 7/8”-5/8” D57111 5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” Flush D57107 7” x .085” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D57101 8” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D57102 10” x .110” x 5/8” D57106 12” x .110” x 1”-20mm DP D57103 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm DP D57104 w w $ 4VQFS1SFNJVN The unique Max Wave™ segment design provides excellent quick-start cutting. The wavy segments and rounded key slots circulate air faster for improved cooling to eliminate wobble and make straight cutting easier. The Max Wave is an excellent all-purpose blade making it a great choice for cutting a broad range of materials when cutting speed and productivity are important. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm D10046 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D10047 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm D10089 $ 4VQFS1SFNJVN w 4FHNFOUFE%SZ8FU 4VQFS1SFNJVN w 4FHNFOUFE#MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 18 The D25 is a specialty blade design exclusively to cut very dense and abrasive EVDUJMFJSPO - an iron-carbon- silicon alloy commonly used to make water and sewage pipes. Safer than using abrasive blade because it sparks less. The side protection helps beveling process on pipes. No loss of cutting depth. Cuts cleaner and faster than abrasives. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D44001 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D44002 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm D44005 %%VDUJMF*SPO 4VQFS1SFNJVN w %3FTDVF6UJMJUZ 1SFNJVN w %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .125” x 7/8”-5/8” D11101 4.5” x .125” x 7/8”-5/8” D11102 5” x .125” x 7/8”-5/8” D11103 7” x .125” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D11104 10” x .125” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D11105 12” x .125” x 1-20mm D10061 14” x .125” x 1-20mm D10057 16” x .125” x 1-20mm D10100 Meets or exceeds all requirements of both OSHA and ANSI for use in emergency situations by firefighters. Not for use on wood or wood composite materials. %VDUJMFBOE3FTDVF6UJMJUZ The ARIX X-TEQ Crossover blade is comprised of three entirely different style segments designed to accomplish any cutting job encountered in any material. These segments include a standard segment, ARIX turbo segment and the deep undercut segment for protection when cutting in extreme abrasive situations. Made with advanced ARIX segments, X-TEQ typically cuts twice as fast and lasts 30% longer than conventional diamond blades. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm DP D11011 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm DP D11012 w $SPTTPWFS %JBNPOE#MBEF 4VQFS1SFNJVN Deep Undercut Standard Arix Turbo w 3FDPNNFOEBUJPO$IBSU  ✀䴀䈀唀Ā㐀䈀堀吀ĀᴀĀጀᔀĀ⤀倀匀吀䘀儀倀堀䘀匀Ā嘀吀䘀䔀Ā㠀䘀唀က─匀娀ĀĀĠ  $VSFE$PODSFUFXJUITUFFMIBSEUPDSJUJDBMMZIBSE nJOUDPODSFUFSJWFSHSBWFMTDSJUJDBMMZ ␀᐀᐀∀㤀က␀ᔀ᐀∀㤀က␀ᔀᔀ∀㤀Āက IBSEBHHSFHBUFT XIFBWZTUFFMSFJOGPSDFNFOUT Ġ  $VSFEDPODSFUFXJUITUFFMNFEJVNIBSEBHHSFHBUFT Ā─㤀㐀က㘀ሀ᐀㤀唀匀䈀669USB65VSCP Ġ -JNFTUPOF TPGUTIFMM QJUHSBWFM TBOETUPOF  ⸀䈀夀Ā㠀䈀圀䘀က─䘀嘀䐀䘀က⌀/PJTFLJMMFS'JSFTUBS ĀĠ  ␀᐀᐀∀㤀က␀ᔀ᐀∀㤀က␀ᔀᔀ∀㤀က㤀฀㔀☀ (SFFO$PODSFUF 㘀∀ጀᜀက㘀∀᐀ᜀက⠀᐀ᘀက∀᐀ᜀက∀᐀ᜀ∀㤀က␀ᔀᔀ∀㤀က㤀฀㔀☀ "TQIBMU0WFSMBZ 㘀∀ጀᜀက㘀∀᐀ᜀက∀᐀ᜀက∀᐀ᜀ∀㤀Āက␀ᔀᔀ∀㤀က㤀฀㔀☀㈀ "TQIBMU ∀ጀᜀက∀᐀ᜀက∀᐀ᤀက∀᐀ᜀ∀㤀က∀᐀ᤀ∀㤀ကĀ␀ᔀᔀ∀㤀က㤀฀㔀☀ Vacuum bonded diamond segments rip through virtually anything you can find in a rescue situation including bulletproof glass. Also great for 17$ QMBTUJD NFUBM SPPGT TUFFMTUVET SBJMSPBESBJMT SFCBSBOE PUIFSTUFFMQSPEVDUTThe side protection helps beveling process on pipes. No loss of cutting depth. Cuts cleaner and faster than abrasives. %VDUJMF3FTDVF #MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  Gas Gas Electric Electric HORSEPOWER 13.5 11 5 5 ENGINE / MOTOR Subaru Honda 230 V, 1 PH 460 V, 3 PH BLADE GUARD 18” 18” 18” 18” MODEL # FLII13S18 FLII13H18 FLII5E18 FLII5E31B WEIGHT 180 lbs 195 lbs 205 lbs 205 lb. 1"35 ✀ᄀᄀᄀሀᜀĀĠ' ✀ᄀᄀᄀጀሀĠ' 5&2$PO7'MBU4BXT 4UBOEBSE'FBUVSFT t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā倀伀䘀Ā儀䨀䘀䐀䘀Ā匀䨀䠀䨀䔀Ā䌀倀夀Ā吀唀娀䴀䘀Ā䜀匀䈀一䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀唀匀䈀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䐀嘀唀唀OH t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀䈀吀唀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀一Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䠀嘀䈀匀䔀Ā堀倀伀ࠀ唀Ā䌀䘀伀䔀Ā倀匀Ā匀嘀吀 t ☀䈀吀娀Ā唀倀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀Ā䤀娀䔀匀倀吀唀䈀唀䨀䐀Ā唀匀䈀伀吀一䨀吀吀䨀倀 t ☀䈀吀娀Ā匀䈀䨀吀䘀က䴀倀堀䘀匀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā᐀ကᔀ眀Ā吀䐀匀䘀堀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀 t ␀倀伀吀倀䴀䘀Ā一倀嘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀Ā唀䤀匀倀唀唀䴀䘀ഀĀ吀唀倀儀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā唀䈀䐀䤀က䤀倀嘀匀一䘀FS t ␀倀伀吀倀䴀䘀Ā一倀嘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀䤀Ā䨀伀䔀䨀䐀䈀唀倀 t ∀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䤀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䌀䈀匀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā倀儀䘀匀䈀唀倀匀Ā䐀倀一䜀倀匀 t ጀᄀ眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā᠀฀᐀ကᔀ眀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀 t ሀሀഀĀሀᤀĀ܀ĀጀᄀༀᘀĀ䤀儀Ā⤀倀伀䔀䈀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā᠀฀ሀကጀĀ䤀儀Ā䘀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ā一倀唀倀匀吀ĀWBJMBCMF t ⴀ䘀䜀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā匀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀 t ⴀ䨀䜀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䌀䈀䨀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Āሀ฀ሀကᔀ眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā吀䤀䈀䜀唀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā儀䨀䴀䴀倀堀Ā䌀䴀倀䐀䰀Ā䌀䈀䴀䴀Ā䌀䘀䈀匀䨀伀䠀QSPWJEFT stable blade support t ᤀ眀Ā䔀䨀䈀ༀĀ匀䘀䈀匀Ā堀䤀䘀䘀䴀吀Ā堀က一䈀䨀伀唀䘀伀䈀伀䐀䘀Ā䜀匀䘀䘀Ā匀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā䌀䘀䈀匀䨀伀䠀 t  儀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā唀䈀伀䰀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀Ā堀䤀䨀䴀䘀Ā䔀匀娀Ā吀䈀堀䨀伀 t ∀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀䘀䔀Ā䨀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā㘀ༀ㐀ༀ∀ Gas Gas Gas Electric HORSEPOWER 11 18 20.5 7.5 ENGINE/MOTOR Honda Honda Honda Electric BLADE GUARD 20” 20” 20” 20” MODEL # FLV13H20SP FLV20H20SP FLV24H20SP FLV75E20R WEIGHT 260 lbs 385 lbs 405 lbs 375 lb. 1"35 ✀ሀᄀᄀᄀጀĀĠ' ✀ሀᄀᄀᄀᘀĠ' "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Water Tank Kit 100001 Tachometer/hour meter* 100320 *Fits any gas engine "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ TEQ-Con III blade shaft wrench 100011 Tachometer/hour meter* 100320 *Fits any gas engine 5&2$PO***'MBU4BXT 4UBOEBSE'FBUVSFT t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā倀伀䘀Ā儀䨀䘀䐀䘀Ā匀䨀䠀䨀䔀Ā䌀倀夀Ā吀唀娀䴀䘀Ā䜀匀䈀一䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀唀匀䈀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䐀嘀唀唀OH t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀䈀吀唀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀一Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䠀嘀䈀匀䔀Ā堀倀伀ࠀ唀Ā䌀䘀伀䔀Ā倀匀Ā匀嘀吀 t ☀䈀吀娀Ā匀䈀䨀吀䘀က䴀倀堀䘀匀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā᐀ကᔀ眀Ā吀䐀匀䘀堀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀 t ␀倀伀吀倀䴀䘀Ā一倀嘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀Ā唀䤀匀倀唀唀䴀䘀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā吀唀倀儀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀 t ∀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䤀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䌀䈀匀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā倀儀䘀匀䈀唀倀匀Ā䐀倀一䜀倀匀 t ሀᤀ眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āᜀ฀᐀ကᔀ眀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀 t ሀሀĀ䤀儀Ā⤀倀伀䔀䈀Ā⠀㤀᐀ᨀᄀĀ䈀伀䔀Āሀ᐀ༀᘀĀ䤀儀Ā㐀嘀䌀䈀匀嘀Ā䠀䈀吀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀吀Ā倀匀ĀᘀĀ䤀儀Ā䘀䴀䘀USJD t ⴀ䘀䜀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā匀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Āሀ眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā吀䤀䈀䜀唀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā儀䨀䴀䴀倀堀Ā䌀䴀倀䐀䰀Ā䌀䈀䴀䴀Ā䌀䘀䈀匀䨀伀䠀吀Ā儀匀WJEFTTUBCMF blade support t ᤀ眀Ā䔀䨀䈀一䘀唀䘀匀Ā匀䘀䈀匀Ā堀䤀䘀䘀䴀吀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā一䈀䨀伀唀䘀伀䈀伀䐀䘀Ā䜀匀䘀䘀Ā匀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā䌀䘀䈀匀䨀伀䠀 t ∀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀䘀䔀Ā䨀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā㘀ༀ㐀ༀ∀ t*ODMVEFTXBUFSUBOLGPSEVTUDPOUSPMXIJMFESZTBXJOH OPU  吀䤀倀堀伀 4FMG1SPQFMMFE 1SFNJVN0QUJPO t)PVSNFUFS5BDIPNFUFS 'MBU4BXT t*ODMVEFTXBUFS  唀䈀伀䰀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā  䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀Ā  ऀ伀倀唀Ā吀䤀倀堀伀 'MBU4BXT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 20 These blades set new performance standards and come in five specifications to cut a full range of green concrete/ asphalt. Patented Z-triangle Arbor hole prevents blade from turning on arbor and eliminates the need to replace expensive spindle shafts. The 6.5” blades are designed to fit G-TEQ manual push models while the 8.5” blades fit the self-propelled G-TEQ saw. "QQMJDBUJPO$IBSU Purple GC-31 Extremely hard aggregates, morning after (cured) Green GC-32 Hard aggregates, sharp abrasive sand Red GC-34 Medium aggregates, medium sharp sand Yellow GC-36 Medium soft aggregates, medium abrasive sand Black GC-38 Extremely soft aggregates, non-abrasive sand (5&2(SFFO$PODSFUF4BXBOE#MBEFT (SFFO$PODSFUF $POOFDUJPO#MBEFT 4VQFS1SFNJVN Patent No. 5,477,845 /FX  ĀĠ Ā㄀䈀匀唀Ā  Ā⠀␀฀᐀ሀĀĠ($ Ā⠀␀฀᐀ᔀĀĠ($ ĀĀ⠀␀฀᐀ᤀĀ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀嘀匀儀䴀䘀ĀĠ(SFFO ĀĀĀ㌀䘀䔀ĀĠ:FMMPX ĀĀĀ⌀䴀䈀䐀䰀Ā 6.5” x .095” x 8.5mm Z-Arbor D22301 D22302 D22303 D22304 D22305 6.5” x .220” x 9.5mm Z-Arbor D22311 D22312 D22313 D22314 8.5” x .095” x 8.5mm Z-Arbor D22321 D22322 D22323 D22324 8.5” x .220” x 9.5mm Z-Arbor D22325 D22326 D22327 D22328 'MBU4BXT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 21 Patent No. 6,536,422 (5&2&BSMZ&OUSZ4BXT Concrete control joints should be cut before the concrete cures to prevent random cracking caused by the curing process. DITEQ G-TEQ early entry saws incorporate state of the art technology to cut clean joints in “green” concrete without raveling, chipping or spalling. .PEFM ⠀฀㔀☀㈀ĀᔀᘀᄀĠ(5&24 ⠀฀㔀☀㈀Āጀᄀᄀ☀ 164)4&-'1301&--&% ㄀㘀㐀⤀Ġ164) ㄀㘀㐀⤀ )034&108&3 ᔀༀᘀ⤀㄀Ġ)1 ጀ⤀㄀Ā☀ⴀ☀␀㔀㌀⨀␀ &/(*/&.05034VCBSV&94VCBSV&9 ሀጀᄀĀ㜀ഀĀሀĀ㄀⤀∀㐀☀ഀĀ✀ⴀ SIZE - handle collapsed 20”W x 52”L 20”W x 52”L 20”W x 52”L SIZE - handle extended 20”W x 67”L 20”W x 67”L 20”W x 67”L BLADE SPEED 5400 rpm 5400 rpm 5400 rpm BLADE SIZE 6.5” 6.5” 6.5 DEPTH OF CUT* 1.5” 1.5” 1.5” ENGINE SPEED 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm WEIGHT 100 lb. 110 lb. 100 lb. 1"35 ✀ᘀᄀᄀᄀሀĠ' ✀ᘀᄀᄀᄀጀ * at end of blade life "DDFTTPSJFT Ā⨀唀䘀一ĀЀ Air Filter 4.5HP & 6 Subaru 100321 Air Filter 9HP Subaru 100329 Flat Trac™ wheel kit 100301 Wrench 100306 Z-Arbor Outer Clamping Disc 100308 Dust Chute 100311 New rotating blade guard makes the saw easier to maneuver. /FX (5&2(SFFO$PODSFUF4BX 'MBU4BXT 4UBOEBSE'FBUVSFT t1BUFOUFE'MBU5SBD™DPOUBDUSPMMFSXIFFMTFMJNJOBUFT expensive skid plates and controls spalling t'MBU5SBD™XIFFMTZTUFNEPFTOUTDSBUDIDPODSFUF surface  琀Ā☀䴀䨀一䨀伀䈀唀䘀吀Ā匀䈀伀䔀倀一Ā䐀匀䈀䐀䰀  琀Ā㄀匀䘀圀䘀伀唀吀Ā嘀伀吀䨀䠀䤀唀䴀娀Ā匀䈀圀䘀䴀䨀伀  琀Ā⸀䨀伀䨀一䨀嬀䘀吀Ā䬀倀䨀伀唀Ā䐀䤀䨀儀儀䨀伀䠀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā吀儀䈀䴀䴀䨀伀 t 㘀儀䐀嘀唀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā匀倀唀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā堀䤀䨀䐀䤀Ā䰀䘀䘀儀吀Ā䐀嘀唀Ā䐀䴀䘀䈀伀䘀 t ⠀匀䘀䈀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䬀倀䨀伀唀Ā䐀䴀䘀䈀伀䨀伀 t-JHIUXFJHIU MPXOPJTFBOEPQFSBUFTWJSUVBMMZ vibration-free t6TFTTQFDTPG(SFFO$POOFDUJPOEJBNPOECMBEFT t"EKVTUBCMFUFMFTDPQJOHIBOEMFFYQBOETVQUPJODIFT t'PVSXIFFMEFTJHOGPSNBYJNVNTUBCJMJUZ t)FBWZEVUZwTQJOEMFTIBGU t4FBMFEIFBWZEVUZCBMMCFBSJOHT t&BTZNBOFVWFSBCJMJUZGPSTUSBJHIUTBXJOH .PEFM ⠀฀㔀☀㈀ᨀᄀᄀ㐀 164)4&-'1301&--&% 㐀☀ⴀ✀฀㄀㌀ ㄀☀ⴀⴀ☀─ )034&108&3 ᨀ⤀㄀ &/(*/&.0503 㐀嘀䌀䈀匀嘀Ā☀㤀ጀ᠀ SIZE - handle collapsed 26”W x 56-1/2”L SIZE - handle extended 26”W x 67” L Flat Trac™ wheels create the optimum pressure and footprint to minimize raveling, chipping and spalling. A powerful multi-purpose self-propelled concrete/asphalt saw in a small package for wet or dry cutting. Cuts all types of concrete or asphalt and is great for joint cleaning because of the upcut rotation. (5&2$PODSFUF4BX4FMG1SPQFMMFE BLADE SPEED 4500 rpm BLADE SIZE 8.5” DEPTH OF CUT* 2.25” ENGINE SPEED 3600 rpm WEIGHT 225 lb. 1"35 ✀ᘀᄀᄀᄀᜀ * at end of blade life 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 22 -JCFSUZ"SCPS(SFFO#MBEFTGPS4PGG$VU ®4BXT4LJE1MBUF3FGVSCJTINFOU,JUT -JCFSUZ"SCPS (SFFO$PODSFUF#MBEFT 4VQFS1SFNJVN t ㄀䈀唀䘀伀唀䘀䔀Āⴀ䨀䌀䘀匀唀娀Ā⌀䘀䴀䴀Ā吀䤀䈀儀䘀䔀Ā䈀匀䌀倀匀Ā䤀倀䴀䘀Ā洀唀吀 all4PGG$VU ® saws perfectly t 㐀䈀一䘀Ā䐀倀䴀倀匀Ā䐀倀䔀䘀䔀Ā䈀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā吀儀䘀䐀䨀洀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀吀 as Soff-Cut® specifications making conversion easy -JCFSUZ"SCPS (SFFO$PODSFUF#MBEFT 130*7 Patented universal arbor hole: 7,287,310 and 5,477,845 t ∀㌀⨀㤀Ā唀䘀䐀䤀伀倀䴀倀䠀娀Ā䜀倀匀Āᘀᄀ؀Ā䜀䈀吀唀䘀匀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䈀伀䔀 30% longer life. t ㄀䈀唀䘀伀唀䘀䔀Āⴀ䨀䌀䘀匀唀娀Ā⌀䘀䴀䴀Ā吀䤀䈀儀䘀䔀Ā䈀匀䌀倀匀Ā䤀倀䴀䘀Ā洀唀吀 all Soff-Cut® saws perfectly. t ⼀倀Ā䐀䴀嘀一吀娀Ā䈀䔀䈀儀唀䘀匀Ā匀䘀刀嘀䨀匀䘀䔀 t ⼀倀Ā䐀䴀嘀一吀娀Ā䈀䔀䈀儀唀䘀匀Ā匀䘀刀嘀䨀匀䘀 t ⼀倀Ā伀䘀䘀䔀Ā唀倀Ā䐀䤀倀倀吀䘀Ā䌀䘀唀堀䘀䘀伀Ā䤀䨀䠀䤀Ā刀嘀䈀䴀䨀唀娀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀倀堀 price. Liberty is an excellent overall value t 㐀䈀一䘀Ā䐀倀䴀倀匀Ā䐀倀䔀䘀䔀Ā䈀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā吀儀䘀䐀䨀洀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀吀Ā䈀吀 Soff-Cut® specifications making conversion easy t ␀䤀倀倀吀䘀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䌀䘀吀唀Ā儀䘀匀䜀倀匀一䈀伀䐀䘀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā倀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā一䈀匀䰀䘀唀Ā฀ "3*9 4BWF&WFO.PSF DITEQ offers two types of skid plate refurbishment kits to help you avoid the high cost of replacement parts from Soff-Cut®. Boot’Em™ works with the stainless steel assemblies. Cast Away™ works with cast aluminum assemblies. Both come in a wide range of sizes to accommodate a variety of saw models. Boot’Em™ and Cast Away™ Refurbishment Kits for any thickness blades must be applied to an original Soff-Cut® skid plate of same blade thickness. Soff-Cut® is a registered trademark of Soff-Cut® International, Inc. Boot’Em™ is a registered trademark of Swift Industries, Inc. Boot’Em™ patent no. 7,007,686 Cast Away™ is patent pending. Soff-Cut® skid plate Cast Away™ Refurbishment Kit 4LJE1MBUF 3FGVSCJTINFOU ,JUT  ⌀倀倀唀ࠀ☀一餀଀Ġ$BTUBXBZ™  㐀倀䜀䜀฀␀嘀 ® %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĠ1BSU 㐀䈀堀Ā⸀倀䔀䘀 5”-5.5” x .095” 100220 100236 X-390 6” - 8” x .095” 100221 100237 X-150/750 Prowler, X-450 9” - 10” x .100” 100222 100238 X-2000 Prowler, X-2500 12” - 13.5” x .120” 100223 100239 X-4000 Prowler, X-4200 12” - 14” x .120” 100224 100240 X-5000 5.16” x .225” 100225 100241 X-390 6” - 8” x .225” 100226 100242 X-150/750 Prowler, X-450 9” - 10” x .250” 100227 100243 X-2000 Prowler, X-2500 9” - 10” x .380” 100228 100244 X-2000 Prowler, X-2500 9” - 10” x .500” 100229 100245 X-4000 Prowler, X-4200 12” - 13.5” x .250” 100230 100246 X-4000 Prowler, X-4200 12” -13.5” x .380” 100231 100247 X-4000 Prowler, X-4200 12” - 13.5” x .500” 100232 100248 X-4000 Prowler, X-4200 12” - 14” x .250” 100233 100249 X-5000 12” - 14” x .380” 100234 100250 X-5000 12” - 14” x .500” 100235 100251 X-5000 * comparable to Soff-Cut® application chart /FX /FX  ĀĠ1BSU  ⠀␀฀᐀ሀĀĠ($ ⠀␀฀᐀ᔀĀĠ($ Ā %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀嘀匀儀䴀䘀ĀĠ(SFFO Ā㌀䘀䔀ĀĠ:FMMPX 6” x .095” x 10mm D22501 D22502 D22503 D22504 8” x .095” x 10mm D22506 D22507 D22508 D22509  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀Ā ($"9($"9($"9 Ā %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀嘀匀儀䴀䘀Ġ(SFFO  匀䈀伀䠀䘀 10” x .095” x 10mm D22631 D22632 D22633 12” .125” x 10mm D22601 D22612 D22607 12” x .250” x 10mm D22602 D22613 D22608 13.5” x .125 x 10mm D22627 D22628 D22629 14” x .125” x 10mm D22604 D22630 D22610 14” x .250” x 10mm D22605 D22616 D22611 "QQMJDBUJPO$IBSU Purple GC-31 Extremely hard aggregates, medium sharp sand Green GC-32 /GC-42AX Hard aggregates, sharp abrasive sand Red GC-34 /GC-44AX Medium aggregates, medium sharp sand Orange GC-45AX Medium to hard aggregates, all types sand Yellow GC-36 Medium soft aggregates, medium abrasive sand -JCFSUZ#MBEFT * Fits a stainless steel skid plate ** Fits an aluminum cast skid plate Allows beveling of saw cuts with a walk-behind saw instead of handwork with an angle grinder. Designed to fit the Soff-Cut ® X150 Prowler saw w %FDP#FWFM#MBEF 4VQFS1SFNJVN %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 5” x 3/8” x 1/8”V D94117 5” x 5/8” x 1/8”V D94118 5” x 5/8” x 1/4”V D94119 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 23 $0/$3&5&%&4530:&3$IFNJDBM$MFBOFS3FNPWFS "WBJMBCMFJOP[4QSBZ #PUUMFT HBMMPOCPUUMFT  HBMMPOBOEHBMMPOESVNT * Packaged 2 boxes of 6 32-oz bottles (12 total per case) ** Packaged 4 gallon bottles per case %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 32-oz. spray bottle* 100316 1 gallon bottle** 100317 5 gallon bucket 100318 55 gallon drum 100319 Spigot for 5 gallon bucket 100323 Pump for 55 gallon drum 100328 $0/$3&5&%&4530:&3'FBUVSFT t ☀伀圀䨀匀倀伀一䘀伀唀䈀䴀䴀娀Ā䜀匀䨀䘀伀䔀䴀娀Ā䈀伀䔀Āሀᄀᄀ؀Ā䌀䨀倀䔀䘀䠀匀䈀䔀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ȁ Uses organic salts and surfactants! t ⼀倀Ā唀倀夀䨀䐀Ā䜀嘀一䘀吀ȀĀ㠀倀匀䰀吀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā䤀䈀匀一䜀嘀䴀Ā䐀䤀䘀一䨀䐀䈀䴀吀Ā䈀伀䔀 acids. Does not contain muriatic, sulfuric, phosphoric, hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acids. Concrete Destroyer is VOC compliant. t ⨀吀Ā䴀䘀吀吀Ā䐀倀匀匀倀吀䨀圀䘀Ā吀倀Ā䨀唀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā嘀吀䘀䔀Ā倀伀Ā一倀吀唀Ā一䘀唀䈀䴀ഀ painted and plastic surfaces. t ∀圀䈀䨀䴀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䨀伀Ā᐀ጀĀ倀嬀ༀĀ吀儀匀䈀娀Ā䌀倀唀唀䴀䘀吀ഀĀሀĀ䠀䈀䴀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀唀唀䴀䘀吀ഀ 5 gallon buckets and 55 gallon drums )PX$0/$3&5&%&4530:&38PSLT tCONCRETE DESTROYER utilizes state of the art surfac- tant technology and small molecular size to penetrate deep inside concrete residues and react from within. t 㔀䤀匀倀嘀䠀䤀Ā唀䤀䨀吀Ā唀䘀䐀䤀伀倀䴀倀䠀娀CONCRETE DESTROYER attacks the Portland cement and softens it to a mush. This softened mushy material will release from the surface so it can be washed away with water. )PXUP6TF$PODSFUF%FTUSPZFS t ㄀匀倀䔀嘀䐀唀Ā䐀倀一䘀吀Ā匀䘀䈀䔀娀Ā唀倀Ā嘀吀䘀Ā฀Ā伀倀Ā一䨀夀䨀伀䠀Ā匀䘀刀嘀䨀匀䘀䔀 t ∀儀儀䴀娀Ā儀匀倀䔀嘀䐀唀Ā䈀唀Ā䜀嘀䴀䴀Ā吀唀匀䘀伀䠀唀䤀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䈀Ā儀嘀一儀Ā吀儀匀䈀娀䘀匀Ā倀匀 brush or submerge the parts/trowels to be cleaned in a 5 gallon bucket of Concrete Destroyer. t ∀䴀䴀倀堀CONCRETE DESTROYER to penetrate area for 5 to 10 minutes. A fizzing action ensures the product is working. When the fizzing subsides the product has completed its cycle and the parts are ready to be rinsed with a high pressure water hose. $0/$3&5&%&4530:&3*/"$5*0/ #FGPSF Concrete saw with buildup of dried concrete slurry residue prior to spray application of CONCRETE DESTROYER. Concrete has been dried on for several months. CONCRETE DESTROYER penetrates and attacks the portland cement causing fizzing and foaming action. Concrete dissolves and loosens from saw. "GUFS Clean concrete saw after being rinsed with high pressure garden water hose. NJOVUFTUJNFFMBQTFGSPN TUBSUUPmOJTI /P.PSF+BDLIBNNFSJOHBOE4DSBQJOH $PODSFUF%FTUSPZFS$MFBOTBOE3FNPWFT %SZ )BSEFOFE$PODSFUF0GG1SBDUJDBMMZ "OZUIJOHXJUIPVUUIF)B[BSEPG"DJET ,FFQ:PVS&RVJQNFOU$MFBO 6TF$PODSFUF%FTUSPZFSPO 5SJQMF"DUJPO t1FOFUSBUFTt%JTTPMWFT t3JOTFT"XBZ$PODSFUF 100% #*0%&(3"%"#-& t(SFFO$PODSFUF4BXTt5SPXFMTt#VMMnPBUTt%BSCZT t4DSFFETt#MBEFTt'MPBUTIPFTQBOTt3BLFT t#VHHJFTt'PSNTt.JYFSTt1PTUUFOTJPOSPET t)BSEXBSFt3FBEZ.JYUSVDLT BOENPSF )FBWZ%VUZ*OEVTUSJBM$PODSFUF$MFBOFS3FNPWFS /FX $0/$3&5& %&4530:&3 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  5&26*,55"55" 'FBUVSFT t-JHIUXFJHIU tDDBOEDDFOHJOFTJ[FT t)JHIQPXFSUPXFJHIUSBUJP twwCMBEFDBQBDJUZXJUIwwDVUUJOHEFQUI t4UBOEBSEXFULJUGPSEVTUDPOUSPM t.VMUJTUBHFBJSmMUFSTZTUFNFYUFOETSVOUJNF t$PNQFOTBUJOHDBSCVSFUPSNBJOUBJOTQFBLQFSGPSNBODF t3FWFSTJCMFJOOFSCMBEFnBOHFXJUIwNNBSCPS t%FDPNQSFTTJPOCVUUPOGPSFBTZTUBSUJOH t4FBMFETUBSUFSBTTFNCMZ t4FBMFEDMVUDICFBSJOH t$BNTUZMFCFMUUFOTJPOFS t3FWFSTJCMFDVUUJOHBSNGPSDVUUJOHDMPTFUPPCTUSVDUJPOT t'SPOUSPMMFSTVQQPSUGPSFBTJFSBOETUSBJHIUFSDVUUJOH t#FMUHVBSEQSPUFDUPSQSFWFOUTXFBS tPJMNJY  㔀☀㈀㘀⨀ⰀĀ⸀ ─☀  ᨀᜀ᐀㔀㔀∀ĀĠ55" ᨀᤀ᐀㔀㔀∀ DISPLACEMENT 3.8 cu in (62 cc) 4.9 cu in (81 cc) 4.9 cu in (81 cc) BLADE GUARD 14” 14” 16” POWER 4.7 HP (3.5 KW) 5.7 HP (4.2 KW) 5.7 HP (4.2 KW) MODEL # HL963/14 HM983/14 HM983/16 WEIGHT 22.9 lbs 24 lbs 29 lbs 1"35 ⤀ᄀᄀᄀᄀጀĀĠ) ⤀ᄀᄀᄀᄀᘀ "DDFTTPSJFTBOE$PNNPO 3FQMBDFNFOU1BSUT*UFN Standard Wet Kit 140001 Premium Wet Kit 140002 2 Cycle Oil, 1 Gal Mix 36, Bottles in Display Carton 140003 2 Cycle Oil, 2-1/2 Gal Mix 36, Bottles in Display Carton 140004 963TTA Foam Pre-Filter 140005 983TTA Foam Pre-Filter 140006 Paper Primary Filter 140007 V-belt 963 140055 V-belt 980 140008 V-belt 980TTA/16 140313 Fuel Filter 140525 Cart w/tank 140318 D-Shape Starter Handle 140348 Service Tool Kit 140314 Helmet/Shield/Ear Muff 140430 Spark plug 140043 #MBEFOPUJODMVEFE $BSU DPNQMFUF XJUIUBOL $PNFT$PNQMFUFMZ "TTFNCMFE 4UBOEBSESPMMFST IFMQSFEVDFPQFSBUPS GBUJHVFBOETUSFTTBOE BJEJOTUSBJHIUDVUUJOH .PEFM55" .PEFM55" Blade not included 5&26*,)JHI4QFFE4BXT &BTZ4UBSU %FDPNQSFTTJPO #VUUPO 4UBOEBSEXFULJUJODMVEFE XJUIBMMNPEFMT *NQSPWFE /FX'FBUVSFT 5&26*,)JHI 4QFFE4BXT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 25 130"3*9 )PX"3*9%FMJWFST'BTUFS$VUUJOH 4QFFE"/%-POHFS#MBEF-JGF It’s a long-held scientific theorem that cutting speed and tool life have an inverse relationship for diamond blades. Cutting faster shortens blade life. Extending the blade life means you have to cut slower. ARIX technology changes all this. The secret is in precise control of the space between individual diamond particles. By being able to precisely arrange each diamond throughout all dimensions of a segment, each is provided an uncompromised support structure that ensures it will emerge in the proper place, at the proper time to provide maximum cutting speed and performance. And because the support structure is not compromised by random- placed particles, it holds each diamond in place more securely to deliver vastly improved life. In field use, ARIX blades typically deliver 50% faster cutting speed with 30% longer blade life. 5SBEJUJPOBM 'BTUFS$VUUJOH4QFFE BOE-POHFS#MBEF-JGFXJUI QSFDJTFEJBNPOEBSSBOHFNFOU UISPVHIPVUFBDITFHNFOUGPS VOQBSBMMFEQFSGPSNBODF 130%JBNPOE #MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 26 w w%JBNPOE%FQUI w w%JBNPOE%FQUI "3*9%FMJWFST'BTUFS $VUUJOH4QFFE"/% -POHFS#MBEF-JGF $"9 130*7 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” D10065 14” x .145” x 1” D18313 14” x .160” x 1” D18314 14” x .187” x 1” D18316 14” x .250” x 1” D18318 16” x .125” x 1” D10066 16” x .145” x 1” D18321 16” x .160” x 1” D18322 18” x .125” x 1” D10067 18” x .145” x 1” D18324 18” x .160” x 1” D18325 18” x .187” x 1” D18327 18” x .250” x 1” D18328 20” x .125” x 1” D18329 20” x .145” x 1” D10068 20” x .160” x 1” D18331 20” x .187” x 1” D18387 %JBNFUFS8JEUI1BSU 24” x .145” x 1” D18332 24” x .160” x 1” D18333 24” x .175” x 1” D18334 24” x .187” x 1” D18335 26” x .145” x 1” D18336 26” x .160” x 1” D18517 26” x .175” x 1” D18338 26” x .187” x 1” D18339 30” x .160” x 1” D18340 30” x .175” x 1” D18341 30” x .187” x 1” D18342 32” x .160” x 1” D18343 32” x .175” x 1” D18344 32” x .187” x 1” D18345 36” x .160” x 1” D18346 36” x .175” x 1” D18347 36” x .187” x 1” D18348 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” D18275 14” x .145” x 1” D18276 14” x .160” x 1” D18277 14” x .187” x 1” D18279 14” x .250” x 1” D18281 16” x .125” x 1” D18283 16” x .145” x 1” D18284 16” x .160” x 1” D18520 18” x .125” x 1” D18519 18” x .145” x 1” D18287 18” x .160” x 1” D18288 18” x .187” x 1” D18290 18” x .250” x 1” D18291 20” x .125” x 1” D18292 20” x .145” x 1” D18293 20” x .160” x 1” D18294 20” x .187” x 1” D18386 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 24” x .145” x 1” D18295 24” x .160” x 1” D18296 24” x .175” x 1” D18297 24” x .187” x 1” D18298 26” x .145” x 1” D18299 26” x .160” x 1” D18300 26” x .175” x 1” D18301 26” x .187” x 1” D18302 30” x .160” x 1” D18303 30” x .175” x 1” D18304 30” x .187” x 1” D18305 32” x .160” x 1” D18306 32” x .175” x 1” D18307 32” x .187” x 1” D18308 36” x .160” x 1” D18309 36” x .175” x 1” D18310 36” x .187” x 1” D18311 The Pro V ARIX offers the broad- est everyday applications of this series of blades. Excellent for medium to high horsepower saws in most types of materials. Cuts well even in hard aggregates, but has its best cost per cut ratios in soft and medium aggregates. $"9 1307 130"3*9 When we say ARIX changes everything, this includes the way you select the best blade for your sawing application. Instead of knowing the average diamond concentration in a segment, we offer you a more precise diamond count. This permits a more accurate horsepower to diamond ratio assessment, for a more accurate selection of the right ARIX blade for your application. 5PDIPPTFUIFCFTU"3*9CMBEFZPVXJMMOFFEUPLOPXUIFGPMMPXJOHJOGPSNBUJPO )PSTFQPXFSPGUIFTBX5ZQFPG1PXFS %JFTFM (BT &MFDUSJD )JDZMF )ZESBVMJD  %JBNFUFSPG#MBEF%FQUIPG$VUQFS1BTTBOE"HHSFHBUF5ZQF The Pro IV ARIX is designed for lower horsepower saws in most applications, and higher horsepower saws when using large diameter blades in hard aggregate or high steel applications. "3*9#MBEF$MBTT "HHSFHBUF $"9 ␀ᘀ᐀฀∀㤀ሀᄀĠ$"9 ␀ᜀ᐀฀∀㤀ሀ᐀Ġ$"9  Ġ1PXFS 7FSZ)BSE Ġt Ġ  )BSE 琀Ġ Ġ Ġ ጀᄀ䤀儀Ā฀Ā᐀ᘀĀ䤀儀 4PGU 琀Ġ Ġ Ġ  7FSZ)BSE Ġ 琀Ġt  )BSE 琀Ġt 琀Ġt Ġ ᐀ᄀ䤀儀Ā฀ĀᜀᘀĀ䤀儀 4PGU 琀Ġt Ġ Ġ  7FSZ)BSE Ġ 琀Ġt 琀 )BSE Ġt 琀Ġt 琀ĠIQIQ 4PGU Ġt Ġ Ġ  130%JBNPOE #MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  w w%JBNPOE%FQUI w w%JBNPOE%FQUI w w%JBNPOE%FQUI The Pro VI ARIX is the workhorse of hard aggregate and heavy steel applications for higher horsepower saws. The higher diamond count is designed to take the solid impact of the hard aggregate without compro- mising the life of the blade. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” D14830 14” x .145” x 1” D14843 14” x .160” x 1” D18500 14” x .187” x 1” D14840 14” x .250” x 1” D14844 16” x .125” x 1” D14846 16” x .145” x 1” D18210 16” x .160” x 1” D18521 18” x .125” x 1” D14854 18” x .145” x 1” D18511 18” x .160” x 1” D14860 18” x .187” x 1” D18216 18” x .250” x 1” D18217 20” x .125” x 1” D14868 20” x .145” x 1” D18512 20” x .160” x 1” D18513 20” x .187” x 1” D18701 This is the tall segment version of the Pro VI series. The long life afforded by the taller segment gives a lower cost per cut ratio than the standard segment height. This is a tremendous blade for Bridge Deck sawing or highway sawing in hard aggregate. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” 14” x .145” x 1” D18700 14” x .160” x 1” 14” x .187” x 1” 14” x .250” x 1” 16” x .125” x 1” 16” x .145” x 1” 16” x .160” x 1” 18” x .125” x 1” 18” x .145” x 1” 18” x .160” x 1” D18704 18” x .187” x 1” 18” x .250” x 1” 20” x .125” x 1” 20” x .145” x 1” 20” x .160” x 1” D18901 20” x .187” x 1” $"9  1307* %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 14” x .125” x 1” D18238 14” x .145” x 1” D18239 14” x .160” x 1” D18240 14” x .187” x 1” D18242 14” x .250” x 1” D18244 16” x .125” x 1” D18246 16” x .145” x 1” D18247 16” x .160” x 1” D18248 18” x .125” x 1” D18249 18” x .145” x 1” D18904 18” x .160” x 1” D18251 18” x .187” x 1” D18253 18” x .250” x 1” D18254 20” x .125” x 1” D18255 20” x .145” x 1” D18256 20” x .160” x 1” D18257 20” x .187” x 1” D18528 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 24” x .145” x 1” D18258 24” x .160” x 1” D18527 24” x .175” x 1” D18260 24” x .187” x 1” D18261 26” x .145” x 1” D18262 26” x .160” x 1” D18263 26” x .175” x 1” D18264 26” x .187” x 1” D18265 30” x .160” x 1” D18266 30” x .175” x 1” D18267 30” x .187” x 1” D18268 32” x .160” x 1” D18269 32” x .175” x 1” D18270 32” x .187” x 1” D18271 36” x .160” x 1” D18272 36” x .175” x 1” D18273 36” x .187” x 1” D18274 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 24” x .145” x 1” D18514 24” x .160” x 1” D14888 24” x .175” x 1” D14890 24” x .187” x 1” D14892 26” x .145” x 1” D18225 26” x .160” x 1” D14900 26” x .175” x 1” D15939 26” x .187” x 1” D14902 30” x .160” x 1” D18226 30” x .175” x 1” D18230 30” x .187” x 1” D18231 32” x .160” x 1” D18232 32” x .175” x 1” D18233 32” x .187” x 1” D18234 36” x .160” x 1” D18235 36” x .175” x 1” D18236 36” x .187” x 1” D18237 $"9  1307* $"9   1307** %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 24” x .145” x 1” 24” x .160” x 1” 24” x .175” x 1” 24” x .187” x 1” 26” x .145” x 1” 26” x .160” x 1” D18702 26” x .175” x 1” 26” x .187” x 1” D18515 30” x .160” x 1” D18703 30” x .175” x 1” 30” x .187” x 1” 32” x .160” x 1” 32” x .175” x 1” 32” x .187” x 1” 36” x .160” x 1” D18705 36” x .175” x 1” 36” x .187” x 1” The Pro VII ARIX is the best blade you will find for CRITICALLY HARD sawing applications. This series should only be used on High Horsepower saws in applications with Critically Hard Aggregates. While it will cut well in other applications, the cost per cut will not be optimum. 130"3*9 5SBEJUJPOBM 130%JBNPOE #MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 28 Discover the DITEQ difference! DITEQ professional diamond blades come in an array of specifications and performance levels. Select the overall value that best meets your needs.  Ġ1BSU ĀĠ Ġ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀĀ␀ᔀሀĀĠ$ ĀĀĀ␀ᔀ᐀ 8” x .187” x 1” D12080 8” x .250” x 1” D10072 12” x .125” x 1” D15156 D14319 D14320 12” x .145” x 1” D15158 D14323 D14324 12” x .250” x 1” D14326 D14330 12” x .375” x 1” D15894 14” x .125” x 1” D15162 D14331 D14332 14” x .145” x 1” D15164 D14335 D14336 14” x .187” x 1” D15167 D14341 D14342 14” x .250” x 1” D15169 D14345 D14346 14” x .375” x 1” D14347 16” x .125” x 1” D15171 D14349 D14350 16” x .145” x 1” D14353 16” x .160” x 1” 18” x .125” x 1” D15174 D14355 D14356 18” X .145 X 1” D14359 D14360 18” X .165 X 1” D15177 D14361 D14362 18” X .187 X 1” D15179 20” x .125” x 1” D15181 D14369 D14370 20” x .145” x 1” D15183 D14373 D14374 20” x .160” x 1” D15184 D14375 D14376 24” x .145” x 1” D15189 D14387 24” x .160” x 1” D15191 D14389 D14390 24” x .175” x 1” D15192 D14391 D14392 24” x .187” x 1” D15193 D14393 D14394 26” x .145” x 1” D15196 D14388 26” x .160” x 1” D15197 D14401 D14402 26” x .175” x 1” D15901 D15920 D15921 26” x .187” x 1” D15198 D14403 D14404 28” x .187” x 1” D15200 D14407 D14408 30” x .160” x 1” D15201 D14409 D14410 30” x .187” x 1” D15203 D14413 D14414 36” x .160” x 1” D15206 D14422 36” x .187” x 1” D15208 D14424 $$$$VSFE$PODSFUF 130*7 $IPPTJOH1SPGFTTJPOBM 1FSGPSNBODF#MBEFT tIQPSIJHIFS t)JHIFSJOWFTUNFOU t-PXFSDPTUQFSJODIGPPU t(SFBUFSDVUUJOHTQFFE t)BSEFSBHHSFHBUFBOETUFFM t4FHNFOUIFJHIU t%JBNPOEDPODFOUSBUJPO t%JBNPOERVBMJUZ 130*75SBEJUJPOBM.BOVGBDUVSJOH1SPDFTT w 3FDPNNFOEBUJPO$IBSU)1 $VSFE$PODSFUFXJUITUFFM 'MJOUSPDLSJWFSHSBWFMTDSJUJDBMMZIBSEBHHSFHBUFT XIFBWZ Ā␀ᔀሀ  Ā␀ᔀጀ )BSEBHHSFHBUFT CBTBMUUSBQSPDL TMBUF SJWFSHSBWFMT HSBOJUF RVBSU[ FUD  -JNFTUPOF QJUHSBWFMEPMPNJUF TBOETUPOF TPGUTIFMM TJMJDFPVT Ā␀ᔀ᐀ 12” - 28” concrete blades are narrow key slot cores and 30” and above ar wide U-slot cores 5SBEJUJPOBM 1SPDFTT 130%JBNPOE #MBEFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  (SFFO$PODSFUF ጀᘀĀ⤀㄀ἀ✀⤀ (SFFODPODSFUFXRVBSU[ SJWFSHSBWFM HSBOJUF ∀ᔀᜀက∀ᘀᜀ (SFFODPODSFUFMJNFTUPOF NFEJVNIBSE ∀ᔀᜀက∀ᔀᤀ BHHSFHBUFT IBSEBTQIBMU  "TQIBMU ጀᘀĀ⤀㄀ἀ✀⤀ (FOFSBMQVSQPTFBTQIBMUDVUUJOH ∀ᔀᤀက∀ᔀᨀ -POHMJGFJOWFSZBCSBTJWFBTQIBMU ∀ᘀᤀက∀ᘀᨀ 12” - 28” concrete blades are narrow key slot cores and 30” and above are wide U-slot cores.  Ġ1BSU Ġ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀ∀ᔀᜀĀĠ" ĀĀ∀ᔀᨀ 12” x .125” x 1” D26127 D28300 D28700 12” x .145” x 1” D26129 D28304 D28702 12” x .250” x 1” D26132 D28310 D28705 14” x .125” x 1” D26133 D28312 D28706 14” x .145” x 1” D26135 D28316 D28708 14” x .187” x 1” D26137 D28320 D28710 14” x .375” x 1” D28325 16” x .125” x 1” D26141 D28328 D28714 18” x .125” x 1” D26145 D28336 D28718 18” x .165” x 1” D26148 D28342 D28721 18” X .187 X 1” D26149 20” x .125” x 1” D26151 D28348 D28724 20” x .160” x 1” D26154 D28354 D28727 24” x .160” x 1” D26161 D28368 D28734 24” x .175” x 1” D29303 D29304 24” x .187” x 1” D28370 D28735 26” x .165” x 1” D26165 D28376 D28738 26” x .175” x 1” D29306 D29307 26” x .187” x 1” D28378 D28739 28” x .187” x 1” D28382 D28741 30” x .160” x 1” D26550 30” x .175” x 1” D29309 D29310 30” x .187” x 1” D26546 D29312 D29313 Triple step undercut protection makes DITEQ professional series diamond blades a professional contractor favorite for cutting green concrete and asphalt.  Ġ1BSU  %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀ∀ᘀᜀĀĠ" ĀĀ∀ᘀᨀ 12” x .125” x 1” D26169 D28384 D28742 12” x .145” x 1” D26171 D28388 D28744 12” x .250” x 1” D26174 D28394 D28747 14” x .125” x 1” D26175 D28396 D28748 14” x .145” x 1” D26177 D28400 D28750 14” x .187” x 1” D26179 D28404 D28752 14” x .250” x 1” D26181 D28408 D28754 14” x .375” x 1” D26182 D28410 D28755 16” x .125” x 1” D26183 D28412 D28756 18” X .125 X 1” D26187 D28420 D28760 18” x .145” x 1” D26185 D28140 D28620 18” x .160” x 1” D26190 D28426 D28763 20” x .125” x 1” D28347 D28432 D28766 20” x .145” x 1” D28436 D28768 20” x .160” x 1” D28438 D28769 20” x .187” x 1” D26548 D29318 D29319 22” x .187” x 1” D28446 D28773 24” x .160” x 1” D28452 D28776 24” x .175” x 1” D29320 D29321 D29322 24” x .187” x 1” D28454 D28777 26” x .160” x 1” D28459 D28460 D28780 26” x .175” x 1” D29324 D29325 26” x .187” x 1” D28462 D28781 28” x .187” x 1” D28466 D28783 """ (SFFO$PODSFUF"TQIBMU 130*7 Highest performing asphalt blade on the market. DITEQ provides the ultimate in undercut protection with5SJQMF4UFQEJBNPOE JOTFSUT. These blades feature three sizes of diamond inserts alternating between each segment. """ (SFFO$PODSFUF"TQIBMU 130 130*713075SBEJUJPOBM.BOVGBDUVSJOH1SPDFTT w 130*7 5SJQMF4UFQ%JBNPOE $PSF1SPUFDUJPO w%JBNPOE%FQUI w 1307 )JHI%JBNPOE$PODFOUSBUJPOGPS )JHI1FSGPSNBODFBOE#MBEF-JGF w%JBNPOE%FQUI 5VOHTUFO $BSCJEF 2VBMJUZ  (SFFO"TQIBMU 1300OMZ 0WFSMBZ 5SJQMF4UFQ%JBNPOE1SPUFDUJPO %JBNPOE *OTFSU 130(SFFO"TQIBMU 130%JBNPOE #MBEFT 443  ㄀䴀嘀伀䠀䘀Ā⠀嘀䈀匀 Dimensions (LXWXH) 743” x 350” x 463” Power Supply AC120V*/1 phase Weight Saw Head + Chassis 80 lb. Spindle RPM (no-load) 300/700 Diameter (Max.) 30” Arbor Diameter 1-3/8” Rated Input 2.5 KW 1"35 㠀㐀ᄀᄀᄀ * 220V available  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ  Ā⠀─⸀ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀⴀ倀伀䠀娀䘀䈀  ሀ฀᐀ကᤀ眀ĀĠw %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀匀䌀倀匀ĀĀĀĀĀĠ"SCPS 24” x .187” wide slot D16523 24” x .187” D16622 D16501 24” x .220” D16623 D16502 24” x .250” D16624 D16503 26” x .187” D16625 D16504 26” x .220” D16626 D16505 26” x .250” D16627 D16506 30” x .187” D16628 D16507 30” x .220” D16629 D16508 30” x .250” D16630 D16509 32” x .187” D16631 D16510 32” x .220” D16632 D16511 32” x .250” D16633 D16512 36” x .187” D16634 D16513 36” x .220” D16635 D16514 36” x .250” D16636 D16515 42” x .187” D16637 D16516 42” x .220” D16638 D16517 42” x .250” D16639 D16518 48” x .187” D16640 D16519 48” x .220” D16641 D16520 48” x .250” D16642 D16521 "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Flush Cut w/30” Guard & Flange 150422 22” Blade Guard 150737 Track Assy. - 2 ft. 150405 Track Assy. - 4 ft. 150406 4QFDJBM'FBUVSFT t ␀䤀䈀吀吀䨀吀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā䐀䴀䈀一儀䘀䔀Ā䈀伀娀堀䤀䘀匀䘀Ā倀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā唀匀䈀䐀 t ✀䴀嘀吀䤀Ā␀嘀唀Ā✀䴀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā 儀唀䨀倀 t ─䘀儀唀䤀Ā⠀䈀嘀䠀 4438BMM4BX $"9 8BMM4BX#MBEFT 130*7 Take on your most demanding jobs with this ARIX technology blade. ARIX blades are the best possible solution for cured concrete with hard aggregate and the densest steel reinforcing. When nothing else works, you can count on ARIX! 4UBOEBSE,JU t ሀ฀ጀ᠀Ā䈀一儀Ā䘀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ā一倀唀倀 RS2521 2 speed t ሀ฀ሀༀጀ一Ā㔀匀䈀䐀 t ሀ฀ᄀༀᜀ一Ā㔀匀䈀䐀 t 㔀匀䈀圀䘀䴀Ā⸀倀唀倀 t ∀嘀唀倀Ā㔀匀䈀圀䘀䴀Ā␀倀伀唀匀倀 t ᐀ᄀ眀Ā⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā⠀嘀䈀匀 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 30 8BMM4BXBOE#MBEFT 8BMM4BX#MBEFT w Give yourself the ARIX advantage. Great speed with performance! %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” D10073 14” x .165” x 1” D10092 16” x .125” x 1” D10081 16” x .165” x 1” D10093 20” x .125” x 1” D10075 20” x .145” x 1” D10086 20” x .250” x 1” D10091 24” x .125” x 1” D10080 24” x .145” x1” D10102 $"9)ZESBVMJD )BOE4BX#MBEF 130*7 )BOE4BX#MBEFT%JBNPOE8JSF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 22” x .220” x 1” 24” x .187” x 1” D16601 24” x .220” x 1” D16602 24” x .250” x 1” D16603 26” x .187” x 1” D16604 26” x .220” x 1” D16605 26” x .250” x 1” D16606 30” x .187” x 1” D16607 30” x .220” x 1” D16608 30” x .250” x 1” D16609 32” x .187” x 1” D16610 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 32” x .220” x 1” D16611 32” x .250” x 1” D16612 36” x .187” x 1” D16613 36” x .220” x 1” D16614 36” x .250” x 1” D16615 42” x .187” x 1” D16616 42” x .220” x 1” D16617 42” x .250” x 1” D16618 48” x .220” x 1” D16620 48” x .250” x 1” D16621 Specifically developed for curb cutting applications. $"9 $VSC$VU#MBEFT 130*7 Give yourself the ARIX advantage. Great speed with performance! C50 - Fast cutting on hard to very hard materials. C51 - Fast cutting on medium hard to soft materials. $"9BOE $"93JOH4BX #MBEFT 1307  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ĀĀĀ␀ᘀᄀĀĠ$ 14” x .160” x 10mm D10107 D10077 14” x .220” x 10mm D10108 D10090 Includes Drive Wheel "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Drive Wheel D10052 w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 31 )BOE4BX $VSC$VUBOE3JOH#MBEFT )BOE3JOH#MBEFT %JBNPOE$IBJO DITEQ offers an expanded range of diamond chain suited for both hydraulic and gas chain saws in a wide variety of hardness specifications and lengths. Segment on every %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ C42-R Spring-Rubber D91015 C42-Vacuum coated D91016 Beads O.D. per meter 11 mm 40 pcs $3$7#%JBNPOE 8JSF 130*7 DITEQ wire is offered in two configurations to meet your particular applications: impregnated bond beads and coated vacuum bond beads. The impregnated bond beads use the same technology as traditional diamond bit and blade segments, with diamonds dispursed throughout the thickness of the bond. The coated segments features vacuum brazed diamonds attached to the leading edge for faster and easier startup. All DITEQ wire features rubber over spring spacing between the beads for optimum function and safety. $ ĀĀ␀ᔀጀĠ$ Ā␀ᔀᔀĠ#BS ⼀倀ༀĀ倀 1BSU ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĠ1BSU ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĠ-FOHUI Āⴀ䨀伀䰀吀ĀĠ4BX5ZQF 140412 140336 140350 11” 56 Hydro #853 140417 140341 140402 12” 62 Hydro #CC2020 140410 140333 140397 13” 50 Hydro #814 140411 140335 140391 15” 66 Hydro #853 140418 140342 140403 16” 74 Hydro #CC2020 140413 140337 140398 19” 78 Hydro #853 140419 140343 140404 20” 86 Hydro #CC2020 140414 140338 140399 24” 94 Hydro #853 140420 140344 140405 24” 98 Hydro #CC2020 140426 140409 140332 140351 12” 58 Gas #613 140427 140415 140339 140400 14” 64 Gas #663/K950 140428 140416 140340 140401 16” 70 Gas #663 Each segment measures: Width .217” Height.217” Length .393” C41 - Extremely hard with rebar C42 - Hard Concrete with rebar C43 - Medium Hard Concrete with rebar C44 - Soft-Medium Concrete link. All standard lengths are stocked and custom lengths and bulk pricing are also available. $BMMGPSMBUFTUJOWBDVVNCSB[FEXJSF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 32 %JBNPOE$IBJOBOE8JSF $IBJO8JSF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 33 "#3"4*7&130%6$54 8"3/*/( .*464&0'"#3"4*7&8)&&-4*4&953&.&-: %"/(&3064 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONCERNING SAFE USAGE OF ABRASIVE PRODUCTS, CONSULT THE ANSI B7.1 SAFETY CODE. 8IBUJTBOBCSBTJWFCMBEFPSXIFFM An abrasive wheel is a self-sharpening grinding or cutting tool composed of abrasive grains held in place by a bond- ing agent. All abrasive wheels, with few exceptions, are reinforced with one or more layers of fiberglass mesh for extra strength, flexibility and safety. )PXEPBCSBTJWFXIFFMTXPSL  As the wheel comes into contact with the work piece, exposed surface grains grind away small chips of the material. During the grinding process, new grains are constantly fracturing, exposing new sharp cutting points. This process also wears away the bond between the grains causing the old dull grains to break away while constantly exposing new sharper grains until the wheel is completely worn out. .PTUDPNNPOVTFEHSBJOT Aluminum Oxide: a tough wedge-shaped abrasive used for cutting or grinding metals. 4JMJDPO$BSCJEF a very hard and sharp abrasive used for cutting and grinding concrete, masonry, stone and other non-metallic materials. ;JSDPOJVN an extremely resistant grain used for cutting and grinding metals. (SBJO4J[FT Numbers are used to indicate grain or grit size: Coarse 8 - 16 - 24 - 30 - 36 - 60 - 80 Fine Faster cut Slower cut Rough finish Smooth finish #POEJOHIBSEOFTT A synthetic organic resin holds the grains together. The amount of bonding material determines the toughness and resistance of the wheels under cutting or grinding loads. The more bonding agent, the harder the wheel. -FUUFSDPEFTJOEJDBUFXIFFMIBSEOFTT Soft A N - P - Q - R - S - T Z Hard Fast Cutting Long life 3FJOGPSDJOHNBUFSJBMT One or more woven fiberglass mesh, impregnated with resin, are added to ensure resistance encountered from lateral and centrifugal pressures. Thickness and type of fiberglass mesh used vary according to the machine being used with the wheel. 5ZQFTPGXIFFMT Type 1: These wheels are used as cut off wheels Type 11: These wheels are cup wheels used in grinding surfaces Type 27: these should be used at an angle to the work piece between 30° and 45°. Do not grind flat. 5IFSJHIUDIPJDF Determining the right specification depends on several factors including the type of material to be cut, the RPM of the tool and the type of finished desired. It is very important that you choose the appropriate wheel for the application desired. 5ZQF 5ZQF 5ZQF $VQ8IFFM .BYJNVN31.T Type 1 High Reinforced Type 27 Wheel Speed Cut/Off Type 27 Cup Diameter Wheel Wheels Wheels Wheels 4” -- 19,000 15,000 9,050 4-1/2” -- 13,300 13,300 -- 5” -- 12,000 12,000 7,255 6” -- 10,000 10,000 6,050 7” -- 8,600 8,600 -- 8” -- 7,500 -- -- 9” 6,800 6,800 6,800 -- 10” -- 6,110 -- -- 12” 6,300 5,095 -- -- 14” 5,400 4,365 -- -- 16” 4,500 3,820 -- -- 18” -- 3,395 -- -- "CSBTJWF1SPEVDUT5FDIOJDBM*OGPSNBUJPO "CSBTJWF#MBEFT 8JSF#SVTI "CSBTJWF4UPOFT $VQ(SJOEJOH8IFFMT 5&2;&,(SJOEJOH8IFFMT "CSBTJWF$VU0GG#MBEFT 4BOEJOH4IFFUT#FMUT%JTDT .BJOUFOBODF1BET 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  )JHI4QFFEBOE'MPPS4BX"CSBTJWF#MBEFT .FUBM(&/&3"-163104& '"45$655*/( This heavy duty aluminum oxide blade delivers the durability, safety, speed and long life required by the construction industry. Applications: Structural Steel, Pipe, Rebar, Angle Iron, Ferrous Metals $PODSFUF(&/&3"-163104& -0/(-*'& Made with silicon carbide, this blade offers top performance and durability for cutting with gas or electric high speed saws. Applications: Cured concrete, Brick, Block, Masonry, Aluminium, PVC Pipe, Stone, Non-ferrous metals %VDUJMF*SPO'"45$655*/( -0/(-*'& A high performance blade specially developed for the pipe layer, foundry and waterworks industry. Applications: Ductile, Cast Iron, Concrete lined sewer pipes "TQIBMU (SFFO$PODSFUF$-0(3&4*45"/5 -0/(-*'& Made with larger grain size and a more open structure, this blade will resist clogging when cutting asphalt or green concrete. Applications: Asphalt, Green Concrete %*5&2)JHI4QFFE"CSBTJWF#MBEFT Wheels are priced individually and sold in whole box quantities only. %JNFOTJPOT ⠀匀䨀唀Ġ"QQMJDBUJPO ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ1BDL2UZ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ 12”x1/8”x1” Metal High Speed Saw 10 per box A30001 12”x1/8”x20mm Metal High Speed Saw 10 per box A30002 12”x1/8”x1” Concrete High Speed Saw 10 per box A30003 12”x1/8”x20mm Concrete High Speed Saw 10 per box A30004 12”x1/8”x1” AC24R Ductile High Speed Saw 10 per box A30005 12”x1/8”x20mm AC24R Ductile High Speed Saw 10 per box A30006 14”x5/32”x1” C16T Green Concrete/Asphalt High Speed Saw 10 per box A30007 14”x5/32”x20mm C16T Green Concrete/Asphalt High Speed Saw 10 per box A30008 14”x1/8”x1” Metal High Speed Saw 10 per box A30009 14”x1/8”x20mm Metal High Speed Saw 10 per box A30010 14”x1/8”x1” Concrete High Speed Saw 10 per box A30011 14”x1/8”x20mm Concrete High Speed Saw 10 per box A30012 14”x1/8”x1” AC24R Ductile High Speed Saw 10 per box A30013 14”x1/8”x20mm AC24R Ductile High Speed Saw 10 per box A30014 16”x5/32”x1” C16T Green Concrete/Asphalt High Speed Saw 10 per box A30015 16”x5/32”x20mm C16T Green Concrete/Asphalt High Speed Saw 10 per box A30016 16”x5/32”x1” A24R Metal High Speed Saw 10 per box A30017 16”x5/32”x20mm A24R Metal High Speed Saw 10 per box A30018 16”x5/32”x1” C24R Concrete High Speed Saw 10 per box A30019 16”x5/32”x20mm C24R Concrete High Speed Saw 10 per box A30020 16”x5/32”x1” AC24R Ductile High Speed Saw 10 per box A30021 16”x5/32”x20mm AC24R Ductile High Speed Saw 10 per box A30022 14”x1/8”x1” Brick & Block Masonry Saw 10 per box A30023 8"3/*/( .*464&0'"#3"4*7&8)&&-4*4&953&.&-: %"/(&3064 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONCERNING SAFE USAGE OF ABRASIVE PRODUCTS, CONSULT THE ANSI B7.1 SAFETY CODE. 5ZQF %*5&2$PODSFUF"CSBTJWF#MBEFT 5ZQF %JNFOTJPOT ⠀匀䨀唀Ġ"QQMJDBUJPO ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ1BDL2UZ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14”x3/16”x 1”* C24R Concrete Floor Saw 10 per box A40001 14”x3/16”x 1”* C16T Green Concrete/Asphalt Floor Saw 10 per box A40002 14”x1/4”x 1”* C24R Concrete Floor Saw 10 per box A40003 14”x1/4”x 1”* C16T Green Concrete/Asphalt Floor Saw 10 per box A40004 * (PH) $PODSFUF(&/&3"-163104& -0/(-*'& Specifically developed for fast and economical cutting or grooving of cured concrete with walk behind saws. Applications: Cured Concrete, Reinforced Concrete "TQIBMU(SFFO$PODSFUF$-0(3&4*45"/5  -0/(-*'& Provides fast and clog resistant cutting of asphalt and green concrete with walk behind saws. Applications: Asphalt and Green Concrete "CSBTJWFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 35 DITEQ wire brush features a 3/8” face width, oil tempered crimped steel wire providing aggressive, continuous cleaning action. Applications: For cleaning expansion joints and crack cleaning. %*5&28JSF#SVTI Wire brushes are to be used only on lower horsepower flat saws (5 to 20 hp) and require a 5/8” minimum blade clamping thickness. 8"3/*/( .*464&0'8*3&8)&&-4*4&953&.&-:%"/(&3064 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONCERNING SAFE USAGE OF WIRE PRODUCTS, CONSULT THE ANSI B165.1 AND B165.2 SAFETY CODE. 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: Applications: For finishing concrete, stone, terrazzo, or brick %*5&2"CSBTJWF4UPOFT Blocks are priced individually and sold in whole box quantities only. 8JSF#SVTIFT #MPDLT $VQ8IFFMT 5&2;&,8IFFMT Available in two styles - with a handle for hand finishing or flat with wedges for use with floor grinders. Use to smooth concrete and remove form marks. %*5&2$VQ(SJOEJOH8IFFMT 8"3/*/( .*464&0'"#3"4*7&8)&&-4*4&953&.&-:%"/(&3064 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONCERNING SAFE USAGE OF ABRASIVE PRODUCTS, CONSULT THE ANSI B7.1 SECURITY CODE. %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 6” x 3” x 1” w/handle Hand/Manual C24 1 per Box A50005 2” x 2” x 4” w/wedges Floor Grinder C10 6 per Box A50006 2” x 2” x 4” w/wedges Floor Grinder C16 6 per Box A50007 2” x 2” x 4” w/wedges Floor Grinder C24 6 per Box A50008 (&/&3"-163104& -0/(-*'& "3.FUBM Specifically formulated with high quality aluminum oxide grain for roug grinding, cleaning and removing flashings. Applications: Steel, Stainless Steel, Ferrous metals. $3$PODSFUF This wheel is made with silicon carbide grain to obtain excellent results on concrete. 6” wheels come with a metal safety back. Applications: Concrete, Masonry, Stone %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 4”x2”x5/8”-11 prong type Metal A16R 10 per box A50001 4”x2”x5/8”-11 prong type Concrete C16R 10 per box A50002 5”x2” x5/8”-11 prong type Concrete C16R 10 per box A50003 6”X2”X5/8”-11 safety back Concrete C16R 10 per box A50004 5&2;&,(SJOEJOH8IFFMT Wheel is made of very aggressive 16 grit, long lasting silicon carbide. Very efficient for removal of surface coatings, epoxies, paint, rust, stucco off concrete, metal or fiberglass. The backing of the wheel is solid plastic for durability and longer life. 5ZQF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 12” x 3/8” x 1” 2 per box 100218 for manual work for use with floor grinders %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 4.5” x 5/8”-11 Concrete 16 5 per box 160142 7” x 5/8”-11 Concrete 16 5 per box 160143 5ZQF $VQ8IFFM "CSBTJWFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 36 .FUBM(&/&3"-163104& -0/( -*'& This flat cut-off wheel has been designed to obtain excellent results with circular saws. Applications: Structural Steel, Sheet Metal, Ferrous Metals %*5&2$VU0GG"CSBTJWF#MBEFT Wheels are priced individually and sold in whole box quantities only. %*5&2$IPQ4BX#MBEF .&5"-(&/&3"-163104& &953" -0/(-*'& Specifically designed to cut metal studs used in the construction industry. They contain a special mixture of abrasive grains to provide longer life and cooler cutting to outlast all other wheels used in the same applications. %*5&2$IPQ4BX"CSBTJWF#MBEFT 5ZQF 5ZQF $PODSFUF(&/&3"-163104& -0/( -*'& This flat cut-off wheel has been designed to obtain excel- lent results with circular saws on non-ferrous metals. Applications: Masonry, Brick, Block, Stone, Aluminium, Non-ferrous Metals (&/&3"-163104& -0/(&3-*'& Superior quality aluminium oxide grains combined with a special formula enables us to produce a longer lasting grinding wheel that develops less dust when grinding all types of ferrous metals. %*5&23BJTFE)VC"CSBTJWF8IFFMT Wheels are priced individually and sold in whole box quantities only. 5ZQF "CSBTJWF$VU0GG#MBEFTBOE3BJTFE)VC"CSBTJWFT Applications: Metal Studs, Light Ferrous Metals, Light Structural Steels, Thin Rebar, Light Gauge Metal Applications: Ferrous metal, Welds, Structural steel %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ġ1BDL2UZ1BSU 7”x 3/32”x DM-5/8” Metal 25 per box A10001 7”x 1/8”x DM-5/8” Concrete 25 per box A10002 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ġ1BDL2UZ ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 12”x3/32”x 1” Metal 10 per box A20001 14”x3/32”x 1” Metal 10 per box A20002 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀儀儀䴀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ġ1BDL2UZ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĀĀĀ 4-1/2”x.045”x7/8” Metal/Stainless 25 per box A00001 4-1/2”x1/8”x7/8” Metal/ 25 per box A00002 4-1/2”x1/8”x5/8”-11 Metal 10 per box A00003 4-1/2”x1/4”x7/8” Metal 25 per box A00004 4-1/2”x1/4”x5/8”-11 Metal 10 per box A00005 5”x.045”x7/8” Metal/Stainless 25 per box A00006 5”x1/8”x7/8” Metal 25 per box A00007 5”x1/8”x5/8”-11 Metal 10 per box A00008 5”x1/4”x7/8” Metal 25 per box A00009 5”x1/4”x5/8”-11 Metal 10 per box A00010 7”x1/8”x7/8” Metal 25 per box A00011 7”x1/8”x5/8”-11 Metal 10 per box A00012 7”x1/4”x7/8” Metal 25 per box A00013 7”x1/4”x5/8”-11 Metal 10 per box A00014 "CSBTJWFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: For use on the Clarke® DU-8 or EZ-8 with notches, Rentlink® and HTP floor sanding machines. Available in grit sizes 20, 36 and 80. The 20 grit sheet is made with a combination backing, a non-loading open coat of silicon carbide and a resin over resin bond for heavy removal. Grits 36 and 80 are closed coat with a paper backing for the finishing touch. Applications: Wooden floors, Tile and Concrete %*5&2'MPPS4BOEJOH4IFFUT Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole pack quantities only. 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: For use on the Silverline SL-8 floor sanding machines. Available in grit sizes 20, 36 and 80. The 20 grit sheet is made with a combination backing, a non-loading open coat of silicon carbide and a resin over resin bond for heavy removal. Grits 36 and 80 are closed coat with a paper backing for the finishing touch. Applications: Wooden floors, Tile and Concrete Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole pack quantities only. 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: Floor sanding belts with paper backing for heavy-duty belt sanders. Applications: Wooden Floors, Tile and Concrete %*5&2&YQBOEJOH%SVN#FMUT 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: For use on floor edger machines for hard-to-reach areas. 20 grit discs are made with a combination backing non-loading open coat of silicon carbide and a resin over resin bond for heavy removal. Grits 36 and 80 are closed coat with a paper backing for the finishing touch. Applications: Wooden Floors, Tile and Concrete %*5&2'MPPS&EHF4BOEJOH%JTDT %*5&2'MPPS4BOEJOH4IFFUT Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole pack quantities only. Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole pack quantities only. 'MPPS4BOEJOH4IFFUT #FMUTBOE%JTDT %JNFOTJPOT Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 8”x19-1/2” 80 25 Packs A60001 8”x19-1/2” 36 25 Packs A60002 8”x19-1/2” 20 25 Packs A60003 %JNFOTJPOT Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 8”x20” CP136 80 25 Packs A60004 8”x20” CP136 36 25 Packs A60005 8”x20” CP136 20 25 Packs A60006 %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 8” x 19” Clarke EZ8 80 10 per Box A60007 8” x 19” Clarke EZ8 36 5 per Box A60008 8” x 19” Clarke EZ8 20 5 per Box A60009 %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 7” x 7/8” Floor Sander 80 25 per Pack A60010 7” x 7/8” Floor Sander 60 25 per Pack A60013 7” x 7/8” Floor Sander 36 25 per Pack A60011 7” x 7/8” Floor Sander 20 25 per Pack A60012 Clarke EZ8 "CSBTJWFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 38 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: For use on floor maintenance machines. 16 grit is made with a combination backing, a non-loading open coat of silicon carbide and a resin over resin bond to help prevent loading during the initial sanding. Grits 36 and 80 are closed coat with a paper backing for the finishing touch. Applications: Wooden Floors, Tile and Concrete %*5&2'MPPS4BOEJOH%JTDT 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: Nylon floor pad to be used on floor maintenance machines. #MBDLHeavy-duty. For stripping of heavy finishes. 8IJUFFine. For fine finishes. 3FEFor light polishing after a spray treatment. Applications: Wooden Floors, Tile. %*5&2'MPPS.BJOUFOBODF1BET Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole box quantities only. 130'&44*0/"-26"-*5: Square buffing sheets with a pressure sensitive adhesive backing. Applications: Wooden Floors, Tile and Concrete %*5&2'MPPS4BOEJOH4IFFUT 'MPPS.BJOUFOBODF1BET 4BOEJOH%JTDTBOE4IFFUT Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole pack quantities only. %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ$PMPS5ZQF ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 13” x 1” Round Floor Sander Black /Stripper 5 per Box A70001 13” x 1” Round Floor Sander White /Polish 5 per Box A70002 17” x 1” Round Floor Sander Black /Stripper 5 per Box A70003 17” x 1” Round Floor Sander White /Polish 5 per Box A70004 12” x 18” x 1” Floor Sander Red/Buff 5 per Box A70005 %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 16” x 2” Floor Sander 16 25 per Pack A70006 16” x 2” Floor Sander 36 25 per Pack A70007 16” x 2” Floor Sander 80 25 per Pack A70008 Sheets are priced individually and sold in whole pack quantities only. %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 12” x 18” Floor Sander 36 10 per Pack A70009 12” x 18” Floor Sander 60 10 per Pack A70010 12” x 18” Floor Sander 80 10 per Pack A70011 12” x 18” Floor Sander 100 10 per Pack A70012 "CSBTJWFT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $03&%3*--4"/%#*54 4)*#6:"#-6%3*-- $PSF%SJMMT $PSF%SJMM"DDFTTPSJFT "ODIPSJOH4ZTUFN 5&2)BNNFS%SJMM $PSF#JUT %JBUJQ™3FUJQQJOH.BDIJOF (FOFSBUPST1VNQT Model TS-132 ABKIT shown 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  SHIBUYA BLU-DRILLS offer you a whole new world of power and convenience. Talk to anyone who has used one; check out the features; you’ll agree – there is nothing like a SHIBUYA BLU-DRILL. Now you can get everything you need, from hand-held to small, medium or large motor core drills from a single manufacturer. SHIBUYA BLU-DRILLS have common parts and accessories for your added convenience. Innovative features such as: t-JHIUXFJHIUTUFFMBMVNJOVNIZCSJEDPMVNO t3PMMFSDBSSJBHFT t¡TXJWFMMJOHXBUFSJOMFUWBMWF t1PXFSGVMiHVUTZwBOERVJFUNPUPST     ጀ᐀Ā܀Āጀ᠀Ā䈀一儀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䤀䘀䴀䔀Ā一倀䔀䘀 t  TQFFENPUPST t$BSSZJOHDBTF t3FWFSTJCMFGFFEIBOEMF t"OHMFCBTF t"VUP'FFEPQUJPO t"OENPSF Features of Models TS-092, TS-132, TS-162, TS-252 equipped with the anchor angle base: t3PUBUFUIFDPSFESJMMPOJUTCBTFVQUP¡GPSBOHMFEESJMMJOH t(BJOQSFDJTFDPOUSPMPGUIFBOHMFXJUIUIFCVJMUJOBOHMFHBVHFPOUIF  base. t4FDVSFUIFDPMVNOBUUIFEFTJSFEBOHMFXJUIBTJNQMFUVSOPGBXSFODI The water inlet valve swivels 360° to allow easy water hose connection even in the tightest work places. Choose from one-, two- and three-speed motors. Controls are conveniently located on the side of the motor housing Move the feed handle on right or left side with ease to accommodate different working conditions. No tools necessary. Spring-tension water ring clamps quickly and easily folds back toward the base for convenient storage when not in use.(TS-092, TS-132, TS-162, TS-252, TS-353 & TS-403)) The heavy duty angle anchor base (TS353, TS402 & TS403 models) tilts forward and backward. The mechanical gear locking system provides secure angle retention while the standard wheel kit provides easy mobility. #-6%3*-- ™ 'BTU$POWFOJFOU 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT $PSF%SJMMT 4)*#6:" TJEFETIPXO TJEFESPMMFSTPONPEFMT 5454 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  Ideal for drilling in tight places, the carrying case gives you the perfect way to stow and transport your heavy-duty core drilling machine. Keep all your accessories and tools together in one convenient place. Durable and heavy-duty, the carrying case measures a compact 8” X 16” X 26” and weighs less than 50 lbs fully loaded with either the TS-132AB, TS-162AB or TS-092AB models. Fixed base available. The motor ventilation system is designed to prevent water from flowing inside the motor no matter what position you are drilling in. A breaker switch is conveniently located on the drill and features motor overload protection. As much as 60 lbs. lighter than other core drills, Shibuya core drills are lightweight and easy to maneuver and mount on walls. The machine carriage rides on durable steel rollers as opposed to the friction plates used by other manufacturers. Reduce drag, abrasion and wear on the carriage and column while benefiting from smoother feeds. A hybrid extruded steel outer shell combined with an aluminum core to make the column highly rigid, durable and lightweight. This feature is standard on models TS-132, TS-162, TS-353, TS-403, TS-503 and TS-603 with fixed base. 4JEFE3PMMFST -JHIUXFJHIU*OOPWBUJWF%FTJHO 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT #SFBLFS4XJUDI $PSF%SJMMT 0OPGGTXJUDIGPSmYDPMVNONPVOU 3FWPMVUJPOBSZDMVUDITZTUFN 1PXFSGVMBNQNPUPS $PNFTXJUIDBSSZJOHDBTF 8FJHITPOMZMCT TQFFEPQFSBUJPO %TUZMFIBOEMFGPS FSHPOPNJDDPOUSPM QPTJUJPOXBUFS IPTFDPOOFDUPS .VMUJQPTJUJPOSFNPWBCMF TJEFIBOEMF  $MVUDI%FTJHO QBUFOUQFOEJOH 5XPCVCCMFMFWFMT WFSUJDBMBOEIPSJ[POUBM 7BSJBCMFTQFFEDPOUSPM USJHHFSGPSIBOEPQFSBUJPO #VJMUJOCSFBLFS TXJUDIGPSIBOE PQFSBUJPO $PODFBMFETXJUDIFTXJUI DJSDVJUQSPUFDUPSGPSSJH NPVOUJOH "EBQUFST*ODMVEFEXJUI)BOEESJMM (BTUPw  (BTUPw  150052   JODMVEFE 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN   ⤀䈀伀䔀Ā䤀䘀䴀䔀 .0503 ㌀⤀ሀᘀ᐀ሀ AMPS/VOLTS 15/115 RPM (Under Load) 560/1400/2900 BIT CAPACITY (Max. Handheld) 4” BIT CAPACITY (Max. Fix Mounted) 6.5” WEIGHT w/o accessories 15 lb (6.8 kg) MODEL # RH1531 1"35 ─㌀ጀᄀᄀ %SJMM"DDFTTPSJFT %FTDSJQUJPO ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Stand, Fixed base, column & carriage 150340 Stand, Angle base, column & carriage 150341 Adaptor kit/Squeeze clamp 150342 Adaptor kit/Fixed bolt on 150343 Dust/Slurry Ring (5”) 151291 Dust/Slurry Ring (7”) 151287 Grease Tube 151082 Brass quick disconnect 150590 Optional squeeze clamp for rig mounting of hand-held drill. Fits all hand drills. Part #150342 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT Optional WCR Slurry Ring #151291 (5”) Dry or Wet #151287 (7”) "TTIPXO t3)%SJMM t"OHMF#BTF$PMVNO & Carriage t'JYFE#PMUPO4QBDFS 1BSU/P%3 for Fixed Base Package 1BSU/P%3 for Angle Base Package t7BDVVN1BE t7BDVVN1VNQ twXBUFSEVTUSJOH t&YDMVEFTCJU $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $PSF%SJMM0QFSBUJOH4QFFET Minimum Recommended Maximum Operating Operating Safe Diameter Speed (RPM) Speed (RPM) Speed (RPM) 2” 1200 1400 2000 3” 800 1000 1300 4” 600 900 1000 5” 500 700 800 6” 400 550 665 7” 350 450 600 8” 300 400 500 10” 250 300 400 12” 200 265 330 14” 170 225 285 16” 150 200 250 18” 130 175 220 20” 120 150 200 24” 100 130 165 30” 80 105 130 )PXUP$IPPTF4)*#6:" $PSF%SJMMJOH&RVJQNFOU Model Drilling Dia. Amp’s Speed RPM RH1531 Hand held 15 3 560/1400/2900 TS092 6” 10 1 970 TS092 6” 10 1 1750 TS132 9” 15 1 850 TS162 9” 15 2 700/1000 TS252 12” 20 2 450/900 TS353 14” 23 3 380/1000/1700 TS402 16” 27 2 300/700 TS403 16” 27 3 300/1000/1400 TS502 18” 27 2 300/700 TS503 18” 27 3 300/800/1400 TS603 26”-34” 27 3 150/300/600 Hydraulic OMS80 8” 10 gpm Variable 500 Hydraulic OMS160 16” 10 gpm Variable 250 Hydraulic OMS250 24” 10 gpm Variable 160 Hydraulic OMS400 32” 10 gpm Variable 100 "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Vacuum Pads – Extra Small 150159 Vacuum Pads – Small 150001 Vacuum Pump Assembly 150004 t  儀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā匀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā儀䈀䔀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā圀䘀匀吀䈀唀䨀䴀䨀唀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䘀夀唀匀嘀䔀䘀䔀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䠀匀䘀䈀唀䘀匀Ā strength and tighter tolerances. t 㔀倀倀䴀Ā䰀䨀唀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀ĀጀĀ堀匀䘀伀䐀䤀䘀吀ഀĀጀĀ䈀䴀䴀䘀伀Ā䰀䘀娀吀ഀĀ䐀倀匀䘀Ā removal wedge lasso, anchor stud w/washer, nuts and pouch & adapter for 1-1/4” -7 & 5/8” -11 threads t ⨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā䐀倀䴀䴀䘀䐀唀倀匀Ā匀䨀伀 t ሀጀĀ一倀伀唀䤀Ā堀䈀匀匀䈀伀唀 t ⸀䈀夀䨀一嘀一Āሀᄀ眀Ā䴀䘀伀䠀唀䤀Ā䐀倀匀䘀Ā䌀䨀 54'FBUVSFT t ᜀ眀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀 t ␀倀一儀䈀䐀唀ĀሀᄀĀ∀一儀Ā倀伀䘀฀吀儀䘀䘀䔀Āऀᨀ᠀ᄀĀ匀儀一਀Ā倀匀Ā (1750 rpm) low noise motors t ⌀嘀䨀䴀唀฀䨀伀Ā倀伀က倀䜀䜀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䴀倀堀Ā圀倀䴀唀䈀䠀䘀Ā䔀匀倀儀฀倀嘀唀Ā and motor overload protection t ⸀嘀䴀唀䨀฀儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā吀堀䨀圀䘀䴀Ā䨀伀䴀䘀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䐀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀䐀 t ㌀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀䘀䜀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀 t ␀䈀匀匀娀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā䴀䨀䜀唀䨀伀 t ␀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Āጀጀ眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āሀ᐀眀Ā吀唀匀倀䰀 t ሀ฀ᘀကᤀ眀Ā夀Āሀ฀ᘀကᤀ眀Ā吀刀嘀䈀匀䘀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一 t ᘀ฀ሀကጀ眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā夀Ā᠀฀᐀ကᔀ眀Ā䴀倀伀䠀Ā䈀伀䐀䤀倀匀Ā倀匀Ā䈀伀䠀䴀䘀Ā anchor bases with self-cleaning leveling screws and built-in water collector ring fixture 54 堀ကĀ␀∀㐀☀ BASE STYLE ANGLE ANCHOR .0503 ㌀ሀᄀሀጀ AMPS 10 RPM (no Load) 1750 BIT CAPACITY (Max.) 4” COLUMN LENGTH 22” (560mm) WEIGHT w/o accessories 20 lb MODEL # TS-092ABKIT 1"35 ─㌀ᄀᄀሀᨀ 54 堀ကĀ␀∀㐀☀ BASE STYLE ANGLE ANCHOR .0503 ㌀ሀᄀሀሀ AMPS 10 RPM (no Load) 970 BIT CAPACITY (Max.) 6” COLUMN LENGTH 22” (560mm) WEIGHT w/o accessories 20 lb MODEL # TS-092ABKIT 1"35 ─㌀ᄀᄀሀ᠀ R1011 R1012 .PEFMT BNQ TQFFE wNBY 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT %FTJHOFEUPCF VTFEXJUIw TIPSUCJUT $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $BTF%SJMMT Kitted core drills come with a 23.5” column with an 8” extension. Without the extension, the kitted core drill will accept up to 10” short core bits. With the extension, standard length (16”) core bits can be used. See page 55 for short bits. t ᨀ眀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀 t ␀倀一儀䈀䐀唀ĀሀᘀĀ∀一儀Ā吀䨀伀䠀䴀䘀฀吀儀䘀䘀䔀Ā䴀倀堀Ā伀倀䨀吀䘀Ā一倀唀倀匀 t ⌀嘀䨀䴀唀฀䨀伀Ā倀伀က倀䜀䜀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䴀倀堀Ā圀倀䴀唀䈀䠀䘀Ā䔀匀倀儀฀倀嘀 and motor overload protection t ⸀嘀䴀唀䨀฀儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā吀堀䨀圀䘀䴀Ā䨀伀䴀䘀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䐀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀䐀 t ㌀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀䘀䜀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀 t ␀䈀匀匀娀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā䴀䨀䜀唀䨀伀 t ᐀ሀ眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āሀᨀ眀Ā吀唀匀倀䰀䘀Ā洀夀䘀䔀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀Ā倀匀Ā᐀ᨀ angle-base column with 26” stroke t ᘀ฀᐀ကᔀ眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā夀Āᤀ眀Ā䴀倀伀䠀Ā洀夀䘀䔀Ā倀匀Ā䈀伀䠀䴀䘀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀 with self-cleaning leveling screws and built-in water collector ring fixture t  儀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā匀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā儀䈀䔀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā圀䘀匀吀䈀唀䨀䴀䨀唀 t 㐀䴀䨀儀Ā䐀䴀嘀唀䐀䤀Ā䨀吀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā䔀䨀吀䈀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀 t ㌀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā䐀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā儀匀䘀䐀䨀吀䘀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀䨀伀 t ጀ眀Ā吀刀嘀䈀匀䘀Ā䤀娀䌀匀䨀䔀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀 column for light weight and strength (with anchor base only) t 㔀㐀฀ሀ᐀ጀĀ䈀圀䈀䨀䴀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䐀䈀匀匀娀Ā䐀䈀吀 t 㔀倀倀䴀Ā䰀䨀唀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀ĀጀĀ堀匀䘀伀䐀䤀䘀吀ഀĀጀĀ䈀䴀䴀䘀伀Ā䰀䘀娀吀ഀĀ䐀倀匀 removal wedge, anchor stud w/ washer and nuts and pouch t ᘀ眀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā䐀倀䴀䴀䘀䐀唀倀匀Ā匀䨀伀 t ሀጀĀ一倀伀唀䤀Ā堀䈀匀匀䈀伀唀 5454'FBUVSFT %FTDSJQUJPO Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ TS092/132/162 Small Vacuum Pad 150001 Standard Gast Vacuum Pump 150004 Premium Shibuya Vacuum Pump 150005 54"# R1511 "NQ TQFFE wNBY 54 R1521 "NQ TQFFE wNBY 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--54BOE54$PSF%SJMMT 54BNQT4QFFE54BNQT4QFFE 8JUIPVU$BTF8JUI$BTF ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ8JUIPVU$BTF8JUI$BTF BASE STYLE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE MOTOR R1511 R1521 AMPS/VOLTS 15/115 15/115 RPM (No Load) 850 700/1000 BIT CAPACITY (Max.) 9” 9” COLUMN LENGTH 31.5” (800mm) 39.4” (1000mm) 23.5” short 23.5” short 31.5” (800mm) 39.4” (1000mm) 23.5” short 23.5” short WEIGHT w/o access. 28.7 lb (13 kg) 33.8 lb (15.3 kg) 33.5lb (15.2kg) 33.5lb (15.2kg) 30.9 lb (14 kg) 36 lb (16.3 kg) 35.7 lb (16.2 kg) 35.7 lb (16.2kg) MODEL # TS132 TS132AB TS132KIT TS132ABKIT TS162 TS162AB TS162KIT TS162ABKIT 1"35 ─㌀ᄀᄀᄀሀĀĠ%3 ─㌀ᄀᄀሀሀĀĠ%3 ─㌀ᄀᄀᄀᔀĀĠ%3 ─㌀ᄀᄀሀጀ ─㌀ᄀᄀᄀ "OHMF#BTF 'JYFE #BTFTIPXO 0QUJPOBM7BDVVN 1BE 54,JU 54,JU WRC Slurry Ring $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  1PXFS3FRVJSFNFOUT (FOFSBUPS8BUU7PMU9"NQTCalculating your wattage needs is a little more complex than simply adding up the rated watts, because the motors require a surge of wattage to get started. If you do not include surge wattage in your calculations, you can under estimate your power output and possibly damage your motor and generator. (FOFSBUPS Minimum - 3,500 watts Recommended (TS-092, TS-132, TS-162 & TS-252) –5,000 watts for 27 amp motors. Use 30 amp generator circuit and 10 gauge extension cord for best performance with 27 amp motors (TS402, TS403, TS503 & TS603). 54BNQTTQFFE #"4&45:-& ✀⨀㤀☀─ĀĠ'*9&% ∀⼀⠀ⴀ☀Ā⌀∀㐀☀ MOTOR R1721 AMPS/VOLTS 20/115 RPM (No Load) 450/900 BIT CAPACITY (Max.) 12” COLUMN LENGTH 31.5” (800mm) 39.4” (1000mm) 39.4” (1000mm) WEIGHT w/o accessories 40.1 lb (18.2 kg) 43 lb (19.2 kg) 42.3 lb (19.2 kg) MODEL # TS252 TS252 TS252AB 1"35 ─㌀ᄀᄀᄀ᠀ĀĠ%3 ─㌀ᄀᄀᄀᨀĀ "DDFTTPSZ ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Large Vacuum Pad - TS252 150002 Standard Gast Vacuum Pump 150004 Premium Shibuya Vacuum 150005 t ሀᄀ眀Ā吀唀䈀伀䔀䈀匀䔀Ā܀Āሀጀ眀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā堀က吀儀䈀䐀䘀匀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀 t ␀倀一儀䈀䐀唀ĀጀᄀĀ∀一儀Ā唀堀倀฀吀儀䘀䘀䔀Āऀᔀᘀᄀကᨀᄀᄀ਀Ā䴀倀堀Ā伀倀䨀吀䘀Ā motor t ⌀嘀䨀䴀唀฀䨀伀Ā倀伀က倀䜀䜀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ā倀圀䘀匀䴀倀䈀䔀Ā儀匀倀唀䘀䐀唀䨀倀 t ⸀嘀䴀唀䨀฀儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā吀堀䨀圀䘀䴀Ā䨀伀䴀䘀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䐀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀䐀䘀 t ㌀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀䘀䜀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀 t ᐀ሀ眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āሀᨀ眀Ā吀唀匀倀䰀䘀Ā洀夀䘀䔀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀Ā倀匀Ā᐀ᨀ眀Ā fixed base or angle-base column with 26” stroke t ᘀ฀᐀ကᔀ眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā夀Āᤀ眀Ā䴀倀伀䠀Ā洀夀䘀䔀Ā倀匀Ā䈀伀䠀䴀䘀Ā䈀伀䐀䤀倀匀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀吀Ā with self-cleaning leveling screws and built-in water collector ring fixture t  儀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā匀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā儀䈀䔀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā圀䘀匀吀䈀唀䨀䴀䨀唀 t 㐀䴀䨀儀Ā䐀䴀嘀唀䐀䤀Ā䨀吀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā䔀䨀吀䈀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀 t ㌀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā䐀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā儀匀䘀䐀䨀吀䘀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀䨀伀 t ጀ眀Ā吀刀嘀䈀匀䘀Ā䴀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䘀夀唀匀嘀䔀䘀䔀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀ĀĠ for greater strength and tighter tolerances. t 㔀倀倀䴀Ā䰀䨀唀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀ĀጀĀ堀匀䘀伀䐀䤀䘀吀ഀĀጀĀ䈀䴀䴀䘀伀Ā䰀䘀娀吀ഀĀ䐀倀匀䘀ĀĠ removal wedge, anchor stud w/washer and nuts and pouch t ␀䈀匀匀娀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā䴀䨀䜀唀䨀伀 t ⨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀Ā᠀眀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā䐀倀䴀䴀䘀䐀唀倀匀Ā匀䨀伀 t ሀጀĀ一倀伀唀䤀Ā堀䈀匀匀䈀伀唀 54'FBUVSFT .BYJNJ[F1SPEVDUJPO The Auto-Feed system for Shibuya core drills pays for itself quickly with the time savings it delivers. t  儀䘀匀䈀唀䘀Ā一倀匀䘀Ā唀䤀䈀伀Ā倀伀䘀Ā䐀倀匀䘀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀Ā䈀唀Ā䈀Ā唀䨀一䘀 t ─匀䨀䴀䴀Ā一嘀䴀唀䨀儀䴀䘀Ā䤀倀䴀䘀吀Ā䨀伀Ā䈀Ā䜀匀䈀䐀唀䨀倀伀Ā倀䜀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā唀䨀一䘀 t ∀䐀䤀䨀䘀圀䘀Ā䌀䘀唀唀䘀匀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䴀䨀䜀䘀Ā唀䤀匀倀嘀䠀䤀Ā一倀匀䘀Ā䐀倀伀吀䨀吀唀䘀伀唀Ā䨀伀฀䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā儀匀䘀吀VSF t ∀圀倀䨀䔀Ā堀䈀吀唀䨀伀䠀Ā唀䨀一䘀Ā䔀䘀䈀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā唀䤀匀倀堀伀Ā䐀䨀匀䐀嘀䨀唀Ā䌀匀䘀䈀䰀䘀匀吀ༀĀ∀嘀唀'FFETFOTFTUIF  amps being pulled and adjusts speed and amps to prevent thrown breakers. t ∀䔀䈀儀唀吀Ā唀倀Ā䈀䴀䴀Ā一倀䔀䘀䴀 t ᨀĀ伀䘀堀Ā䈀一儀Ā一䘀唀䘀匀Ā吀䘀唀唀䨀伀䠀 %FTDSJQUJPO ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Auto-Feed - AF22 115V 150038 Auto-Feed - AF22 220V 150354 Remote Feed System - TS503/603 115V 151290 Adapter Kit – TS252 150320 Adapter Kit Left – TS132/162 150321 Adapter Kit Right – TS132/162 150322 %SJMMXJUI$POmEFODF The Auto-Feed system has innovative features to ensure the job goes right. A sensor automatically shuts off the core drill when: t 㔀䤀䘀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā吀唀䈀匀唀吀Ā䜀匀䘀䘀฀堀䤀䘀䘀䴀䨀伀䠀Ġt5IFCJUSFBDIFTJUTQSFEFUFSNJOFEESJMMJOHEFQUI t 㔀䤀䘀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䠀䘀唀吀Ā吀唀嘀䐀䰀 (BJO$POUSPM The Auto-Feed system gives you unsurpassed control of: t ✀倀匀堀䈀匀䔀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā匀䘀圀䘀匀吀䘀Ġt*OGFFEQSFTTVSF t ␀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀䤀 "VUP'FFE Adapts to models: TS-132, TS-162, TS-252, TS-353,TS-402, TS-403, TS-503, TS-603 54 3 "NQ TQFFE wNBY 0QUJPOBM w0OF 1JFDF $PMVNO POMZ Part # 150609 'JYFE#BTF 4IPXO 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT 0QUJPOBM $FJMJOH +BDL 150160 "VUP'FFE4ZTUFN 5XP 4QFFE "OHMF#BTF 4IPXO )BOEMF Roller $BSSJBHF -FWFMJOH 4DSFX $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  t ሀᔀ眀ĀĀ䌀䨀唀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā吀唀䈀伀䔀䈀匀䔀ഀĀሀᜀ眀Ā堀䨀唀䤀 included spacer t 㔀㐀฀᐀ᘀ᐀Ā䜀䘀䈀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā儀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āጀ᐀Ā∀一儀Ā᐀฀吀儀䘀䘀䔀 (380/1000/1700) low noise motor t 㔀㐀฀ᔀᄀጀĀ䈀伀䔀Ā㔀㐀฀ᔀᄀ᐀Ā䜀䘀䈀唀嘀匀䘀Ā儀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āጀ᠀ amp 2 speed (300/700) and 3-speed (300/800/1400) low noise motors t ⌀嘀䨀䴀唀฀䨀伀Ā倀伀က倀䜀䜀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀 t ⸀嘀䴀唀䨀฀儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā吀堀䨀圀䘀䴀Ā᐀ᜀᄀꄀĀ䨀伀䴀䘀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā convenience t ㌀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀䘀䜀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀 t ␀䈀匀匀娀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā䴀䨀䜀唀䨀伀 t ᐀ᨀ眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āጀᔀ眀Ā吀唀匀倀䰀 t ᠀眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā夀Āሀሀ眀Ā䴀倀伀䠀Ā洀夀䘀䔀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā吀䘀䴀䜀฀ cleaning leveling screws or angle base t 㐀䴀䨀儀Ā䐀䴀嘀唀䐀䤀Ā䨀吀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā䔀䨀吀䈀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀 "DDFTTPSZ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Auto Feed AF22 150038 Column Assy - TS353/TS-402/403 (59”one piece) 150766 Column Assy w/swivel/ext. kit - TS353/TS-402/403 (39”+19.5” two piece) 150770 Ceiling Jack - TS353/TS-402/403 150160 Angle Base - TS353/TS-402/403 150025 Extra Large Anchor Base 150998 0QUJPOBM $FJMJOH+BDL 150160 0QUJPOBM w$PMVNO Xw TXJWFM FYUFOTJPOLJU  0QUJPOBM 4XJWFMJOH &YUFOTJPO  54 R2031 "NQ 4QFFE w.BY 4UBOEBSE w.BY XTQBDFS JODMVEFE 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT "OHMF#BTF t  儀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā匀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā儀䈀䔀吀Ā䜀倀匀 versatility t ㌀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā䐀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā儀匀䘀䐀䨀吀䘀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀䨀伀 t ጀ฀᐀ကᤀ眀Ā夀Āጀ฀᐀ကᤀ眀Ā吀刀嘀䈀匀䘀Ā䘀夀唀匀嘀䔀䘀䔀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā䜀倀匀ĀĀĠ lighter weight, greater strength and tighter tolerances. t ⸀倀唀倀匀Ā倀圀䘀匀䴀倀䈀䔀Ā儀匀倀唀䘀䐀唀䨀倀 t ✀䨀夀䘀䔀Ā倀匀Ā∀伀䠀䴀䘀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀Ā一倀䔀䘀䴀 t 㠀䤀䘀䘀䴀Ā䰀䨀 t 㔀倀倀䴀Ā䰀䨀唀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀ĀጀĀ堀匀䘀伀䐀䤀䘀吀ഀĀጀĀ䈀䴀䴀䘀伀Ā䰀䘀娀吀ഀĀ䐀倀匀䘀ĀĠ  removal wedge, anchor stud w/ washer and nuts and pouch t ሀጀĀ一倀伀唀䤀Ā堀䈀匀匀䈀伀唀 54"OHMF #BTFTIPXO 5454 "NQ 4QFFE w.BY 4UBOEBSE w.BY XTQBDFS JODMVEFE 0WFSMPBE 1SPUFDUPS 54 0O0GG4XJUDI 0WFSMPBE 54 1PXFS3FRVJSFNFOUT (FOFSBUPS8BUU7PMU9"NQTCalculating your wattage needs is a little more complex than simply adding up the rated watts, because the motors require a surge of wattage to get started. If you do not include surge wattage in your calculations, you can under estimate your power output and possibly damage your motor & generator. (FOFSBUPS Minimum - 3,500 watts Recommended (TS-092, TS-132, TS-162 & TS-252) –5,000 watts for 27 amp motors. Use 30 amp generator circuit and 10 gauge extension cord for best performance with 27 amp motors (TS402, TS403, TS503 & TS603). 0QUJPOBM&YUSB -BSHF"ODIPS#BTF  545454'FBUVSFT $PSF%SJMMT 54BNQTTQFFE54BNQTTQFFE54BNQT4QFFE BASE STYLE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE FIXED ANGLE BASE w/swivel/ext.kit w/swivel/ext.kit w/swivel/ext.kit w/swivel/ext.kit MOTOR R2031 R2231 R2221 AMPS/VOLTS 23/115 27/115 27/115 RPM - Standard 380/1000/1700 300/800/1400 300/700 RPM - Optional 400/1200/2000 BIT CAPACITY 14- 16” (with spacer) 14- 16” (with spacer) 14- 16” (with spacer) COLUMN LENGTH 39.4” (1000mm) 39.4” (1000mm) 39.4” (1000mm) WEIGHT w/o accessories 68.8 lb 69.9 lb 68.8 lb 69.9 lb 68.8 lb 69.9 lb 68.8 lb 69.9 lb 66.8 lb 67.9 lb. MODEL # TS353 TS353ABP TS353SW TS353SW TS403 TS403AB TS403SW TS403SW TS402 TS402AB 1"35 ─㌀ሀᄀሀ᠀Ġ%3 ─㌀ሀᄀጀᔀĠ%3 ─㌀ሀᄀᄀ᐀Ġ%3 ─㌀ሀᄀሀሀĠ%3%3 ─㌀ሀᄀᄀ 4XJWFMJOH &YUFOTJPO 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  54'FBUVSFT t ሀᤀ眀Ā吀唀䈀伀䔀䈀匀䔀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀ᰀĀጀᜀ眀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āᔀ眀Ā吀儀䈀䐀䘀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āጀ᠀Ā∀一儀Ā唀堀倀฀Āऀ᐀ᄀᄀက᠀ᄀᄀ਀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā唀䤀匀䘀䘀Ā吀儀䘀䘀䔀ĀĀĠ (300/800/1400) low noise motors t ጀ฀᠀ကᤀ眀Ā夀Āᔀ᐀眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āጀᘀༀᜀ眀Ā吀唀匀倀䰀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䘀夀唀䘀伀吀䨀倀伀Ā倀䜀Ā 48.8” and swivel of 41.4” t ᤀ眀㠀Ā夀Āሀጀ眀ⴀĀ洀夀䘀䔀Ā䈀伀䐀䤀倀匀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā吀䘀䴀䜀฀䐀䴀䘀䈀伀䨀伀䠀Ā䴀䘀圀䘀䴀䨀伀䠀Ġ screws or angle anchor base with wheels t 㐀䴀䨀儀Ā䐀䴀嘀唀䐀䤀Ā䨀吀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā䔀䨀吀䈀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀  㐀㔀∀⼀─∀㌀─Ġ 㐀㔀∀⼀─∀㌀─ #"4&45:-& ∀⼀␀⤀ ㌀Ġ ∀⼀␀⤀ ㌀ MOTOR R2221 R2231 AMPS/VOLTS 27/115 27/115 RPM 300/700 300/800/1400 BIT CAPACITY 18” 18” COLUMN LENGTH 43” (1100mm) 43” (1100mm) COLUMN SIZE 2-7/8” 2-7/8” WEIGHT w/o accessories 112 lb 113 lb 1"35 ─㌀ሀᄀᄀᤀĠ ─㌀ሀᄀᄀᨀ 5454'FBUVSFT t ⸀嘀䴀唀䨀฀儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā吀堀䨀圀䘀䴀Ā䨀伀䴀䘀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā convenience t ㌀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀䘀䜀唀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䜀䘀䘀䔀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀 t ␀䈀匀匀娀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā䴀䨀䜀唀䨀伀 t ጀ฀᠀ကᤀ眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā฀Ā䘀夀唀匀嘀䔀䘀䔀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā for precise, ridged and durable drilling of large diameter holes. t ᔀĀ漀Ā吀䨀䔀䘀䔀Ā匀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā䐀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀ഀĀ precise drilling t ጀ฀␀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ā䠀䘀䈀匀Ā匀䘀䔀嘀䐀唀䨀倀伀Ā匀䈀唀䨀倀ĀጀༀᔀĀ唀倀ĀሀĀ and 1 to 1 t ㄀倀吀䨀唀䨀圀䘀Ā䐀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ā䴀倀䐀 t ㈀嘀䨀䐀䰀Ā匀䘀䴀䘀䈀吀䘀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ā吀儀䈀䐀䘀 t ⌀嘀䨀䴀唀฀䨀伀Ā倀伀က倀䜀䜀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ā倀圀䘀匀฀䴀倀䈀䔀Ā protection t 㔀倀倀䴀Ā䰀䨀唀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀ĀጀĀ堀匀䘀伀䐀䤀䘀吀ഀĀጀĀ䈀䴀䴀䘀伀Ā䰀䘀娀吀ഀĀ core removal wedge, anchor stud with washer and nuts and pouch t ሀጀĀ一倀伀唀䤀Ā堀䈀匀匀䈀伀唀 54'FBUVSFT t ጀᜀ眀Ā吀唀䈀伀䔀䈀匀䔀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā漀Ā᐀ᔀ眀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䈀䔀䔀䨀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀 4” spacer t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āጀ᠀Ā䈀一儀Ā唀䤀匀䘀䘀฀吀儀䘀䘀䔀ऀሀᘀᄀက᐀ᄀᄀကᜀᄀᄀ਀Ā low noise motors t ᨀ眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā夀Āሀᜀ眀Ā䴀倀伀䠀Ā夀Āᔀ眀Ā唀䤀䨀䐀䰀Ā䈀伀䐀䤀倀匀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀 with self-cleaning leveling screws t ጀ฀᠀ကᤀ眀Ā夀Āᔀ᐀眀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āጀᜀༀ᐀眀吀唀匀倀䰀䘀 with extension 49.5” stroke and swivel of 41.9” stroke 54)"8(BNQTTQFFE BASE STYLE – Large ANCHOR MOTOR R2531 AMPS/VOLTS 27/115 RPM 150/300/600 Standard BIT CAPACITY 26” COLUMN LENGTH 43” (1100mm) COLUMN SIZE 2-7/8” WEIGHT w/space, column, base, carriage & motor 138 lb Weight Motor only 49 lb 1"35 ─㌀ሀᄀሀ "DDFTTPSZ Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Extension kit, column - TS503/603 (22.75”) 150393 Brace Kit, column - TS503/603 (can use w/column ext.) 150394 Swivel Kit, column - TS503/603 (15”) 150395 &YUFOTJPO$PSET *UFN ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 50’ - #10/3 gauge 150810 100’ - #10/3 gauge 150360 "EBQUFS$PSET 20a twist F x 15a M 120009 15a F x 30a twist M 150359 54)"8(FRVJQQFEXJUI t ⴀ䈀匀䠀䘀Ā∀伀䐀䤀倀匀Ā⌀䈀吀䘀Ġt ᘀ眀Ā㐀儀䈀䐀䘀匀Ġt ᐀฀吀儀䘀䘀䔀 t ጀᜀ眀Ā䌀䨀唀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ġt ㈀嘀䨀䐀䰀Ā㌀䘀䴀䘀䈀吀䘀Ġ ሀᘀᄀက᐀ᄀᄀကᜀᄀ t ጀ฀᠀ကᤀ眀Āᔀ฀吀䨀䔀䘀䔀Ā䐀倀䴀嘀一伀Ġ ⸀倀唀倀匀Ā㐀儀䈀䐀䘀匀Ġt ሀሀᄀ㜀Ā倀匀Āጀጀᄀ t ㌀倀䴀䴀䘀匀Ā␀䈀匀匀䨀䈀䠀䘀Ġt ጀ᠀Ā䈀一儀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ġt ⠀䘀䈀匀Ā匀䘀䔀嘀䐀唀䨀倀 54 4QFFE w$BQBDJUZ XJUIw TQBDFS 1PXFS3FRVJSFNFOUT (FOFSBUPS8BUU7PMU9"NQTCalculating your wattage needs is a little more complex than simply adding up the rated watts, because the motors require a surge of wattage to get started. If you do not include surge wattage in your calculations, you can under estimate your power output and possibly damage your motor & generator. (FOFSBUPS Minimum - 3,500 watts Recommended (TS-092, TS-132, TS-162 & TS-252) –5,000 watts for 27 amp motors. Use 30 amp generator circuit and 10 gauge extension cord for best performance with 27 amp motors (TS402, TS403, TS503 & TS603). 54 4QFFE w $BQBDJUZ XJUIw 4QBDFS 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--$PSF%SJMMT w $PMVNO TJEFE Roll $BSSJBHF w $PMVNO ww 0QUJPOBM w &YUFOTJPO ,JU w$BQBDJUZ XJUIwTQBDFS $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  'FBUVSFT t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā一倀唀倀 t ⤀䨀䠀䤀䴀娀Ā䘀䜀洀䐀䨀䘀伀唀Ā儀倀堀䘀匀Ā嘀伀䨀 t ㌀䘀䴀䨀䘀䜀Ā圀䈀䴀圀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䈀䔀䔀䘀䔀Ā儀匀倀唀䘀䐀唀䨀倀 t ✀䨀伀䘀Ā䨀伀䐀匀䘀一䘀伀唀䈀䴀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀Ā倀䜀Ā儀倀堀䘀 t 㐀儀䨀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā唀䤀匀䘀䈀䔀Ā∀฀匀倀 4)*#6:"#-6%3*--)ZESBVMJD$PSF%SJMMT )ZESBVMJD$PSF%SJMM'FBUVSFT DITEQ expands its substantial line of Shibuya core drills with hydraulic core drill motors that come in four speeds and can drill up to 32” diameter holes. These compact motors deliver reliable power to perform over a broad range of professional applications. Designed to work with the Shibuya hydraulic powerpack, these units are part of an integrated system with the industry’s most extensive line of accessories. )ZESBVMJD$PSF%SJMM .PUPS  ⸀㐀ᤀᄀĠ0.4  ⸀㐀ጀᘀᄀĠ0.4 Displacement 80cc (4.9in 3) 160cc (9.8in 3) 250cc (15.3in 3) 400cc (24.0in 3) RPM 500 rpm at 10 amp 250rpm at 10 amp 160 rpm at 10 amp 100 rpm at 10 amp Max. Bit Capacity 200mm (8”) 400mm (16”) 600mm (24”) 800mm (32”) Column Size 2-3/8” 2-7/8” 2-7/8” 2-7/8” Column Length 39.4” (1000mm) 43” (1100mm) 43” (1100mm) 43” (1100mm) Model # TS-420H TS-540H TS-660H TS-680H 1BSU ─㌀ሀᄀጀᜀĠ%3 ─㌀ሀᄀጀᤀĠ%3 All Shibuya hydraulic motors are complete with spindle unit and flow control valve manifold. Spindle thread is A-rod and every hydraulic motor comes with 2 A-rod adaptor female to 1-1/4”-7 male thread adaptor. Quick release shown is not included )ZESBVMJD.PUPSTPOMZ 'MPX$POUSPM 7BMWF.BOJGPME .PUPS 2VJDL 3FMFBTF 1JMMPX#MPDL"TTFNCMZ "3PE4QJOEMF )ZESBVMJD)PTF 'MPX$POUSPM 7BMWF.BOJGPME "DDFTTPSZ Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Adapter –1-1/4-7”male – A - rod female 151276 Quick Release 150039 Flow Control Valve Manifold 151269 Pillow Block Assembly - A-rod Spindle 151270 Diameter 1/2” set of 2 LENGTH 30’ FITTINGS Flush Face PSI 3000 1"35 ሀᘀሀጀ᠀᠀ 2VJDL 3FMFBTF t ⴀ䨀䜀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀吀Ā䈀伀䠀䴀䘀䔀ĀጀꄀĀ䜀倀匀 easy lifting t"OHMFEGSBNFEFTJHOGPSXBMLJOH clearance when moving unit t ᘀༀᜀĀ䠀䈀䴀䴀倀伀Ā䤀娀䔀匀䈀嘀䴀䨀䐀Ā匀䘀吀䘀匀圀倀䨀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā渀倀堀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀 t¡DFOHJOFPQFSBUJOHSBOHF t14*NBYJNVNDPOTUBOU pressure t7BSJBCMFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM t8BUFSDPPMFEIZESBVMJDPJM cooler - 2.6 GPM flow minimum t"MVNJOVNWBMWFCMPDLEFTJHO only 3 hydraulic hoses t4PMJESVCCFSUJSFT )ZESBVMJD1PXFSQBDL ENGINE Subaru EH-63DS HORSE POWER 18 - gas FUEL CAPACITY 4.5 gal. BATTERY 12V HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 10 GPM at 2000 PSI RESERVOIR TANK 23 qts LENGTH 37” WIDTH 24” HEIGHT 33” DRY WEIGHT 363 lb WEIGHT WITH OIL 396 lb 1"35 ሀᘀሀጀ᠀ᘀ 'FBUVSFT : tIPVSSVOUJNF t-BSHFNVGnFSTIJFMEFEGSPNGVFM and oil contact t*TPMBUFEFOHJOFNPVOUT t-PXFOHJOFPJMMJHIUBOE shutdown t;JODDPBUFEGVFMUBOL t'VFMHBVHF t)PVSNFUFS t'VFMPWFSnPXTBGFUZDIBOOFM t*TPMBUFEGVFMUBOLNPVOUT t*OUBOLGVFMTUSBJOFS t*OMJOFGVFMmMUFS t'VFMTIVUPGGWBMWF t'VMMSPVOEUVCFSPMMDBHF frame design )ZESBVMJD1PXFSQBDL The Shibuya hydraulic power pack is powered by an electric start, 18HP V-twin air-cooled OHV Subaru engine and produces 10 gpm at 2000 PSI .0503 ─䈀伀䜀倀吀吀Ā ⸀㐀ᤀᄀĀĠ%BOGPTT0.4 ─䈀伀䜀倀吀吀Ā ⸀㐀ጀᘀᄀĀĠ%BOGPTT0.4 Displacement 80cc (4.9cc in) 160cc (9.8cc in) 250cc (15.3cc in) 400cc (24.0cc in) RPM’S 500rpm at 10gmp 250rpm at 10gmp 160rpm at 10gmp 100rpm at 10gmp BIT DIAMETER 200mm (8”) 400mm (16”) 600mm (24”) 800mm (32”) 1"35 ሀᘀሀጀᜀሀĀĠ ሀᘀሀጀᜀ᐀ĀĠ "EBQUFS $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  %FTDSJQUJPO Ā㄀䈀匀唀Ā Gasket - X-small Pads / Small Twin Pad 150570 Gasket - Small Pads 150215 Gasket - Large Pads 150216 Gasket - X-Large Pads 150409 Gasket - Large Twin Pads 150571 %FTDSJQUJPO Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Standard Gast Vacuum Pump 150004 Premium Shibuya Vacuum Pump w/tank 150005 $PSF%SJMM"DDFTTPSJFT -BSHF 4UBOEBSEGPS54 4NBMM4UBOEBSEGPS 5454 &YUSB4NBMM 4UFQ 7BDVVN 1BE &YUSB-BSHF4UBOEBSEGPS 54 5454 4NBMM5XJO1BEGPSCJUTwUPw -BSHF5XJO1BEGPSCJUTw VQ %FTDSJQUJPO ĀⴀĀ㤀Ā㠀ĀĠ1BSU Pro Vacuum Pad w/wheels 151286 Pro Vacuum Pad w/wheels & Gast Pump 151285 Pro Vacuum Pad w/wheels & Shibuya Pump 151421 Small Twin / Pipe Pad 150036 Large Twin / Pipe Pad 150037 Large Standard Vac Pad - TS252 13.5”x15” 150002 Small Std Vac Pad - R1531 TS132/162 11-1/4”x11-7/8” 150001 Extra Small Vac Pad - R1531 TS092/132/162 10”x10” 150159 Step Vac Pad - R1531 TS092/132/162 10-1/2”x8” 150874 Extra Large Std. Vac Pad TS402/403 15”x15” 150003 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Motor - R1721 115V 20A 450/900 RPM 150027 Motor - R2031 115V 23A 380/1000/1700 RPM 151053 Motor - R2221 115V 27A 300/700 RPM 150028 Motor - R2231 115V 27A 300/800/1400 RPM 150029 Motor - R2231 220V 13A 300/800/1400 RPM 150330 Motor - R2531 115V 27A 150/300/600 RPM (HAWG) 150336 Motor - R2531 220V 13A 150/300/600 RPM (HAWG) 150473 3 R2221 "DDFTTPSZ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Switch/Circuit Protector - R10 motors 115V 150486 Trigger Switch - RH 1531 115V hand drill 150442 Circuit Protector - RH 1531 115V hand drill 150447 Rocker Switch - RH15 hand-held/rig mode change115V 150450 Switch/Circuit Protector - R15 Motors & RH15 rig mode 150120 Switch/Circuit Protector - R17 motor 115V TS-252 150121 Switch - R22/R25 motors 115V TS-402/403 150122 Switch/Circuit Protector - R22/R25 motors 220V 150478 Circuit Protector - R22/R25 motors 115V TS402/403 150124 Switch/circuit protector - R20 115V TS-353 151100 "DDFTTPSZ ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Carbon Brush - RH15/R15/R17/R20/R22/R25 motors 115V (2 Req’d) 150067 Carbon Brush - RH15/R15/R17/R20/R22/R25 motors 220V (2 Req’d) 150416 Carbon Brush - R10 motors 115V (2 Req’d) 150485 1SP7BDVVN1BE 'PS54 54 54  54 54 shown with wheels and pump (carriage, base and column not included) $PSF%SJMMT Cover Plate Slurry Ring Vacuum & Drain Port 8$34MVSSZSJOH t ㄀匀䘀圀䘀伀唀吀Ā吀儀䴀䈀吀䤀ഀĀ䴀䘀䈀䰀䈀䠀䘀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā倀圀䘀匀渀倀堀ĀĀ倀䜀Ā䐀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀Ā吀䴀嘀匀匀 t ␀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā吀䴀嘀匀匀娀Ā䔀嘀匀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā堀䤀䨀䐀䤀ĀĀ吀䈀圀䘀吀Ā唀䨀一䘀Ā฀Ā䴀䨀唀唀䴀䘀Ā䐀FBOJOH is necessary after hole is drilled t 㠀倀匀䰀吀Ā倀伀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀ഀĀ匀倀嘀䠀䤀ഀĀ倀匀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀䨀伀䘀䔀ĀĀ堀䈀䴀䴀Ā倀匀Ā渀倀倀匀Ā吀嘀匀䜀䈀䐀䘀 t ⴀ䈀匀䠀䘀Ā䔀匀䈀䨀伀䈀䠀䘀Ā儀倀匀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀Ā䔀匀䈀䨀伀䈀䠀 t ㄀倀匀唀Ā䤀䈀吀Ā䈀Ā吀堀䨀圀䘀䴀Ā䬀倀䨀伀唀Ā唀倀Ā匀倀唀䈀唀䘀Ā᐀ᜀᄀꄀĀĀ唀倀Ā儀匀䘀圀䘀伀唀Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā䜀匀倀一 kinking and for working in close quarters t ∀圀䈀䨀䴀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䨀伀Ā唀堀倀Ā吀䨀嬀䘀吀Ā฀Āᘀ眀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā᠀ t ᘀ眀Ā㠀␀㌀Ā㐀䴀嘀匀匀娀Ā匀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀吀Ā䈀Ā吀儀䘀䐀䨀䈀䴀Ā儀䈀唀䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䔀䨀䜀䜀嘀吀䘀匀Ā䨀伀伀䘀匀Ā匀䨀伀 configuration that allows it to be used wet or dry on floors or walls $VTUPNJ[FE$PWFS1MBUF t 㐀䐀倀匀䘀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䠀匀倀倀圀䘀Ā倀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䐀倀圀䘀匀Ā儀䴀䈀唀䘀Ā唀倀ĀĀ唀䤀䘀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀匀䘀䔀Ā䔀䨀䈀一䘀唀䘀匀UPmUUIFCJU t ㄀䘀䘀䴀Ā䈀堀䈀娀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā嘀伀伀䘀䘀䔀䘀䔀Ā䐀倀圀䘀匀Ā儀䴀䈀唀䘀ĀĀ堀䨀唀䤀Ā䈀Ā儀䈀䨀匀Ā倀䜀Ā儀䴀䨀䘀匀吀 t4JODFUIFDPWFSQMBUFJTDVTUPNJ[FEUPmUUIFTFMFDUFECJUTJ[F BOPUIFS  cover plate must be customized to fit a different diameter bit. 5” WCR Slurry/Dust Ring 7” WCR Slurry Ring Diffuser inner ring Collection Tank (part # 151432) 4IJCVZB8BUFS$PMMFDUJPO4ZTUFN Slurry Collection with Filter for Separation (part #151433) Filter Lid Assy. Filtered Water Slurry Slurry Water Tank (not included) Water Level 15 cm Stacking Tanks to increase capacity. Slurry Water 25L Outlet Inlet Increases the capacity of your vacuum slurry collection system in manageable size containers for easy handling when disposing. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 50  ĀĀĀᘀ眀ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ᠀ %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĠ1BSU WCR Slurry Ring 151291 151287 Cover Plate Slurry Ring 151292 151288 Gasket Slurry Ring 151293 151289 $PSF%SJMMT 4MVSSZ3JOHTBOE8BUFS$PMMFDUJPO4ZTUFN 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 51 $PSF%SJMM"DDFTTPSJFT 3FDIBSHFBCMF5&25BOL t ᔀĀ䠀䈀䴀䴀倀伀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā吀儀䘀䘀䔀Ā儀嘀一 t ⌀䈀唀唀䘀匀娀Ā܀Ā䐀䤀䈀匀䠀䘀匀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀 t ሀᄀĀ䜀唀ༀĀ䤀倀吀䘀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䠀䈀匀䔀䘀伀Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā洀唀唀䨀伀 t ᐀ကᔀ眀Ā䠀䈀匀䔀䘀伀Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā䌀匀䈀吀吀Ā刀嘀䨀䐀䰀Ā䔀䨀吀䐀倀伀伀䘀䐀 t ␀倀一䜀倀匀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā儀䈀䔀䔀䘀䔀Ā吀䤀倀嘀䴀䔀䘀匀Ā吀唀匀䈀儀 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 8” Slurry Ring 150012 10” Slurry Ring 150013 12” Slurry Ring 150014 14” Slurry Ring 150015 16” Slurry Ring 150016 18” Slurry Ring 150017 20” Slurry Ring 150018 24” Slurry Ring 150019 4MVSSZ 3JOH'JYUVSF  ĀĀĀĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Fixture - TS252 (4”-10”)** 150020 Fixture - TS402/403 (14”-18”)150023 *Use with slurry rings at left ** Bit size %FTDSJQUJPO Ā㄀䈀匀唀Ā Wall Mount - 4”-8” 150323 Shown with optional track, column and ring %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā TEQ-Tank Complete 151150 Replacement battery 151152 Replacement charger 151153 Spray wand 151144 "DDFTTPSZ ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Water Seal - R10/R15/R17 motors (2 Req’d) 150070 Water Seal - R20/R22/R25 motors (2 Req’d) 150083 Water Swivel - R10 motors 150484 Water Swivel - R15/R17 motors 150074 Water Swivel - R20/R22/R25 motors 150085 Water Valve w/nipple 150318 Water Hose Valve w/nipple assy 150456 Garden Hose Quick Disconnect - Brass 150590 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Stitch Drill Cradle - TS402/403 150722 8BUFS5BOL ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Aluminum Super Premium w/pump 150006 Standard Steel w/pump 151055 $PSF%SJMMT 4UBOEBSE3PMMFS $BSSJBHF1SP4IJCVZB 3PMMFS$BSSJBHF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 52 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Adapter, 1/2”GAS x 1-1/4”-7 M 150052 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1-1/4”-7F to 5/8”-11 M 150024 5/8”-11 F to 1-1/4”-7 M 150764 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Ext., 1-1/4”-7 x 12”L 150043 Ext., 1-1/4”-7 x 6” L 150161 Ext., 1-1/4”-7 x 24”L 150890 Ext., 5/8”-11 x 12” L 150509 Ext., 5/8”-11 x 6” L 150547 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 3/8"shank, 5/8"-11M 150217 1/2"shank, 5/8"-11M 150983 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Core Removal Lasso 150351 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1/2 Gas Thread x 5/8" 11 short 150421 1/2 Gas Thread x 5/8" 11 long 150329 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Adapter, DD160E,250, 400,750-HILTI (spline x 1-1/4”-7M) 150589 Adapter, DD100 HILTI (SLOTS x 1-1/4”-7M) 151066 (SLOTS x 5/8”) 151065 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1-1/4” Spacer Kit - TS402/403 150312 1-1/4” Spacer Kit - TS252 150514 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Crows Foot - 36mm R17/R22/R25 motors 150049 Crows Foot - 32mm R15 motors 150050 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Ratchet - 19/21mm - TS402/403/503/603 150537 Ratchet - 17/19mm - TS252 150877 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Wrench, Spindle, 36mm - R17/R22 motors 150513 Wrench, Spindle, 32mm - R15/R15 motors 150535 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Slider 150326 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” Spacer Kit- TS-402/403/ 503/603 150079 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Quick Release Motor Mount - TS402/403/353 150039 Quick Release Motor Mount - TS252 150310 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4 Spoke Feed Handle - TS-252/353 402/403/503/603 150758 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Standard 2-7/8” Roller Carriage 151435 Pro 2-7/8” Roller Carriage Assy w/quick release motor mount - TS503 (18” bit) 150381 Pro2-7/8” Roller Carriage Assy w/quick release motor mount - TS603 (26” bit) 150382 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Adapter Kit - 2-7/8” rig x R22 motor (27A) 150311 Adaptor Plate - TS402/403/503/603 rig x MECO/DTI 4-speed motor 150520 Adapter Kit - 2-7/8” rig x R17 motor (20A) 150869 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Clutch Pin - All R motors 150048 Socket, Clutch - R motors 150051 Gear Clamp - R17/R22/R25 motors 150054 Gear Clamp - R15 motors 150055 Gear Clamp - RH1531 hand drill 150506 $PSF%SJMM"DDFTTPSJFT $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 53 "ODIPSJOH4ZTUFN 4UFFM%SPQJO A carbon steel machine bolt anchor that can be used in solid concrete, hard stone and solid block. For anchoring core drilling and wall sawing equipment. Carbide drill bits should be 1/8” or next size larger than the drop-in anchor size. Available in single units, boxes, cartons or pallets. )BOE4FUUJOH5PPMT 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 150886 3/8” 150887 1/2” 150888 5/8” %SPQ*O 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀 150882 3/8” - 16 150883 1/2” - 13 150884 5/8” - 11 One free Setting Tool a 100 piece or more order "DDFTTPSZ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Pro Fastnut - 1/2” - 13 150327 Heavy Square Washer - 1/2” 150615 )PMMPX$PODSFUF 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀Ġ 150885 1/2” - 13 4%4.BY ® SDS-Max® Carbide Drill Bits are for use in a rotary hammer equipped with a SDS-MAX® type chuck for concrete, block, brick and soft stone. 4%41MVT ® SDS-Plus® Carbide Drill Bits are for use in a rotary hammer equipped with an SDS (slotted drive shaft) type chuck and can be used to drill in concrete, block, brick, and soft stone. 4QMJOF For rotary hammers equipped with a spline type chuck for concrete, block, brick and soft stone. )BNNFS#JU$BSCJEF%SJMM#JUT 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀က─䘀吀䐀匀䨀儀唀䨀倀伀 150905 1/2”x13” SDS MAX 150906 5/8”x13” SDS MAX 150907 7/8”x13” SDS MAX 150919 1/2”x12” SDS PLUS 150920 5/8”x12” SDS PLUS 150921 7/8”x12” SDS PLUS 150908 1/2”x13” SPLINE 150909 5/8”x13” SPLINE 150910 7/8”x16” SPLINE )FBWZ 4RVBSF 8BTIFS )PMMPX4FU™%SPQJO Designed for anchoring in hollow base materials such as hollow concrete block, brick with weep holes and hollow core pre-cast concrete plank. Also for solid base materials. Available in single units, boxes, or cartons. 8FEHF#JU#MVF 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀က─䘀吀䐀匀䨀儀唀䨀倀 150899 1/2”x13” SDS MAX 150900 5/8”x13” SDS MAX 150901 3/4”x13” SDS MAX 150911 1/2”x12” SDS PLUS 150912 5/8”x12” SDS PLUS 150913 3/4”x12” SDS PLUS 150902 1/2”x13” SPLINE 150903 5/8”x13” SPLINE 150904 3/4”x13” SPLINE 1PXFS4UVE™8FEHF"ODIPST One piece fully threaded, wedge style anchor available in carbon steel. Threaded and rod hanger for use in solid concrete. Drill bit diameter needs to match the anchor diameter. Used with core drills and wall saws. Available in single units, boxes, or cartons. 1PXFS4UVE8FEHF"ODIPST 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 150891 1/2”x 4.5” 150892 1/2”x 7” 151351 1/2” x 10” 150893 1/2”x 8.5” -PL#PMU ™ Pre-assembled single unit sleeve anchor available in carbon steel for concrete, block, brick and stone. Extension sleeves are added to create longer lengths. Used with core drills and wall saws. Carbide drill bit diameter needs to match the Lok-Bolt™ size. Available in single units, boxes, or cartons. )FY/VU-PL#PMU™ 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 150974 1/2” x 3” 150895 1/2” x 4” 150917 1/2” x 6” 151089 5/8” x 3” 150918 5/8” x 6” 8FEHF#PMU ®#MVF5JQ One-piece heavy-duty anchor with a finished hex head. It is easy to identify, removable and vibration resistant. Used in solid concrete. Reusable on core drills and wall saws. Wedge-Bolt anchors must be installed with a Wedge-Bit. The Wedge-Bit has a special matched tolerance range designed to provide optimum performance for the anchor. 8FEHF#PMU 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 150896 1/2” x 4” 151335 1/2” x 5” 150897 5/8” x 6” 150898 3/4” x 8” 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 150966 3/8” x 7” 151350 5/8” x 7” 151336 5/8” x 8-1/2” 150894 5/8”x 10” 4%41MVT 4FUUJOH5PPMT 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 151278 1/2” 151279 3/8” 1SP'BTUOVU 4FUUJOH5PPMT 1BSU 㐀䨀嬀䘀 150889 1/2” $PSF%SJMMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  5&2)BNNFS3PUBSZ%FNPMJUJPO)BNNFS%SJMM 'PS6TFCZ $PODSFUF4BXJOHBOE %SJMMJOH$POUSBDUPST (FOFSBM$POUSBDUPST &MFDUSJDJBOT )FBUJOHBOE$PPMJOH $POUSBDUPST 1MVNCFST -BOETDBQJOH$POUSBDUPST 1FTU$POUSPM$POUSBDUPST .BDIJOF*OTUBMMFST 8PPEXPSLFSTBOE$BSQFOUFST 6UJMJUZBOE.BJOUFOBODF$SFXT BOENPSF 5&2)BNNFS'FBUVSFT Multi-function 3-mode - Hammer Rotary Drill, Rotary t Drill and Hammer. One-touch sliding chuck for easy bit installation and t removal (SDS-Plus). Heavy-duty hammer drill capability - 1” when drilling t in concrete. Rotates and locks chisel into many different positions t to optimize working angle. Fastest, strongest drilling speed for its class.t Durable - Dustless design prevents armature failure.t Lightweight - Weighs only 5.5 lb. t Compact design with ergonomic grip.t Conveniently located and easy-to-use function switch t on side of tool. Anti-vibration and low recoil design.t Long lasting carbon brushes - typically last over 150 t hours before needing replacement. Optimum heat dissipation provided by efficient air t flow design. Includes storage case, side handle and depth stop.t 5&2)BNNFS4QFDJmDBUJPOT Motor Single phase Amps 7 Rated Power 800 Watts Power Supply 110-120V 50/60 Hz Bit capacity (Max) 1” (concrete) No-Load Speed (forward) 1100 RPM Variable Speed Forward and Reverse Full Load Impact Rate/Min 5200 BPM Impact Force 3j / 2.2 ft lb Tool Holder SDS Plus Net Weight 5.5 lbs. Model # RHD-263 1BSU ─㌀ጀᄀሀ᠀ 4%41MVT)BNNFSBOE8FEHF#JUT  㐀䤀䈀伀䰀Ġ#JU Ġ0WFSBMM 1BSU 㔀娀儀䘀Ġ5ZQF 㐀䨀嬀䘀Ġ-FOHUI 151398 SDS Plus Hammer 3/16” 4” 151383 SDS Plus Hammer 3/16” 10” 151384 SDS Plus Hammer 7/32” 10” 151399 SDS Plus Hammer 1/4” 6” 151385 SDS Plus Hammer 1/4” 11” 151386 SDS Plus Hammer 5/16” 12” 151388 SDS Plus Hammer 7/16” 12” 150923 SDS Plus Hammer 1/2” 6” 150919 SDS Plus Hammer 1/2” 12” 151314 SDS Plus Hammer 1/2” 18” 151389 SDS Plus Hammer 9/16” 10” 151298 SDS Plus Hammer 9/16” 12” 150980 SDS Plus Hammer 5/8” 8” 150920 SDS Plus Hammer 5/8” 12” *ODMVEFT TUPSBHFDBTF Dust Cover Switch Lock ButtonChuck (SDS- Plus Tool Holder) Depth Stop Gear Cover Reversible Side Handle 3-Mode Function Selection Switch Handle Cover Reverse Switch On/Off Speed Control Switch Ventilation Slots  㐀䤀䈀伀䰀Ġ#JU Ġ0WFSBMM 1BSU 㔀娀儀䘀Ġ5ZQF 㐀䨀嬀䘀Ġ-FOHUI 151392 SDS Plus Hammer 3/8” 6” 151397 SDS Plus Hammer 3/8” 10” 151387 SDS Plus Hammer 3/8” 12” 150924 SDS Plus Hammer 3/4” 8” 151400 SDS Plus Hammer 3/4” 18” 150921 SDS Plus Hammer 7/8” 12” 151283 SDS Plus Hammer 11/16” 12” 150925 SDS Plus Hammer 1” 8” 151284 SDS Plus Hammer 1” 18” 151394 SDS Plus Flat Chisel 3/4” 10” 150911 SDS Plus Wedge 1/2” 10” 150912 SDS Plus Wedge 5/8” 12” 150913 SDS Plus Wedge 3/4” 12” 4%41MVT ®)BNNFSBOE 8FEHF$BSCJEF%SJMM#JUT SDS Plus bits can be used to drill in concrete, block, brick and soft stone. More sizes than those listed below are available - call customer for more information. More sizes are available - call customer for more information. SDS Plus carbide drill bits are designed to be used in rotary hammer drills equipped with an SDS (slotted drive shaft) type chuck. 5&2)BNNFS w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 55 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1-1/2” D31521 1-3/4” D31522 2” D31523 2-1/4” D31524 2-1/2” D31525 3” D31526 3-1/2” D31527 4” D31528 4-1/2” D31529 5” D31530 6” D31531 %JBNFUFS Ā㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1” D30501 1-1/8” D30502 1-1/4” D30503 1-3/8” D30504 1-1/2” D30505 1-5/8” D30506 1-3/4” D30507 2” D30508 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 2-1/4” D30509 2-1/2” D30510 3” D30511 3-1/2” D30512 4” D30513 4-1/2” D30514 5” D30515 6” D30516 9” Short Bit is used on hand-held drill for soft to medium concrete. $4IPSU%SZ -BTFS8FMEFE#JU 4VQFS1SFNJVN 10” thin wall short bit is suitable for use with models: RH-1531, Hand Held, TS-092, TS-132ABKIT and TS-162ABKIT. $4IPSU5IJO8BMM 8FU#JU 1SFNJVN  Ġ"EBQUFS #JU%JBNFUFS 㔀䤀匀䘀䈀䔀Ā㐀䨀嬀 1/2”-1-1/2” 5/8”-11 1-5/8” + 1-1/4”-7 4IPSU#BSSFM$PSF#JUT Overall Length 11-3/4” Core Travel 9” Thread Size 5/8”-11 $PSF%SJMMT DITEQ can provide bits from the largest to the smallest to meet the needs of any job. w w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 56 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1” D32006 2” D32014 2-1/2” D32016 3” D32018 3-1/2” D32020 4” D32021 4-1/2” D32023 5” D32025 6” D32028 7” D32031 8” D32032 10” D32034 12” D32035 Our most popular bit for general purpose drilling. High diamond concentration for excellent footage and cutting speed. Designed for all types of wet drilling applications with light to moderate steel. $4FHNFOUFE 4UBOEBSE Preferred by the professionals! The pointed segments feature the highest diamond concentration and slice through the toughest applications with blazing speed and remarkable life. Cut through the heaviest steel reinforcing %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 3/8” D32041 1/2” D32042 5/8” D32043 3/4” D32044 7/8” D32045 1” D32046 1 1/8” D32047 1 1/4” D32048 1 3/8” D32049 1 1/2” D32050 1 5/8” D32051 1 3/4” D32052 1 7/8” D32053 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 2” D32054 2 1/4” D32055 2 1/2” D32056 2 3/4” D32057 3” D32058 3 1/4” D32059 3 1/2” D32060 4” D32061 4 1/4” D32062 4 1/2” D32063 4 3/4” D32064 5” D32065 5 1/2” D32066 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 5 3/4” D32067 6” D32068 6 1/4” D32069 6 1/2” D32070 7” D32071 8” D32072 9” D32073 10” D32074 11” D34011 12” D32075 14” D32076 $4FHNFOUFE 1PJOUFE#SB[FE 130*** 1BSU %JBNFUFS Ā␀ᔀ᐀Ġ$ 6” D32138 D33166 6-1/4” D32139 6-1/2” D32140 7” D32141 8” D32142 9” D32143 10” D32144 12” D32145 14” D32146 1BSU %JBNFUFS Ā␀ᔀ᐀Ġ$ 1-7/8” D32123 2” D32124 D33143 2-1/4” D32125 2-1/2” D32126 2-3/4” D32127 3” D32128 D33144 3-1/4” D32129 3-1/2” D32130 4” D32131 D33164 4-1/4” D32132 4-1/2” D32133 4-3/4” D32134 5” D32135 D33165 5-1/2” D32136 5-3/4” D32137 Same high quality segments as used on the C32 and C52 bits, but with more segments per bit spaced closer together for longer life in asphalt and abrasive materials and less chance of hang-up on prestressed cable, loose rebar, and wire mesh, where these conditions create a problem for bits with wider spaces between segments. $$4FHNFOUFE 1SFTUSFTTFE $PODSFUF"TQIBMU 130*7 3/8”-1-3/4” are standard C32 segments 1-7/8”> are pointed C32 segments Additional sizes available upon request. 8FU$PSF#JUT without glazing over or dulling. The pointed segments seat quickly and cut with less wandering and vibration. Discover why the C32 is the professional’s choice.  Ġ"EBQUFS #JU%JBNFUFS 㔀䤀匀䘀䈀䔀Ā㐀䨀嬀 1/2”-1-1/2” 5/8”-11 1-5/8” + 1-1/4’-7 8FU#JU4QFDJmDBUJPOT #JU%JBNFUFS ␀倀匀䘀Ā㔀匀䈀圀䘀 1” - 14” 14” 16” - 17” 20” 18” - 19” 22” 20” - 31” 24” 32” + 36” $PSF#JUT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  2VBMJUZ-FWFM)BSE"HHSFHBUFBOE )FBWZ4UFFM Faster drilling – The double-pointed segments provide incredibly fast drilling speeds. Fast seating and reduced vibration – The double-pointed tips penetrate quickly, and hold a straight drilling path to reduce side drag. Reduced vibration improves drilling efficiency and bit life. $4FHNFOUFE%PVCMF1PJOUFE 1307 $PSF#JUT %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 2” D34101 2 1/4” D34102 2 1/2” D34103 2 3/4” D34104 3” D34105 3 1/2” D34106 4” D34107 4 1/4” D34108 4 1/2” D34109 5” D34110 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 5 1/2” D34111 6” D34112 6 1/4” D34113 6 1/2” D34114 7” D34115 8” D34116 9” D34117 10” D34118 12” D34119 14” D34120 Other sizes available upon request For faster cutting of heavy steel, hard aggregates, river gravel, granite quartz and similar material. "3*9 technology gives you maximum productivity with the lowest possible cost per inch/foot cut. Diamonds are individually placed in strategic positions to maximize cutting performance. $"98&5$PSF#JU 1307* w 1” - 6” are laser welded 6-1/4”> are brazed 16” and above standard with spoke back Solid or welded backs and special barrel lengths are available upon request.  㐀倀䴀䨀䔀Ā⌀䈀䐀䰀Ġ0QFO#BDL %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĠ1BSU 1” D32321 1-1/8” D32322 1-1/4” D32323 1-3/8” D32324 1-1/2” D32325 1-5/8 D32326 1-3/4” D32327 1-7/8” D32328 2” D32201 D33401 2-1/4” D32202 2 1/2” D32203 D33402 3” D32205 D32274 3-1/4” D32285 3 1/2” D32207 D33403 4” D32208 D32260 4-1/4” D32209 D33404 4 1/2” D32210 D33405 5” D32212 D33406 5 1/2” D32213 D32276  㐀倀䴀䨀䔀Ā⌀䈀䐀䰀Ġ0QFO#BDL %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĠ1BSU 6” D32215 D32261 6-1/4” D32216 6 1/2” D32217 D33407 6-3/4” D32226 7” D32218 D32277 7-1/2” D32291 8” D32219 D33408 8-1/2” D32292 9” D32220 D33409 10” D32221 D33410 11” D32230 12” D32222 14” D32223 16” D32232 18” D32233 20” D32234 24” D32235 26” D32231 30” D32238 2” to 6” diameter bits have laser welded segments 7” and above diameter bits have brazed segments. wUPw Diamond Depth .354” Segment Height .443” w Diamond Depth .354” Segment Height .354” Improved cooling and slurry removal – The double- pointed segments increases water flow to reduce heat and removed slurry more efficiently. Specially formulated segments – Pro V bits contain high concentrations of quality diamonds combined with a special blend of metal powders to deliver maximum performance with lowest drilling costs. 8FU#JU4QFDJmDBUJPOT #JU%JBNFUFS ␀倀匀䘀Ā㔀匀䈀圀䘀 1” - 14” 14” 16” - 17” 20” 18” - 19” 22” 20” - 31” 24” 32” + 36” $PSF#JUT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 58  ĀĠ 㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀Ġ4FHNFOU %JBNFUFS1BSU 㔀䤀䨀䐀䰀伀䘀吀吀Ġ-FOHUI ⤀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀 4 - 6.5" D35014 .165” .945” .315” 7 - 9" D35015 .165” .945” .315” 10 - 14" D35019 .187” .945” .315” 10 - 16" D35016 .210” .945” .315” 10 - 16" D35018 .250” .945” .315” 18 - 36" D35018 .250” .945” .315”  Ġ 㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀Ġ4FHNFOU %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ5IJDLOFTT ⴀ䘀伀䠀唀䤠)FJHIU 2” - 2-1/2” D35032 .145 .945” .420” 2-3/4” - 3-1/2”D35033 .145 .945 .420” 4 - 6.5" D35034 .165” .945” .420” 7 - 9" D35035 .165” .945” .420” 10 - 14" D35036 .187” .945” .420” 10 - 16" D35037 .210” .945” .420” 10 - 16" D35038 .250” .945” .420” 18 - 36" D35038 .250” .945” .420” $1PJOUFE 4FHNFOUT 4VQFS1SFNJVN Segments include solder. $4FHNFOUFE %PVCMF1PJOUFE 1307 Segments include solder. $PSF#JU4FHNFOUT4UFFM1MBUF$VUUFST$BSCJEF#JUT 4UFFM1MBUF$VUUFSTBOE$BSCJEF 5JQ$PSF#JUTGPS%SJMMJOH8PPE Carbide tipped core bits can be used in conjunction with diamond bits when drilling: tIPMFTUISPVHINVMUJQMFMBZFSTPGDPODSFUF XPPE  steel or other composites tIPMFTUISPVHIQMBUFTUFFMPSIFBWZSFCBS tIPMFTUISPVHIHVNNZNBUFSJBMTMJLFTPGUBTQIBMU  PVC or resins Carbide bits can be used with standard core drilling machines with 1-1/4”-7 thread. The bits can be resharpened or retipped. $"94FHNFOUT 1307* Segments include solder.  ĀĠ8PPE  㐀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā㄀䴀䈀唀䘀Ġ$BSCJEF5JQ  ␀嘀唀唀䘀匀吀Ġ$PSF#JUT %JBNFUFS ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĠ1BSU 2” 151393 151114 3” 151422 151115 4” 151423 151116 4-1/2” 151117 5” 151424 151118 6” 151425 151119* * 1-1/4 - 7 threads  Ġ 㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀Ġ4FHNFOU %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ5IJDLOFTT ⴀ䘀伀䠀唀䤠)FJHIU 2” - 2.5” D35051 .145 .945” .420” 2.75” - 3.5” D35052 .145 .945 .420” 4 - 6.5" D35053 .160” .945” .420” 7 - 9" D35054 .165” .945” .420” 10 - 14" D35055 .187” .945” .420” 10 - 14" D35056 .210” .945” .420” 12 - 14" D35057 .250” .945” .420” Carbide Bit for wood %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ JM magnet, Type A w/.03” & 0.04” side clearances (0.75mm & 1.0mm) 151201 JM magnet, Type B w.0.02” & 0.05” side clearances (0.75mm & 1.25mm) 151202 Superstrong Flux Magnet each magnet has four different side clearances: 0.02”/0.03”/0.04” and 0.05” (0.5mm/1.0mm & 1.25mm) 151167 Standard core travel = 11” Standard overall length = 13-1/2” Other lengths are available. .BHOFUT Magnets are used for segment location during soldering and are heat resistant. Select side clearance depending on segment thickness, core barrel thickness and diameter. JM magnets have two side clearances each Type A = .03” and .04” side clearance (most common) Type B = .02” and .05” side clearance Super Flux Magnets have four side clearances: .02”, .03”, 04” .05” on each magnet $PSF#JUT Super Flux Magnets JM Magnets (Wet Only) (Wet/Dry) 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  %JBUJQ™%JBNPOE$PSF#JU3FUJQQJOH %*5&2JTOPXUIFFYDMVTJWFEJTUSJCVUPS /PSUIBOE4PVUI"NFSJDB GPS%JBUJQ™ FRVJQNFOUGPSSFUJQQJOHEJBNPOEDPSFCJUTBOECMBEFT5IJTTUSBUFHJDNPWFXBTNBEF UPTVQQPSUQSPGFTTJPOBMDPSFESJMMFSTXIPBSFTFBSDIJOHGPSXBZTUPDPOUSPMDPTUTBOE TUSFBNMJOFPQFSBUJPOT%*5&2OPXIBOEMFTBMMQBSUTBOETFSWJDFGPS%JBUJQ™ Bit Diameter Capacity 2-1/8” to 28” Core Bit Maximum Length 22” Maximum Steel Thickness .125” Amps/Volts 110V/60 Hz 1BSU ─㌀ᘀᄀᄀሀ $%.BOVBM The CD 7-28 works without electrical power, without noise, without sparks, waste or scrap. Cuts off the worn end while at the same time making notches for the new segment on drill bits with diameters from 2-1/8” up to 28” with a length of up to 22”. The Diatip system cuts all bit seats perfectly true to the threads with a clean edge ready for segment attachment. No lathe turning or face grinding are required, saving both time and money. The CD7-28 can be equipped with a hydraulic motor for the cutting, an extension to accommodate up to 40” diameter bits, and an extension for bits up to 40” long. Bit Diameter Capacity 2-1/8” to 28” Core Bit Maximum Length 22” Maximum Steel Thickness .125” 1BSU ─㌀ᘀᄀᄀᘀ $%(SBOEF With the many of the same features as the CD 7-28 Automatic above, the CD 7-28 Grande is designed to accommodate even larger diameter core bits. Bit Diameter Capacity 2-1/8” to 60” Core Bit Maximum Length 22” Amps/Volts 110V/60Hz Maximum Steel Thickness .125” 1BSU ─㌀ᘀᄀᄀᄀ $%&DPOPNZ Excellent for more occasional retipping or the small repair shop. Can take core drill bits up to 28” in diameter and 28” in length. Also the CD 600 can be equipped with a hydraulic motor for the cutting and extension for bits up to 36” long. Bit Diameter Capacity 2-1/8” to 28” Core Bit Maximum Length 22” Maximum Steel Thickness .125” 1BSU ─㌀ᘀᄀᄀ᐀ $%"VUPNBUJD For the retipping of old core bits, repairs of single lost segments or manufacturing of new core bits. Cuts off the worn end and makes the index regulated seats for the segments completely automatic. The CD 7-28 is equipped with a hydraulic motor for the cutting and a PLC controlled electric motor for the rotation. The machine can cut from 4 to 99 seats for the segments. After the cutting is completed, the bit can remain mounted on the machine where the rotation of the core bit can be easily regulated by a foot pedal control during the brazing process. Both hands are then free for the silver and gas pistol. %JBUJQ™"DDFTTPSJFT %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Hydraulic Motor DR5004 JM magnet, Type A w/.03” & 0.04” side clearances (0.75mm & 1.0mm) 151201 JM magnet, Type B w.0.02” & 0.05” side clearances (0.75mm & 1.25mm) 151202 Superstrong Flux - Magnet each magnet has four different side clearances 0.02”/0.03”/0.04” and 0.05” (0.5mm/1.0mm & 1.25mm) 151167 Silver Solder Rod, 20” pkg. of 125 rods - 35 oz.)* 151140 Silver Solder Rod, 20” single rod* 151300 Silver Solder (flat strip) 151333 Flux (35 oz. jar) 151141 Matrice 1-3/8” - 2-1/2” dia 16 mm seg 151325 Knife 16 mm seg. 151326 Knife - 24mm seg. 151168 CD7-28 Ext. 18” 151181 CD7-28 Ext. 12” 151193 CD 600 Ext. 36” 151238 * A single 20” rod will solder 12-16 segments and a package of 125 rods will solder 1500 to 2000 segments. t4BWFT.POFZ Less than half the money paid for a new bit constitutes the segments. The balance of the costs is the expense of the steel, shipping, etc. t 1SPWJEFT.BYJNVN'MFYJCJMJUZ In addition to saving money by retipping you will be able to meet your special drilling requirements by customizing the bit length and number of segments as your special jobs require. t*UT&BTZ The process doesn’t take extensive training or strength - anyone can do it. The indexing disc gives full control of the number of segments and positioning. The process is so easy it can be learned in an afternoon. Keep your employees busy and productive during slow times by having them retip core bits. t &OWJSPONFOUBMMZGSJFOEMZ #FOFmUTPG3FUJQQJOH %JBUJQ %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Power Cord - 100ft 10GA 15A Plug w/3way 15A Receptacle 150360 Power Cord - 100ft 10GA 15A Plug w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 150878 Power Cord - 50ft 10GA 15A Plug w/3way 15A Receptacle 150810 Power Cord - 50ft 10GA 15A Plug w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 150879 Power Cord - 25ft 12GA 15A Plug w/3way 15A Receptacle 130220 Generator Power Cord - 75ft 10GA 30A Twistlock (L5-30P) Plug w/3way 15A receptacle150827 Generator Power Cord - 75ft 10GA 30A Twistlock (L5-30P) Plug w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R)rec.150880 Generator Plug - 30A 115V L5-30P Twistlock 150809 GFCI Cord - 3ft 12GA 15A w/3way receptacle 150828 Adapter Cord - 1ft 12GA 15A Plug x 20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 120009 Adapter Cord - 1ft 12GA 15A Receptacle x 20A Twistlock (L5-20R) plug 150868 Adapter Cord - 1ft 12GA 30A Twistlock (L5-30P) Plug w/3way 15A receptacle 150359 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 60 4VCBSV(FOFSBUPST .VMUJ%VUZ*OEVTUSJBM(FOTFUT %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ RGV 2800 6HP 2800W Max 150464 RGX 2900 6HP 2900W Max 150870 RGX 3600 7HP 3600W Max 150871 RGV 4100 8.5HP 4100W Max 150407 RGV 4100E 8.5HP 4100W Max E Start w/o Battery 150408 RGX 4800 9HP 4800W Max 150872 RGX 4800E 9HP 4800W Max E Start w/o Battery 150873 Genset, Diesel 5000W, E Start 151064 RGV 6100 11HP 5800W Max 150459 RGV 6100E 11HP 5800W Max E Start w/o Battery 150460 RGV 7500 13.5HP 7300W Max 150461 RGV 7500E 13.5HP 7300W Max E Start w/o Battery 150462 RGV 12100E 22HP 12000W Max E Start w/ 4 Wheels, w/o Battery 150463 RGV 13000T (3 Phase) 18HP 13000W Max E Start w/ 4 Wheels, w/o Battery 150496 WHEEL KIT (2800, 2900, 3600, 4100, 4800, 6100 & 7500) 150410 4VCBSV(FOFSBUPST1PSUBCMF(FOTFUT ㄀䈀匀唀Ā R 1300 2.4HP 1300W Max 150495 RG 1700i 2.4HP 1650W Max 150822 4VCBSV(FOFSBUPST*OWFSUFS4JMFOU(FOTFUT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ RG 3200iS 7HP 3200W Max, 4 Wheels 150823 RG 4300iS 9HP 4300W Max, 4 Wheels 150824 4VCBSV8BUFS1VNQT %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1” Centrifugal pump - PKV110 – 28 GPM 110011 2” Centrifugal pump - PKX201 – 158 GPM 110012 3” Centrifugal pump - PKX301 – 256 GPM 110013 4” Centrifugal pump - PKX401 – 356 GPM 110014 2” Semi-Trash Pump - PKX201ST – 153 GPM 110015 3” Semi-Trash Pump - PKX301ST – 246 GPM 110016 2” Trash Pump - PKX201T – 185 GPM 110017 3” Trash Pump - PKX301T- 314 GPM 110018 4” Trash Pump - PKV401T – 528 GPM 110019 3” Diaphragm Pump - PTX301D – 85 GPM 110020 2” High Pressure Pump - PKX201H – 127 GPM 110021 3” Diesel Trash Pump - PTD310T 110078 4” Diesel Trash Pump - PTD410T 110077 (FOFSBUPST1VNQT CSA models available upon request 1PXFS$PSET (FOFSBUPST 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 61 463'"$&13&1500-4 "/%&26*1.&/5 5&24USJQQFSTBOE5PPMT $5&2$SBDL4BXBOE#MBEFT *OEVTUSJBM7BDVVNT 4DBSJmFSBOE$VUUFST 5&2&EHFBOE"DDFTTPSJFT 5&2(SJOEFST 1MBOFUBSZ(SJOEFS1PMJTIFS 4BOEFSBOE"DDFTTPSJFT 4VSGBDF1SFQ5PPMTBOE "DDFTTPSJFT %FOTJmFS 1PMJTIJOH1BET )BOE5PPMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 62 6OEFSTUBOEJOH4VSGBDF1SFQ 4VSGBDF1SFQJTDMBTTJmFEJOUISFFDBUFHPSJFT t4UPDL3FNPWBM t$PBUJOH3FNPWBM t$PBUJOH1SFQ &RVJQNFOUVTFEJO4VSGBDF1SFQBSFUZQJDBMMZ TVCEJWJEFECZUIFDVUUJOHBDUJPOUIFZQSPWJEF5IF FRVJQNFOUJODMVEFT t(SJOEFST‰)PSJ[POUBM3PUBSZ t1MBOFST BLB4DBSJmFST ‰.JMMJOHXJUI'MBJMJOHBDUJPO t4IPU#MBTUFST4DBCCMFST‰)BNNFSJOH*NQBDU t4DBMFST4USJQQFST‰4DSBQJOH t$SBDL$IBTFSTBOE%FDPSBUJWF4BXT 5IFFRVJQNFOUJTGVSUIFSDBUFHPSJ[FECZDPOUSPMNFUIPEPMPHZ t)BOE)FME t8BMLCFIJOEo.BOVBM1VTI t4FMGQSPQFMMFE t3JEFPO 5ZQJDBM4VSGBDF1SFQKPCTJODMVEF 4UPDL3FNPWBM – Lowering the slab height. Hogging out material. Removing Loose Delaminating, laitance and weak concrete. Smoothing Trip Hazards (Discontinuities). Repairing Damage to the slab, etc… $PBUJOH3FNPWBM – Removing the existing coating on the floor. Includes Topical coatings (like Paint, epoxy, Urethane, Elastomeric/wa- terproof Membranes, waxes, etc..), synergistic coatings (like chemical/ petroleum/organic Stains, Acid stains, Dyes, Curing Agents, Admixtures, Sealers, Densifiers, etc…), Caps (like Polymer Modified Cements, Over- lays, etc…), and Coverings (like Tile (thinset), Carpet (glue), etc…). $PBUJOH1SFQBSBUJPO – Creating an ideal surface profile for a particular coating to increase the bond strength/integrity. The ‘bite’ for the coating to adhere to the slab surface. Typically categorized by a CSP number (Concrete Surface Profile number created by the International Concrete Repair Institute - ICRI). 5XP#BTJD$BUFHPSJFT#SFBUIBCMFBOE#BSSJFS $PBUJOHT The coating is only as good as the bond is to the slab surface. Proper Surface Preparation is IMPORTANT! 4DBMFST4USJQQFST Strippers are typically electric powered with a slicing or chipping action to remove soft goods like carpet, VTC, etc. A sharp blade can scrape the slab surface clean of glues and adhesives and other surface materials. A chisel attach- ment can be used to remove harder material such as ceramic tile. (SJOEFSTBOE 1PMJTIFST Grinders and Polishers are very similar. They both work in a horizontal plane to level, profile, clean or polish a surface. Grinding is abrading the surface through mutual erosion of the surface material and accessory, typically with accessories that are abrasive. Most of the equip- ment on the market today can be equipped with accessories that clean the slab surface using a scraping, slicing or shredding action (typically with Carbide inserts or Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD’s)). Rotary grinders and polishers have one or more rotary discs. This action produces a uniform scratch pattern. Planetary grinders and polishers have smaller planets rotating independently of the larger “solar system”. This action produces a random scratch pattern which can vary with the accessories used, diamond speed and the working width of the machine. Grinder/Polisher performance is based on: t4QFFEPGUIFBDDFTTPSZ t$POUBDUQSFTTVSFPGUIFBDDFTTPSZ t"HHSFTTJWFOFTTPGUIFBDDFTTPSZ t.BUFSJBMQSPQFSUJFTPGUIFTMBC t1PXFS 4VSGBDF1SFQ (ICRI Concrete Surface profile chips) 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 63 4VSGBDF1SFQ5FDIOJDBM*OGPSNBUJPO 4DBSJmFST Scarifiers (Planers, Milling Machines, Rotary Cutters/Grind- ers and Surface Prep Machines). Scarifiers/Planers can be upcut or downcut. Scarifiers/Planers spin a cylindrical drum tangent to the slab surface removing the top surface at a controlled depth with either rigid abrasive cutters milling the top surface, or, with smaller carbide or steel cutters on independent shafts on the drum perimeter by a flailing action of the smaller cutters as the drum rotates. .FUIPET Sometimes it is best to utilize multiple machines and/or multiple accessories to complete a surface prep job. Consider mixing methodologies of either the accessories or a mix of machines: Example 1- Removing stock with scarifier then grinding the slab smooth with a grinder. Example 2 – Using PCD’s to remove a coating then using diamond grinding accessories to create the desired CSP. Example 3 – Using a grinder to feather out the stripping after shot blasting. $PODSFUF4VSGBDF1PMJTIJOH Polishing is done either wet or dry and involves a progression of increasingly finer diamond grit sizes in the tooling. Tooling is typically classified as: .FUBMT—Vacuum brazed diamonds, metal bond, sintered bonds, etc. 3FTJOT—Semimetal hybrids, phynolic resins and polymer bonds, etc. Typically the polishing process includes the application of a densifier to harden the slab skin, prevents dusting, and increases the shine. Polished concrete floors are easy to maintain, have long life, increased reflectivity of available light and allow the slab to breath if vapor transmission is high. 3000 400 600 800 1500 30 50 100 200 4VSGBDF1SFQ 1IBTF4VSGBDF1SFQ To get the slab to a stable and predictable stage. This includes other equipment (scarifiers, grinders, strippers/scrapers, shotblasters, pressure washers, burnishers, etc…), accessories (6 to 30/40 grit diamonds, PCDs, Carbide, etc…) or processes; to remove coatings, stains, joint dis- continuities and damaged concrete, for crack repair, to expose aggregate, to open-up a hard trowel or sealed surface, etc… 1IBTF(SJOEJOH)POJOH Grinding using a large enough diamond grit to clean the surface. Then, using finer grit diamonds in progression to eliminate the tooling marks from the previous step. The progression is a doubling of the diamond grits (example 30G, 60G, 120G, etc…), note that each grit size has a range (30Grit is 30/40) and step back one step in transition from Metal Bond tooling to Resin tooling (example 120Grit metal transition to 50G Resin). 1IBTF1PMJTIJOH 400 Grit Matte 800 Grit Satin 1500 Grit Gloss 3000 Grit High Gloss The typical progression formula is doubling the grit sizes so the scratches created in a previous step can be removed efficiently on the next step. Most technicians step back a grit on the transition from metal to resin. The final step will define the level of shine. 400G is a matte shine; 800G a satin shine; 1500G is a gloss shine and 3000G is a high gloss shine. Artistic decorative elements can be incorporated into any or all of the three essential phases, depending on the desired look of the slab surface. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 68 Patent No. 7,293,048 $5&2$SBDL$IBTJOH4BX4UBOEBSE 'FBUVSFT t 㘀伀䨀刀嘀䘀Ā䐀䘀伀唀䘀匀฀一倀嘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā娀䨀䘀䴀䔀吀Ā䜀嘀䴀䴀Ā倀儀䘀匀䈀唀倀匀 visibility and easiest maneuverability for following random cracks t ⨀一儀倀吀吀䨀䌀䴀䘀Ā唀倀Ā䬀䈀一ༀༀༀĀ一嘀䐀䤀Ā吀䈀䜀䘀匀Ā唀倀Ā倀儀䘀匀䈀唀䘀Ā唀䤀䈀伀 carbide cutter units t ☀䴀䨀一䨀伀䈀唀䘀吀Ā儀䘀匀䐀嘀吀吀䨀圀䘀Ā䜀匀䈀䐀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā倀䜀唀䘀伀Ā䠀䘀伀䘀匀䈀唀䘀䔀Ā嘀吀䨀伀䠀 carbide cutters t 㘀吀䘀吀Ā䘀䐀倀伀倀一䨀䐀䈀䴀ഀĀ儀䈀唀䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀夀唀匀䈀Ā吀一倀倀唀䤀 routing of even the most erratic random cracks t ㄀匀倀䔀嘀䐀䘀吀Ā䈀Ā儀䘀匀䜀䘀䐀唀Ā吀䘀䈀䴀䈀伀唀Ā匀䘀吀䘀匀圀倀䨀匀Ā䜀倀匀Ā一䈀夀䨀一嘀一 pavement life t ─䘀儀唀䤀Ā倀䜀Ā䐀嘀唀Ā䨀伀䔀䨀䐀䈀唀倀匀Ā䔀䨀匀䘀䐀唀䴀娀Ā䨀伀Ā倀儀䘀匀䈀唀倀匀ࠀ吀Ā䴀䨀伀䘀Ā倀䜀Ā吀䨀䠀䤀唀 minimizes depth of cut and saves on sealant costs t 㐀唀䈀伀䔀䈀匀䔀Ā吀儀匀䈀娀Ā一䨀吀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䈀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā䈀唀唀䈀䐀䤀一䘀伀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā堀䘀唀 or dry cutting t ㄀嘀吀䤀䌀嘀唀唀倀伀Ā䘀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ā䔀䘀儀唀䤀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀Ā倀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀 t 㐀嘀䌀䈀匀嘀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā␀娀䐀䴀倀伀䘀餀Ā䈀䨀匀Ā洀䴀唀䘀匀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀夀唀䘀伀䔀䘀䔀 engine life &/(*/& ᨀ⤀㄀Ġ)1 ጀጀ⤀㄀Ġ)1QI ᘀ⤀㄀฀᐀儀䤀Ġ)1QI  Ġ4VCBSV 㐀嘀䌀䈀匀嘀Ġ4VCBSV ⴀ䘀䘀吀倀伀Ġ-FFTPO ⴀ䘀䘀吀倀伀 VOLTS/FLA 220V 230 460 RPM 5400 5400 5400 5400 5400 5400 OVERALL WIDTH 24" 24” 30” 24” 24” 24” OVERALL LENGTH (including handle) 53" 53" 53" 53” 53” 53” HANDLE HEIGHT 42" to 51" 42" to 51" 42" to 51" 42” to 51” 42” to 51” 42” to 51” BLADE DEPTH 0 to 1 -1/2" 0 to 1-1/2" 0 to 1-1/2" 0 to 1-1/2” 0 to 1-1/2” 0 to 1-1/2” MODEL # C-TEQ 900S C-TEQ 135S C-TEQ 220S C-TEQ 5-1PH C-TEQ 5-3PH C-TEQ 5-3PH WEIGHT 250 lb. 268 lb. 450 lb. 260 lb. 250 lb. 270 lb. BLADE CAPACITY 6 6 6 6 6 6 Suggested Blade Width 1/4”-3/8” 3/8”-1/2” 3/4” 1/4”-3/8” 1/4”-3/8” 3/8”-1/2” 1"35 ✀ᔀᄀᄀᄀሀĠ' ✀ᔀᄀᄀᄀ᐀Ġ' ✀ᔀᄀᄀᄀᘀĠ'  Ġ1BSU  Ġ$ ĀĀ∀᐀ᔀĀĀ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ␀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀Ġ"TQIBMU 6” x .250” D22401 D22402 6” x .375” D22403 D22404 6” x .500” D22405 D22406 6” x .750” D22407 D22408 These crack repair blades are made to set new performance standards. Use for a wide range of cured concrete and asphalt. Patented Z-Triangle arbor on blade prevents blade from turning an arbor ... eliminates need to replace expensive spindle shafts. $5&2$SBDL$IBTJOH4BXBOE%JBNPOE#MBEFT $"$SBDL3FQBJS 4VQFS1SFNJVN 5IFJOEVTUSZTGBTUFTU FBTJFTU UPVTFTBXGPSSPVUJOHSBOEPN DSBDLTJODPODSFUFPSBTQIBMU Patent No. 5,477,845 Approximate Existing Crack Width Finished Routed Width 1/4” 3/8“ 3/8” 1/2“ 1/2” 5/8“ 3/4” 7/8“ 4VSGBDF1SFQ %SVNTBOE4IBGUTBSFBWBJMBCMFGPSNBOZCSBOETBOE NPEFMTPGTDBSJmFST$BMMDVTUPNFSTFSWJDFGPSJOGPSNBUJPO 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  Ideal for aggressive removal of material, production scarification and heavy coatings removal. Scarifier will clean, texture, level, groove and remove. For removal of paint stripes, traffic lines and highway stripes. &OHJOF 㐀嘀䌀䈀匀嘀ĀĠ)POEB ☀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ġ&MFDUSJD Horsepower 9hp 9hp 5 hp, 1 ph, 220V 7.5 hp, 3 ph/460V Weight 225 lb. 225 lb. 270 lb. 270 lb. Height 47” 47” 47” 47” Width 18” 18” 18” 18” Length 45” 45” 45” 45” 1BSU ⠀ᄀᄀᄀᄀᤀĀĠ( ⠀ᄀᄀᄀሀ᐀Ġ( Machine includes 8 point tungsten carbide cutting head assembly. "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Drum Assembly with 8 point tungsten carbide cutters (complete) 160970 1/2” diameter x 10--5/8” shaft 160182 1/2”, Thin Hardened Spacer 160918 1/2”, Thick Hardened Spacer 160919 1/2”, Small-Thick Hardened Spacer 160920 4DBSJmFS %*5&2Tw8BML#FIJOE4DBSJmFS 4DBSJmFS'FBUVSFT t ሀᄀ眀Ā䔀匀嘀一Ā堀䨀䔀唀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䴀倀䐀䰀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀䤀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀一䘀伀 t ☀伀䠀䈀䠀䘀က䔀䨀吀䘀伀䠀䈀䠀䘀Ā䔀匀嘀一Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀Ā一䈀䨀伀唀䈀䨀伀吀 depth setting t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā䜀匀䈀一 t ⠀䈀吀倀䴀䨀伀䘀Ā倀匀Ā䘀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀 t ㈀嘀䨀䐀䰀Ā䐀䤀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā䔀匀嘀 t 㜀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā儀倀匀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀 4VSGBDF1SFQ 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  4DBSJmFS"DDFTTPSJFT$VUUFST  Ġ/PPG  ─ĀĠ0% ⨀─ĀĠ*% 㔀䤀䨀䐀䰀伀䘀吀吀ĀĀ㔀䤀䨀䐀䰀伀䘀吀吀ĀĀĀĀ 5ZQF ĀĀ㔀䘀䘀唀䤀ĀĠ JO  ऀ一一਀ĀĠ JO  ऀ一一਀ĀĠ JO  ऀ一一਀ĀĠ1BSU Beam, Steel 12 1.625 41 0.500 13 0.125 3 160344 Beam, Steel 12 2.000 51 0.625 16 0.156 4 160210 Beam, Steel 12 2.000 51 0.750 19 0.156 4 160335 Beam, Steel 15 2.000 51 0.750 19 0.156 4 160341 Beam, Steel 15 3.000 76 0.750 19 0.188 5 160337 Beam, Steel 15 2.375 60 0.750 19 0.188 5 160339 Beam, Steel 15 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.188 5 160394 Beam, Steel 15 2.375 60 1.000 25 0.188 5 160397 Beam, Steel 15 3.000 76 1.188 30 0.188 5 160395 Hooked Teeth,Carbide 10 1.000 25 0.438 11 0.140 4 160372 Hooked Teeth, Steel 18 1.500 38 0.625 16 0.125 3 160345 Hooked Teeth, Steel 18 1.250 32 0.625 16 0.125 3 160346 Star, Carbide 15 1.188 30 0.438 11 0.155 4 160374 Star, Carbide 15 1.188 30 0.438 11 0.236 6 160375 Star, Carbide 15 1.188 30 0.438 11 0.100 3 160373 Star, Carbide 23 1.468 37 0.562 14 0.250 6 160376 Star, Steel 18 1.250 32 0.438 11 0.188 5 160347 Star, Steel 18 1.625 41 0.500 13 0.125 3 160332 Star, Steel 18 1.500 38 0.500 13 0.094 2 160333 Star, Steel 18 2.000 51 0.500 13 0.188 5 160342 Star, Steel 18 2.000 51 0.500 13 0.156 4 160343 Star, Steel 12 2.000 51 0.625 16 0.156 4 160336 4UBS 4UFFM ĀĠ ጀༀᄀᄀᄀĀĠ ᄀༀ᠀ᘀᄀĀĠ ᄀༀሀᘀᜀĀĠ ሀᜀᄀ᐀᐀ Star, Steel 15 3.000 76 0.750 19 0.188 5 160338 Star, Steel 15 2.375 60 0.750 19 0.188 5 160340 Star, Steel 15 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.188 5 160396 Star, Steel 15 2.375 60 1.000 25 0.188 5 160398 5$5'MBJM ĀĠ ሀༀ᠀ᘀᄀĀĠ ᄀༀᜀጀᘀĀĠ ᄀༀጀᘀᄀĀĠ ሀᜀᄀጀᄀ᐀ TCT Flail 5 1.750 44 0.625 16 0.250 6 160377 TCT Flail 8 2.250 57 0.625 16 0.250 6 160378 5$5'MBJM ĀĠ ጀༀጀᘀᄀĀĠ ᄀༀ᠀ᘀᄀĀĠ ᄀༀጀᘀᄀĀĠ ሀᜀᄀ᐀᠀ᨀ TCT Flail 8 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.313 8 160381 TCT Flail 8 2.250 57 1.000 25 0.250 6 160380 TCT Flail 12 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.313 8 160382 TCT Flail 12 3.000 76 1.188 30 0.313 8 160383 TCT Flail 8 3.000 76 1.188 30 0.313 8 160399 TCT Full Face Flail 5 1.750 44 0.625 16 0.250 6 160348 TCT Full Face Flail 6 1.750 44 0.625 16 0.250 6 160349 5$5'VMM'BDF'MBJM ĀĠ ጀༀጀᘀᄀĀĠ ᄀༀᜀጀᘀĀĠ ᄀༀጀᘀᄀĀĠ ሀᜀᄀ᐀ TCT Full Face Flail 8 2.250 57 0.750 19 0.250 6 160351 TCT Full Face Flail 8 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.313 8 160353 TCT Full Face Flail 16 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.313 8 160356 TCT Full Face Flail 8 2.250 57 1.000 25 0.250 6 160352 TCT Full Face Flail 12 3.000 76 1.000 25 0.313 8 160354 TCT Full Face Flail 12 3.000 76 1.187 30 0.313 8 160355 TCT Full Face Flail 16 3.000 76 1.187 30 0.313 8 160357 Milling Cutter 5 1.575 40 0.591 15 0.866 22 160358 Milling Cutter 5 1.575 40 0.591 15 0.433 11 160211 Milling Cutter 6 2.165 55 0.709 18 0.866 22 160359 Milling Cutter 6 2.165 55 0.984 25 0.866 22 160360 Milling Cutter 8 3.630 92 1.000 25 0.360 9 160367 Milling Cutter 8 3.630 92 1.000 25 0.360 9 160368 Milling Cutter 8 4.840 123 1.000 25 0.360 9 160369 Milling Cutter 8 4.840 123 1.000 25 0.360 9 160370 Milling Cutter 8 6.500 165 1.000 25 0.360 9 160371 Milling Cutter 6 3.150 80 1.024 26 0.787 20 160361 Milling Cutter 6 3.150 80 1.024 26 1.535 39 160366 Milling Cutter 6 3.150 80 1.181 30 0.787 20 160362 Milling Cutter 6 3.150 80 1.181 30 1.535 39 160363 4VSGBDF1SFQ "EKVTUBCMF "YMF7BDVVN1PSU 5&2&EHF(SJOEFS 'FBUVSFT t ␀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā嘀吀䘀䔀Ā䔀匀娀Ā倀匀Ā堀䘀唀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䐀䘀伀唀匀䈀䴀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā䜀䘀䘀 t ✀嘀䴀䴀Ā渀倀䈀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䘀䈀 t 㜀䘀匀娀Ā圀䘀匀吀䈀唀䨀䴀䘀Ā฀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā嘀吀䘀Āᤀ眀Ā䔀䨀䈀一倀伀䔀Ā䔀䨀吀䐀ഀĀ㔀☀㈀฀ⴀ倀䰀 system. t 㜀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā䐀倀伀伀䘀䐀唀䨀倀 t ⤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀吀Ā䜀倀䴀䔀Ā䔀倀堀伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā唀匀䈀伀吀儀倀匀 t ᘀༀᘀĀ䤀儀Ā⤀倀伀䔀䈀Ā一倀䔀䘀䴀Ā倀匀ĀጀĀ䤀儀Ā☀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā吀䨀伀䠀䴀䘀Ā儀䤀䈀吀䘀 electric motor with thermal overload t$POWFOJFOUMPDBUJPOGPSPOPGG t ✀嘀䴀䴀娀Ā儀倀堀䔀䘀匀Ā䐀倀䈀唀䘀䔀က嬀䨀伀䐀Ā儀䴀䈀唀䘀 t ᘀᄀࠀĀሀᄀĀ䠀䈀嘀䠀䘀Ā䘀夀唀ༀĀ䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀䔀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䘀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ā倀伀䴀 *EFBMGPS t ㌀䘀一倀圀䨀伀䠀Ā儀䈀䨀伀唀ഀĀ䘀儀倀夀娀ഀĀ唀䤀䨀伀吀䘀唀ഀĀ嘀匀䘀唀䤀䈀伀 coatings and cut back adhesives t ㌀䘀儀䈀䨀匀䨀伀䠀Ā堀倀匀伀ഀĀ䔀䈀一䈀䠀䘀䔀Ā倀匀Ā吀儀䈀䴀䴀䘀䔀Ā䐀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀 t ⴀ䘀圀䘀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā嘀伀䘀圀䘀伀Ā倀匀Ā䐀嘀匀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā吀䴀䈀䌀 t ⠀匀䨀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀匀䔀Ā吀嘀匀䜀䈀䐀䘀吀ഀĀ䜀䘀䈀唀䤀䘀匀䘀䔀䠀䨀伀䠀 sidewalks, gutters and similar surfaces t ⠀匀䨀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䨀䠀䤀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā嘀伀䘀圀䘀伀Ā䬀倀䨀伀唀 t ㌀䘀一倀圀䨀伀䠀Ā䘀夀䐀䘀吀吀Ā吀嘀匀䜀䈀䐀䘀Ā一䈀唀䘀匀䨀䈀 t ⴀ䘀圀䘀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā儀䈀唀䐀䤀䘀吀Ā倀䜀Ā儀䴀䈀吀唀䨀䐀Ā倀圀䘀匀䴀䈀娀吀Ā倀匀Ā䠀匀倀嘀 t ✀䈀吀唀Ā䠀匀䨀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā倀䜀Ā匀倀嘀䠀䤀ഀĀ嘀伀䘀圀䘀伀Ā吀䴀䈀䌀Ā吀嘀匀䜀䈀䐀䘀 For use by: t 㔀䨀䴀䘀Ā܀Ā吀唀倀伀 contractors t'MPPS1SFQBSBUJPO t3FOUBM4UPSFT t1VCMJD8PSLT t.VOJDJQBMJUJFT t$PBUJOHDPOUSBDUPST t4IPUCMBTUJOH specialists t$PODSFUFSFQBJS contractors t 㠀䈀唀䘀匀儀匀倀倀洀伀䠀 contractors %JBNFUFS8JEUI 㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀吀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀匀唀Ā FGG34 8”x3/4”* (standard bond) 10 Coarse - 30/40 D91003 FGP35 8”x3/4”* (standard bond) 10 Med - 60/80 D91005 FGG36 8”x3/4”* (hard bond) 10 Coarse - 30/40* D91009 FGG34 8”x3/4”* (standard bond) 5 Coarse - 30/40* D91006 8” velcro plate 160226 *includes rubber isolator Grind right up to the edge of a wall, eliminating the need for difficult, labor-intensive hand grinding. Both sides of the head cover comes off for edge grinding, and the adjustable axle enables the grinder to “hug” the wall for greater ease. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  5&2&EHF(SJOEFS 4UBOEBSE5&2&EHF(SJOEJOH5PPMTBOE"DDFTTPSJFT Use for fast, free grinding of concrete on a floor grinder. The TEQ-Edge Grinder requires an 8” grinding head. 4VSGBDF1SFQ Converter box for variable speed model 5&2&%(&(3*/%&3 Ġ(3*/%&310-*4)&3 Motor 2hp 5.5 Honda 2 hp Phase Single Gas Single Full Load AMPS @115V 18.4 18.4 RPM - Disc 2800 2800 Two Speed Grinding Wheel 8” 8” 8” Model FGE 2L FGG 5H FGEP2L Weight 120 lbs 110 lbs 120 lbs 1BSU ⠀ᄀᄀᄀᄀጀĀĠ( ⠀ᄀᄀᄀጀᤀ Includes your choice of one of the following: 8”grinding disc standard - 10 segments 8” TEQ-Lok plate (plate only - segments not included) 8” velcro plate (polisher only) %FTDSJQUJPO ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Rubber Isolator* 160013 * Required for replacement disc (included with new disc) PCDS-33PCDS-32 20/25G 30/40G 60/80G 120/140G Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) segments Conventional diamond segments '(( '(( 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  '(( 5&2&EHF(SJOEFS"DDFTTPSJFT 'FBUVSFT t6TFSGSJFOEMZTZTUFNGPSDIBOHJOHUPPMTPOUIF TEQ-Edge Grinder or other similar single head grinders. t 㔀☀㈀฀ⴀ倀䰀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀一Ā䈀䴀䴀倀堀吀Ā刀嘀䨀䐀䰀Ā䐀䤀䈀伀䠀䨀伀䠀Ā倀䜀Ā唀倀倀䴀吀Ā䜀倀匀 scraping, grinding, and polishing. t 㘀吀䘀Ā倀䜀Ā吀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀吀Ā一䈀䔀䘀Ā倀䜀Ā䐀倀伀圀䘀伀唀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䔀䨀䈀一倀伀䔀吀 or segments with Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) for removal of glues, epoxy and other rubber membrane materials. t 㔀☀㈀฀ⴀ倀䰀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀一Ā䨀伀唀匀倀䔀嘀䐀䘀吀Ā䈀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā匀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā倀䜀Ā䠀匀䨀唀Ā吀䨀嬀䘀吀 for coarse to fine finishes. t ∀Ā䐀倀吀唀Ā䘀䜀䜀䘀䐀唀䨀圀䘀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā儀匀倀䔀嘀䐀唀䨀圀䘀Ā吀倀䴀嘀唀䨀倀伀ༀ 'PVS%JGGFSFOU(SJUT"WBJMBCMFPO $POWFOUJPOBMEJBNPOETFHNFOUT (SFZ (20/25 Grit) for fastest, most aggressive stock removal for a rough finished surface #MVF (30/40 Grit) our standard segment for fast, aggressive stock removal for a smoother finished surface 3FE (60/80 Grit) standard segment for polishing of concrete 0SBOHF (120/140) for smoother polishing of concrete 5&2-PL4ZTUFN "EWBOUBHFTPG1PMZDSZTUBMMJOF %JBNPOE 1$% PCD diamond particles are ultra rough and have three times the surface area of monocrystalline particles to provide: t.PSFDVUUJOHFEHFT t'BTUFSTUPDLSFNPWBM t&YUSFNFMPOHMJGF t-FTTQSFTTVSFGPSDFOFFEFEUPSFNPWFTUPDL t-FTTHMB[JOHXIFOSFNPWJOHHMVFT FQPYZBOESVCCFS membrane materials t ㄀␀─Ā吀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀吀Ā䠀匀䨀伀䔀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā堀倀匀䰀Ā吀嘀匀䜀䈀䐀䘀Ā嘀伀䨀䜀倀匀一䴀娀Ā䜀倀 Smoother finishes Fewer random scratches Less subsurface damage t 㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀吀Ā䈀圀䈀䨀䴀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䘀䨀唀䤀䘀匀Ā唀堀倀Ā倀匀Ā唀䤀匀䘀䘀ĀĠ PCD’s per segment %FTDSJQUJPO 㐀儀䘀䐀Ġ1BSU 8” TEQ-Lok Plate w/o segments 160222 12” TEQ-Lok Steel Plate w/o segments 160223 TEQ-Lok 3” velcro pad driver 160969 PCD Segment (PCDS - 2 pcs per seg) PCDS-32 D91101 PCD Segment (PCDS - 3 pcs per seg) PCDS-33 D91102 Diamond Segment (20/25 Grit) GREY D91103 Diamond Segment (30/40 Grit) BLUE D91104 Diamond Segment (60/80 Grit) RED D91105 Diamond Segment (120/140 Grit) ORANGE D91106 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā FGG25 20 Segments FG 10” x 3/4” x 3/8”-24 threads-coarse girt D91001 FGG15 10 Segments FG 10” x 3/4” x 3/8”-24 threads D91002 FGG34 16 Segments FG Super Premium Segment 10”x3/4”x3/8”-24 threads D91004 8” plate holds 4 segments 12” plate holds 3 or 6 segments Applications: For finishing concrete, stone, terrazzo, or brick and remove form marks. Available in 3 grits with wedges for use with floor grinders. "CSBTJWF4UPOFT 'MPPS(SJOEJOH)FBET Use for fast, free grinding of concrete on floor grinders. Universal bolt pattern fits most single-head grinders. FGG - General Purpose Grinding FGP - General Purpose Polishing FGG34 - Concrete & Asphalt Removal "DDFTTPSJFTGPSPUIFS(SJOEFS.PEFMT Blocks are priced individually and sold in whole box quantities only. %JNFOTJPOT ☀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ġ(SJU ㄀䈀䐀䰀Ā㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU/P 2” x 2” x 4” w/wedges Floor Grinder C10 6 per Box A50006 2” x 2” x 4” w/wedges Floor Grinder C16 6 per Box A50007 2” x 2” x 4” w/wedges Floor Grinder C24 6 per Box A50008 4VSGBDF1SFQ 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  5&2(SJOEw (BTPS&MFDUSJD 5&2(SJOE .VMUJ1VSQPTF(SJOEFS1PMJTIFS'FBUVSFT twEJBNFUFS t7FSZBHHSFTTJWF t ⠀匀䘀䈀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā匀䘀伀唀䈀 t ⠀匀䨀伀䔀Ā嘀儀Ā唀倀Āሀကጀ眀Ā䜀匀倀一Ā堀䈀䴀䴀 w5&2(SJOE %JTD4J[F ሀጀ眀ĀĠw ሀጀ眀 Horsepower: 5 5 5 Voltage: 208-230V, 3 PH 220V, 1 PH 460V, 3 PH Height: 41” 41” 41” Length: 32” 32” 32” Width: 18” 18” 18” Weight: 190 lb. 220 lb. 190 lb. 1BSU ⠀ᄀᄀᄀሀጀĠ( ⠀ᄀᄀᄀጀᨀ w5&2(SJOE %JTD4J[F ሀᤀ眀ĀĠw ሀᤀ眀Ġw Horsepower: 5.5 2 5 5 Engine/Motor-Voltage: Honda 110V/1 PH 220V/1 PH 460V/3 PH Height: 38” 38” 38” 38” Length: 36” 36” 36” 36” Width: 20” 20” 20” 20” Weight: 230 lb. 240 lb. 280 lb. 280 lb. 1BSU Ā⠀ᄀᄀᄀᄀᘀĠ( ⠀ᄀᄀᄀጀᔀĠ( Gasoline or electric powered surface grinder features various grinding systems designed for breaking up deposits of grease, dirt, rubber carpet backing and industrial residues; cleaning concrete asphalt and tiles, producing exposed aggregate slabs; and buffing and polishing more delicate terrazzo and marble floor surfaces. 5&2(SJOEw Shown with 6 4” Storm cup wheels - can accommodate twDVQXIFFMT tWFMDSPQBET twDVQXIFFMT 4VSGBDF1SFQ 4VSGBDF1SFQ 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  w%JBNFUFS(SJOEJOH 1MBUFTGPS%JBNPOE1MVHT Floating or rigid grinding plates for use with metal bond plugs. The floating plate for follows the slab contours and the rigid plate for levels the slab. Floating plug plate160307 %JBNPOE1MVHT w5BQFS Also known as “terrazzo” plugs for concrete grinding. Multiple bonds and grits for either terrazzo or concrete grinding. Offers quick change between grit sizes for both rigid and floating heads. Rigid plate160621 w%JBNPOE4BOEJOH1BETGPS 6TFPO8PPE'MPPSJOH Available in various grits . Use to sand and prepare IBSEXPPE surfaces for new stains and surface treatments. w%JBNPOE4BOEJOH1BET %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 5” Sanding Pad 50 Grit 160633 5” Sanding Pad 70 Grit 160634 5” Sanding Pad 120 Grit 160635 5” Sanding Pad 220 Grit 160636 Sanding Pad 160392 Plate with Velcro Floating Pad "DDFTTPSJFT %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Plate w/Velcro (only) 160293 Replacement Velcro (only) 160627 Floating Foam Pad 160632 Plate Mounting Screw 160312  ⤀䈀匀䔀Ġ4UBOEBSE 㐀倀䜀  ⌀倀伀䔀Ġ#POE ⌀倀伀  㐀倀䜀唀Ġ.FEJVN ⤀䈀匀 (SJU ␀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀Ġ$PODSFUF ␀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀 6 grit 160294 160852 160301 14/16 grit 160295 160855 160302 30/40 grit 160296 160858 160303 60/80 grit 160297 160861 160304 120/150 grit 160298 160864 160305 220/300 grit 160299 160867 160306 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 3” diameter 16 Grit 160933 3” diameter 30 Grit 160934 3” diameter 50 Grit 160935 3” diameter 100 Grit 160936 3” diameter 200 Grit 160937 3” diameter 325 Grit 160938 #SB[FE-JQQBHF1BET High performance vacuum brazed 3” diameter diamond pads for grinding and leveling lippage areas on concrete, natural and engineered stone surfaces. This is a very aggressive tool as the diamonds are fully exposed and open quicker since it is metal bonded. Velcro backing for quick, easy changes. 'MPPS1SFQ5PPMTBOE"DDFTTPSJFT$IFNJDBMT %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Rigid 5” Plate (only) for Metal Bond Plug 160621 Plate Mounting Screw 160312 Floating Plug Plate (w/o Plugs) 160307 DI-HARD CONCRETE HARDENER/DENSIFIER $POUBJOFS4J[F2UZ ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1 gallon 160943 5 gallon 160944 DI-HARD is an environmentally friendly water-based chemical solution used to densify and harden both new and old concrete floors as it penetrates and bonds inside the concrete slab. Its easily applied using a micro-fiber mop. Its use increases light reflectivity of the concrete and reduces concrete dusting. DI-HARDcleans easily with soap and water. DI-HARDis solvent-free, low odor and VOC compliant. DI-GARD CONCRETE HARDENER/SEALER $POUBJOFS4J[F2UZ ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 4 x 1 gallon bottles 160940 5 gallon bucket 160941 55 gallon drum 160942 Concrete slab surface treatment that provides maximum protection on the slab surface using a semi-topical film that restricts the absorption of water and oil. This is a final top coat that adds a very impressive protective barrier against stains. Cleans up easily with soap and water. DI-GARD is solvent-free, low odor and VOC compliant. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  3000 400 600 800 1500 30 50 100 200 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 3” Floor Polish Pad, 30 grit 130370 3” Floor Polish Pad, 50 grit 130371 3” Floor Polish Pad, 100 grit 130372 3” Floor Polish Pad, 200 grit 130373 3” Floor Polish Pad, 400 grit 130374 Available in various grits . Use for polishing concrete to various finishes and shines. Resin Bond. Can be used wet or dry. %SZ3FTJO%JBNPOE1PMJTIJOH1BET %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Polishing Pad 50 Grit 160282 Polishing Pad 100 Grit 160283 Polishing Pad 200 Grit 160284 Polishing Pad 400 Grit 160285 Polishing Pad 800 Grit 160286 Polishing Pad 1500 Grit 160288 Polishing Pad 3000 Grit 160289 Polishing Pad Buff 160290 w1PMJTIJOH1BET 160293 Plate with Velcro Polishing Pad %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 5” Plate w/Velcro (only) 160293 Replacement Velcro (only) 160627 Plate Mounting Screw 160312 w$PQQFS1PMJTIJOH1BET For use with hand polishers for polishing concrete. Use for polishing corners and edge polishing where larger machines can’t reach. Features metal bond and velcro backing for quick changes. %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 5” Copper Velcro Pad 50 grit 160915 5” Copper Velcro Pad 70 grit 160916 5” Copper Velcro Pad, 120 grit 160917 1MBOFUBSZ4UBSUFS,JU With this kit, the contractor has the basic 1” taper plugs and 5” resin polishing pads needed to grind and polish typical concrete slabs with either the 18” or 22” planetary polishers. The kit includes a double set of the 50 grit resins as they typically wear faster. %FTDSJQUJPO ㈀唀娀Ġ1BSU 1” Tapered plug 30/40 grit 6 160858 1” Tapered plug 60/80 grit 6 160861 1” Tapered plug 120/150 grit 6 160864 Polishing pad 50 grit 6 160282 Polishing pad 100 grit 3 160283 Polishing pad 200 grit 3 160284 Polishing pad 400 grit 3 160285 Foam floating cushion 3 160632 1MBOFUBSZ4UBSUFS,JU ሀᜀᄀᨀ᐀ 4 sets of 3 polishing pads each 3 sets of 6 1” tapered plugs each 1BSU %FTDSJQUJPO 8&5%3:8&50OMZ 3” Polishing Pad 30 grit 160906 130340 3” Polishing Pad 50 grit 160907 130341 3” Polishing Pad 100 grit 160908 130342 3” Polishing Pad 200 grit 160909 130343 3” Polishing Pad 400 grit 160910 130344 3” Polishing Pad 600 grit 160911 -- 3” Polishing Pad 800 grit 160912 130345 3” Polishing Pad 1500 grit 160913 130346 3” Polishing Pad 3000 grit 160914 130347 w$PODSFUF3FTJO 1PMJTIJOH1BET w$PODSFUF.FUBM3FTJO 1PMJTIJOH1BET With a wide variety of grits, these polishing pads are designed to polish concrete. Velcro backing for quick and easy pad changes. With a five different grit levels, these hybrid polishing pads can polish concrete like wet resin pads with increased life. Velcro backing for quick and easy pad changes. 1PMJTIJOH1BETGPS$PODSFUF1PMJTIJOH 4VSGBDF1SFQ "EEJUJPOBMQPMJTIJOHQBETPOQBHF Hardness is an important and quantifiable physical characteristic of a surface that can be measured using this set of picks. Includes set of four double-ended hardness picks, a 100 grit polishing stone to keep picks sharp, glass plate, a brass hardness plate, streak plate, magnet wooden storage case and instructions. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $PSOFS4VSGBDF1SFQ,JU t ∀䴀䴀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䘀刀嘀䨀儀一䘀伀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā唀倀倀䴀吀Ā伀䘀䐀䘀吀吀䈀匀娀Ā䜀倀匀Ā洀伀䨀吀䤀䨀伀䠀Ā䐀倀匀伀䘀匀吀 and edges where larger equipment can’t reach. .PIT)BSEOFTT5FTUFS 5(75&2(SJOE t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āሀጀᄀᄀ㠀ကሀጀĀ䈀一儀吀Ā一倀唀倀 t ㌀倀唀䈀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䘀䈀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā吀儀䘀䘀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t 㠀䘀䈀匀Ā匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䔀䨀䘀฀䐀䈀吀 aluminum gear cover t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā伀娀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀䔀 t ␀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀唀Ā吀儀䨀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䴀倀䐀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t ☀䈀吀娀฀唀倀฀䐀䤀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā䐀䈀匀䌀倀伀Ā䌀匀嘀吀䤀䘀 Comes with a 5” Storm cup wheel (D81024) Outside Dia. of Disc 6” Watt/AMPs 1200W/12AMPs No load speed 2800-10000/min Spindle 5/8”-11unc 7/8” arbor Model TG6V Weight 6.3 lbs 1BSU ⠀᐀ᄀᄀᄀᜀ "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Brushes* 160110 *Sold in sets of 2 Motor 1200w Model TW4.5 Blade Diameter 4.5” Cutting depth 1-3/8” No load speed 13,000/rpm Weight 6.61 lbs 1BSU ⠀᐀ᄀᄀሀᨀ "DDFTTPSJFT Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Brushes 160110 'FBUVSFT t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āሀጀᄀᄀ㠀Ā一倀唀倀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā伀娀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀䔀 t 㠀䘀唀Ā䈀唀唀䈀䐀䤀一䘀伀唀Ā䰀䨀唀 t ☀匀䠀倀伀倀一䨀䐀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀伀Ā䜀倀匀ĀĀ倀儀唀䨀一嘀一Ā䠀匀䨀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀ĀĀ䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t ∀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀 Includes a 4.5” diamond blade (D66194) DECORATIVE SAW $PSOFS4VSGBDF1SFQ,JUBOE)BOE5PPMTBOE.PIT)BSEOFTT5FTUFS $PSOFS4VSGBDF1SFQ,JU*ODMVEFT %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā TG6V TEQ-Grind G30006 5” Storm diamond cup grinding wheel D81024 5” Dust Shroud, w/hose (qty of 2) 160145 Rigid Backer Pad - 4” x 5/8”-11 130335 5” Dry Copper Velcro pad, 50 Grit 160915 5” Dry Copper Velcro pad, 70 Grit 160916 5” Dry Copper Velcro pad, 120 Grit 160917 5” Dry Polish Pad 50 Grit 160282 5” Dry Polish Pad 100 Grit 160283 5” Dry Polish Pad 200 Grit 160284 5” Dry Polish Pad 400 Grit 160285 5” Dry Polish Pad 800 Grit 160286 Large Supersoft Knee Pads 170022 Storage Box 151081 $PSOFS4VSGBDF1SFQ,JU(complete with all items listed above) ( %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Mohs Hardness Tester 160641 %&$0 4VSGBDF1SFQ %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Power Cord - 100ft 10GA 15A Plug w/3way 15A Receptacle 150360 Power Cord - 100ft 10GA 15A Plug w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 150878 Power Cord - 50ft 10GA 15A Plug w/3way 15A Receptacle 150810 Power Cord - 50ft 10GA 15A Plug w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 150879 Power Cord - 25ft 12GA 15A Plug w/3way 15A Receptacle 130220 Generator Power Cord - 75ft 10GA 30A Twistlock (L5-30P) Plug w/3way 15A receptacle150827 Generator Power Cord - 75ft 10GA 30A Twistlock (L5-30P) Plug w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R)rec.150880 Generator Plug - 30A 115V L5-30P Twistlock 150809 GFCI Cord - 3ft 12GA 15A w/3way receptacle 150828 Adapter Cord - 1ft 12GA 15A Plug x 20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 120009 Adapter Cord - 1ft 12GA 15A Receptacle x 20A Twistlock (L5-20R) plug 150868 Adapter Cord - 1ft 12GA 30A Twistlock (L5-30P) Plug w/3way 15A receptacle 150359 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 80 3VXBD7BDVVN4ZTUFN5&25BOL"DDFTTPSJFT t ✀䨀䴀唀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀一Ā䨀吀Āᨀᨀༀᨀ؀Ā䘀䜀洀䐀䨀䘀伀唀Ā䈀唀ĀᄀༀᘀĀ一䨀䐀匀倀伀吀ༀ t ⸀䨀䐀匀倀␀䴀䘀䈀伀Ā洀䴀唀匀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀一Ā䈀䴀䴀倀堀吀Ā䴀倀伀䠀䘀匀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一 cycles and less maintenance. Filters stay cleaner longer reducing replacements and downtime while increasing productivity. t ␀倀䴀䴀䘀䐀唀䘀䔀Ā堀䈀吀唀䘀Ā䨀吀Ā䘀一儀唀䨀䘀䔀Ā刀嘀䨀䐀䰀䴀娀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䘀䈀吀䨀䴀娀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䈀 foot-lever actuated drop-down dustpan located at the rear of the vacuum. t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀ഀĀ吀䘀䴀䜀฀䴀倀䐀䰀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀倀嘀䌀䴀䘀Ā䐀䈀吀唀䘀匀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā吀唀䈀䌀䨀䴀䨀唀娀 t 㘀儀䠀匀䈀䔀䘀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā唀倀Ā䈀䐀䐀倀一一倀䔀䈀唀䘀Ā⤀☀㄀∀Āऀ⤀䨀䠀䤀Ā☀䜀洀䐀䨀䘀伀䐀娀 Particulate Air). HEPA filters are 99.9% efficient at 0.3 microns and are individually DOP tested and certified. t ─嘀匀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā一倀䔀嘀䴀䈀匀Ā䤀倀嘀吀䨀伀䠀Ā䨀吀Ā䈀Ā䐀倀一儀匀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀Ā䐀䈀吀唀 composite fiberglass housing that will not rust or dent and is lightweight. t ⨀伀䴀䘀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā䨀吀Ā䴀倀堀Ā唀倀Ā䰀䘀䘀儀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā䜀匀倀一Ā唀䨀儀儀䨀伀䠀 over, no matter what the application. t ጀ眀Ā夀ĀጀᘀࠀĀ䐀匀嘀吀䤀฀儀匀倀倀䜀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀 *EFBMGPS All Floor Prep Equipment Vacuum-Assist Tools Industrial Shop Maintenance Dry materials including: Concrete Dust Graphite Saw dust Asbestos Talc Fiberglass Lead Carbon black Paper Powder coating dust 3VXBD7BDVVN4ZTUFN 'FBUVSFT 10 amp model 7BDVVN4QFDJmDBUJPOT Ġ Ġ Amps 17 A 10 A 17 A 15 A Voltage 110 220 110 220 Vacuum Pressure (Hg”) 7.1 7 7.1 7.2 Air Movement (CFM) 200 200 200 340 Filter Area (ft2) 13 ft2 9 13 ft2 9 13 ft2 9 28 Filter Efficiency @ 0.5 microns 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% Noise Emission (dBA) 78 78 70 70 Inlet (in.) 2 2 2 2.75 Weight (lbs.) 90 90 90 169 L x W x H (in.) 32 x 20 x 35 32 x 20 x 35 32 x 20 x 35 32 x 20 x 51 1BSU/P ሀᜀᄀ᐀ᄀᄀĠ ሀᜀᄀᨀᜀᤀĠ 3FDIBSHFBCMF5&25BOLGPS 4VSGBDF1SFQ"QQMJDBUJPOT t ᔀĀ䠀䈀䴀䴀倀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā吀儀䘀䘀䔀Ā儀嘀一 t ⌀䈀唀唀䘀匀娀Ā܀Ā䐀䤀䈀匀䠀䘀匀Ā䨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀 t 㐀儀匀䈀娀Ā堀䈀伀 t ␀倀一䜀倀匀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā儀䈀䔀䔀䘀䔀Ā吀䤀倀嘀䴀䔀䘀匀Ā吀唀匀䈀儀 &YUFOTJPO$PSET For Dustless Vacuum Products see pages 105-107. For larger vacs see page 69. %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Tank Complete 151151 Replacement battery 151152 Replacement charger 151153 Spray wand 151144 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Pump for Acetone Dyes, 3.5 gal 160945 Pump for Acid Stains, 2 gal. 160946 1VNQ6Q4QSBZFSTGPS %FDPSBUJWF$PODSFUF6TF Pump for Acid Stains Pump for Acetone Dyes 4VSGBDF1SFQ %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 2” x 25’ crushproof hose with cuff 160947 Microclean filter, 13ft2 160962 Dust pan, 9 gal. red 160965 Pan gasket for 9 gal pan 160964 Motor, vacuum 160967 Wand kit 160951 32” sweep for 2” inlet 160952 2” vacuum to hose connector 160954 2” to 2” “Y” adapter 160960 Additional vacuums and accessories available 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 81 ."40/3:4"84"/% %*".0/%#-"%&4 .BTPOSZ4BXT .BTPOSZ%JBNPOE#MBEFT 5VDLQPJOU#MBEFT  ᨀᜀ᐀㔀㔀∀ĀĠ55" ᨀᤀ᐀㔀㔀∀ DISPLACEMENT 3.8 cu in (62 cc) 4.9 cu in (81 cc) 4.9 cu in (81 cc) BLADE GUARD 14” 14” 16” POWER 4.7 HP (3.5 KW) 5.7 HP (4.2 KW) 5.7 HP (4.2 KW) MODEL # HL963/14 HM983/14 HM983/16 WEIGHT 22.9 lbs 24 lbs 29 lbs 1"35 ⤀ᄀᄀᄀᄀጀĀĠ) ⤀ᄀᄀᄀᄀᘀ 5&26*,55"55" 'FBUVSFT tDDBOEDDFOHJOFTJ[FT t)JHIQPXFSUPXFJHIUSBUJP twwCMBEFDBQBDJUZ t4UBOEBSEXFULJUGPSEVTUDPOUSPM t.VMUJTUBHFBJSmMUFSTZTUFNFYUFOETSVOUJNF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 82 "DDFTTPSJFT ⨀唀䘀一ĀЀ Folding Stand 120117 Water Pump - Little Giant 130002 Rip Guide 120151 Pigtail Cord - 20 Amp, Twist to 15 Amp 120009 $IPQQFS 'FBUVSFT t ㄀倀匀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䴀䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā฀ĀᘀᄀĀ䴀䌀 t ☀夀䐀䴀嘀吀䨀圀䘀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ā洀䴀唀䘀匀Ā儀匀倀唀䘀䐀唀吀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ā䜀匀倀一Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā䔀䈀一䈀䠀 t ᤀ眀Ā夀Āᤀ眀Ā夀Āሀᜀ眀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀 t ⴀ倀䐀䰀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā唀匀䨀䠀䠀䘀匀฀倀儀䘀匀䈀唀䨀伀䠀Ā吀堀䨀唀䐀䤀Ā䨀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā唀倀Ā allow for ease of operation t ␀䈀匀匀娀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䨀伀䐀倀匀儀倀匀䈀唀䘀䔀Ā䨀伀唀倀Ā䈀匀 t 㐀儀匀䨀伀䠀฀䴀倀䈀䔀䘀䔀Ā䤀䘀䈀䔀ഀĀ䴀倀䐀䰀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䨀伀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䔀倀堀伀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀䈀吀唀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀一Ā匀倀䴀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā䐀倀伀圀䘀娀倀匀Ā䐀䈀匀 t  儀䘀伀Ā䌀䈀䐀䰀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䴀䈀匀䠀䘀Ā一䈀唀䘀匀䨀䈀䴀吀Ā唀倀Ā儀䈀吀吀Ā唀䤀匀倀嘀䠀 t ᘀ眀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀䤀Ā฀Āሀᔀ眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀 t  伀䘀฀娀䘀䈀匀Ā䴀䨀一䨀唀䘀䔀Ā堀䈀匀匀䈀伀唀 $IPQQFS4QFDJmDBUJPOT HORSEPOWER 1-3/4 MOTOR 115V/60 Hz BLADE GUARD 14” RPM 3500 WEIGHT 50 lbs (22.7 kg) Arbor Size 1” Depth of Cut 5” (127mm) Length of Cut 16” (406mm) Max Material Size 8” x 8” x 16” LxWxH 30” x 22” x 18” 1"35 ⸀ሀᄀᄀᄀᤀ 5&2$651307 'FBUVSFT t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā匀䘀䨀伀䜀倀匀䐀䘀䔀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䜀匀䈀一 t ✀倀匀䰀Ā䴀䨀䜀唀Ā儀倀䐀䰀䘀唀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā一倀圀䨀伀 t ሀᔀ眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āᘀ眀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀 t 㐀䘀䴀䜀฀䴀䘀圀䘀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䠀嘀䈀匀䔀Ā儀匀倀圀䨀䔀䘀 optimum blade coverage at all times t  儀䘀伀Ā䌀䈀䐀䰀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䴀䈀匀䠀䘀Ā䌀䴀倀䐀䰀 t ㄀䴀嘀伀䠀䘀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䘀䈀䔀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䴀倀䐀 t ⸀䈀䨀伀唀䘀伀䈀伀䐀䘀Ā䜀匀䘀䘀Ā䤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀 shaft bearings t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀䈀吀唀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀一Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā唀䈀䌀䴀 5&2$651307$IPQQFS )FBWZ%VUZ 1SP.PEFM %SZ $VUUJOH diamond blade included. w HORSEPOWER 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 3 5.5 MOTOR / ENGINE DITEQ Baldor Leeson Leeson Honda BLADE GUARD 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” MODEL # MDV15D14 MLV15L14 MLV2L14 MLV3L14 MLV55H14 VOLTS 115 115/230 115/230 208/230 AMPS 13 13/6.5 18-9 14.4 WEIGHT 191 lbs 191 lbs 191 lbs 195 lbs 200 lbs 1"35 ⸀ሀᄀᄀᄀᨀĀĠ. ⸀ሀᄀᄀሀᄀĀĠ. ⸀ሀᄀᄀᄀᔀ See page 24 for complete information on TEQUIK saws .BTPOSZ4BXT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 83 Segmented, made with ARIX Diamond Arrangement Technology for higher performance. Engineered for su- perior cutting performance on a wide range of material. Great product for return on investment and performance. Use on hand-held high speed saws and masonry saws to cutIBSECSJDLBOECMPDLBOETPGU NFEJVNBOE IBSEDPODSFUF Slanted U-slots were developed for more aggressive cutting on hard material. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 10” x .095” x 5/8”-7/8” D43011 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D43012 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D43013 $"9 4VQFS1SFNJVN #4MBOUFE64MPU 1SFNJVN 4FHNFOUFE w Use for fast cutting at low initial cost on concrete block and abrasive materials. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” D43002 20” x .135” x 1” D43004 #4FHNFOUFE 1SFNJVN w /FX %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D11021 12” x .125” x 20mm DP D11026 14” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D11022 14” x .125” x 20mm DP D11027 16” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D11023 18” x .125” x 1” DP D11024 20” x .145” x 1” DP D11025 w ""9BOE""9 4VQFS1SFNJVN  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ∀᐀ᜀ∀㤀ĀĀĀĀĀ∀᐀ᤀ∀㤀 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D24501 D24506 14” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D24502 D24507 16” x .125” x 1” 20mm DP D24503 D24508 18” x .135” x 1” DP D24504 D24509 20” x .135” x 1” DP D24505 D24510 A36AX - Segmented diamond blade made with ARIX Diamond Arrangement Technology for higher perfor- mance. Engineered for superior cutting performance on soft, medium and hard green/fresh concrete (5-48 hours old), asphalt and lightweight concrete block. Features tungsten inserts for undercutting core protection. Great product for return on investment and performance. /&8 .BTPOSZ#MBEFT w w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  w The narrow U-slots and split turbo segment design gives the Deuce unusually fast, free, smooth cutting on a wide variety of IBSEFSNBUFSJBMTJODMVEJOHDPODSFUF  TUPOF HSBOJUFBOECSJDL Not recommended for continuous sawing of soft abrasive materials such as lightweight concrete block or asphalt. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41008 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41010 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41012 #4QMJU5VSCP 4FHNFOU 4VQFS1SFNJVN Its unique wavy segment design makes the Max Wave an excellent general purpose masonry blade with fast cutting speed and high productivity. 6TFGPSDVUUJOHDPODSFUF  NBTPOSZ TUPOFBOESPPGUJMFT Great for electric saws! %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D41023 $ 4VQFS1SFNJVN Get a silent-core blade for the price you’d usually pay for a comparable regular blade. The Noise Killer features a special resin-filled core that dampens noise - making it perfect for jobs where noise level is a concern. Use for fast, free, smooth cutting medium-to-hard materials including: concrete, masonry and stone. #4JMFOU5VSCP 4VQFS1SFNJVN Now there’s a silent-core version of our popular wavy segment diamond blade. (Only available on 20” diameter blades) $%JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D10046 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D10047 16” x .125” x 1”-20mm D10089 #48for cutting concrete block and abrasive materials %JBNFUFS8JEUI#481BSU 20” x .140” x 1” D10049 The X-TEQ Crossover blade is comprised of three entirely different style segments designed to accomplish any cutting job encountered in any material being cut. The three segment styles include: standard segment, ARIX turbo segment, and deep undercut segment for protection when cutting in extreme abrasive situations. This is a true hybrid diamond blade designed to do it all. 4FHNFOUFE $$SPTTPWFS 4VQFS1SFNJVN Standard ARIX TurboUndercut Protection #48 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1”-20mm D11011 14” x .125” x 1”-20mm D11012 .BTPOSZ#MBEFT w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 85 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 14” x .125” x 1” D43021 18” x .125” x 1” D43022 20” x .125” x 1” D43023 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 1” 20mm D10058 14” x .125” x 1” 20mm D10053 14” x .125” x 20mm D10069 16” x .125” x 1” 20mm D10054 16” x .125” x 20mm D10070 18” x .125” x 1” D10055 20” x .145” x 1” D10056 Specially formulated for refractory/high alumina cutting applications. #4FHNFOUFE 130*7 ARIX diamond blades typically cut twice as fast and last 30% longer than the most popular blades in the industry. Individual diamonds are precisely arranged throughout each segment to provide unparalleled performance. ARIX C43 is the best choice you can make for cutting a wide variety of materials, including IBSEDPODSFUF XJUIIFBWZTUFFMSFJOGPSDJOH NBTPOSZ CSJDL  TUPOF SPPGUJMFBOECMPDL $"9 )JHI1FSGPSNBODF 3FDPNNFOEBUJPO$IBSU 1SFNJVN 㐀嘀儀䘀匀Ā㄀匀䘀一䨀嘀一ĀĠ1SP )BSE#SJDL #SJDL1BWFST 'JSFE3FGSBDUPSZ "DJE#SJDL ⌀ጀጀĠ#4JMFOU $"9 ⌀ᔀሀ (FOFSBMQVSQPTFDVUUJOH .FEJVN)BSE#SJDL  Ġ#4JMFOU $"9 ␀ᔀ᐀∀ 4UPOFBOE)BSE$PODSFUF#MPDL ⌀ጀጀĀĠ#%FVDF  Ġ4JMFOU5VSCP   Ġ$"9 ␀ᔀ᐀∀ $PNCJOBUJPOCMBEFGPS#SJDL CSJDLCMPDL  Ġ#4JMFOU5VSCP  Ġ$4JMFOU8BWF  #SJDLBOE)BSE1BWJOH#MPDL CSJDL Ġ#4JMFOU #48 ␀ᔀ"9 CMPDLDPNCJOBUJPO  ĀĀĠ95&2  "CSBTJWF-JHIUXFJHIU#MPDL  CSJDL #MPDLDPNCJOBUJPO  ⌀ጀᤀĀĠ#4JMFOU  4FHNFOUFE DITEQ Silent Core blades feature copper sandwiched between two steel cores. The copper absorbs vibration to reduce noise. Refer to the application chart to select the blade best suited to cut the desired material. %JBNFUFS Ġ ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀĠ 8JEUI ⌀᐀ሀĀĠ# ĀĀĀ⌀᐀ᘀĠ# 14” x .125” x 1” D44107 D44105 D44103 D44101 20” x .135” x 1” D44106 D44104 D44102 # # # # 4JMFOU$PSFGPS .BTPOSZ.BUFSJBMT 4VQFS1SFNJVN w .BTPOSZ#MBEFT w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 86 514FHNFOUFE 4VQFS1SFNJVN Choose the TP23 when low initial cost is more important than high productivity and cost per cut. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45002 4.5” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45005 5” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45008 7” x .250” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D45011 4.5” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D45020 5” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D45021 7” x .375” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D45022 $3$#FWFMFE 7$SBDL$IBTFS 4VQFS1SFNJVN 5VDLQPJOUJOH Cleans, routs and repairs cracks. Fast cutting. .393” Segment .315” Segment 51%%PVCMF 1SFNJVN 51%%PVCMF 4VQFS1SFNJVN 5155SJQMF 4VQFS1SFNJVN 4FHNFOUFE5VDLQPJOU This tuckpoint blade is available with double or triple segmented rims which provide aggressive cutting action for quick removal of mortar.  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĠ1BSU  㔀㄀ጀ᐀─Ġ51% 㔀㄀᐀᐀㔀 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ─倀嘀䌀䴀䘀Ġ%PVCMF 㔀匀䨀儀䴀䘀 4” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45039 D45031 4.5” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45040 D45032 4.5” x .375 x 7/8”-5/8” D45036 5” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45041 D45033 5” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D45037 7” x .250” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D45042 D45034 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x cont. type x 5/8”-11 thrd D90001 4 x .375” x 5/8-11 D90008 4” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D90002 5” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D90003 7” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D90004 8” x .375” x 1” D90005 5VDLQPJOUJOH #MBEFT These crack repair blades are made to set new performance standards. Use for a wide range of cured concrete and asphalt. Patented Z-Triangle arbor on blade prevents blade from turning an arbor ... eliminates need to replace expensive spindle shafts. $"$SBDL3FQBJS 4VQFS1SFNJVN Patent No. 5,477,845  Ġ1BSU  Ġ$ ĀĀ∀᐀ᔀĀĀ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ␀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀䘀Ġ"TQIBMU 6” x .250” D22401 D22402 6” x .375” D22403 D22404 6” x .500” D22405 D22406 6” x .750” D22407 D22408 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  5*-&"/%450/& '"#3*$"5*0/500-4 5JMF$VUUFST 5JMF4BXT 1SPmMF8IFFMT %JBNPOE#MBEFT 4UPOF4IBQJOH5PPMT 4UPOF$PSF#JUT 1PMJTIJOH1BET %VTUMFTT™%VTU $POUBJONFOU4ZTUFN (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 88 t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀吀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䐀䘀匀䈀一䨀䐀Ā倀匀Ā䠀䴀䈀嬀䘀䔀Ā唀䨀䴀䘀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t 㐀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䌀䈀吀䘀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā䈀Ā匀䘀儀䴀䈀䐀䘀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䤀䈀匀䔀䘀伀䘀䔀Ā唀嘀伀䠀吀唀䘀伀Ā䐀䈀匀䌀䨀䔀䘀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀 1. Score the tile by moving the wheel forward while pressing on the handle. 2. Position the breaker at the end of the tile. Press lightly on the handle. 3. Snap the tile along the score. 4. Replacement tungsten carbide cutting wheels available. t ⨀吀䤀䨀䨀฀㔀☀㈀Ā唀䨀䴀䘀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䘀匀吀Ā䤀䈀圀䘀Ā䈀伀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䤀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā堀䤀䘀䘀䴀Āऀ唀䤀匀䘀TDPSJOHQPTJUJPOTBOEPOF retracted position) which permits easier cutting of up to 3/4” thick tiles. t ␀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā倀䜀Ā一倀吀䈀䨀䐀Ā䨀吀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā䈀吀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā堀䤀䘀䘀䴀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā一倀圀䘀䔀Ā嘀儀Ā唀倀Ā儀䘀NJUUIFCSFBLFS foot to operate at any position along the rails. Once scoring is completed, the first tile can be cut as long as the breaker bar touches the tile lightly. t ⤀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā倀䜀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā堀䤀䘀䘀䴀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䘀䔀Ā唀倀Ā䜀倀嘀匀Ā䴀䘀圀䘀䴀吀Ā䔀QFOEJOHPOUIFUIJDLOFTT of the tile by one-touch motion. t 㔀䨀唀䈀伀䨀嘀一Ā䐀倀䈀唀䘀䔀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā堀䤀䘀䘀䴀Ā堀က䌀䘀䈀匀䨀伀䠀 t ⼀倀Ā伀䘀䘀䔀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䴀嘀䌀匀䨀䐀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā䈀吀Ā䈀Ā䐀倀一䌀䨀伀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā倀䜀Ā倀䨀䴀ഀĀ䔀䨀匀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀䘀BNJDUJMFEVTUDPVMEDBVTF sticking of movable parts. *4)**5&2"DF5JMF .BOVBM$VUUFS "DDFTTPSJFT Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 22mm titanium coated cutting wheel w/bearing 130226 12” side arm extension 130228 54w5JMF$VUUFS Model TS-16 1BSU ⸀ᄀᄀᄀሀᘀ %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Wheel 130221 5JMF4OBQ*4)*5&25JMF$VUUFST,OFF1BET TILE CUTTER 19” 26” 34” Model JW480 JW660X AW870X 1BSU ⸀ᄀᄀᄀጀ᐀ĀĠ. ⸀ᄀᄀᄀጀᘀ ,OFF1BET t ∀䐀䐀倀匀䔀䨀倀伀Ā䰀伀䘀䘀Ā儀䈀䔀吀Ā儀匀倀圀䨀䔀䘀Ā䐀倀一䜀倀匀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā adjust quickly for a perfect fit every time t ─嘀匀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā儀䈀䔀ഀĀ䘀伀䐀䈀吀䘀䔀Ā䨀伀Ā䐀倀一䜀倀匀唀䈀䌀䴀 neoprene, stays in place and protects knees for extended kneeling without binding t 㘀伀䨀刀嘀䘀Ā䜀匀倀伀唀Ā㜀䘀䴀䐀匀 ® strap design makes this the most versatile, easy to use and comfortable knee pad with free range of motion on the market t ሀᄀᄀ؀Ā堀䈀吀䤀䈀䌀䴀 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Supersoft Knee Pads - Standard 170021 Supersoft Knee Pads - Large 170022 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  Motor 1200w Model TW4.5 Blade Diameter 4.5” Cutting depth 1-3/8” No load speed 13,000/min Weight 6.61 lbs 1BSU ⸀ᄀᄀᄀሀᤀ 'FBUVSFT t ᐀ကᔀĀ䤀儀Ā吀䘀䈀䴀䘀䔀ഀĀ儀䘀匀一䈀伀䘀伀唀Ā一䈀䠀伀䘀唀Ā一倀唀倀 t ᠀眀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āᘀကᤀ眀Ā䈀匀䌀倀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā吀唀䘀䘀䴀Ā䌀倀夀Ā䐀倀伀吀唀匀嘀䐀唀䨀倀伀Ā䨀吀Ā吀唀匀倀伀䠀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā has a convenient handle t ✀䴀䈀唀ഀĀ倀儀䘀伀฀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā一䈀夀䨀一嘀一Ā圀䨀吀䨀䌀䨀䴀䨀唀娀ĀĀ while cutting large materials t ☀䈀吀娀Ā唀倀Ā䐀䈀匀匀娀ഀĀ吀䘀唀฀嘀儀ഀĀ䈀伀䔀Ā䐀䴀䘀䈀 t ⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䨀吀Ā一倀嘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䔀䨀匀䘀䐀唀䴀娀Ā倀伀Ā一倀唀倀匀Ā吀䤀䈀䜀唀Ā漀Ā伀倀ĀĀ belts, extra bearings or blade shaft required t ⨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀Ā᠀眀Ā─㤀฀␀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀ĀĀऀ─ᨀᜀጀᄀ᐀ HORSEPOWER 3/4 MOTOR DITEQ BLADE RPM 3,500 CUTTING Table 12” x 13” CUTTING DEPTH 1” MODEL # DB875 WEIGHT 35 lbs (16 kg) 1"35 ⸀ᄀᄀᄀᄀሀ t ሀ฀ሀကጀĀ⤀㄀Ā─⨀㔀☀㈀Ā㔀☀✀␀Ā⸀倀唀倀 w/thermal overload t ጀᔀ眀Ā匀䨀儀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䴀䘀伀䠀唀 t ሀᜀ眀Ā䔀䨀䈀䠀倀伀䈀 t ␀䈀吀唀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀一Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā唀䈀䌀䴀 t ㌀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā儀䴀䈀吀唀䨀䐀Ā儀䈀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀Ā䔀嘀唀娀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā儀嘀一 t 㔀堀倀Ā儀倀吀䨀唀䨀倀伀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䘀䈀 t ␀䈀吀唀Ā䈀䴀嘀一䨀伀嘀一Ā䜀匀倀伀唀Ā܀Ā吀䨀䔀䘀 table extensions t ⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā䐀䈀儀䈀䐀䨀唀娀Ā䨀吀Ā䜀匀倀一Āᜀ眀Ā฀Āሀᄀ眀 including 6” profile wheels t ሀጀࠀᜀ眀Ā䘀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀䈀䴀Ā䐀倀匀䔀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Ā儀䴀嘀 t ⌀䘀䴀唀Ā唀䘀伀吀䨀倀伀䨀伀䠀Ā䰀伀倀 t ㌀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā吀䤀䈀䜀唀Ā䈀吀吀䘀一䌀䴀 t ⌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā吀䤀䈀䜀唀Ā䴀倀䐀 HORSEPOWER 1-1/2 MOTOR TEFC BLADE GUARD 10” CUTTING LENGTH 24” CUTTING DEPTH 3-3/4” MODEL # Pro241510 WEIGHT 99 lbs (45 kg) 1"35 ⸀ᄀᄀᄀᄀ᐀ %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Blade Wrench 130163 Drain Plug 130115 Rip Guide 130162 Cutting Accessory Kit 130160 Folding Stand w/Wheels 130161 Miter Guide 130165 Protractor 130166 Dual 45° 130167 Water Tray 130194 Water Pump (Little Giant) 130002 *ODMVEFT .JUFSHVJEF EVBM¡ SJQHVJEFQSPUSBDUPS 'PMEJOHTUBOEXXIFFMT owDPOUJOVPVTSJNEJBNPOECMBEF% "DDFTTPSJFT ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Brushes 160110 5&25JMF1SP'FBUVSFT 'FBUVSFT t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āሀጀᄀᄀ㠀Ā一倀唀倀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀 engineered nylon body t 㠀䘀唀Ā䈀唀唀䈀䐀䤀一䘀伀唀Ā䰀䨀 t ☀匀䠀倀伀倀一䨀䐀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā optimum grip t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā design t ∀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀 t ⨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀Āᔀༀᘀ眀Ā─㤀฀␀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀Ā (D96202) "MMDBTUBMVNJOVN BDDFTTPSJFT 5JMF8IJTL5JMF#SFF[F5&25JMF130 )FJHIU"EKVTUNFOU ,OPC 'VMM/&."GSBNFNPUPS 0O0GG4XJUDI &YUSBXJEFCMBEFHVBSEGPS QSPmMFXIFFMTBOEFBTZ SFNPWBMPGCMBEFT )BOEPQFSBUFE LOPCTMPDLTBX GSBNFUPTUBOEGPS JODSFBTFETUBCJMJUZ 3FNPWBCMFQBO GPSESZTBXJOH %VSBCMFNFUBMCFMU HVBSE $BTUBMVNJOVNDVUUJOH UBCMFXJUITUBOEBSE FYUFOTJPOT w $VU-FOHUI 0QFOSBJMTZTUFNGPS TNPPUI SFMJBCMFPQFSBUJPO XJUIMFTTNBJOUFOBODF 4MJEJOH BEKVTUBCMF DVUUJOHIFBE #MBEFTIBGUMPDL Durable, low maintenance roller and track system provides years of trouble-free operation. 4BXGSBNF BUUBDIFTUPUIF TUBOEXJUI DPOWFOJFOUIBOE PQFSBUFELOPC 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1/2 Gas Thread x 5/8" 11 F 150982 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ѐ 3/8"shank, 5/8"-11M 150217 1/2"shank, 5/8"-11M 150983 #MBEF#VTIJOHT %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 7/8” - 5/8” Thick 120127 7/8” - 5/8” x .050” 120020 7/8” - 3/4” x .045” 157534 7/8” - 20mm x .050” 120126 1” - 20mm x .075” 120019 1” - 5/8” x .087” 120129 60mm – 50mm x .087” 120128 60mm – 1” x .098” 120002 60mm – 1” x .087” 120003 60mm – 1” x .075” 120004 %FTDSJQUJPO ĀĀ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1/2 Gas Thread x 5/8" 11 short 150421 1/2 Gas Thread x 5/8" 11 long 150329 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Flush Mount/Quad adaptor Stainless 130122 1PXFS$PSE %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 25 ft 12GA/3 15A 130220 100 ft 10GA w/3way 15A Receptacle 150360 100 ft 10GA w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R) Receptacle 150878 50 ft 10GA w/3way 15A Receptacle 150810 50 ft 10GA w/20A Twistlock (L5-20R) receptacle 150879 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Pilot Drill Fast Spiral 1/4” x 4” 130218 Pilot Drill Deep Flute 1/4” x 4” 130219 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 5/8” - 11 to 7/8” F-Arbor 130117 1JMPU%SJMM %FFQ'MVUF 1JMPU%SJMM 'BTU4QSJBM 5JMF4BX"DDFTTPSJFT 4IBSQFOJOH4UPOF Abrasive stone used for opening up diamond blades. %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Sharpening Stone 130009 3VCCFS#BDLFS1BET %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 3” Smooth Flex 130119 5” Standard Flex 130121 4” Super Flex 130338 4” Standard Flex 130120 4” Rigid 130335 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  18.&MFDUSPQMBUFE 1SPmMF8IFFMT 1SFNJVN These wheels are designed to profile and cut marble or granite in one pass. The special design enables it to cut while profiling at the same time. The electroplated wheel can cut NBSCMF to size and profile in one easy step, thus saving time and money. 18.o.BSCMF$FSBNJD1PSDFMBJO &MFDUSPQMBUFE %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 6” x 5/8”, 1/2”R D63001 6” x 5/8”, 3/8”R D63002 6” x 5/8”, 3/8”R BEVEL D63003 6” x 5/8”, 3/8”R OGEE D63004 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 8” x 5/8”, 1/2”R D63014 8” x 5/8”, 3/8”R D63015 18(7BDVVN#POEFE 1SPmMF8IFFMT 4VQFS1SFNJVN Step up to these special vacuum bonded profile wheels; works great on tile and stone saws for profiling radius onIBSEHSBOJUF TUPOFBOENBSCMF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 6” x 5/8”, 1/2”R D63005 6” x 5/8”, 3/8”R D63006 6” x 5/8”, 3/8”R BEVEL D63007 6” x 5/8”, 3/8”R OGEE D63008 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 8” x 5/8”, 1/2”R D63013 8” x 5/8”, 3/8”R D63012 1SPmMF8IFFMT 3#"93PVUFS 1SPmMF#JUT 130*7 Position 1 wheel - manufactured with ARIX technology giving maximum productivity and high quality profiling. Use on many different types of machines such as Stinger, Flex Hercules and Ghines series routers. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀匀倀洀䴀䘀Ġ1BSU 20mm (3/4”) Demi-Bull B D66161 30mm (1-1/4”) Demi-Bull B D66162 20mm (3/4”) Full-Bull V D66163 30mm (1-1/4”) Full-Bull V D66164 40mm (1-1/2”) Full-Bull V D66165 20mm (3/4”) Ogee F D66166 25mm (1”) Ogee F D66167 30mm (1-1/4”) Ogee F D66168 20mm (3/4”) Bevel E D66263 30mm (1-1/4”) Bevel E D66262 Replacement Bearing - Demi-Bull & Ogee 130229 Replacement Bearing - Full-Bull & Ogee 130230 4%PVCMF&EHF#SFBLFS 4VQFS1SFNJVN %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 40mm Position 0 D66129 Designed to take the sharp edge off of the stone before profiling. This tool will increase the life of your profile wheels. Very fast and aggressive removal. For high-performance shaping in fabrication applications. Professionals have found these ARIX finger bits to work equally as well on soft or hard granite. Manufactured with ARIX Diamond Arrangement technology, these bits typically last twice as long and cut 30% faster than traditional diamond tools. S43AX Finger Bits are fast cutting on the hardest of stone while also giving superior life. The S44AX gives longer life in softer materials including engineered stone and abrasive stone. 4"9BOE4"9 'JOHFS3PVUFS#JUT4FHNFOUT 1SP*7 1BSU %JBNFUFS8JEUI 㐀ᔀ᐀∀㤀Ġ4"9 1” x 48mm x 1/2” gas (male) - 6 seg D66244 D66249 1” x 40mm x 1/2” gas (male) - 6 seg D66241 3/4” x 40mm x 1/2” gas (male) - 5 segD66242 7/8” x 40mm x 1/2” gas (male) - 5 seg D66243 )JHIQFSGPSNBODF MPOHMJGFPO$/$NBDIJOFT 4"9 4"9 5JMF4UPOF w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  4/NN/BSSPX 5VSCP#MBEF 1SFNJVN This narrow turbo was developed for faster, smoother cuts on porcelain, tile and hard granite with a 10mm rim height. Great price to performance. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D54011 4.5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D54012 5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D54013 7" x .095" x DM-7/8” - 5/8" D54015 4//BSSPX 5VSCP#MBEF 4VQFS1SFNJVN This narrow turbo was developed to cut porcelain and hard granite chip-free and faster than any turbo rim blade on angle grinders. These blades will meet all of the requirements for TUPOF UJMFBOEBOZIBSECVJMEJOH NBUFSJBMTDVUUJOHBQQMJDBUJPOT %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .085” x 7/8”- 5/8” flush D53021 4.5” x .085” x 7/8”- 5/8” D53022 5” x .085” x 7/8”- 5/8” D53020 6" x .085" x 7/8” - 5/8" D53023 7" x .085" x DM-7/8” - 5/8" D53024 8" x .095" x DM-7/8” - 5/8" D53025 10” x .095” x 5/8" D53026 5VSCP4UPOF#MBEFT 4"9/BSSPX3JN 5VSCP#MBEF 130*7 This narrow rim turbo utilizes ARIX diamond arrangement technology making it the most advanced turbo blade on the market. This blade will cut the hardest material with clean smooth cuts along with superior speed that the professional demands. With ARIX technology this blade cuts twice as fast and lasts 30% longer than conventional blades. If speed and life are important, then this is your blade. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 4” x .080” x 7/8”- 5/8” flush D53027 4.5” x .080” x 7/8”- 5/8” flush D53028 5” x .080” x 7/8”- 5/8” flush D53029 6" x .080" x 7/8” - 5/8" D53030 7" x .080" x DM-7/8” - 5/8" D53031 8" x .080" x DM-7/8” - 5/8" D53032 8" x .080" x 1" - 20mm D53034 9” x .095” X 7/8 - 5/8” D53037 10” x .095” x DM-7/8” - 5/8" D53033 10” x .095” x 1" - 20mm D53035 /&8 The Raised Hub Turbo Blade’s core is thicker at the center for added strength, but has a thinner diamond rim for fast, free cutting. For cutting HSBOJUF NBSCMF  QPSDFMBJOBOEPUIFSIBSENBUFSJBM %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 4” x .050” x 7/8”-5/8” D50032 4.5” x .050” x 7/8”-5/8” D50033 5” x .050” x 7/8”-5/8” D50034 6” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D50035 7” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D50036 8” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D50037 10” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D50038 43BJTFE)VC 5VSCP#MBEF 4VQFS1SFNJVN F = Flush Cut Arbor Pattern 5JMF4UPOF w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  #$POUJOVPVT3JN#MBEF 1SFNJVN The Firehawk II features diamond pads that not only protect the steel core during curved cutting, but also give an excellent deep cutting of very hard materials such as IBSEHSBOJUF DVSFEDPODSFUF etc. It also guarantees minimum chipping and clean cutting surface for dry cutting. It is normally used with angle grinder or circular saw. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4" x .095" x 7/8 - 5/8" F* D58013 4.5" x .095" x 7/8 - 5/8" F* D58012 5" x .095" x 7/8 - 5/8" F* D58011 7" x .095" x 7/8 - 5/8" DM D58014 10” x .110” x 5/8" D58015 12" x .110" x 1"-20mm D58016 14" x .125" x 1"-20mm D58017 5VSCP4UPOF#MBEFT 454FHNFOUFE#MBEF 1SFNJVN Special T-segment design makes the S21 two diamond tools in one. Use it to perform straight and curved cutting or light grinding applications on HSBOJUFTJOLIPMFT BOEPUIFSIBSENBUFSJBMT. The T-segments protrude from both sides of the blade to prevent binding, accurately and safely protecting both sides of the steel core. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 4.5” x .110” x 7/8”-5/8” D62006 5” x .110” x 7/8”-5/8” D62007 4%JTI5VSCP $POWFY#MBEF 1SFNJVN Use this laser welded convex blade (.110” thin) for cutting sink holes and other curved cut applications in HSBOJUFBOEPUIFSIBSETUPOFT. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 5” x .110” x 7/8”-5/8” D66031 7” x .110” x 7/8”-5/8” D66240 Convex %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Profiler, Granite - 3/16R D63009 Profiler, Granite - 3/8R D63010 Profiler, Granite - 3/4R D63011 1/4” Radius 130243 3/8” Radius 130244 1/2” Radius 130245 3/4” Radius 130246 Full Bull 40mm 130247 45 Degree x 10mm 130336 45 Degree x 5mm 130337 Full Bull 30mm 130339 Ogee 3/8” F 130248 Ogee 3/4” F 130249 Handheld vacuum brazed profile wheel for popular edge styles for granite, engineered stone, and porcelain tile. 5/8”-11 thread for angle grinders. 4VQFS1SFNJVN 1481SPmMF8IFFM 5JMF4UPOF w w w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  %9$$POUJOVPVT3JN 4UBOEBSE One of the best initial values on the market for smooth, clean cutting of tile, porcelain, stone and masonry materials. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .060” x 5/8” D96201 4.5” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D96202 5” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D96219 7” x .060” x 5/8” D96203 10” x .060” x 5/8” D96204 5$POUJOVPVT3JN 1SFNJVN This blade is a higher quality with an extra tall 9.5mm segment height designed for cutting ceramic tile, porcelain where chip-free cuts are required. Used on right angle grinders and tile saws. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 7” x .060” x DM 7/8-5/8 D50021 8” x .060” x 7/8”-5/8” D51009 10” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D51010 12” x .095”x 1” D51011 $POUJOVPVT%SZ8FU %JBNFUFS8JEUI8FU%SZ Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 4” x .060” x 5/8” D50053 4.5” x .060” x 5/8” D50054 5” x .060” x 5/8” D50055 %JBNFUFS8JEUI8FU0OMZ Ā㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 7” x .060” x 5/8” D50040 8” x .060” x 5/8” D50041 10” x .060” x 5/8” D50042 12” x .085” x 7mm 1”-20mm D50057 5(MBTT5JMF#MBEF 4VQFS1SFNJVN The T31 is a metal bonded blade specifically designed for cutting glass. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 7” x .060” x 5/8” D55056 10” x .060” x 5/8” D55043 5-BTFS$VU4QJEFS $POUJOVPVT3JN 1SFNJVN This thin-rim laser cut continuous rim diamond blade delivers fast, chip-free cutting of porcelain and vitreous, hard tile. It combines the smooth cutting advantages of a continuous rim blade with the stress relief of a slotted core design. w 5JMF4UPOF w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  513PEEJOH#BS#MBEF 1SFNJVN Use for cutting rodding channels 1/4” and 3/8” in hard materials. These channels are then used to insert reinforcing rods to the back side of stone countertops to increase its strength and reduce the chance of breakage. 5$VSMZ2VF#MBEF 130*7 The Curly Que blade is a closed-segment blade that features curly que stress relief slots that permits fast cutting of IBSEQPSDFMBJO NBSCMFBOEHSBOJUF A popular choice of many professionals in the stone industry. .4UPOF)BSE .BUFSJBM#MBEF 1SFNJVN DITEQ’s premium segmented laser-welded diamond blade for cutting NBSCMF  OBUVSBMTUPOFBOEFYUSFNFMZIBSE CSJDL is an industry favorite. 50/60 arbor available on request. Recommended for Track saws. Also great for cutting thin stone veneer. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D60030 5” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D60031 6” x .080” x 7/8”-5/8” D60032 7” x .080” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D60024 8” x .110” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D60001 8” x .110” x 1” D60026 10” x .110” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D60002 10” x .110” x 1” D60028 12” x .125” x 1-20mm D60009 14” x .125” x 1-20mm D60010 16” x .125” x 1-20mm D60011 18” x .135” x 1-20mm D60012 20” x .135” x 1-20mm D60027 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 4” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45002 4.5” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45005 5” x .250” x 7/8”-5/8” D45008 7” x .250” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D45011 4.5” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D45020 5” x .375” x 7/8”-5/8” D45021 7” x .375” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D45022 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 8” x .085” x 5/8” D56007 10” x .085” x 5/8” D56006 12” x .085” x 1”-20mm D56001 14” x .095” x 1”-20mm D56002 16” x .110” x 1”-20mm D56003 20” x .135” x 1”-20mm D56005 w 4FHNFOUFE w w DITEQ’s thin stone veneer blades were developed specifi- cally for production sawing on Park Industries or CeeJay fabrication systems. Made with ARIX technology, these blades can cut soft to hard stone including limestone to cut thin stone veneer used in many construction applica- tions. Their ARIX turbo segments can be retipped for even longer blade life -- saving even more money!  ĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĠ1BSU %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀䰀Ġ ␀䘀䘀⬀䈀 SV42AX 40” x .250” x 13mm x 3-1/4” D61065 SV42AX 32” x .250” x 13mm x 60mm D61066 SV41AX 32” x .250” x 13mm x 60mm D61068 47"9 䈀伀䔀Ā㐀㜀ᔀሀ∀ 5IJO7FOFFS.BUFSJBM #MBEF 130*7 w 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  Professional diamond blades with silent cores for bridge saws with more than 15 horsepower. If you are looking for productivity and versatility these blades are the most universal diamond blades on the market today. 4 9 4JMFOU$PSF 4UPOF(SBOJUF#MBEF 'PS4BXTHSFBUFSUIBOIQ 130*7 1BSU %JBNFUFS8JEUI ሀᘀ一一ĠNN 14” x .125” x 60-50mm D61035 D61039 16” x .125” x 60-50mm D61036 D61040 18” x .135” x 60-50mm D61037 D61041 20” x .135” x 60-50mm D61038 D61042 #SJEHF4BX4UPOF#MBEFT Professional bridge saw diamond blades with silent cores for both low and high horse powered saws. The Mirage blade is the leader when it comes to production and quality. 4 9 .JSBHF4JMFOU$PSF NN4FHNFOU)FJHIU 4UPOF(SBOJUF#MBEF 1307 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 12” x .125” x 60-50mm D61110 14” x .125” x 60-50mm D61111 16” x .125” x 60-50mm D61112 18” x .135” x 60-50mm D61113 20” x .135” x 60-50mm D61114 Professional diamond blades with silent cores for bridge saws with less than 15 horsepower. If you are looking for productivity and versatility these blades are the most universal diamond blades on the market today. 4 9 4JMFOU$PSF NN4FHNFOU)FJHIU 4UPOF(SBOJUF#MBEF 'PS4BXTMFTTUIBOIQ 4VQFS1SFNJVN %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 14” x .125” x 60-50mm D61045 16” x .125” x 60-50mm D61046 18” x .135” x 60-50mm D61047 5JMF4UPOF w w 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  .747BDVVN#POE #MBEF 4VQFS1SFNJVN Use for fast, clean cuts of marble, fiberglass, plastics and graphite. Vacuum bonded segments provide long life and smooth cutting. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66011 4.5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66012 5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66013 7” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66015 4747BDVVN#SB[FE 4FHNFOUFE#MBEF X4JEF1SPUFDUPST 4VQFS1SFNJVN Designed for cutting NBSCMFTJOLIPMFTBOE )BSEJFQBOFM ®DFNFOUCPBSE It works very well on all curved cutting applications. This blade also prevents undercutting and cuts curved areas cleanly, safely and accurately. 47$7BDVVN#SB[FE $POUJOVPVT#MBEF X4JEF1SPUFDUPST 4VQFS1SFNJVN Designed for smooth cutting on fiberglass, marble, plastic and graphite. It works very well on all curved cutting applications. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 4” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66188 4.5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66189 5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66190 7” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D66192 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66193 4.5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66194 5” x .095” x 7/8”-5/8” D66195 7” x .095” x DM-7/8”-5/8” D66197 4QFDJBMUZ4UPOF#MBEFT 4757BDVVN#POE 'JOHFS#JU 1SP*7 Vacuum brazed finger bit with 1/2 gas adapter. Use for cutting and profiling marble and softer stones. Central water fed with holes drilled to keep the bit cool during cutting. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 15mm x 40mm x 1/2” gas (male) D66301 15mm x 48mm x 1/2” gas (male) D66302 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 100 These high performance bits are laser welded for the ultimate in strength and durability. Special diamond segment formulations make the S33 ideal for fabrication shops that want to maximize productivity. Use to cut a wide variety of HSBOJUF NBSCMFTUPOFT. It can also used in the construction trades wherever holes may be needed for water, gas and electrical piping, especially when natural stone is already installed. 4FHNFOUFE  %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 1-1/8” D66119 1-1/4” D66033 1-3/8” D66034 1-1/2” D66035 1-3/4” D66036 2” D66037 2-1/2” D66118 3” D66038 4” D66138 4  ⴀ䈀吀䘀匀Ā㠀䘀䴀䔀䘀䔀Ā㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀䘀  堀䨀唀䤀Ā㐀䨀䔀䘀Ā㄀匀倀唀䘀䐀唀倀匀  堀䨀唀䤀Āᘀကᤀ眀Ā฀ሀሀĀ㔀䤀匀䘀䈀䔀 4VQFS1SFNJVN These high performance bits are laser welded for the ultimate in strength and durability. Special diamond segment formulations make the S33 ideal for fabrication shops that want to maximize productivity. Use to cut a XJEFWBSJFUZPGTUPOF 4 5IJO8BMM$SPXO  ␀倀匀䘀Ā⌀䨀唀吀Ā堀䨀唀  ᘀကᤀ眀Ā฀ሀሀĀ㔀䤀匀䘀䈀䔀 1SFNJVN Designed to drill clean, smooth holes such as faucet- mounting holes in counter tops and for use in the construction trades wherever holes may be needed for water, gas and electrical piping - especially when natural stone is already installed. For cutting QPSDFMBJO  HSBOJUFBOEIBSENBUFSJBMT %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 3/8" D31001 1/2" D31002 5/8" D31003 3/4" D31004 7/8" D31005 1" D31006 1-1/8" D31007 %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1-1/4" D31008 1-3/8" D31009 1-1/2" D31010 1-5/8" D31011 1-3/4" D31012 1-7/8" D31013 2" D31014 4 $/$5IJO8BMM$SPXO$PSF  ⌀䨀唀吀Ā堀䨀唀䤀Āሀကጀ眀Ā⠀䈀吀Ā㔀䤀匀䘀䈀 1SFNJVN Designed to work on CNC machines, this bit is the same S23 bit but with 1/2” gas threads. It is designed to drill clean, smooth holes such as faucet-mounting holes in counter tops. It can also be used in the construction trades wherever holes may be needed for water, gas and electrical piping, especially when natural stone is already installed. For cutting QPSDFMBJO HSBOJUFBOEIBSENBUFSJBMT Great for CNC machines. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1" D31025 1-1/8" D31026 1-1/4" D31027 1-3/8" D31028 1-1/2" D31024 2" D31030 4  ⴀ䈀吀䘀匀Ā㠀䘀䴀䔀䘀䔀Ā㐀䘀䠀一䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā  㔀娀儀䘀Ā␀倀匀䘀Ā⌀䨀唀吀Ā堀䨀唀  ᘀကᤀ眀Ā฀ሀሀĀ㔀䤀匀䘀䈀 4VQFS1SFNJVN %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 1-1/8” D66203 1-1/4” D66204 1-3/8” D66205 1-1/2” D66206 1-3/4” D66208 2” D66210 2-1/2” D66211 3” D66212 4” D66213 $SPXO  %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1/2” D66134 5/8” D66135 3/4” D66136 7/8” D66137 1” D66032 4UPOF$PSF#JUT $SPXO#JU4QFDJGJDBUJPOT Overall Length 4” Core Travel 3” Thread Size 1/2” Gas $SPXO#JU4QFDJGJDBUJPOT Overall Length 4” Core Travel 3” Thread Size 5/8”-11 5JMF4UPOF #JU#VEEJF t ✀䴀䘀夀䨀䌀䴀䘀ഀĀ唀匀䈀伀吀䴀嘀䐀䘀伀唀 rubber dust shroud t ␀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā吀䴀嘀匀匀 t 㐀嘀䐀唀䨀倀伀Ā䤀倀䴀䔀吀Ā䨀唀Ā䨀伀Ā儀䴀䈀䐀 t ሀ฀᐀ကᤀ眀Ā䨀吀Ā䘀夀䐀䘀䴀䴀䘀伀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā唀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā儀䴀䈀䐀䘀吀Ā䴀䨀䰀䘀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā䜀䈀嘀䐀䘀唀 holes in stone countertops %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1-3/8” dia. bits 160220 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 101 47$7BDVVN#POE $PSF#JU 1SFNJVN Designed for very fast and clean drilling of all types of tile and stone. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1/4” D66286 3/8” D66287 1/2” D66228 5/8” D66229 7/8” D66230 1” D66231 1-1/8” D66232 1-1/4” D66233 1-1/2” D66234 1-3/8” D66235 2” D66236 //$#/PO$PSJOH#JUT 1SFNJVN These core bits are designed to drill holes through all kinds of granite and highly recommended for wet drilling. For installing anchors. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1/4” D30001 5/16” D30004 3/8” D30002 1/2” D30003 %BN*U8BUFS$POUBJONFOU,JU Use as a guide for coring holes through granite, marble & stone, this system helps stabilize the drill from walking and scratching the material while maintaining the water used to cool the diamond drill bit. 17 Piece Kit Includes: Water Dam Centering Rings - 3” & 5” Drill Bit Size Rings - 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1”, 1-1/8”, 1-1/4”, 1-3/8”, 1-1/2”, 1-5/8”, 1-3/4” & 2” %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ DAM-IT System 130170 4UPOF$PSF#JUT8BUFS$POUBJONFOU 4353FQMBDFNFOU $SPXO#JUT 4VQFS1SFNJVN For use on radial arm machines for sink cutouts. The diamond tip is threaded for easy bit changing, and the bond is designed to cut even the hardest of TUPOFT. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 20mm x 15mm D66131 Mandrel 4” x 1/2” Gas D66130 /PO$PSJOH#JU4QFDT Drilling Length 2” Thread Size 5/8”-11 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 102 (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 47BDVVN#SB[FE (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 1SFNJVN Provide extremely aggressive profiling and material removal. Triangle cooling holes improve overall grinding performance. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” coarse x 5/8”-11 D66039 4/-4OBJM-PDL (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 4VQFS1SFNJVN Snail lock grinding wheels create the straightest possible finished edge. It allows very rapid and easy grinding for minimal downtime. It is designed for fast grinding and shaping of granite surfaces, corners, edges and angles. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 4” Coarse D66001 4” Medium D66002 4” Fine D66003 4;FSP5PMFSBODF (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 1SFNJVN These are specifically designed for shaping granite in high-production fabrication applications. Available in resin- filled and regular segmented. These drum wheels are an excellent choise for finishing sinks, sink edge removal and other curved surfaces. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 1” x 1-1/2” x 5/8”-11 D66100 2” x 1-1/2” x 5/8”-11 D66103 2” x 1-1/4” x 5/8”-11 D66102 3” x 1-1/2” x 5/8”-11 D66104 3” x 1-1/4” x 5/8”-11 D66105 4” x 1-1/2” x 5/8”-11 D66107 4” x 1-1/4” x 5/8”-11 D66108 2” x 1-1/2” x 5/8”-11 trd Resin D66070 2” x 1-1/4” x 5/8”-11 trd Resin D66110 3” x 1-1/2” x 5/8”-11 trd Resin D66071 4” x 1-1/4” x 5/8”-11 trd Resin D66072 4;#JUT 1SFNJVN Designed to be used on portable routers or any grinding tool that accepts a 5/8-11 M8 or M10 bolt attachment. These bits are extremely fast with good life for TJOL DVUPVUDMFBOVQ. Vacuum Brazed. %JBNFUFS ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 2” x 2” 30 grit D66278 2” x 2” 50 grit D66279 2” x 2” 100 grit D66280 2” x 2” 200 grit D66281 3” x 2” 30 grit D66282 3” x 2” 50 grit D66283 3” x 2” 100 grit D66284 3” x 2” 200 grit D66285 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 103 8FU1PMJTIJOH1BET 1SFNJVN These extremely flexible pads feature a high diamond concentration that provide the user with superior results at a very competitive price. 4*;& ─☀㐀␀㌀⨀㄀㔀⨀ ⼀ĀĠ1BSU 4” 50 Grit D64040 4” 100 Grit D64041 4” 200 Grit D64042 4” 400 Grit D64043 4” 800 Grit D64044 4” 1500 Grit D64045 4” 3000 Grit D64046 4” 10000DF(Blk) Grit D64047 4” 10000DF(Wht) Grit D64048 4” Complete Set per box D64071 4*;& ─☀㐀␀㌀⨀㄀㔀⨀ ⼀ĀĠ1BSU 4” 50 Grit D64082 4” 100 Grit D64083 4” 200 Grit D64084 4” 400 Grit D64085 4” 800 Grit D64086 4” 1500 Grit D64087 4” 3000 Grit D64088 4” 10000DF(Blk) Grit D64089 4” 10000DF(Wht) Grit D64090 4” Complete Set per box D64091 4*;& ─☀㐀␀㌀⨀㄀㔀⨀ ⼀ĀĠ1BSU 4” 50Grit D64010 4” 100Grit D64011 4” 200Grit D64012 4” 400Grit D64013 4” 800Grit D64014 4” 1500Grit D64015 4” 3000Grit D64016 4” 10000DF(Blk)Grit D64017 4” 10000DF(Wht)Grit D64018 4” Complete Set per box D64070 4*;& ─☀㐀␀㌀⨀㄀㔀⨀ ⼀Ġ1BSU 5” 50 Grit D64019 5” 100 Grit D64020 5” 200 Grit D64021 5” 400 Grit D64022 5” 800 Grit D64023 5” 1500 Grit D64024 5” 3000 Grit D64025 5” 10000DF(Blk) Grit D64026 5” 10000DF(Wht) Grit D64027 5” Complete Set per box D64028 These flexible polishing pads feature a high diamond concentration that provides the user with excellent results in a short period of time. Great for granite, hard marble & porcelain and delivers a superior shine. 8FU1PMJTIJOH1BET 4VQFS1SFNJVN %SZ1PMJTIJOH1BET 4VQFS1SFNJVN Great for dry polishing of engineered stone, quartz surfaces or granite. )BOE1PMJTIJOH1BET 1SFNJVN These foam backed diamond hand pads are designed for manual use both on edges and surfaces. These lightweight and flexible pads are great for final touchups at the jobsite. They perform with superior speed and consistency and are very long lasting. These pads measure 2-1/4” x 3-3/4”. (SJU ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 50 Grit 130375 100 Grit 130376 200 Grit 130377 400 Grit 130378 500 Grit Resin 130379 800 Grit Resin 130380 1500 Grit Resin 130381 3000 Grit Resin 130382 %JBNPOE1PMJTIJOH1BET 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  5&24IJOF 8FU1PMJTIFS t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā㐀儀䘀䘀 t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āᜀᘀᄀ㠀Ā一倀唀倀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t 㠀䘀䈀匀Ā匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䔀䨀䘀฀䐀䈀吀 aluminum gear cover t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā伀娀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀䔀 t ␀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀唀Ā吀儀䨀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䴀倀䐀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t ☀䈀吀娀฀唀倀฀䐀䤀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā䐀䈀匀䌀倀伀Ā䌀匀嘀吀䤀䘀 Outside Dia. of Disc 4” Watt/AMPs 650W/6AMPs No load speed 800-3600/min Spindle 5/8”-11unc 7/8” arbor Model TS4V Spindle 5/8”-11 Weight 6.17 lbs 1BSU ⸀ᄀᄀᄀሀᨀ "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” RB4” - 5/8”-11 130120 Replacement Brushes* 130241 *Sold in sets of 2 5(75&2(SJOE t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Ā᠀ᘀᄀ㠀Ā一倀唀倀 t ㌀倀唀䈀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䘀䈀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā吀儀䘀䘀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t 㠀䘀䈀匀Ā匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䔀䨀䘀฀䐀䈀吀 aluminum gear cover t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā伀娀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀䔀 t ␀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀唀Ā吀儀䨀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䴀倀䐀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t ☀䈀吀娀฀唀倀฀䐀䤀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā䐀䈀匀䌀倀伀Ā䌀匀嘀吀䤀䘀 5(75&2(SJOE t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āሀጀᄀᄀ㠀ကሀጀĀ䈀一儀吀Ā一倀唀倀 t ㌀倀唀䈀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䤀䘀䈀 t 㜀䈀匀䨀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā吀儀䘀䘀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t 㠀䘀䈀匀Ā匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䔀䨀䘀฀䐀䈀吀 aluminum gear cover t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā伀娀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀䔀 t ␀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀唀Ā吀儀䨀伀䔀䴀䘀Ā䴀倀䐀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t ☀䈀吀娀฀唀倀฀䐀䤀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā䐀䈀匀䌀倀伀Ā䌀匀嘀吀䤀䘀 Comes with a 5” storm cup wheel (D81024) Outside Dia. of Disc 5” Watt/AMPs 750W/7.5 AMPs No load speed 2800-10500/min Spindle 5/8”-11unc 7/8” arbor Model TG5V Weight 3.7 lbs 1BSU ⠀᐀ᄀᄀᄀᘀ "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Brushes* 160109 *Sold in sets of 2 Outside Dia. of Disc 6” Watt/AMPs 1200W/12 AMPs No load speed 2800-10000/min Spindle 5/8”-11unc 7/8” arbor Model TG6V Weight 6.3 lbs 1BSU ⠀᐀ᄀᄀᄀᜀ "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Brushes* 160110 *Sold in sets of 2 t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āሀጀᄀᄀ㠀Ā一倀唀倀 t ⤀䘀䈀圀娀฀䔀嘀唀娀Ā䐀倀一儀倀伀䘀伀唀 t ␀匀䈀䐀䰀฀匀䘀吀䨀吀唀䈀伀唀Ā䘀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā伀娀䴀倀伀Ā䌀倀䔀 t 㠀䘀唀Ā䈀唀唀䈀䐀䤀一䘀伀唀Ā䰀䨀 t ☀匀䠀倀伀倀一䨀䐀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀伀Ā䜀倀匀Ā倀儀唀䨀一嘀一Ā䠀匀䨀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀一儀䈀䐀唀Ā䔀䘀吀䨀䠀 t ∀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䐀嘀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䔀䘀儀唀 Comes with a 4.5” DXC blade (D96202) Motor 1200W Model TW4.5 Blade Diameter 4.5” Cutting Depth 1-3/8” No Load Speed 13,000/min Weight 6.61 lb. 1BSU ⸀ᄀᄀᄀሀᤀ "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Replacement Brushes* 160110 *Sold in sets of 2 (SJOEFS1PMJTIFS)BOE5JMF4BX 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 105 %VTUMFTT7BDVVN4QFDJmDBUJPOT  㐀唀䔀Ā㜀䈀䐀ĀĠ)&1" Specifications 16 WD Inches Water Lift 72 CFM 116 Volts 110 Watts 1324 peak Amps 11.5 RPM’s 23,000 7BD0OMZ1BSU ሀᜀᄀᄀ᠀ᄀĀĠ 7BDXJUI5PPM4ZOD™ ሀᜀᄀጀ᐀᠀ Dust Muzzle Without Vacuum Dust Muzzle With Vacuum Patented system engineered specifically for fine dust created by diamond tools and drywall sanding. Part # 160070 %VTU.V[[MFTGPS t ⤀䈀伀䔀Ā⤀䘀䴀䔀Ā⠀匀䨀伀䔀䘀匀 t ␀䨀匀䐀嘀䴀䈀匀Ā㐀䈀堀 t ␀倀匀䘀Ā─匀䨀䴀䴀 t ⠀䈀吀Ā⤀䨀䠀䤀Ā㐀儀䘀䘀䔀Ā㐀䈀堀 t ☀䴀䘀䐀唀匀䨀䐀Ā⤀䨀䠀䤀Ā㐀儀䘀䘀䔀Ā㐀䈀堀 t ─匀娀堀䈀䴀䴀Ā㐀䈀伀䔀䨀伀 t ㄀䈀䨀伀唀Ā␀䤀䨀儀Ā㐀䐀匀䈀儀䨀伀 %VTU $POUBJONFOU 4ZTUFN 1BUFOUFE8FU%SZ 7BDVVN t ␀倀䴀䴀䘀䐀唀吀Ā嘀儀Ā唀倀Āᨀᨀ؀Ā倀䜀 airborne dust t ㄀䈀唀䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā洀䴀唀䘀匀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀 t ⤀☀㄀∀Ā一倀䔀䘀䴀Ā䈀圀䈀䨀䴀䈀䌀䴀 t ㄀匀倀䜀䘀吀吀䨀倀伀䈀䴀Ā䠀匀䈀䔀 %VTUMFTT%VTU$POUBJONFOU4ZTUFN 5JMF4UPOF Cleaning Agitator Rod Primary Filter Secondary Filter Filter Support Intake Port Wet Separation Point Check Ball Regulated Drain Drip to Full Flow  ─嘀吀唀䴀䘀吀吀Ġ0UIFS 'FBUVSFT 㐀娀吀唀䘀一Ġ4ZTUFN Ability to change between wet and dry vacuuming without stopping to change filters X Patented filtration system enables cleaning of internal filters without opening X the unit to keep dust inside the canister. Patented filtration system designed specifically to contain extremely fine dust X from dry wall and concrete cutting. Optional disposable patented micro- prefilter that keeps secondary and X primary filters clean Machine-washable fabric filters designed to last the life of the machine. X Quiet operation - 81 decibels X Powerful suction that drops off very little as filters get full: 72” water lift X compared to 30” to 40” on other vacs. Does not blow dust on startup. X Automatic shut-off when full of water to protect filters and motor. X Regulating drain valve X 12’ crush proof hose can be used for pick up or draining. X $PNQBSF%VTUMFTTUP5ZQJDBM4IPQ7BDT 5&27BD'FBUVSFT t ☀伀䠀䨀伀䘀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䘀夀唀匀䈀Ā洀伀䘀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā䜀匀倀一Ā䔀匀娀堀䈀䴀䴀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀伀䐀匀䘀唀 t ✀䨀䴀唀䘀匀吀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā䐀䴀䘀䈀伀䘀䔀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā匀䘀一倀圀䨀伀䠀Ā唀䤀䘀Ā䴀䨀 t 㠀䈀吀䤀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䴀䨀䜀䘀唀䨀一䘀Ā䜀䈀䌀匀䨀䐀Ā儀匀䨀一䈀匀娀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā吀䘀䐀倀伀䔀䈀匀娀Ā洀䴀唀䘀匀 t 唀倀倀䴀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā䐀倀伀圀䘀伀䨀䘀伀唀䴀娀Ā吀唀倀匀䘀䔀Ā倀伀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀 t 䈀嘀唀倀一䈀唀䨀䐀Ā吀䤀嘀唀Ā倀䜀䜀Ā䰀䘀䘀儀吀Ā洀䴀唀䘀匀吀Ā䔀匀娀Ā堀䤀䘀伀Ā䜀嘀䴀䴀Ā倀䜀Ā堀䈀唀䘀 t ␀䤀䈀伀䠀䘀Ā䜀匀倀一Ā堀䘀唀Ā唀倀Ā䔀匀娀Ā圀䈀䐀嘀嘀一䨀伀䠀Ā堀䨀唀䤀倀嘀唀Ā吀唀倀儀儀䨀伀 t ─匀䈀䨀伀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā匀䘀䠀嘀䴀䈀唀䘀䔀Ā䜀匀倀一Ā䈀Ā䔀匀䨀儀Ā唀倀Ā䜀嘀䴀䴀Ā渀倀 t 㐀嘀䐀匀唀䨀倀伀Ā䤀倀吀䘀Ā䐀䈀伀Ā䌀䘀Ā嘀吀䘀䔀Ā䈀吀Ā䈀Ā䔀匀䈀䨀伀Ā䤀倀吀 t ⼀倀Ā椀䐀倀嘀䠀䤀䨀伀䠀眀Ā倀嘀唀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā堀䤀䘀伀Ā唀嘀匀伀䘀䔀Ā倀 t ㈀嘀䨀䘀唀Ā倀儀䘀匀䈀唀䨀倀伀Ā฀Ā倀伀䴀娀ĀᤀሀĀ䔀䘀䐀䨀䌀䘀䴀 t ㄀倀堀䘀匀䜀嘀䴀Āጀ᐀ഀᄀᄀᄀĀ㌀㄀⸀Ā一倀唀倀 t ㄀䈀唀䘀伀唀䘀䔀Ā䔀倀嘀䌀䴀䘀Ā洀䴀唀䘀匀Ā吀娀吀唀䘀 t ☀夀䐀䘀䘀䔀吀Ā 㐀⤀∀Ā䠀嘀䨀䔀䘀䴀䨀伀䘀 t ⤀☀㄀∀Ā圀䈀䐀Ā一倀䔀䘀䴀Ā䐀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀 particles down to 0.3 microns t ᠀ጀ眀Ā堀䈀唀䘀匀Ā䴀䨀䜀 QJFDF5PPM4FU*ODMVEFT t  伀䘀ĀሀጀࠀĀ䐀匀嘀吀䤀က䰀䨀伀䰀Ā儀匀倀倀䜀Ā䤀倀吀 t ሀᔀ眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā渀倀倀匀Ā唀倀倀 t ሀༀᘀ眀Ā䐀匀䘀圀䨀䐀䘀Ā唀倀倀 t 㔀堀倀Āሀᨀ眀Ā䘀夀唀䘀伀吀䨀倀伀Ā堀䈀伀䔀 %VTUMFTT8FU%SZ7BDVVN ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ Dustless Vacuum 160070 "DDFTTPSJFT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 18” DustMuzzle Hose 1-1/4” 160091 6” DustMuzzle Hose -1/4” 160092 25” x 2” flexible hose w/coupler 160093 Splitter “Y” 2” to 2”, 2” 160105 1BUFOUFE'JMUFS4ZTUFN Dustless wet/Dry Vacuums come with fabric primary and secondary filters that are machine washable and designed for lifetime use. These filters stay dry at all times and can be cleaned by wiggling the exclusive agittor rod on the top of the unit. No need to open the vacuum and let dust escape. The optional Micro-prefilter adds 5 layers of filtration, capturing particles down to 0.5 microns. The Micro- prefilters protects the primary and secondary filters, eliminating the need to clean them. It retains its strength when wet and is disposable. The HEPA vac model features a HEPA filter in place of the secondary and primary filters. It captures airborne particles down to 0.3 microns for the ultimate in dust containment. It is a good idea to use a Micro-prefilter in conjunction with the HEPA filter to extend its life, although it is not required. 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 106 %VTUMFTT%VTU$POUBJONFOU4ZTUFN %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ DITEQ muzzle for 6” grinder (5” max capacity) 160146 18” hose for DITEQ muzzle 160091 %*5&2 %VTU 4ISPVE t 㠀䨀唀䤀Ā䈀䔀䬀嘀吀唀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䐀䴀䈀一儀Ā洀唀唀䨀伀䠀Ā䐀䈀伀 be used on hand grinders %VTUJF t ✀䴀䘀夀฀✀䴀䈀伀䠀䘀餀Ā嘀伀䨀圀䘀匀吀䈀䴀 connecting collar for fast, easy installation on all major makes of hand grinders. Simply slip it on and tighten band clamp. t ᘀ眀Ā吀䨀嬀䘀Ā洀唀吀Ā一倀吀唀Āᔀ眀฀ᘀ眀 hand grinders t ᠀眀Ā吀䨀嬀䘀Ā洀唀吀Ā一倀吀唀Āᜀ眀฀ᨀ眀 hand grinders t ␀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀Āᨀᨀ؀Ā倀䜀Ā䈀䨀匀䌀倀匀伀䘀 dust. t 㔀匀䨀一Ā吀䤀匀倀嘀䔀Ā䜀倀匀Ā嘀吀䘀Ā䨀伀Ā䐀匀䈀䐀䰀Ā䐀䤀䈀吀䨀伀䠀 and tuckpointing applications. (Must use snap on cover plate over open face when tuckpointing.) %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 5” Dustie 160321 5” Cover Plate 160224 7” Dustie 160322 7” Cover Plate 160328 18” Hose Connection 160091 %VTU#VEEJF t ⨀伀䐀䴀嘀䔀䘀吀Āሀᤀ眀Ā䤀倀吀 t ␀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā嘀儀Ā唀倀Āᨀᨀ؀Ā倀䜀Ā䔀嘀吀 t ✀䨀唀吀Ā一倀吀唀Āᔀ眀฀ᨀ眀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā䠀匀䨀伀䔀䘀匀 t2VJDL&BTZUPJOTUBMMTJNQMFCBOEDMBNQXJUI spring actuated adjustment t ␀䴀䘀䈀匀Ā儀倀䴀娀䐀䈀匀䌀倀伀䈀唀䘀Ā䜀倀匀Ā圀䨀吀䨀䌀䨀䴀䨀唀娀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䔀嘀匀䈀䌀䨀䴀䨀唀 t ㌀䘀一倀圀䈀䌀䴀䘀Ā䜀匀倀伀唀Ā䘀䔀䠀䘀Ā倀䜀Ā吀䤀匀倀嘀䔀Ā䜀倀匀Ā䠀匀䨀伀䔀䨀伀䠀Ā䐀䴀倀吀䘀 to wall or edge t 㔀匀䨀一Ā吀䤀匀倀嘀䔀Ā䜀倀匀Ā嘀吀䘀Ā䨀伀Ā唀嘀䐀䰀儀倀䨀伀唀䨀伀䠀ഀĀ䐀匀䈀䐀䰀Ā䐀䤀䈀吀䨀伀䠀 and decorative cutting applications. (Snap on cover plate required.) %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 5” DustBuddie w/18” hose 160242 7” DustBuddie w/18” hose 160327 5” Cover Plate 160224 7” Cover Plate 160328 18” hose connection 160091 Removable Front Edge Brush Skirt Snap on Cover Plate Shrouds recommended with use of 5/8-11 threaded arbor cup wheels. 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  (SJOEJOH7BDVVN4ZTUFN ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 16 gal. wet/dry setup 160070 Micro pre-filter bags (qty of 10 filter bags) 160072 Dust Buddie 160242 TG6V 6” TEQ-Grind G30006 5” CST34 Storm Cup Wheel D81024 5PUBM1BDLBHF ⠀᐀ᄀᄀᄀ᠀ "DDFTTPSJFT"UUBDINFOUT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ DustBuddie - see page 106 Dustie - See page 106 DITEQ muzzle for 6” grinder (5” max capacity) 160146 18” 1-1/4” dia. hose for DITEQ muzzle 160091 2” Core Drill Shroud w/hose 160085 3” Core Drill Shroud w/hose 160086 WD Filter package wet/dry lifetime 160089 WD Filter master pk (pkg. 5 Pri & Sec) 160090 Micro pre-filter bags (qty of 10 filter bags) 160072 Micro pre-filter bags (qty of 20 filter bags) 160076 6’ DM Hose 1-1/4” 160092 25’ x 2” Flexible hose w/coupler 160093 $JSDVMBS4BX7BDVVN4ZTUFN ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 16 gal. wet/dry setup 160070 Micro pre-filter (qty of 10 filter bags) 160072 Saw shroud (specify saw type)* *Saw & blade not included "DDFTTPSJFTGPS&MFDUSJD.PEFMT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Saw Shroud - Bosch worm drive 160094 Saw Shroud - Skil worm drive 160095 Saw Shroud - Dewalt worm drive 160096 Saw Shroud - Makita worm drive 160097 Saw Shroud - Milwaukee worm drive 160098 Saw Shroud Type Electric - Bosch 160099 Saw Shroud Type Electric - Partner 160100 "DDFTTPSJFTGPS(BT.PEFMT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Saw Shroud GP DITEQ Gas 160101 Saw Shroud GP - Makita Gas 160102 Saw Shroud GP - Partner/Husqvarna 12” 160103 Saw Shroud GP - Still 12” -- 14” gas 160104 Shrouds recommended with use of 5/8-11 threaded arbor cup wheels. %SZXBMM4BOEJOH7BDVN4ZTUFN ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 16 gal. wet/dry setup 160070 Micro pre filter 2 - 5 pk = 10 filters 160072 Turbo Dry Wall Sander 160069 Multi pack - all grits 5 of ea. 25pk 100,120, 150, 180, & 220 grits 160079 5PUBM1BDLBHF( "DDFTTPSJFT"UUBDINFOUT ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ Turbo Dry Wall Sander 160069 1/2 oz oil bottle sander 160080 Multi pack - all grits 5 of ea. 25pk 100,120, 150, 180, & 220 grits 160079 100 grit sandpaper 25 pack 160214 120 grit sandpaper 25 pack 160215 150 grit sandpaper 25 pack 160124 180 grit sandpaper 25 pk 160078 220 grit sandpaper 25 pack 160125 #JU#VEEJF t ✀䴀䘀夀䨀䌀䴀䘀ഀĀ唀匀䈀伀吀䴀嘀䐀䘀伀唀 rubber dust shroud t ␀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā䔀嘀吀唀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā吀䴀嘀匀匀 t 㐀嘀䐀唀䨀倀伀Ā䤀倀䴀䔀吀Ā䨀唀Ā䨀伀Ā儀䴀䈀䐀 t ሀ฀᐀ကᤀ眀Ā䨀吀Ā䘀夀䐀䘀䴀䴀䘀伀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā唀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā儀䴀䈀䐀䘀吀Ā䴀䨀䰀䘀Ā䔀匀䨀䴀䴀䨀伀䠀Ā䜀䈀嘀䐀䘀唀 holes in stone countertops %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 1-3/8” dia. bits 160220 t ─嘀䈀䴀Ā∀䐀唀䨀倀伀Ā฀Ā吀䈀伀䔀吀Ā䈀伀䔀Ā䐀倀伀唀匀倀䴀吀Ā䔀嘀吀 t ∀䨀匀Ā儀倀堀䘀匀䘀䔀Ā唀嘀匀䌀䨀伀䘀Ā儀匀倀圀䨀䔀䘀吀 aggressive orbital sanding motion t ㄀倀䴀䘀Ā䘀夀唀䘀伀䔀吀Ā᠀Ā䜀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā唀䈀䴀䴀Ā䐀䘀䨀䴀䨀伀䠀 t 㐀䈀伀䔀吀Ā䨀伀Ā䐀倀匀伀䘀匀 t ␀倀伀圀䘀匀唀吀Ā唀倀Ā䤀䈀伀䔀Ā吀䈀伀䔀䘀 t ⴀ䨀䠀䤀唀堀䘀䨀䠀䤀唀Ā฀Ā䘀䈀吀娀Ā唀倀Ā嘀吀䘀Ā倀圀䘀匀䤀䘀䈀 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā Turbo Drywall Sander 160069 1BJOU#VEEJF t ␀䈀儀唀嘀匀䘀吀Ā儀䈀䨀伀唀Ā䐀䤀䨀儀吀Ā䈀吀 they’re made t 㠀倀匀䰀吀Ā倀伀Ā䌀倀唀䤀Ā吀䨀䔀䘀吀Ā倀䜀Ā唀䤀䘀 blade for collecting debris in both directions t ☀夀䐀䘀䴀䴀䘀伀唀Ā䜀倀匀Ā儀倀儀䐀倀匀伀Ā䐀䘀䨀䴀䨀伀䠀 removal t 㘀唀䨀䴀䨀嬀䘀吀Āጀ眀Ā堀䨀䔀䘀Ā䌀䴀䈀䔀䘀 %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā 2” PaintBuddie 160141 )&1"7BDVVN4ZTUFN ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 16 gal. Hepa WD W/12’x2” hose 160071 Hepa Filter 160073 %VTUMFTT%VTU$POUBJONFOU4ZTUFN %FTDSJQUJPO ㄀䈀匀唀Ā StandardVac with ToolSync™ 160236 HEPA Vacuum with ToolSync™ 160237 5VSCP%SZXBMM4BOEFS 5PPM4ZOD ™ Toolsync™ is the wireless way to integrate the on/off functions of power hand tools with a vacuum used for dust control. Start the tool and the vacuum also turns on. There are two models: one for electric tools and one for pneumatic tools. This versatile system can be set it up so one power tool can operate several vacuums, or one vacuum can be activated by a number of tools. 5JMF4UPOF 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 108 $4 $%  1SFNJVN $$$VQ  4VQFS1SFNJVN (SJOEJOH8IFFM Step up to premium performance with these grinding wheels. Use when high-productivity is a priority, and for grinding of harder materials. Use single row grinding wheels for rough work and rapid stock removal. Use double row grinding wheels for finer finishing. Use continuous rim grinding wheels for smoothest finish.  ␀㐀ጀ᐀Ġ$% ␀␀᐀  㐀䨀伀䠀䴀䘀Ġ%PVCMF ␀倀伀唀 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㌀倀堀Ġ3PX ㌀䨀一 4” x 7/8”-5/8” D80011 D80016 4” x 5/8”-11 thread D80012 D80017 D80021 4.5” x 7/8”-5/8” D80027 D80028 D81028 4” x 24grit x 5/8”-11 D80022 5” x 7/8”-5/8” D80013 D80018 7” x 7/8”-5/8” D80014 D80019 7” x 5/8”-11 thread D80015 D80020 $45 $45 $VQ(SJOEJOH8IFFM 4VQFS1SFNJVN Use for fast, aggressive removal of concrete, stone and masonry materials. Can be used wet or dry and leaves minimal swirl marks. Use CST33 for fast removal on hard material. Use CST36 for longer life on soft abrasive material.  ␀㐀㔀᐀᐀Ġ$45  㐀倀䜀唀Ġ)BSE %JBNFUFS8JEUI ⌀倀伀䔀Ġ#POE 4” x 10 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81001 D81010 4” x 10 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81002 D81011 4.5” x 7/8”-5/8” D81029 D81030 5” x 14 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81003 D81012 7” x 12 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81004 D81013 7” x 12 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81005 D81014 7” x 18 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81006 D81015 7” x 18 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81007 D81016 7” x 24 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81008 D81017 7” x 24 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81009 D81018 $4 $%$VQ (SJOEJOH8IFFM 4UBOEBSE These grinding wheels give you an excellent, economical way to grind a variety of hard materials such as concrete, stone and masonry. Use single row grinding wheels for rough work and rapid stock removal. Use double row grinding wheels for finer finishing. (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 1$%$BOE1$%$ $VQXIFFMT 4VQFS1SFNJVN PCD diamond particles are ultra rough and have three times the surface area of monocrystalline particles 4” cup has 5 PCD segments while the 7” has 9 segments. Great for removing surface coatings including epoxies, mastic and glue. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” PCDC-35 D83201 7” PCDC-39 D83202  ␀㐀ሀᔀĠ$%  㐀䨀伀䠀䴀䘀Ġ%PVCMF %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㌀倀堀Ġ3PX 4” x 7/8”-5/8” D80001 D80006 4” x 5/8”-11 thread D80002 D80007 4.5” x 7/8”-5/8” D80025 D80026 5” x 7/8”-5/8” D80003 D80008 5” x 5/8”-11 thread D80023 D80024 7” x 7/8”-5/8” D80004 D80009 7” x 5/8”-11 thread D80005 D80010 (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN  $454FHNFOUFE4UPSN $VQ(SJOEJOH8IFFM 4VQFS1SFNJVN Use for fast, aggressive removal, with a smooth finish, onDPODSFUF TUPOFBOENBTPOSZNBUFSJBMT. Perimeter is less likely to catch on edges. A favorite among professional contractors. .FEJVN (SJU %JBNFUFS8JEUI Ġ1BSU 4” x medium x 5/8”-11 thread D82004 4” x medium x 5/8”-5/8” D82003 5” x medium x 5/8”-11 thread D82016 6” x medium x 5/8”-11 thread D82022 7” x medium x 5/8”-11 thread D82028 $PBSTF (SJU %JBNFUFS8JEUI Ġ1BSU 4” x coarse x 7/8”-5/8” D82001 4” x coarse x 5/8”-11 thread D82002 5” x coarse x 7/8”-5/8” D82013 5” x coarse x 5/8”-11 thread D82014 6” x coarse x 7/8”-5/8” D82019 6” x coarse x 5/8”-11 thread D82020 7” x coarse x 7/8”-5/8” D82025 7” x coarse x 5/8”-11 thread D82026 44NPPUI'BDF3FTJO 'JMMFE$VQ8IFFMT 4VQFS1SFNJVN The resin filled cup grinding wheels provide aggressive, chip-free grinding and finishing. With metal bond segments and unique resin, these grinding wheels perform great on HSBOJUFNBSCMF Choose from coarse (blue), medium (yellow) and fine (white) grit. Operators feel the difference when controlling the grinding. %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x coarse x 5/8”-11 D66063 4” x medium x 5/8”-11 D66065 4” x fine x 5/8”-11 D66089 %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 4” x 8 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81019 4” x 8 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81020 4.5” x 9 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81021 4.5” x 9 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81022 5” x 10 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81023 5” x 10 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81024 7” x 12 seg x 7/8”-5/8” D81025 7” x 12 seg x 5/8”-11 thread D81026 '5$$FJMJOH(SJOEJOH 1MBUF 4VQFS1SFNJVN Flat-body grinding wheel for fast, aggressive removal, with a smooth finish on DPODSFUF TUPOFBOE NBTPOSZNBUFSJBMT 4VQFS1SFNJVN Excellent choice for finishing of hard materials including: HSBOJUF NBSCMF UJMF QPSDFMBJO SFGSBDUPSZ MJHIU EVUZNBTPOSZBOEDPODSFUF Comes in three grits. 'JOF (SJU %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀ 4” x fine x 7/8”-5/8” D82005 4” x fine x 5/8”-11 thread D82006 5” x fine x 5/8”-11 thread D82018 6” x fine x 5/8”-11 thread D82024 7” x fine x 5/8”-11 thread D82030 (SJOEJOH8IFFMT $5$$POUJOVPVT 5VSCP$VQ %JBNFUFS8JEUI ㄀䈀匀唀ĀЀĀ 5” x 5/8”-11 160161 6” x 5/8”-11 160162 (SJOEJOH8IFFMT 5PMM'SFFt'BYt8FCTJUFXXX%*5&2DPN 110 %JBNPOE#MBEF0QFSBUJOH4QFFET Recommended Maximum Operating Safe Diameter Speed (RPM)* Speed (RPM) 4” 9,072 15,000 4-1/2” 8,063 13,300 5” 7,257 12,000 6” 6,048 10,185 7” 5,184 8,730 8” 4,536 7,640 9” 4,032 6,790 10” 3,629 6,110 12” 3,024 5,090 12” High Speed 6,300 14” 2,592 4,365 14” High Speed 5,460 16” 2,268 3,820 16” High Speed 4,725 18” 2,016 3,395 20” 1,814 3,055 22” 1,649 2,775 24” 1,512 2,545 26” 1,396 2,350 28” 1,296 2,180 30” 1,210 2,035 32” 1,134 1,910 36” 1,008 1,695 42” 864 1,455 48” 756 1,270 54” 1,130 60” 1,015 *Based on 9,500 SFPM (Surface Feet Per Minute) $PSF%SJMM0QFSBUJOH4QFFET Minimum Recommended Maximum Operating Operating Safe Diameter Speed (RPM) Speed (RPM) Speed (RPM) 1” 2400 3200 4000 2” 1200 1400 2000 3” 800 1000 1300 4” 600 900 1000 5” 500 700 800 6” 400 550 665 7” 350 450 600 8” 300 400 500 10” 250 300 400 12” 200 265 330 14” 170 225 285 16” 150 200 250 18” 130 175 220 20” 120 150 200 24” 100 130 165 30” 80 105 130 Blade Cutting Diameter Depth $PODSFUF4BX#MBEFT 12” 3-5/8” 14” 4-5/8” 16” 5-5/8” 18” 6-5/8” 20” 7-5/8” 24” 9-5/8” 26” 10-5/8” 30” 12-3/8” 36” 14-7/8” 42” 17-3/8” 48” 19-7/8” )JHI4QFFE4BX#MBEFT 12” 4” 14” 5” 16” 6” 8BMM4BX#MBEFT 18” 6-1/2” 24” 9-1/2” 30” 11-1/2” 36” 14--1/2” 42” 17-3/4” 48” 20-3/4” .BYJNVN#MBEF$VUUJOH%FQUI THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED WITH ALL DIAMOND TOOL PACKAGING. PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS PROVIDED WITH EACH TOOL. Warning! THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS SOME OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: aluminum oxide boron carbon chrome cobalt copper diamond iron manganese molybdenum nickel phosphorous silicon silicon carbide silver steel tungsten tungsten carbide This product as sold presents no hazard, although sawing, drilling, grinding and other construction activities may release small amounts of metal into the dust or slurry generated. Dust and slurry generated may contain other chemicals from materials cut. By example only, silica (SiO2) may be present in cement and other masonry products. Precautionary steps, including appropriate respiratory protection and other control methods should be taken to ensure that worker exposure to dust not exceed appropriate PEL or TLV. (Reference OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910.1200) Prolonged exposure to excessive amounts of dust can cause: t3FTQJSBUPSZEJTFBTFGSPNJOIBMBUJPOJODMVEJOHQVMNPOBSZmCSPTJT t4LJOJSSJUBUJPOBOESBTIGSPNDPOUBDU Nickel and certain compounds, which may be present in certain products, are considered carcino- genic by NTP and IARC. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REFER TO MSDS OR CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER. Prop 65 Warning! The use of this product can cause the exposure to a chemical or chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Prop 65 Warning! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm. Warning! IMPROPERLY USED GRINDING WHEELS, WIRE BRUSHES, BLADES AND BITS ARE DANGEROUS. Warning! COMPLY WITH ANSI B7.1 AND OSHA 29 CFR 1900-1910 et al COVERING SPEED, SAFETY GUARDS, FLANGES, MOUNTING PROCEDURES, GENERAL OPERATING RULES, HANDLING, STORAGE, INSPECTION AND GENERAL MACHINE CONDITIONS. $VUUJOH4QFFET%FQUIT4BGFUZ8BSOJOHT Blade Cutting Diameter Depth .BTPOSZ4BX#MBEFT 14” 5” 18” 7” 20” 8” 1PXFS)BOE4BX#MBEFT 6” 1-3/4” 7” 2-1/4” 8” 2-3/4” 9” 3-1/4” 10” 3-3/4” 5JMF4BX#MBEFT 4” 1” 4-1/2” 1-1/4” 5” 1-1/2” 7” 2-1/2” 8” 3” 10” 3-3/4” 8FU#JU4QFDJmDBUJPOT #JU%JBNFUFS ␀倀匀䘀Ā㔀匀䈀圀䘀 1” - 14” 14” 16” - 17” 20” 18” - 19” 22” 20” - 31” 24” 32” + 36” DIAMOND TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 1250 NW Main Street Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 Toll-Free:866-688-1032 Fax: 877-220-4777 Local: 816-246-5515 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE LEE’S SUMMIT, MO PERMIT NO.98 PAID January 2009