The following Flip Catalog has been brought to you courtesy of Our hopes are to bring you the most comprehensive information we can so you can make an informed decision regarding purchases. Not all of the items in this series of catalogs are stocked; some are special order and require lead times. We hope that when it comes time to make a purchase you will offer us an opportunity to quote you on the items you need. Please call our office with any questions you may have regarding these items. 1 800 669 5519 FEIN General Catalog 2012/2013 F E I N General C at alog 2012/2013 Welcome to FEIN In t he new F E I N General C at alog 2012/2013, you’ll find our complet e range of professional and ext remely reliable power t ools for t rades and indust ry. Designed t o be as user-friendly as our product s , t he new F E I N General C at alog provides a quick overview of t he complet e F E I N product range . We’ve org anized it even more clearly t o make it easy t o find what you’re looking for. It ’s concise wit h all t he key informat ion you need t o make an informed choice . Expert advice wit h all t he fact s and figures you need , along wit h all t he relevant F E I N syst em accessories . 1 Drilling 12 Power Drills 17 KB H  28 Angle Drills 32 Tappers 37 Fastening 42 Univers al Screwdrivers 47 Tek Screwdrivers 54 Drywall / Deck Screwdrivers 60 Offset Screwdriver 65 F E I N AccuTec 68 Grinding 72 Compact Angle Grinders 76 Large Angle Grinders 92 Die Grinders 96 High-Frequency 108 Sur faceFinishing 116 Surface Finishing Tools 120 Polisher 141 Dust Ext ract ors 147 Oscillating 154 F E I N Mul TiMAsTer 158 F E I N supercuT consTrucTion 168 F E I N supercuT AuToMoTive 187 Sheetmetalwork 200 Slit t ing Shears 204 Sheet Met al Shears 209 Nibblers 215 SawingandCutting 226 Jigs aws and Hacks aws 229 Pipe Milling Machines 235 Accessories 236 B alancer 238 Tool C ase 242 Additionalinformation 244 F E I N Repair and Cust omer Service 246 F E I N Part ners 247 F E I N Vibrat ion Reduct ion 248 F E I N Built -on Mot ors 249 Product Overview 250 Addresses 252 2      18 5 0 18 7 5 19 0 0 19 2 5  Thehistor yofF E I Nisthehistor yofpowertools . In 1867 Wilhelm Emil Fein founded a company for t he product ion of scient ific and elect rical equipment where his son Emil Fein invent ed t he first elect ric hand drill in 1895, barely 30 years lat er. Wit h t his invent ion , he laid t he cornerst one for t he highly reliable power t ools t hat F E I N cont inues t o manufact ure in Germany. These are t ools t hat have made F E I N respect ed in indust ries and t rades around t he world . For over 140 years , F E I N has been among t he world leaders in power t ool manufact uring , building du - rable power t ools and delivering F E I N qualit y and performance wit h every new product innovat ion . 1867 The c ornerst one . Wilhelm Emil Fein opened a “workshop for t he manufact ure of physical and elect rical apparat us ,” t he foundat ion of t he lat er C . & E . F E I N Company. 1895 The world’s first power t ool . C . & E . F E I N invent s t he world’s first elect rical hand drill . 1914 The F E I N hammer. The first drill wit h elect ro-pneumat ic hammer mechanism (pat ent ed ). In t he s ame year, t he first t rue high-performance drill for direct current and t hree phase power. 1885 The first port able t elephone . Numerous invent ions and improvement s emerge in t he fields of t elephony, light ing and fire alarms , including t he first port able t elephone , among ot her t hings . 1908 First spe c ialt y fac t ory for power t ools . Specializat ion in t he product ion of power t ools was complet ed by Emil Fein . 1927 The first jig s aw. Met al cut t ing and s awing becomes easier; F E I N launches t he first jigs aw (pat ent ed ) and t he first sheet met al shear. 1895 The beg inning of a success st ory: t he first elect ric hand drill . 3       1 9 5 0 1 9 7 5 20 0 0  1967 First osc illat ing power t ool . The plast er cast s aw (pat ent ed ) and t he first hand drill wit h elect ronic cont rol . Displayed t oday, like t he first hand drill , in t he Deut sches Museum, Munich . 1987 First “s afet y” ang le g rinder. Handling angle grinders becomes considerably s afer and more convenient . F E I N builds t he first “s afet y” angle grinder wit h a t ool-free , fast at t achment syst em and brake (pat ent ed ). 2007 F E I N MultiMaster 250 Q. The next generat ion of t he univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion : F E I N’s unique 40 years of experience wit h oscillat ion t echnolog y is built int o t he new F E I N Mul TiMAsTer. 1986 First osc illat ing F E I N t riang ular s ander. The ancest or of t he current F E I N Mul TiMAsTer and all lat er det ail s anders . Incredibly vers at ile , due t o t he oscillat ing drive principle (pat ent ed ). 2004 Revolut ionary: F E I N EVO. The first s afet y angle grinder designed wit h swit chless operat ion . An addit ional milest one in t he hist ory of t he power t ool . 2011 F E I N K B H 25. The world’s first hand-held core drilling syst em for met al combines t he advant ages of high performance power drills and carbide-t ipped core bit s in a single syst em. 2 0 11 F E I N cont inues t o const ant ly set new power t ool st andards in t he market place . 4 DurablepowertoolscomefromF E I N . Our ent ire experience goes int o every st ep of product ion so F E I N power t ools live up t o our own requirement s for durabilit y under all circumst ances and can handle t ough day-t o-day use by professionals . From t he sophist icat ed overall const ruct ion t o t he select ion of mat erials , and on t o t he perfect int eract ion of all t he component s , F E I N power t ools s at isfy every demand . To ensure t hat level of qualit y, every element is produced wit h maximum accuracy and precision . Part s from suppliers are also subject t o our st rict qualit y cont rol and can only be used if t hey meet our high st andards . Durable Use of high-qualit y mat erials and com - ponent s guarant ees t he legendary long service life of F E I N power t ools . Whet her a met al gear head , reinforced plast ic housing , dust proof bearing or fully encap - sulat ed elect ronics – a host of individual measures go t o ensure t he reliabilit y t hat is expect ed from F E I N power t ools in t ough , everyday use . Safe Many groundbreaking s afet y-relat ed milest ones in t he development of power t ools orig inat ed wit h F E I N . This includes innovat ions like t he elect ric braking sys - t em for angle grinders . These milest ones and innovat ions have led t o F E I N power t ools est ablishing an exemplary st andard of s afet y. Te st e d F E I N uses t he lat est product ion t ech - niques and t he highest qualit y st andards . Before shipping t o t he end-user, every F E I N power t ool is subject t o st rict t est - ing t o ensure t hat it represent s t he best t hat modern , “Made in Germany” power t ool product ion can offer. 5 Groundbre ak ing B arrel const ruct ion ensures excellent resist ance t o t wist ing and allows for ext remely compact designs . Coil and ar - mat ure are complet ely enclosed – perfect prot ect ion from shock and impact . Powerful F E I N high-performance mot ors have a very high copper cont ent – for last ing power and ext reme resilience . They are designed for cont inuous professional use in indust ry and t rades . E asy t o handle F E I N power t ools incorporat e t he lat - est ergonomic discoveries – for opt imal handling and fat igue-free operat ion , even in cont inuous use . Low vibrat ion level A specially-balanced armat ure , flexibly- mount ed ball bearings , isolat ion of mot or and housing – wit h F E I N power t ools , import ance is g iven t o smoot h running , even at t he design and const ruct ion st ages . User - orient e d F E I N power t ools cont ain many feat ures t hat make use of our product s easier and more convenient . From t he t ool- free QuickI N fast change syst em, t o t he keyless chuck wit h spindle lock , and on t o a 16 foot long indust rial-qualit y power cable . 6 F E I Nisthespecialistforextremely  reliableapplicationssolutions . F E I N is t he specialist , when ext remely reliable , professional power t ools and special applicat ions solut ions are called for in t he met alworking , int erior const ruct ion , and aut omot ive fields . As t he invent or of t he elect ric hand drill , F E I N has developed innovat ive and unbeat ably efficient , professionally-orient ed solut ions for over 140 years . In indust rial and t rade use , t hey prove t hemselves under t he t oughest cont inuous use . Interiorconstruction Whet her it involves large-scale screw set t ing in drywall work , woodworking followed by finishing , inst allat ion or removal of heat ing , air-condit ioning , or vent ilat ion and of course , int erior const ruct ion from basement t o at t ic – you will find t he perfect t ool for every applicat ion in t he F E I N range . Nat urally in professional qualit y. Metal From coarse grinding t o mirror finishing , in st eel const ruc - t ion , shipbuilding or in foundries , for precision drilling wit h hand-held rot ary drills or semi-st at ionary core drilling unit s and everywhere t hat met al fabricat ion t akes place , applica - t ions solut ions from F E I N prove t heir unequalled power and durabilit y. Automotive Replace glass , repair, alt er and remove bodywork , prepare new and used cars , repair and rest ore boat s – F E I N is your specialist for applicat ions solut ions in t he aut omot ive indust ry. 7 F E I N–weknowwhatcounts .  Andweshareourknowledge . No mat t er who you t alk t o at F E I N – expert guidance is a g iven . Whet her it is an int ernal associat e or an applicat ions specialist on sit e , you can always rely on t he professionalism of a F E I N associat e . Anyone who want s t o learn more about F E I N can t ake advant age of t he ext ensive t raining opt ions offered by F E I N . In pract ice-orient ed seminars , F E I N informs part icipant s about t he many advant ages of working wit h F E I N power t ools , bot h in t heory and pract ice . Plus if you can’t come t o F E I N , t hen F E I N will come t o you – wit h a fully-st ocked F E I N demonst rat ion vehicle . This makes professional t raining available at your locat ion . A product t est is t he best way t o experi - ence t he many advant ages of F E I N power t ools . Using varied and pract ice-orient ed t rain - ing , F E I N is happy t o share our ext ensive knowledge . Complet ely-st ocked demonst rat ion vehicles make pract ice-orient ed t raining possible , eit her at a dist ribut or locat ion or on sit e . 8 MadeinGermany. F E I N is commit t ed t o manufact uring in Germany. New and innovat ive product ion solut ions are const ant ly being developed here under opt imal condit ions and manufact ured in Schwäbisch Gmünd-B arg au , using t he lat est product ion met hods . Comprehensive qualit y management and highly-t rained associat es ensure t hat only product s which complet ely s at isfy our own high st andards are allowed t o leave our fact ory. This is t he only way we can be sure t hat our product s always live up t o t he high demands placed on t hem every day during t ough , cont inuous use in t rades and indust ry. Tomorrow’s durable F E I N power t ools are being creat ed t oday in t he research and development depart ment . A high level of vert ical int egrat ion and well-t rained associat es ensure t he consis - t ent high qualit y of F E I N power t ools . Cont inual process improvement and ongoing cont rols – every F E I N power t ool is backed by our ent ire 140 years of experience . 9 Knownaroundtheworld . All over t he world , F E I N power t ools are a yardst ick for performance and reliabilit y. To ensure t hat our cust omers can always cont act an expert , we can be reached t hrough 16 F E I N subsidiaries and 45 F E I N dist ribut ors worldwide . Wherever F E I N t ools are used , you will find professional st aff, fast service , and expert guidance . You can find your nearest F E I N part ner online at www.fein .com Expert F E I N associat es advise our cus - t omers all over t he world . Cont act point for professionals . F E I N , int ernat ional t rade fair exhibit or around t he globe . Expert consult at ion worldwide and out - st anding service , even on sit e . 10 Highper formanceandmobileworking  withF E I NLi - iontechnology. Wit h F E I N Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y, you will work just as effect ively wit h F E I N cordless t ools as you do wit h corded devices . The lit hium-ion bat t eries offer t he perfect relat ionship bet ween low weight and long service life . F E I N only uses high current bat t ery cells so brief current surges are not a problem. In addit ion , rapid chargers guarant ee unint errupt ed work . Safe work ing If overloaded , t he elect ronic bat t ery prot ect ion int ervenes and swit ches t he t ool off us - ing separat e communicat ion wiring . This avoids bat t ery and t ool damage and t he cordless t ool is ready for immediat e use aft er swit ching off. Individual c ell monit oring The sophist icat ed elect ronics make it possible t o monit or every cell individually, t hus providing reliable prot ect ion ag ainst overloading , overheat - ing and deep discharge . 2,000 c harg e s per bat t ery The high-qualit y bat t ery cells wit h 3 Ah capacit y can be charged up t o 2,000 t imes , depending on load . B ased on an est imat ed 250 work days per year and daily charg ing , t hat corresponds t o a bat t ery service life of eight years . Two t ools , one set Compact t ool case wit h t ools for different specialized uses . Ask your specialt y dealer about t he F E I N Combos . 14.4 V bat t ery F E I N Li-ion bat t eries 18 Volt bat t ery F E I N Li-ion bat t eries R apid c harg er For all F E I N Li-ion bat t eries 11 A F MM A S C T  A S C T A F S C A SC S A BL K A S W A SCS A S C T 12 Drilling D r i l l i n g 13 Power drills Page 17 Perfect ly suit ed t o t he job. Precise , powerful . K B H Page 28 Hand-held core-drilling syst em for fast , flexible operat ion . Angle Drills Page 32 Makes easy work of drilling around corners . Compact , vers at ile and powerful , for difficult or narrow locat ions . Tappers Page 37 Efficient , precise and reliable . The alt ernat ive t o manual work . We are the exper ts when it comes to drills . After all , we invented them. In 1895, F E I N revolut ionized t he world of work wit h t he invent ion of t he first elect ric hand drill . Even t oday, F E I N drills bear t he st amp of t he s ame spirit of innovat ion : t he best of 115 years of experience and always in enduring premium qualit y, whet her rot ary drills , or cordless drill/drivers . There are F E I N drills for almost any sit uat ion , wit h different sizes and shapes , drilling diamet ers of up t o 1-1/4 in and speeds adapt ed precisely t o t he mat erial . These t ools are perfect ly t ailored t o t he work you do , t he st andards you need t o meet , and your way of working . Ergonomically shaped , light weight , easy t o operat e and ext remely robust , t hey are ideal for professional users . The opt imized range of accessories and special syst em component s underline t he expert ise and experience t hat go int o a F E I N drill . 14 Model Pag e C apac it y in st eel Ø (in ) C apac it y in lig ht alloy Ø (in ) C apac it y in st ainle ss st eel Ø (in ) C apac it y in wood Ø (in ) Tapping (in ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Full load spee d (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) AB O P 6 Fast , single-speed power drill (cordless ) wit h up t o 1/4 in drilling capacit y in st eel and excellent speed st abilit y for met al const ruct ion . 18 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/4 18 0-2,900 4.6 AB O P 10 Compact , st able-speed power drill (cordless ) wit h 3/8 in capacit y in st eel for inst allat ion work on sit e . 18 3/8 19/32 3/8 1-3/16 1/4 18 0-1,100 4.9 AB O P 13-2 Univers al t wo speed power drill (cordless ) wit h 1/2 in capacit y and ideal speed range for st eel and st ainless st eel . 18 1/2 / 3/8 5/8 / 3/8 1/2 / 3/8 1-7/16 / 1-1/16 3/8 18 0-500/0-1,500 5.3 B O P 6 Fast , single-speed power drill wit h 1/4 in drilling capacit y in st eel and excellent speed st abilit y for met al const ruct ion . 19 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/4 500 0-2,700 3.7 B O P 10 Compact , st able-speed power drill wit h 3/8 in capacit y in st eel for inst allat ion work on sit e . 20 3/8 19/32 3/8 1-3/16 1/4 500 0-900 3.9 B O P 10-2 Univers al t wo-speed power drill wit h 3/8 in capacit y and ideal speed ranges for st eel and st ainless st eel . 21 3/8 / 5/16 5/8 / 3/8 3/8 / 5/16 1-3/8 / 1 3/8 500 0-460/0-1,350 4.4 B O P 13-2 Univers al t wo speed power drill wit h 1/2 in capacit y and ideal speed range for st eel and st ainless st eel . 22 1/2 / 5/16 5/8 / 5/16 1/2 / 5/16 1-7/16 / 1-1/16 550 0-440/0-1,300 4.4 D S 648 Powerful t wo-speed rot ary drill wit h D -handle for carpent ry work . 24 5/8 / 3/8 1/4 / 9/16 1-9/16 / 1 740 360/860 10.4 D D Sk 672-1 Univers al four-speed rot ary drill wit h reversible rot at ion and high drilling / t apping capacit y. 26 1-1/4 1-9/16 2-3/8 900 100/150/260/420 21.1 Model Pag e Hole - dia . st eel c ore bit s (in ) C apac it y in st ainle ss st eel Ø (in ) Hole - dia . aluminum c ore bit s (in ) Hole - dia . st eel hole s aws (in ) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) KB H 25 Hand-held core-drilling syst em for fast , flexible operat ion . 29 9/16 - 1 9/16 - 1 9/16 - 1-3/16 9/16 - 2-1/8 1,200 680 7.3 Model Pag e C apac it y in st eel Ø (in ) C apac it y in lig ht alloy Ø (in ) C apac it y in wood Ø (in ) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Full load spee d (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) ASzxeu 636-1 Ext remely small angle drill for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . 33 5/16 1/2 3/4 300 0-880 3.5 ASzx 648-1 High-performance rod-shaped angle drill for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . 34 9/16 3/4 740 360 7.9 Model Pag e Thre ad in st eel up t o (in ) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No - load spee d in reverse (rpm) Load spee d when c ut t ing (rpm) Load spee d in reverse (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) ASge 636 Convenient , precise t apper wit h rapid reversing act ion for fast er result s . 38 5/16 280 0-1,200 0–450 0–580 3.5 ASge 648 High performance , precise t apper wit h rapid reversing act ion and speed cont rol . 40 1/2 650 0-910 0–240 0–550 8.1 Drilling For per fect drilling results . F E I N Rotar y Drills . Power drills KBH Ang le Drills Tappers D r i l l i n g 15 Model Pag e C apac it y in st eel Ø (in ) C apac it y in lig ht alloy Ø (in ) C apac it y in st ainle ss st eel Ø (in ) C apac it y in wood Ø (in ) Tapping (in ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Full load spee d (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) AB O P 6 Fast , single-speed power drill (cordless ) wit h up t o 1/4 in drilling capacit y in st eel and excellent speed st abilit y for met al const ruct ion . 18 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/4 18 0-2,900 4.6 AB O P 10 Compact , st able-speed power drill (cordless ) wit h 3/8 in capacit y in st eel for inst allat ion work on sit e . 18 3/8 19/32 3/8 1-3/16 1/4 18 0-1,100 4.9 AB O P 13-2 Univers al t wo speed power drill (cordless ) wit h 1/2 in capacit y and ideal speed range for st eel and st ainless st eel . 18 1/2 / 3/8 5/8 / 3/8 1/2 / 3/8 1-7/16 / 1-1/16 3/8 18 0-500/0-1,500 5.3 B O P 6 Fast , single-speed power drill wit h 1/4 in drilling capacit y in st eel and excellent speed st abilit y for met al const ruct ion . 19 1/4 3/8 1/4 3/4 500 0-2,700 3.7 B O P 10 Compact , st able-speed power drill wit h 3/8 in capacit y in st eel for inst allat ion work on sit e . 20 3/8 19/32 3/8 1-3/16 1/4 500 0-900 3.9 B O P 10-2 Univers al t wo-speed power drill wit h 3/8 in capacit y and ideal speed ranges for st eel and st ainless st eel . 21 3/8 / 5/16 5/8 / 3/8 3/8 / 5/16 1-3/8 / 1 3/8 500 0-460/0-1,350 4.4 B O P 13-2 Univers al t wo speed power drill wit h 1/2 in capacit y and ideal speed range for st eel and st ainless st eel . 22 1/2 / 5/16 5/8 / 5/16 1/2 / 5/16 1-7/16 / 1-1/16 550 0-440/0-1,300 4.4 D S 648 Powerful t wo-speed rot ary drill wit h D -handle for carpent ry work . 24 5/8 / 3/8 1/4 / 9/16 1-9/16 / 1 740 360/860 10.4 D D Sk 672-1 Univers al four-speed rot ary drill wit h reversible rot at ion and high drilling / t apping capacit y. 26 1-1/4 1-9/16 2-3/8 900 100/150/260/420 21.1 Model Pag e Hole - dia . st eel c ore bit s (in ) C apac it y in st ainle ss st eel Ø (in ) Hole - dia . aluminum c ore bit s (in ) Hole - dia . st eel hole s aws (in ) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) KB H 25 Hand-held core-drilling syst em for fast , flexible operat ion . 29 9/16 - 1 9/16 - 1 9/16 - 1-3/16 9/16 - 2-1/8 1,200 680 7.3 Model Pag e C apac it y in st eel Ø (in ) C apac it y in lig ht alloy Ø (in ) C apac it y in wood Ø (in ) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Full load spee d (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) ASzxeu 636-1 Ext remely small angle drill for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . 33 5/16 1/2 3/4 300 0-880 3.5 ASzx 648-1 High-performance rod-shaped angle drill for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . 34 9/16 3/4 740 360 7.9 Model Pag e Thre ad in st eel up t o (in ) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No - load spee d in reverse (rpm) Load spee d when c ut t ing (rpm) Load spee d in reverse (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) ASge 636 Convenient , precise t apper wit h rapid reversing act ion for fast er result s . 38 5/16 280 0-1,200 0–450 0–580 3.5 ASge 648 High performance , precise t apper wit h rapid reversing act ion and speed cont rol . 40 1/2 650 0-910 0–240 0–550 8.1 16 D r i l l i n g 17 Power drills For per fect drilling results . F E I N Rotar y Drills . Wit h an ext ensive range of rot ary drills , F E I N has t he right product for every applicat ion , wit h feat ures and operat ion t ailored t o your needs . We supply everyt hing from compact one-speed rot ary drills t o powerful machines wit h D -handles and t he robust four-speed , cross-handle drills for t he t oughest cont inual use . In addit ion t o high power, reliabilit y, and long service life , charact erist ics like accurat e rot at ion , opt imum cut t ing speeds , and opt imum handling ensure precise drilling result s , wit hout compromise . 18 For accessories , see page 23 Power drill (c ordle ss ) Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AB O P 6 AB O P 10 AB O P 13-2 B at t ery volt age V 18 18 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 3.0 3.0 3.0 Full load speed rpm 0-2,900 0-1,100 0-500/0-1,500 No load speed rpm 0-3,350 0-1,250 0-580/0-1,760 Torque in/lbs 35 97 212/71 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 1/4 3/8 1/2 / 3/8 C apacit y in st ainless st eel Ø in 1/4 3/8 1/2 / 3/8 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 3/8 19/32 5/8 / 3/8 C apacit y in wood Ø in 3/4 1-3/16 1-7/16 / 1-1/16 Tapping in 1/4 3/8 Clamping neck in 1-11/16 1-11/16 1-11/16 Chuck capacit y in 1/32 - 3/8 1/16 - 1/2 1/16 - 1/2 Drill shaft t hread 1/2-20 U N F 1/2-20 U N F 1/2-20 U N F Minimum clearance in 7/8 7/8 7/8 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.6 4.9 5.3 Part Number 7 105 01 61 7 105 02 61 7 105 03 61 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle , 1 t ool case , 1 Supra S KE single-collar, met al , fast -act ing 3-jaw chuck , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 x rapid charger ALG 50 Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y, cordless power drill wit h high concent ricit y for precise drilling result s .  Maint enance-free , brushless E C mot or wit h high efficiency and speed st abilit y. AB O P 6  Opt imum speed for smaller diamet ers and t herefore increased product ivit y t hrough great er machine efficiency. AB O P 10  Very flat , slim design requiring lit t le clearance in corners , for inst allat ion work , even in t ight locat ions and in corners . AB O P 13-2  Mechanical t wo-speed gearbox wit h opt imum speed adjust ment for a wide range of uses .  Met al gear head .  Precision met al 3-jaw chuck .  Self-ret ract ing chuck jaws .  F E I N Sensit ive Handle .  Elect ronic st art .  Reversible . Power drill ( cordless ) up to 1/2 in A B O P 6 Fast , single-speed power drill (cordless ) wit h up t o 1/4 in drilling capacit y in st eel and excellent speed st abilit y for met al const ruct ion . A B O P 10 Compact , st able-speed power drill (cordless ) wit h 3/8 in capacit y in st eel for inst allat ion work on sit e . A B O P 13-2 Univers al t wo speed power drill (cordless ) wit h 1/2 in capacit y and ideal speed range for st eel and st ainless st eel . D r i l l i n g 19 For accessories , see page 23 Power drills Hand Drill up to 1/4 in B O P 6 Fast , single-speed power drill wit h 1/4 in drilling capacit y in st eel and excellent speed st abilit y for met al const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B O P 6 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 500 Power out put Wat t s 270 Full load speed rpm 0-2,700 No load speed rpm 0-4,000 Torque in/lbs 31 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 1/4 C apacit y in st ainless st eel Ø in 1/4 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 3/8 C apacit y in wood Ø in 3/4 Clamping neck in 1-11/16 Chuck capacit y in 1/32 - 3/8 Drill shaft t hread 1/2-20 U N F C able wit h plug ft 16 Minimum clearance in 7/8 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.7 Part Number 7 205 43 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 Supra S KE single-collar, met al , fast -act ing 3-jaw chuck , 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Opt imum speed for smaller diamet ers and t herefore increased product ivit y t hrough great er machine efficiency.  Torsion-free , barrel-t ype mot or housing wit h met al gear head for superb service life .  Aut omat ic spindle lock and single-collar, fast -act ing chuck for convenient accessory changes .  Precision met al 3-jaw chuck .  Self-ret ract ing chuck jaws .  High concent ricit y.  F E I N high-performance mot or.  F E I N Sensit ive Handle .  Elect ronic st art .  Reversible .  16 ft . cable .  Also available in a plast ic carrying case (7 205 43 51). Measurement in millimet ers 20 For accessories , see page 23 Power drills Hand Drill up to 3/8 in B O P 10 Compact , st able-speed power drill wit h 3/8 in capacit y in st eel for inst allat ion work on sit e . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B O P 10 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 500 Power out put Wat t s 270 Full load speed rpm 0-900 No load speed rpm 0-1,500 Torque in/lbs 80 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 3/8 C apacit y in st ainless st eel Ø in 3/8 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 19/32 C apacit y in wood Ø in 1-3/16 Tapping in 1/4 Clamping neck in 1-11/16 Chuck capacit y in 1/16 –1/2 Drill shaft t hread 1/2-20 U N F C able wit h plug ft 16 Minimum clearance in 7/8 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.9 Part Number 7 205 44 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 Supra S KE single-collar, met al , fast -act ing 3-jaw chuck , 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for st eady drilling progress in pract ically every applicat ion .  Very flat , slim design requiring lit t le clearance in corners , for inst allat ion work , even in t ight locat ions and in corners .  Aut omat ic spindle lock and single-collar, fast -act ing chuck for convenient accessory changes .  Met al gear head .  Torsion-free , barrel-t ype mot or housing .  Precision met al 3-jaw chuck .  Self-ret ract ing chuck jaws .  High concent ricit y.  F E I N Sensit ive Handle .  Elect ronic st art .  Reversible .  16 ft . cable .  Also available in a plast ic carrying case (7 205 44 51). Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 21 For accessories , see page 23 Power drills Two - gear Hand Drill up to 3/8 in B O P 10-2 Univers al t wo-speed power drill wit h 3/8 in capacit y and ideal speed ranges for st eel and st ainless st eel . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B O P 10-2 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 500 Power out put Wat t s 270 Full load speed rpm 0-460/0-1,350 No load speed rpm 0-700/0-2,250 Torque in/lbs 177/62 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 3/8 / 5/16 C apacit y in st ainless st eel Ø in 3/8 / 5/16 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 5/8 / 3/8 C apacit y in wood Ø in 1-3/8 / 1 Tapping in 3/8 Clamping neck in 1-11/16 Chuck capacit y in 1/16 – 1/2 Drill shaft t hread 1/2-20 U N F C able wit h plug ft 16 Minimum clearance in 7/8 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.4 Part Number 7 205 45 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 Supra S KE single-collar, met al , fast -act ing 3-jaw chuck , 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Mechanical t wo-speed gearbox wit h opt imum speed adjust ment for a wide range of uses .  F E I N high performance mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for st eady drilling progress in pract ically every applicat ion .  Aut omat ic spindle lock and single-collar, fast -act ing chuck for convenient accessory changes .  Met al gear head .  Torsion-free , barrel-t ype mot or housing .  Precision met al 3-jaw chuck .  Self-ret ract ing chuck jaws .  High concent ricit y.  F E I N Sensit ive Handle .  Elect ronic st art .  Reversible .  16 ft . cable .  Also available in a plast ic carrying case (7 205 45 51). Measurement in millimet ers 22 For accessories , see page 23 Power drills Two - gear Hand Drill up to 1/2 in B O P 13-2 Univers al t wo speed power drill wit h 1/2 in capacit y and ideal speed range for st eel and st ainless st eel . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B O P 13-2 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 550 Power out put Wat t s 300 Full load speed rpm 0-440/0-1,300 No load speed rpm 0-680/0-2,200 Torque in/lbs 177/62 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 1/2 / 5/16 C apacit y in st ainless st eel Ø in 1/2 / 5/16 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 5/8 / 5/16 C apacit y in wood Ø in 1-7/16 / 1-1/16 Tapping in 3/8 Clamping neck in 1-11/16 Chuck capacit y in 1/16 – 1/2 Drill shaft t hread 1/2-20 U N F C able wit h plug ft 16 Minimum clearance in 7/8 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.4 Part Number 7 205 46 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 Supra S KE single-collar, met al , fast -act ing 3-jaw chuck , 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Mechanical t wo-speed gearbox wit h opt imum speed adjust ment for a wide range of uses .  F E I N high performance mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for st eady drilling progress in pract ically every applicat ion .  Aut omat ic spindle lock and single-collar, fast -act ing chuck for convenient accessory changes .  Met al gear head .  Torsion-free , barrel-t ype mot or housing .  Precision met al 3-jaw chuck .  Self-ret ract ing chuck jaws .  High concent ricit y.  F E I N Sensit ive Handle .  Elect ronic st art .  Reversible .  16 ft . cable .  Also available in a plast ic carrying case (7 205 46 61). Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 23 General Ac c e ssorie s Spanner SW17 Part Number 6 29 03 002 00 9 AB O P 6, B O P 6 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Met al Supra S KE quick-act ion keyless chuck wit h clamping force s afet y device , t hreaded for 1/2 in 20 U N F shaft C apacit y in Part Number 1/32 - 3/8 6 32 05 036 01 0 AB O P 10, AB O P 13-2, B O P 10, B O P 10-2 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Met al Supra S KE quick-act ion keyless chuck wit h clamping force s afet y device , t hreaded for 1/2 in 20 U N F shaft C apacit y in Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 6 32 05 035 01 0 B O P 6, B O P 10, B O P 10-2, AB O P 13-2 Tool C ase Wit h case insert and plast ic box Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 48 0 AB O P 6, AB O P 10, AB O P 13-2 Tool C ase Wit h case insert and plast ic box Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 131 08 0 R apid c harg er ALG 50 For all F E I N lit hium-ion bat t eries . Charg ing t ime 45 min . or more . Part Number 9 26 04 131 01 0 Re c harg e able bat t ery Li-ion bat t ery, 18 volt , 3 Ah wit h charge indicat or. Part Number 9 26 04 128 02 0 Balanc er Det ailed informat ion on F E I N B alancers can be found in t he chapt er Accessories / B alancers . Suspension devic e For use wit h balancer Horizont al Part Number 3 21 25 056 00 8 Vert ical Part Number 3 02 32 046 00 8 Horizont al and vert ical Part Number 3 21 25 050 00 7 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for B O P 10, AB O P 6, B O P 6, AB O P 13-2, B O P 13-2, AB O P 10, B O P 10-2 24 For accessories , see page 25 Power drills Two - gear Hand Drill up to 5/8 in D S 648 Powerful t wo-speed rot ary drill wit h D -handle for carpent ry work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model D S 648 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 740 Power out put Wat t s 460 Full load speed rpm 360/860 No load speed rpm 600/1,400 C able wit h plug ft 8.2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 10.4 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 5/8 / 3/8 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 1/4 / 9/16 C apacit y in wood Ø in 1-9/16 / 1 Cone at drill shaft B 16 Part Number 7 202 03 Pric e inc lude s 1 quick-act ion chuck 1/8 - 5/8 in dia ., 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for st eady drilling progress .  Drill shaft conical holder and high-qualit y Supra S K met al quick-clamp drill chuck guarant ees maximum precision and concent ricit y.  Mechanical t wo-speed gearbox wit h opt imum speed adjust ment for a wide range of uses .  B arrel-t ype mot or housing wit h aluminum support .  D -handle .  Superb service life .  Collar for use wit h drill jig . Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 25 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 St irrer Lengt h 23-5/8 in , 4-5/16 in dia . Part Number 6 39 02 002 01 3 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 6 32 02 030 01 5 1/16 - 5/8 1.41 6 32 02 037 01 0 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 Form R t ip C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 0 - 3/8 1.43 6 32 04 016 00 7 R-shaped t ip wit h clamping-force s afet y device C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.23 6 32 04 032 00 6 Form R t ip C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.90 6 32 04 017 00 1 1/8 - 1/2 2.51 6 32 04 025 00 3 Drift s For drill chuck , 2 Pack Drill chuck holder Lengt h in Part Number B 16 5 6 33 05 010 01 5 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for D S 648 26 For accessories , see page 27 Power drills Four- gear Hand Drill up to 1-1/4 in D D Sk 672-1 Univers al four-speed rot ary drill wit h reversible rot at ion and high drilling / t apping capacit y. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model D D Sk 672-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 900 Power out put Wat t s 500 Full load speed rpm 100/150/260/420 No load speed rpm 170/250/450/700 C able wit h plug ft 8.2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 21.1 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 1-1/4 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 1-9/16 C apacit y in wood Ø in 2-3/8 Cone at drill shaft MT 3 Part Number 7 205 01 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle , 1 drift Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Mechanical four-speed indexing gear wit h ideal speed grading for high t orque .  MT 3 holder for flexible t ool use wit h high concent ricit y for opt imum result s .  Reversible for t apping of up t o 3/4 in st at ionary operat ion wit h magnet ic drill jigs .  Able t o handle ext reme loads .  Met al gear head .  T-handle .  Superb service life .  For opt imum use on F E I N magnet ic drill jigs .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 27 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Met al 15-3/4 x 15-3/4 x 5-1/8 in Part Number 3 39 01 032 01 3 Drill c huc k c one For drilling machines wit h morse t aper. Drill chuck holder Part Number MT 3/B 16 6 33 01 012 00 5 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 Form R t ip C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 0 - 3/8 1.43 6 32 04 016 00 7 1/16 - 1/2 1.90 6 32 04 017 00 1 1/8 - 1/2 2.51 6 32 04 025 00 3 R-shaped t ip wit h clamping-force s afet y device C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.23 6 32 04 032 00 6 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 6 32 02 030 01 5 1/16 - 5/8 1.41 6 32 02 037 01 0 Drill c huc k c one For drilling machines wit h morse t aper. Drill chuck holder Part Number MT 3/B 22 6 33 01 014 00 7 Re duc ing arbor Especially for count ersinking Drill chuck holder Part Number MT 3/MT 2 6 33 02 003 00 4 Shaft ext ension Especially for count ersinking Drill chuck holder Part Number MT 3/MT 4 6 33 04 004 00 0 Drift Drill chuck holder Lengt h in Part Number MT 1/MT 2 5-1/2 6 33 05 003 00 3 MT 3/MT 4 7-1/2 6 33 05 004 00 1 Safet y c lut c h Wit h MT 2 socket and 1-3/16 in dia . out put , adjust ing range 11-30 ft/lbs for speed range 0-500 rpm, weight 4.85 lbs , incl . rubber ring , cylindrical pin , clamping sleeve and hook spanner. Part Number 9 01 05 001 01 5 Wit h MT 3 socket and 1-3/16 in out put , adjust ing range 11-60 ft/lbs for speed range 0-500 rpm, weight 4.85 lbs , incl . rubber ring , cylindrical pin , clamping sleeve and hook spanner Part Number 9 01 05 002 01 8 Square soc ket t ools Shank dia . 1-3/16 in Wrench size Part Number 17 6 19 20 002 00 1 18 6 19 20 003 00 5 20 6 19 20 004 00 3 Square drive insert s Shank dia . 1-3/16 in for t he use of hexagon socket t ool . Insert s wit h 1/2 in and 3/4 in square socket receiver. Out er square Part Number 1/2 in 6 19 15 001 00 7 3/4 in 6 19 15 002 00 0 St raig ht pin Dia . in Part Number 1/8 x 3/4 4 02 01 096 00 0 1/8 x 15/16 4 02 01 097 00 4 Rubber Ring Dia . in Part Number 3/4 x 3/16 4 06 12 153 00 7 15/16 x 3/16 4 06 12 154 00 05 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for D D Sk 672-1 28 Hand - held c ore drilling Metal core drills – Experience the most cost - effective drilling . Core drilling is a remarkably efficient process : fast er, quiet er, and more accurat e t han t wist drilling . And since predrilling and ret ooling are not required , t he t ime needed for t he job can be reduced by as much as 40 % – in t he fact ory or on t he building sit e . The high-qualit y F E I N KBM magnet ic core drilling unit s are suit able for use wit h carbide-t ipped core bit s and cover many applicat ions , such as core drilling , t wist drilling , t apping , count ersinking and reaming . On t he ot her hand , t he F E I N magnet ic core drilling unit s in t he KBB series are designed exclusively for core drilling use and enable economical work . The s ame is t rue of F E I N core bit s : High-qualit y carbide and H SS st eel t oget her wit h sophist icat ed cut t er geomet ry ensure superior cut t ing performance and maximum service life . The world’s first hand-held core drilling syst em for met al , t he F E I N KB H 25, combines t he advant ages of high-performance power drills and carbide-t ipped core bit s in a single syst em. The new drilling t echnolog y and specially developed carbide-t ipped core bit s enable flexible , comfort able and fast work . D r i l l i n g 29 For accessories , see page 30–31 Hand - held c ore drilling Metal core - drilling system up to 1 in K B H 25 Hand-held core-drilling syst em for fast , flexible operat ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model K B H 25 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 680 Full load speed rpm 0-520 Hole-dia . st eel core bit s in 9/16 - 1 C apacit y in st ainless st eel Ø in 9/16 - 1 Hole-dia . aluminum core bit s in 9/16 - 1-3/16 Core drill , max. drilling dept h in 3/4 Hole-dia , st eel hole s aws in 9/16 - 2-1/8 Hole s aws max. drilling dept h in 5/32 Thread in st eel up t o in 15/32 Minimum clearance in 1-1/16 Core bit holder QuickI N Plus C able wit h plug ft 13.1 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 7.3 Part Number 7 271 01 61 Pric e inc lude s 1 met al core-drilling machine KB H 25, 1 pilot bit , 1 handle , 1 cut t ing spray, 1 t ool case Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Convenient operat ion t hat is up t o 5 t imes fast er, due t o new drilling t echnolog y and specially-devel - oped core bit cut t ing geomet ry.  Hand-held drilling of holes up t o 1 in diamet er in st eel up t o 3/4 in t hickness using carbide core bit s .  Hand-held drilling of holes up t o 2-1/8 in diamet er in sheet met al up t o 5/32 in t hickness wit h carbide hole s aws .  Torsion-free , barrel-t ype mot or housing .  C arbide core bit s wit h opt imized service life .  Powerful mot or.  Torque slip clut ch .  Speed-cont rolled t acho elect ronics .  Infinit ely variable elect ronic speed adjust ment .  Elect ronic overload prot ect ion .  Reversible .  Self-st art lock .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers 30 C arbide c ore bit s C arbide c ore bit s wit h Quic kI N -P LU S mount Maximum service life , t hanks t o carbide t ipping . Out st anding cut t ing performance in all common met als . Met ric dimensions , drilling dept h 3/4 in (20 mm), hole dia . up t o 1 in (25 mm) in st eel , up t o 1-3/16 in (30 mm) in aluminum. dia . mm Part Number 14 6 31 30 014 01 0 15 6 31 30 015 01 0 16 6 31 30 016 01 0 17 6 31 30 017 01 0 18 6 31 30 018 01 0 19 6 31 30 019 01 0 20 6 31 30 020 01 0 21 6 31 30 021 01 0 22 6 31 30 022 01 0 23 6 31 30 023 01 0 24 6 31 30 024 01 0 25 6 31 30 025 01 0 26 6 31 30 026 01 0 27 6 31 30 027 01 0 28 6 31 30 028 01 0 29 6 31 30 029 01 0 30 6 31 30 030 01 0 Inch dimensions , drilling dept h 3/4 in (20 mm). Bore dia . dia . in mm Part Number 9/16 14.29 6 31 30 200 01 0 5/8 15.88 6 31 30 201 01 0 11/16 17.46 6 31 30 202 01 0 3/4 19.05 6 31 30 203 01 0 13/16 20.64 6 31 30 204 01 0 7/8 22.23 6 31 30 205 01 0 15/16 23.81 6 31 30 206 01 0 1 25.40 6 31 30 207 01 0 1-1/16 26.99 6 31 30 208 01 0 1-1/8 28.58 6 31 30 209 01 0 1-3/16 30.16 6 31 30 210 01 0 C arbide c ore bit , t it anium aluminum nit ride c oat e d C arbide c ore bit s , t it anium aluminum nit ride c oat e d , wit h Quic kI N -P LU S mount Maximum service life , t hanks t o carbide t ipping . Out st anding cut t ing perfor - mance in all common met als , 20% fast er work progress , reduced cut t ing and feed force due t o t it anium aluminum nit ride coat ing . Met ric dimensions , drilling dept h 3/4 in (20 mm), hole dia . up t o 1 in (25 mm) in st eel , up t o 1-3/16 in (30 mm) in aluminum. dia . mm Part Number 14 6 31 30 114 01 0 15 6 31 30 115 01 0 16 6 31 30 116 01 0 17 6 31 30 117 01 0 18 6 31 30 118 01 0 19 6 31 30 119 01 0 20 6 31 30 120 01 0 21 6 31 30 121 01 0 22 6 31 30 122 01 0 23 6 31 30 123 01 0 24 6 31 30 124 01 0 25 6 31 30 125 01 0 26 6 31 30 126 01 0 27 6 31 30 127 01 0 28 6 31 30 128 01 0 29 6 31 30 129 01 0 30 6 31 30 130 01 0 Inch dimensions , drilling dept h 3/4 in (20 mm). Bore dia . dia . in mm Part Number 9/16 14.29 6 31 30 300 01 0 5/8 15.88 6 31 30 301 01 0 11/16 17.46 6 31 30 302 01 0 3/4 19.05 6 31 30 303 01 0 13/16 20.64 6 31 30 304 01 0 7/8 22.23 6 31 30 305 01 0 15/16 23.81 6 31 30 306 01 0 1 25.40 6 31 30 307 01 0 1-1/16 26.99 6 31 30 308 01 0 1-1/8 28.58 6 31 30 309 01 0 1-3/16 30.16 6 31 30 310 01 0 C arbide hole s aws C arbide hole s aws wit h Quic kI N -P LU S mount C arbide-t ipped wit h opt imum service life for efficient drilling work in sheet met al up t o 5/32 in (4 mm) t hickness . Met ric dimensions , drilling dept h 5/32 in (4 mm). dia . mm Part Number 14 6 31 31 014 01 0 15 6 31 31 015 01 0 16 6 31 31 016 01 0 17 6 31 31 017 01 0 18 6 31 31 018 01 0 19 6 31 31 019 01 0 20 6 31 31 020 01 0 21 6 31 31 021 01 0 22 6 31 31 022 01 0 23 6 31 31 023 01 0 24 6 31 31 024 01 0 25 6 31 31 025 01 0 26 6 31 31 026 01 0 27 6 31 31 027 01 0 28 6 31 31 028 01 0 29 6 31 31 029 01 0 30 6 31 31 030 01 0 31 6 31 31 031 01 0 32 6 31 31 032 01 0 33 6 31 31 033 01 0 34 6 31 31 034 01 0 35 6 31 31 035 01 0 36 6 31 31 036 01 0 37 6 31 31 037 01 0 38 6 31 31 038 01 0 39 6 31 31 039 01 0 40 6 31 31 040 01 0 41 6 31 31 041 01 0 42 6 31 31 042 01 0 43 6 31 31 043 01 0 44 6 31 31 044 01 0 45 6 31 31 045 01 0 46 6 31 31 046 01 0 47 6 31 31 047 01 0 48 6 31 31 048 01 0 49 6 31 31 049 01 0 50 6 31 31 050 01 0 51 6 31 31 051 01 0 52 6 31 31 052 01 0 53 6 31 31 053 01 0 54 6 31 31 054 01 0 Inch dimensions , drilling dept h 5/32 in (4 mm). Bore dia . dia . in mm Part Number 9/16 14.29 6 31 31 200 01 0 5/8 15.88 6 31 31 201 01 0 11/16 17.46 6 31 31 202 01 0 3/4 19.05 6 31 31 203 01 0 13/16 20.64 6 31 31 204 01 0 7/8 22.23 6 31 31 205 01 0 15/16 23.81 6 31 31 206 01 0 1 25.40 6 31 31 207 01 0 1-1/16 26.99 6 31 31 208 01 0 1-1/8 28.58 6 31 31 209 01 0 1-3/16 30.16 6 31 31 210 01 0 1-1/4 31.75 6 31 31 211 01 0 1-5/16 33.34 6 31 31 212 01 0 1-3/8 34.93 6 31 31 213 01 0 1-7/16 36.51 6 31 31 214 01 0 1-1/2 38.10 6 31 31 215 01 0 1-9/16 39.19 6 31 31 216 01 0 1-5/8 41.28 6 31 31 217 01 0 1-11/16 42.86 6 31 31 218 01 0 1-3/4 44.45 6 31 31 219 01 0 1-13/16 46.04 6 31 31 220 01 0 1-7/8 47.63 6 31 31 221 01 0 1-15/16 49.21 6 31 31 222 01 0 2 50.80 6 31 31 223 01 0 2-1/16 52.39 6 31 31 224 01 0 2-1/8 53.98 6 31 31 225 01 0 C arbide hole s aws for pipe s C arbide hole s aw wit h Quic kI N -P LU S mount for pipe s C arbide t eet h wit h opt imum service life for use on pipe mat erials and curved surfaces wit h wall t hickness up t o 5/32 in (4 mm). Met ric dimensions , drilling dept h 5/32 in (4 mm). dia . mm Part Number 21 6 31 31 421 01 0 22 6 31 31 422 01 0 23 6 31 31 423 01 0 24 6 31 31 424 01 0 25 6 31 31 425 01 0 26 6 31 31 426 01 0 27 6 31 31 427 01 0 28 6 31 31 428 01 0 29 6 31 31 429 01 0 30 6 31 31 430 01 0 31 6 31 31 431 01 0 32 6 31 31 432 01 0 33 6 31 31 433 01 0 34 6 31 31 434 01 0 35 6 31 31 435 01 0 36 6 31 31 436 01 0 37 6 31 31 437 01 0 38 6 31 31 438 01 0 39 6 31 31 439 01 0 40 6 31 31 440 01 0 41 6 31 31 441 01 0 42 6 31 31 442 01 0 43 6 31 31 443 01 0 44 6 31 31 444 01 0 45 6 31 31 445 01 0 46 6 31 31 446 01 0 47 6 31 31 447 01 0 48 6 31 31 448 01 0 49 6 31 31 449 01 0 50 6 31 31 450 01 0 51 6 31 31 451 01 0 52 6 31 31 452 01 0 53 6 31 31 453 01 0 54 6 31 31 454 01 0 Inch dimensions , drilling dept h 5/32 in (4 mm). Bore dia . dia . in mm Part Number 7/8 22.23 6 31 31 605 01 0 15/16 23.81 6 31 31 606 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for K B H 25 D r i l l i n g 31 1 25.40 6 31 31 607 01 0 1-1/16 26.99 6 31 31 608 01 0 1-1/8 28.58 6 31 31 609 01 0 1-3/16 30.16 6 31 31 610 01 0 1-1/4 31.75 6 31 31 611 01 0 1-5/16 33.34 6 31 31 612 01 0 1-3/8 34.93 6 31 31 613 01 0 1-7/16 36.51 6 31 31 614 01 0 1-1/2 38.10 6 31 31 615 01 0 1-9/16 39.19 6 31 31 616 01 0 1-5/8 41.28 6 31 31 617 01 0 1-11/16 42.86 6 31 31 618 01 0 1-3/4 44.45 6 31 31 619 01 0 1-13/16 46.04 6 31 31 620 01 0 1-7/8 47.63 6 31 31 621 01 0 1-15/16 49.21 6 31 31 622 01 0 2 50.80 6 31 31 623 01 0 2-1/16 52.39 6 31 31 624 01 0 2-1/8 53.98 6 31 31 625 01 0 Pilot bit s Pilot bit s Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 31 14 038 01 0 5 6 31 14 038 02 0 Tapping Collet c huc k Wit h collet s Ø 1/4, 9/32, 3/32 in (6, 7, 9 mm) Part Number 6 32 06 067 02 0 Collet s Thread dia . Dia . Square in in Part Number M 4 / M 6 5/32 1/8 6 32 06 065 00 5 M 5 / M 8 1/4 3/16 6 32 06 066 00 8 M 10 9/32 1/4 6 32 06 070 00 6 M 8 5/16 1/4 6 32 06 078 00 9 M 12 3/32 9/32 6 32 06 075 00 4 M 10 3/8 5/16 6 32 06 079 00 3 Jaw c huc k For t apping drill direct adapt or clamping range 1/8 - 3/8 in , wit h wrench Part Number 6 32 06 018 01 0 Addit ional ac c e ssorie s Cut t ing spray 300 ml (10 oz ) pump spray, for long t ool service life , opt imum cut t ing and chipping performance and improved chip flow. Part Number 3 21 32 031 00 0 Ext ension For use on narrow, deep , or st epped surfaces . QuickI N -P LU S mount , 4 in (100 mm) lengt h , includes adapt er for pilot bit s . Part Number 6 31 06 017 01 0 Adapt er Quic kI N Plus t o B16 Part Number 6 39 01 047 00 0 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 6 32 02 030 01 5 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for K B H 25 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 R-shaped t ip wit h clamping-force s afet y device C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.23 6 32 04 032 00 6 32 Ang le Drills Specialists in tight spots : F E I N angle drills . The F E I N angle drill wit h kinet ic handle and t he F E I N rod-shaped angle drill – bot h wit h low gear heads and small widt hs across corners , are t wo F E I N specialist s t hat make light work of drilling in locat ions ot her drills can’t reach . Wit h a powerful mot or, variable elect ronic speed cont rol and int egrat ed reversible rot at ion , t hey produce opt imum drilling result s . The F E I N angle drills offer pract ical solut ions for difficult -t o-reach places . D r i l l i n g 33 For accessories , see page 35 Ang le Drills Angle Drill up to 5/16 in A Szxeu 636-1 Ext remely small angle drill for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ASzxeu 636-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 300 Power out put Wat t s 145 Full load speed rpm 0-880 No load speed rpm 0-1,590 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 5/16 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 1/2 C apacit y in wood Ø in 3/4 Cone at drill shaft B 10 Part Number 7 205 34 Pric e inc lude s 1 key–t ype chuck up t o Ø 3/8 in Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for st eady drilling progress .  B arrel-t ype mot or housing wit h int egrat ed aluminium support for superb service life .  Robust design wit h met al gear head for maximum operat ing demands .  Reversible .  Variable elect ronic speed cont rol .  Conical holder for drill shaft .  High-qualit y key-t ype drill chuck .  F E I N kinet ic handle .  Widt h across corners only 11/16 in .  Low gear head height .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers 34 For accessories , see page 35 Ang le Drills Angle Drill up to 9/16 in A Szx 648-1 High-performance rod-shaped angle drill for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ASzx 648-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 740 Power out put Wat t s 460 Full load speed rpm 360 No load speed rpm 600 C able wit h plug ft 8.2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 7.9 C apacit y in st eel Ø in 9/16 C apacit y in light alloy Ø in 3/4 Cone at drill shaft MT 1 Part Number 7 203 04 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for st eady drilling progress .  MT 1 holder for univers al t ool use wit h high concent ricit y for opt imum result s .  Ext remely compact drive head for varied applicat ions .  B arrel-t ype mot or housing wit h aluminum support .  Small widt h across corners .  Superb service life .  Feed force can be applied via feed screw if required .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 35 ASzx 648-1 Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 Drill c huc k c one For drilling machines wit h morse t aper. Drill chuck holder Part Number MT 1/B 16 6 33 01 006 00 5 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 6 32 02 030 01 5 1/16 - 5/8 1.41 6 32 02 037 01 0 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 Form R t ip C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 0 - 3/8 1.43 6 32 04 016 00 7 R-shaped t ip wit h clamping-force s afet y device C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.23 6 32 04 032 00 6 Form R t ip C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.90 6 32 04 017 00 1 1/8 - 1/2 2.51 6 32 04 025 00 3 Fee d sc rew 4-1/8 - 5-7/8 in Part Number 3 21 33 012 01 8 ASzxeu 636-1 Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 10 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/32 - 5/16 0.31 6 32 02 043 01 0 1/16 - 3/8 0.48 6 32 02 044 01 8 Drift s For drill chuck , 2 Pack Drill chuck holder Lengt h in Part Number B 12 5 6 33 05 009 01 3 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for ASzx 648-1, ASzxeu 636-1 36 3-jaw drill c huc k C apac it y Weig ht Out er dia . Drill c huc k holder Pre ssure t hre ad Clamping forc e s afet y devic e Part Number 1/32 - 5/16 0.53 1-3/8 B 12 M 8 6 32 02 003 01 4 1/16 - 3/8 0.50 1-3/8 B 12 6 32 02 028 01 9 1/32 - 1/4 0.35 1-3/16 B 12 M 6 6 32 02 031 01 4 1/16 - 1/2 0.83 1-11/16 B 12 6 32 02 040 01 4 1/16 - 3/8 0.97 1-11/16 B 16 M 10 6 32 02 004 01 2 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 1-11/16 B 16 M 10 6 32 02 030 01 5 1/16 - 5/8 1.41 2-3/16 B 16 6 32 02 037 01 0 3/16 - 3/4 3.4 3 B 22 6 32 02 022 01 8 1/16 - 3/8 0.66 1-1/2 1/2-20 U N F 6 32 03 034 01 0 1/16 - 1/2 0.83 1-11/16 1/2-20 U N F 6 32 03 041 01 4 1/32 - 5/16 0.31 1-3/16 B 10 M 6 6 32 02 043 01 0 1/16 - 3/8 0.48 1-5/16 B 10 M 8 6 32 02 044 01 8 1/16 - 3/8 0.39 1-5/16 3/8-24 U N F 6 32 03 047 01 0 1/8 - 5/8 1.41 1-15/16 M 18 x 6 P 1.5  6 32 03 033 01 2 1/16 - 1/2 1.10 1-13/16 M 18 x 6 P 1.5 6 32 03 050 01 4 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k C apac it y Weig ht Out er dia . Drill c huc k holder Clamping forc e s afet y devic e Part Number 0 - 1/4 0.66 1-3/8 B 12 6 32 04 019 00 3 0 - 5/16 0.85 1-7/16 B 12 6 32 04 020 00 5 1/32 - 3/8 0.85 1-7/16 B 12 6 32 04 021 00 4 1/16 - 1/2 1.34 1-11/16 B 12 6 32 04 028 00 8 1/32 - 3/8 0.92 1-9/16 B 12  6 32 04 030 00 4 1/16 - 3/8 0.44 B 12  6 32 04 034 00 8 0 - 3/8 1.43 1-11/16 B 16 6 32 04 016 00 7 1/16 - 1/2 1.90 1-13/16 B 16 6 32 04 017 00 1 1/8 - 1/2 2.51 2 B 16 6 32 04 025 00 3 1/16 - 1/2 1.23 1-11/16 B 16  6 32 04 032 00 6 1/16 - 1/2 0.59 1-11/16 B 16  6 32 04 036 00 5 1/16 - 1/2 1.19 1-11/16 1/2-20 U N F 6 32 05 033 01 0 1/16 - 1/2 1/2-20 U N F (B O P)  6 32 05 035 01 0 1/32 - 3/8 1/2-20 U N F (B O P)  6 32 05 036 01 0 Addit ional ac c e ssorie s Drill c huc k holder Leng t h in Part Number Drift For drill chuck , 2 Pack B 12 5 6 33 05 009 01 3 B 16 5 6 33 05 010 01 5 Drift MT 1/MT 2 5-1/2 6 33 05 003 00 3 MT 3/MT 4 7-1/2 6 33 05 004 00 1 Drill chuck cone For drilling machines wit h morse t aper. MT 2/B 16 6 33 01 008 00 7 MT 2/M 14 6 33 01 021 00 1 MT 3/B 16 6 33 01 012 00 5 MT 3/B 22 6 33 01 014 00 7 MT 4/B 22 6 33 01 016 00 4 MT 1/B 16 6 33 01 006 00 5 Reducing arbor Especially for count ersinking MT 2/MT 1 6 33 02 002 00 0 MT 3/MT 2 6 33 02 003 00 4 MT 4/MT 3 6 33 02 004 00 2 Shaft ext ension Especially for count ersinking MT 2/MT 3 6 33 04 003 00 2 MT 3/MT 4 6 33 04 004 00 0 MT 3/MT 3 6 33 04 005 00 0 Fit s models ASy 630, ASye 636, ASkeu 636, D Skeu 636, ASke 636, D Ske 636, D Skeu 636 Set Accessories upon inquiry ASq 672-1 Hammer Drill D Sceu 638 KI/KB517 60H120, D Sceu 638 ASzxeu 636-1 Accessories upon inquiry Fit s models ASy 630, ASye 636, ASkeu 636, D Skeu 636, ASke 636, D Ske 636, D Skeu 636 Set ASze 648 a , ASz 648 a , ASzx 648, D Se 648, S CW 16-6 MaMMut , ASzx 648-1, D D Sk 672-1, D D Sk 672-1, D Sk 658-1, D Sk 658-1, ASq 658-2, D Ske 658-1, D Ske 672, D D Sk 672, D S 648, D Seu 638, D Seu 638, D Seu 638 Set , D S 648 Hammer drill D S Ceu 638 KI/KB517 60H120, D Sceu 638 B O P 10, B O P 10-2, B O P 10-2 Set , B O P 10 Set , B O P 13-2, AB O P 13-2, AB O P 10 B O P 6, B O P 6 Set , AB O P 6 D r i l l i n g 37 Tappers Tapping made easy. More efficient and precise than doing it manually. Compared wit h working by hand , elect ric t appers are fast er, require less physical effort , and produce more precise result s . This is especially t rue when it comes t o F E I N t appers ; t hey allow you t o work very smoot hly wit hout int errupt ion . This avoids t he risk of high t orsional forces and t he associat ed risk of cut t ing or t ool breakage . But it ’s t he significant amount of t ime s aved t hat g ives you real added efficiency – wit h F E I N t appers you can work up t o 90 % fast er t han t apping by hand . That kind of performance is t ruly impressive , just like elect ric t appers from F E I N . 38 For accessories , see page 39 Tappers Tapper up to 5/16 in A Sge 636 Convenient , precise t apper wit h rapid reversing act ion for fast er result s . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ASg e 636 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 280 Power out put Wat t s 150 No-load speed in reverse rpm 0-1,200 Load speed when cut t ing rpm 0–450 Load speed in reverse rpm 0–580 C able wit h plug ft 8.2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 Thread in st eel up t o in 5/16 Cone at drill shaft B 12 Part Number 7 209 37 Pric e inc lude s 3-jaw chuck ( U SA only) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for reliably accomplishing t asks .  Int egrat ed reversing gear wit h rapid reversing act ion – significant ly reduces t ime required t o cut t hreads .  Drill shaft conical holder guarant ees maximum precision and concent ricit y.  Variable elect ronic speed adjust ment .  Met al gear head .  B arrel-t ype mot or housing wit h aluminum support .  F E I N kinet ic handle .  Small corner widt h .  Superb service life .  Collar for use wit h drill jig .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 39 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Jaw c huc k For t apping drill direct adapt or clamping range 1/16 - 5/16 in , wit h wrench Part Number 6 32 06 019 00 9 Float ing jaw c huc k For t apping drill direct adapt or clamping range 1/16 - 5/16 in , wit h wrench Part Number 6 32 06 041 00 8 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for ASg e 636 Drift s For drill chuck , 2 Pack Drill chuck holder Lengt h in Part Number B 12 5 6 33 05 009 01 3 Dept h st op Part Number 3 21 27 005 02 1 Suspension devic e For use wit h balancer Horizont al and vert ical Part Number 3 21 25 050 00 7 40 For accessories , see page 41 Tappers Tapper up to 1/2 in A Sge 648 High performance , precise t apper wit h rapid reversing act ion and speed cont rol . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ASg e 648 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 650 Power out put Wat t s 420 No-load speed in reverse rpm 0-910 Load speed when cut t ing rpm 0–240 Load speed in reverse rpm 0–550 C able wit h plug ft 8.2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 8.1 Thread in st eel up t o in 1/2 Cone at drill shaft B 16 Part Number 7 209 16 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle , 3-jaw chuck ( U SA only) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or wit h excellent speed st abilit y for reliably accomplishing t asks .  Elect ronic speed cont rol for precise posit ioning of t apping drill and st eady cut t ing speed .  Int egrat ed reversing gear wit h rapid reversing act ion – significant ly reduces t ime required t o cut t hreads .  Conical holder for drill shaft .  Met al gear head .  B arrel-t ype mot or housing wit h aluminum support .  D -handle .  Small corner widt h .  Superb service life .  Collar for use wit h drill jig .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers D r i l l i n g 41 General Ac c e ssorie s Jaw c huc k For t apping drill direct adapt or clamping range 1/8 - 3/8 in , wit h wrench Part Number 6 32 06 018 00 5 Float ing jaw c huc k For t apping drill direct adapt or clamping range 1/8 - 3/8 in , wit h wrench Part Number 6 32 06 040 00 9 Drift s For drill chuck , 2 Pack Drill chuck holder Lengt h in Part Number B 16 5 6 33 05 010 01 5 Dept h st op Part Number 3 21 27 003 03 5 Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 6 32 02 030 01 5 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for ASg e 648 42 Fast ening F a s t e nin g 43 Universal Screwdrivers Page 47 Precise , powerful , and suit able for virt ually any fast ening applicat ion . Tek Screwdrivers Page 54 For s afe , flawless driving of self-drilling and t hread-cut t ing screws . For use in roofing and facade const ruct ion as well as HVAC . Dr y wall / Deck Screwdrivers Page 60 Perfect for int erior drywall , light const ruct ion and deck inst allat ion . Light , ergonomic and compact for t he best possible result s . Offset Screwdriver Page 65 Powerful and capable of heavy dut y work . Designed for inst alling wood in difficult -t o-reach locat ions . F E I N AccuTec Page 68 Precision-made cordless screwdrivers for fast ening in assembly product ion . Driving screws effectively : With F E I N screwdrivers . F E I N’s line of screwdrivers is designed t o be reliable and perfect ly adapt ed t o how t hey are used , delivering first -class result s even under t he t oughest condit ions . It doesn’t mat t er whet her t he screwdrivers are used in assembly product ion or int erior and met al const ruct ion . Their out st anding ergonomics and very low weight are addit ional benefit s t hat enable efficient and professional result s while simul t aneously reducing fat igue . 44 Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No load spee d (rpm) Max. t orque (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Chuc k ASse 636 Screwdriver for int erior const ruct ion . 48 230 0-800 106 3.5 1/4 9/32 in S CT 6-25 X A powerful t ool wit h increased speed for int erior const ruct ion . 50 450 0-2,500 142 2.8 1/4 1/4 in S C U 7-9 Univers al screwdriver wit h adjust able clut ch . 52 400 0-900 160/250 3.5 5/16 / 1/2 1/4 in Model Pag e Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No load spee d (rpm) Max. t orque (hard/soft ) (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Quic k - c hang e c huc k AS C S 4.8 One of t he light est cordless drill/drivers in it s class for roof and facade const ruct ion . 55 14.4 0-2,500 177/62 3.5 3/16 1/4 in AS C S 6.3 Speed-opt imized cordless drill/driver for fast enings in met al wit h up t o 1/4 in screw diamet er. 56 18 0-1,700 266/89 4.0 1/4 1/4 in S C S 4.8-25 One of t he light est weight drill/drivers in it s power-class for roof and facade const ruct ion . 57 450 0–2,500 142/- 2.8 3/16 1/4 in S C S 6.3-19 X Speed opt imized drill/driver for fast enings in met al up t o 1/4 in screw diamet er. 58 400 0–1,900 160/- 3.5 1/4 1/4 in Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No load spee d (rpm) Max. t orque (hard/soft ) (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Quic k - c hang e c huc k S CT 5-40 X Ideal for drywall and int erior const ruct ion wit h a quiet clut ch . 61 450 0-4,000 106/- 2.8 3/16 1/4 in S CT 5-40 M Mag azine screwdriver wit h silent clut ch for fast volume screw driving . 62 450 0-4,000 106/- 3.5 3/16 1/4 in Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Max. t orque for soft sc rew - driving operat ion , approx. (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Chuc k S CW 16-6 Powerful offset screwdriver for heavy dut y wooden assembly jobs . 66 740 620 8.2 5/16 - 5/8 1/2 in Fast ening Application - oriented diversity. An over view of our product offering . Univers al Sc rewdrivers Tek Sc rewdrivers Drywall / De c k Sc rewdrivers Offset Sc rewdriver F a s t e nin g 45 Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No load spee d (rpm) Max. t orque (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Chuc k ASse 636 Screwdriver for int erior const ruct ion . 48 230 0-800 106 3.5 1/4 9/32 in S CT 6-25 X A powerful t ool wit h increased speed for int erior const ruct ion . 50 450 0-2,500 142 2.8 1/4 1/4 in S C U 7-9 Univers al screwdriver wit h adjust able clut ch . 52 400 0-900 160/250 3.5 5/16 / 1/2 1/4 in Model Pag e Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No load spee d (rpm) Max. t orque (hard/soft ) (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Quic k - c hang e c huc k AS C S 4.8 One of t he light est cordless drill/drivers in it s class for roof and facade const ruct ion . 55 14.4 0-2,500 177/62 3.5 3/16 1/4 in AS C S 6.3 Speed-opt imized cordless drill/driver for fast enings in met al wit h up t o 1/4 in screw diamet er. 56 18 0-1,700 266/89 4.0 1/4 1/4 in S C S 4.8-25 One of t he light est weight drill/drivers in it s power-class for roof and facade const ruct ion . 57 450 0–2,500 142/- 2.8 3/16 1/4 in S C S 6.3-19 X Speed opt imized drill/driver for fast enings in met al up t o 1/4 in screw diamet er. 58 400 0–1,900 160/- 3.5 1/4 1/4 in Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) No load spee d (rpm) Max. t orque (hard/soft ) (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Quic k - c hang e c huc k S CT 5-40 X Ideal for drywall and int erior const ruct ion wit h a quiet clut ch . 61 450 0-4,000 106/- 2.8 3/16 1/4 in S CT 5-40 M Mag azine screwdriver wit h silent clut ch for fast volume screw driving . 62 450 0-4,000 106/- 3.5 3/16 1/4 in Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) Max. t orque for soft sc rew - driving operat ion , approx. (in/lbs ) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sc rew Ø (in ) Chuc k S CW 16-6 Powerful offset screwdriver for heavy dut y wooden assembly jobs . 66 740 620 8.2 5/16 - 5/8 1/2 in 46 F a s t e nin g 47 Univers al Sc rewdrivers F E I N Universal Screwdrivers for use in interior applications . F E I N univers al screwdrivers are part icularly well-suit ed for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ions . Adjust able t orque and adjust able clut ch help achieve t he best possible result s when fast ening in wood or met al . Opt ional dept h st ops provide precise cont rol over driving dept h when fast ening in hard or soft mat erials . Their excellent ergonomic shape allows fat igue-free work day in and day out . Thanks t o t he high-t orque mot ors , you will easily complet e every fast ening applicat ion . Variable elect ronic speed set t ing g ives t he user t he right feel for any applicat ion . Flawless work result s from st art t o finish wit h t he qualit y t hat has become synonymous wit h F E I N power t ools . 48 For accessories , see page 49 Univers al Sc rewdrivers Universal Screwdriver up to 1/4 in A Sse 636 Screwdriver for int erior const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ASse 636 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 230 Power out put Wat t s 125 Full load speed rpm 0-450 No load speed rpm 0-800 Max. t orque in/lbs 106 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 Wood screw dia . in 1/4 Screw Ø in 1/4 Chuck 9/32 in Part Number 7 210 71 Pric e inc lude s 1 bit for Phillips screws size 2 Pozidriv (Form Z ), 1 Allen key Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or finishes any screwdriving challenge .  F E I N’s adjust able , power sensit ive univers al clut ch provides t he right t orque for every sit uat ion .  Infinit ely variable elect ronic speed cont rol for sensit ive screwdriving .  F E I N kinet ic handle .  Int egral swit ch for clockwise / count erclockwise mot ion .  Dept h st ops available as accessories .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 49 3 05 05 069 01 1 3 21 27 057 00 8 3 21 27 042 00 6 3 21 27 021 03 6 Ø 11,2 Ø 15,5 Ø 12,2 3 21 27 021 04 2 3 21 27 021 06 1 3 21 27 043 00 0 Ø 17,0 Ø 28,0 Ø 17,0 Dept h st ops Whenever t he sit uat ion allows , always use a dept h st op (consist ing of a sleeve socket assembly plus your choice of st op sleeve ). This will permit precise set t ing of t he driving dept h , avoid t hread st rip - ping or wring ing of screws , and reduce t ool wear. General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Holder 1/4 in dia ., ext ernal flat Out put 1/4 in – hexagon socket Wit h spring washer Dia . L in in Part Number 7/16 1-1/2 6 01 10 004 01 8 Quick-change chuck Dia . L in in Part Number 9/16 2 6 01 10 008 01 7 Quick-change chuck , magnet ic Dia . L in in Part Number 9/16 3 6 01 10 209 01 6 1/4 in Driver - hexagonal socket wit h spring clip , magnet ic Dia . L in in Part Number 7/16 2-15/16 6 01 10 202 01 1 3/8 2-15/16 6 01 10 208 01 2 7/16 1-3/4 6 01 10 210 01 8 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for ASse 636 Suspension devic e For use wit h balancer Horizont al and vert ical Part Number 3 21 25 050 00 7 Balanc er Det ailed informat ion on F E I N B alancers can be found in t he chapt er Accessories / B alancers . Coile d power c able For elect ric t ools wit h mains connect ion cables of qualit y H O 5 RN -F 2 x 1. Part Number 3 07 07 157 03 5 50 For accessories , see page 51 Univers al Sc rewdrivers Universal Screwdriver up to 1/4 in S CT 6-25 X A powerful t ool wit h increased speed for int erior const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S CT 6-25 X Power consumpt ion Wat t s 450 Power out put Wat t s 250 Full load speed rpm 0-2,000 No load speed rpm 0-2,500 Max. t orque in/lbs 142 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Screw Ø in 1/4 Chuck 1/4 in Part Number 7 213 15 Pric e inc lude s 1 hand st rap , 1 belt clip , 1 dept h st op , dust -proof, 1 magnet ic chuck for 1/4 in bit s , 1 bit 1/4 in size 2 / Phillips (Form H ), wit h dust -prot ect ion ring Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Speed opt imized for fast ening of joint s .  Quiet F E I N C LI C - STO P clut ch avoids creat ing dist urbances when working in offices , hospit als , et c .  Included dept h st op ensures uniform driving dept h , simplifying subsequent surface finishing .  Point placement accuracy wit h variable elect ronic speed set t ing .  Market -leading ergonomics .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  Swit ches off wit hout vibrat ion .  R apid changeover t o collat ed st rips .  Dept h st op is easy t o adjust and replace .  St op sleeve wit h dust -proof prot ect ion .  Ext remely light weight .  Pract ical hand st rap . Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 51 3 21 27 021 04 2 3 21 27 021 11 3 3 21 27 021 06 1 Ø 17,0 Ø 18,5 3 21 27 021 12 9 6 05 10 215 003 Ø 28,0 3 05 05 069 01 1 3 21 27 021 03 6 Ø 12,2 3 21 27 043 00 0 Ø 17,0 3 21 27 042 00 6 3 21 27 068 00 0 Ø 15,5 Ø 11,2 Ø 20,0 3 21 27 021 13 5 Ø 18,5 Dept h st ops Whenever t he sit uat ion allows , always use a dept h st op (consist ing of a sleeve socket assembly plus your choice of st op sleeve ). This will permit precise set t ing of t he driving dept h , avoid t hread st rip - ping or wring ing of screws , and reduce t ool wear. General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for S CT 6-25 X Chuc k 1/4 in hexag on he ad Out put 1/4 in – hexagon socket Wit h quick-change chuck Dia . L in in Part Number 9/16 2 6 05 10 011 00 9 Bit s 1/4 in hexag on he ad Form H/Phillips (five pack ) ext ra hard , wit h dust -prot ect ion ring Size L in Part Number 2 1 6 27 12 109 03 4 52 For accessories , see page 53 Univers al Sc rewdrivers Universal Screwdriver up to 5/16 in S C U 7-9 Univers al screwdriver wit h adjust able clut ch . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S C U 7-9 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 210 Full load speed rpm 0-600 No load speed rpm 0-900 Max. t orque in/lbs 160/250 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 Dowel Ø in 1/2 Screw Ø in 5/16 / 1/2 Chuck 1/4 in Part Number 7 210 94 Pric e inc lude s 1 bit for Phillips screws size 2 Pozidriv (Form Z ), 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  The F E I N H I G H -P OWE R M OTO R has t he power t o drive screws home in demanding operat ions .  F E I N’s adjust able , power sensit ive univers al clut ch provides t he right t orque for every sit uat ion .  Ideal for screw connect ions wit h self-drilling screws in st ainless st eel up t o 5/32 in .  Fixed t orque can be select ed t o handle dowel screws .  Unrivalled concent ricit y is suit able for core bit s .  Infinit ely variable elect ronic speed adjust ment .  Excellent ergonomics .  Int egral swit ch for clockwise / count erclockwise mot ion .  Dept h st ops available as accessories . Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 53 3 21 27 021 04 2 3 21 27 021 11 3 3 21 27 021 06 1 Ø 17,0 Ø 18,5 Ø 28,0 3 05 05 066 01 5 3 21 27 021 03 6 Ø 12,2 3 21 27 043 00 0 Ø 17,0 3 21 27 021 12 9 3 21 27 021 13 5 Ø 18,5 Ø 20,0 Dept h st ops Whenever t he sit uat ion allows , always use a dept h st op (consist ing of a sleeve socket assembly plus your choice of st op sleeve ). This will permit precise set t ing of t he driving dept h , avoid t hread st rip - ping or wring ing of screws , and reduce t ool wear. General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Chuc k 1/4 in hexag on he ad Out put 1/4 in – hexagon socket Wit h spring washer, magnet ic Dia . L in in Part Number 7/16 1-3/4 6 05 10 215 00 3 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for S C U 7-9 Wit h quick-change chuck Dia . L in in Part Number 9/16 2 6 05 10 011 00 9 Balanc er Det ailed informat ion on F E I N B alancers can be found in t he chapt er Accessories / B alancers . 54 Tek Sc rewdrivers F E I N metal screwdrivers . Drilling and screwing in one work step . The use of met al screwdrivers is widespread . For roof and facade const ruct ion ; heat ing , vent ilat ion and air-condit ioning ; met al and syst ems eng ineering ; and assembly of vehicle bodies and cont ain - ers . F E I N met al screwdrivers wit h Dura ble and powerful mot ors are charact erized by t heir ext remely low weight , out st anding ergonomics , and high speed . They are opt imized for screw con - nect ions up t o 4.8 and 6.3 mm. C arefully select ed speeds ensure precise screw connect ions and prevent overheat ing of t he drill t ip . Accessories mat ched perfect ly t o t he part icular use complet e t he met al screwdriver. The result s are high qualit y screw connect ions and flawless work result s . F a s t e nin g 55 For accessories , see page 59 Tek Sc rewdrivers Cordless metal screw driver up to 3/16 in A S C S 4.8 One of t he light est cordless drill/drivers in it s class for roof and facade const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AS C S 4.8 B at t ery volt age V 14.4 B at t ery capacit y Ah 3.0 Full load speed rpm 0-2,000 No load speed rpm 0-2,500 Max. t orque (hard/soft ) in/lbs 177/62 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 3.5 Quick-change chuck 1/4 in Screw Ø in 3/16 Part Number 7 113 10 61 Pric e inc lude s 1 AS C S 4.8 in a plast ic carrying case , 1 x rapid charger ALG 50, 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 scaffold hook , 1 dept h st op , 1 insert for hexagon bolt s Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High performance bat t ery for more t han 300 screw connect ions t hrough t wo layers of t rapezoid sheet met al .  Elect ronic t orque cut -off prevent s screw breakage and over-t ight ening .  Ext remely efficient , maint enance-free , brushless E C mot or.  Test ed for over 1 million screw connect ions .  More t han 1,000 charges per bat t ery.  Ext remely light -weight of only 1.6 kg for fat igue- free work .  High speeds for opt imum drilling wit hout over - heat ing t he bit .  High power up t o 177 in/lbs . Measurement in millimet ers 56 For accessories , see page 59 Tek Sc rewdrivers Cordless metal screwdriver up to 1/4 in A S C S 6.3 Speed-opt imized cordless drill/driver for fast enings in met al wit h up t o 1/4 in screw diamet er. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AS C S 6.3 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 3.0 Full load speed rpm 0-1,500 No load speed rpm 0-1,700 Max. t orque (hard/soft ) in/lbs 266/89 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.0 Quick-change chuck 1/4 in Screw Ø in 1/4 Part Number 7 113 11 62 Pric e inc lude s 1 AS C S 6.3 in a plast ic carrying case , 1 x rapid charger ALG 50, 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 scaffold hook , 1 dept h st op , 1 insert for hexagon bolt s Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High performance bat t ery for more t han 150 screw connect ions in sheet st eel .  Elect ronic t orque cut -off for precise result s , even wit hout dept h st op .  Ext remely efficient , maint enance-free , brushless E C mot or.  Test ed for over 1 million screw connect ions .  More t han 1,000 charges per bat t ery.  Ext remely light -weight .  Opt imum ergonomics wit h pist ol grip for applicat ion of high pressure .  High power up t o 266 in/lbs . Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 57 For accessories , see page 59 Tek Sc rewdrivers Tek Screwdriver up to 3/16 in S C S 4.8-25 One of t he light est weight drill/drivers in it s power-class for roof and facade const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S C S 4.8-25 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 450 Power out put Wat t s 250 Full load speed rpm 0–2,000 No load speed rpm 0–2,500 Max. t orque (hard/soft ) in/lbs 142/- C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Screw Ø in 3/16 Quick-change chuck 1/4 in Part Number 7 213 04 Pric e inc lude s 1 dept h st op , 1 magnet ic chuck for 1/4 in bit s , 1 bit 1/4 in size 2 / Phillips (Form H ), ext ra-hard , 1 hand st rap , 1 belt clip Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Safe handling of self-drilling and t hread-cut t ing screws up t o 3/16 in - wit h or wit hout sealing washer and wing t eks .  Light weight drills/drivers facilit at e fat igue-free work in roofing and fascade const ruct ion and in HVAC .  F E I N’s adjust able , power-sensit ive univers al clut ch for opt imum configurat ion of t orque when work - ing wit hout dept h st op .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  Pract ical hand st rap . Measurement in millimet ers 58 For accessories , see page 59 Tek Sc rewdrivers Tek Screwdriver up to 1/4 in S C S 6.3-19 X Speed opt imized drill/driver for fast enings in met al up t o 1/4 in screw diamet er. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S C S 6.3-19 X Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Full load speed rpm 0–1,300 No load speed rpm 0–1,900 Max. t orque (hard/soft ) in/lbs 160/- C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 Screw Ø in 1/4 Quick-change chuck 1/4 in Part Number 7 213 09 Pric e inc lude s 1 dept h st op , 1 insert for hexagon bolt s , 1 hand st rap Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Safe work wit hout wearing out t he drill t ip , for self-drilling and t hread-cut t ing screws of 7/32 – 1/4 in - wit h or wit hout sealing washer and wing t eks .  Excellent ergonomics for fat igue-free and comfort - able working .  Infinit ely variable elect ronic speed cont rol for sensit ive screwdriving .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  Very low noise .  F E I N clut ch finishes every screwdriving operat ion wit h a soft clicking .  Int egral swit ch for clockwise / count erclockwise mot ion .  Pract ical hand st rap . Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 59 3 21 27 021 04 2 3 21 27 021 11 3 3 21 27 021 06 1 Ø 17,0 Ø 18,5 3 21 27 021 12 9 6 05 10 215 003 Ø 28,0 3 21 27 021 03 6 Ø 12,2 3 21 27 043 00 0 Ø 17,0 3 21 27 021 13 5 Ø 18,5 Ø 20,0 3 05 05 068 01 7 SCS 6.3-19 X 3 05 05 069 01 1 SCS 4.8-25 Dept h st ops Whenever t he sit uat ion allows , always use a dept h st op (consist ing of a sleeve socket assembly plus your choice of st op sleeve ). This will permit precise set t ing of t he driving dept h , avoid t hread st rip - ping or wring ing of screws , and reduce t ool wear. S C S 4.8-25, S C S 6.3-19 X Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for S C S 6.3-19 X, AS C S 6.3, AS C S 4.8, S C S 4.8-25 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Chuc k 1/4 in hexag on he ad Out put 1/4 in – hexagon socket Wit h quick-change chuck Dia . L in in Part Number 9/16 2 6 05 10 011 00 9 Wit h spring washer, magnet ic Dia . L in in Part Number 7/16 1-3/4 6 05 10 215 00 3 60 Drywall / De c k Sc rewdrivers F E I N dr y wall screwdriver. For all screw connections in dr y wall construction . A variet y of applicat ions require a variet y of t ools : Reg ardless of whet her you are inst alling drywall ont o wood or met al sub - st ruct ures or an int ermediat e layer of plywood – wit h F E I N drywall power screwdrivers you will always have t he right t ool for your requirement s . Wit h a variet y of speeds and clut ches , F E I N drywall screwdrivers can handle virt ually any fast ening t ask on a const ruc - t ion sit e . F E I N drywall screw guns have t he power, light -weight , reliabilit y, and precision t o facilit at e rapid , fat igue-free work on floors , walls and ceilings . They ensure unequaled performance and durabilit y, every day in every applicat ion . F a s t e nin g 61 For accessories , see page 63 Drywall / De c k Sc rewdrivers Dr y wall Screwdriver up to 3/16 in S CT 5-40 X Ideal for drywall and int erior const ruct ion wit h a quiet clut ch . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S CT 5-40 X Power consumpt ion Wat t s 450 Power out put Wat t s 250 Full load speed rpm 0-2,700 No load speed rpm 0-4,000 Max. t orque (hard/soft ) in/lbs 106/- C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Screw Ø in 3/16 Quick-change chuck 1/4 in Part Number 7 213 13 Pric e inc lude s 1 hand st rap , 1 belt clip , 1 dept h st op , dust -proof, 1 magnet ic chuck for 1/4 in bit s , 1 bit 1/4 in size 2 / Phillips (Form H ), wit h dust -prot ect ion ring Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Opt imized speed .  Quiet F E I N C LI C - STO P clut ch avoids creat ing dis - t urbances when working in offices , hospit als , et c .  Included dept h st op avoids damage t o drywall panels and makes spackeling easier.  One of t he light est professional screwdrivers in it s class .  Market -leading ergonomics .  Point placement accuracy wit h variable elect ronic speed set t ing .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  Swit ches off wit hout vibrat ion .  R apid changeover t o collat ed st rips .  Dept h st op is easy t o adjust and replace .  Dust -prot ect ed st op sleeve .  Ext remely light weight .  Pract ical hand st rap . Measurement in millimet ers 62 For accessories , see page 63 Drywall / De c k Sc rewdrivers Dr y wall Screwdriver with autofeed attachment up to 3/16 in S CT 5-40 M Mag azine screwdriver wit h silent clut ch for fast volume screw driving . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S CT 5-40 M Power consumpt ion Wat t s 450 Power out put Wat t s 250 Full load speed rpm 0-2,700 No load speed rpm 0-4,000 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 Screw Ø in 3/16 Max. t orque (hard/soft ) in/lbs 106/- Quick-change chuck 1/4 in Screw lengt h in 1 - 2-1/4 Part Number 7 213 06 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 aut ofeed at t achment for collat ed screws , 1 bit 1/4 in size 2 / Phillips (Form H ), long , 1 dept h st op , 1 magnet ic chuck for 1/4 in bit s , 1 bit 1/4 in size 2 / Phillips (Form H ), wit h dust -prot ect ion ring , 1 hand st rap , 1 belt clip , 1 t ool case Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Drywall screwdriver S CT 5-40 X incl . aut ofeed at t achment .  QuickI N for t ool-free removal collat ed st rips , set t ing of screw lengt h and driving dept h as well as quick cleaning .  Opt imized speed .  One of t he light est professional screwdrivers in it s class .  Quiet F E I N C LI C - STO P clut ch .  Point placement accuracy wit h variable elect ronic speed set t ing .  Pat ent ed screw t ransport syst em.  Addit ional dept h st op for non-collat ed screws .  Ideally suit ed for single-hand use .  Collat ed st rip can be t urned 360 degrees .  Durable mot or housing .  Market -leading ergonomics .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  Swit ches off wit hout vibrat ion .  Pract ical hand st rap . Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 63 3 21 27 021 04 2 3 21 27 021 11 3 3 21 27 021 06 1 Ø 17,0 Ø 18,5 3 21 27 021 12 9 6 05 10 215 003 Ø 28,0 3 05 05 069 01 1 3 21 27 021 03 6 Ø 12,2 3 21 27 043 00 0 Ø 17,0 3 21 27 042 00 6 3 21 27 068 00 0 Ø 15,5 Ø 11,2 Ø 20,0 3 21 27 021 13 5 Ø 18,5 Dept h st ops Whenever t he sit uat ion allows , always use a dept h st op (consist ing of a sleeve socket assembly plus your choice of st op sleeve ). This will permit precise set t ing of t he driving dept h , avoid t hread st rip - ping or wring ing of screws , and reduce t ool wear. General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Chuc k 1/4 in hexag on he ad Out put 1/4 in – hexagon socket Wit h quick-change chuck Dia . L in in Part Number 9/16 2 6 05 10 011 00 9 Bit s 1/4 in hexag on he ad Form H/Phillips (five pack ) ext ra hard , wit h dust -prot ect ion ring Size L in Part Number 2 1 6 27 12 109 03 4 S CT 5-40 M Hig h - spee d c onst ruc t ion sc rews Fine-pit ch screw for fast ening drywall t o met al subst ruct ures , count ersunk head , 5/16 in dia . Dia . L in in Part Number 1/8 1-3/8 6 39 01 030 01 4 Coarse-pit ch screw for fast ening drywall t o wood subst ruct ures , count ersunk head Ø 5/16 in . Dia . L in in Part Number 1/8 1-3/16 6 39 01 031 01 3 1/8 1-3/8 6 39 01 032 01 6 1/8 1-3/4 6 39 01 033 01 0 Double t hreaded wit h milled rib for fast ening Fermacell panels t o met al or wood subst ruct ures . Dia . L in in Part Number 1/8 1-3/16 6 39 01 034 01 8 Double t hreaded wit h milled rib for fast ening wood subst ruct ures . Dia . L in in Part Number 3/16 1-3/8 6 39 01 035 01 2 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for S CT 5-40 X, S CT 5-40 M Aut ofee d ext ension wit h st rap g uide Lengt h 23-5/8 in Part Number 9 01 04 010 01 0 Bit s 1/4 in hexag on he ad For screwdriving int o ceilings and floors Form H⁄Phillips , size 2 Part Number 6 05 03 306 00 8 Aut ofee d at t ac hment For collat ed screws of 1 in t o 2-3/16 in lengt h and max. Ø 3/16 in , t ool-free changeover, weight 0.88 lbs . Part Number 9 01 04 009 01 0 64 F a s t e nin g 65 Offset Sc rewdriver F E I N offset screwdrivers make many tasks easier. The job is already hard enough . At t he end of t he day t he work should be finished , not t he man doing t he work . That is why we have t he F E I N MaMMut offset screwdriver – for difficult t asks in difficult -t o-reach places . Wit h high t orque for soft joint s , t he F E I N offset screwdriver is ext remely durable and designed especially for professional handling of large wood screws , dowel screws , and t hreaded bars , as well as R ampa , sleeve , and blind frame dowels . The half-inch square t ool receiver and int egrat ed bidirect ional running support s a variet y of pract ical applicat ions . The t ool-free drill chuck let s you use t he F E I N offset screwdriver as a full-feat ured drill as well . You will see t hat t he F E I N offset screwdriver will make difficult t asks easier; it is flexible , reliable , and s afe . 66 For accessories , see page 67 Offset Sc rewdriver F E I N MAMMuT Offset Screwdriver up to 5/8 in S C W 16-6 Powerful offset screwdriver for heavy dut y wooden assembly jobs . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model S CW 16-6 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 740 Power out put Wat t s 450 Full load speed rpm 400 Max. t orque for soft screwdriving operat ion , approx. in/lbs 620 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 8.2 Screw Ø in 5/16 - 5/8 Chuck 1/2 in Part Number 7 210 98 Pric e inc lude s 1 met al t ool case , 1 handle , 1 wrench socket insert each of size 13, 17, 19, wit h 1 spacer 1/2 in and bit each on 1/4 and 5/16 in hexagonal socket Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ext remely high t orque for soft joint operat ions in wooden beams and prefabricat ed house con - st ruct ion .  Small dimensions make easy work of fit t ing screws in difficult -t o-reach areas .  Ext remely st rong for heavy–dut y applicat ions .  Reversible .  1/2 in square t ool holder provides t remendous vers at ilit y.  Drill chuck can be fit t ed and removed wit hout t he aid of t ools . This allows it t o be used fully as a rot ary drill (accessories available ).  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers F a s t e nin g 67 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 Drill c huc k adapt er To accept a B 16 drill chuck Part Number 6 19 15 003 00 4 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for S CW 16-6 3-jaw drill c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 0.90 6 32 02 030 01 5 1/16 - 5/8 1.41 6 32 02 037 01 0 Quic k - ac t ion keyle ss c huc k Drill chuck holder B 16 Form R t ip C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 0 - 3/8 1.43 6 32 04 016 00 7 1/16 - 1/2 1.90 6 32 04 017 00 1 R-shaped t ip wit h clamping-force s afet y device C apacit y Weight in lbs Part Number 1/16 - 1/2 1.23 6 32 04 032 00 6 68 F E I N AccuTec Precision for assembly production : F E I N AccuTec screwdrivers . Qualit y is a decisive fact or in success . That is why expect at ions for screw connect ions in indust ry have risen cont inuously in recent years . Wit h it s accutec line of screwdrivers , F E I N provides t he ult imat e solut ions for high qualit y screw connect ions , wit h a t orque range of 0.5 t o 25 Nm and suit able for a wide variet y of applicat ions . A choice can be made bet ween high performance Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y, proven NiC ad or NiM H bat t eries . F E I N knows from years of experience exact ly what is required : perfect end result s and comfort able , fat igue-free working . Whet her you choose F E I N accutec screwdrivers wit h a pist ol grip or accutec bat on offset screwdrivers – F E I N is ready t o meet your indust ry’s elevat ed qualit y requirement s wit h durable t echnolog y, balanced design , and an ext remely high level of funct ionalit y – in a t ool t hat is very easy t o use . F E I N accutec : for t he highest precision , reliabilit y, and efficiency under ext reme loads . F a s t e nin g 69 F E I N AccuTec Efficiency. Thanks t o t heir advanced , reliable t echnolog y, F E I N accutec screwdrivers can be used wit h ext reme efficiency. All accutec models use maint enance-free brushless mot ors wit h a service life t hat is many t imes great er t han convent ional mot ors . Premat ure mot or failure has been eliminat ed . As a result , accutec shut -off screwdrivers can st ay in service longer wit h considerably lower maint enance cost s . Precision . The accutec family delivers t he ext remely precise fast ening t olerances t hat t he aut omobile indust ry expect s from cordless shut -off screwdrivers . These t ools exhibit uniformly precise t orque reg ardless of t he part icular sit uat ion and are verifiable according t o I S O 5393. F E I N accutec screwdrivers have anot her valuable feat ure ; a rest art lock cont inuously monit ors t he charge condit ion of t he bat t ery. If bat t ery volt age is no longer adequat e t o drive screws , t he t ool locks . Driving screws can be rest art ed only aft er replacing t he bat t ery. The rest art delay locks t he t ool aft er screwing is complet e in order t o avoid undesirable over-t ight ening . Ease of handling . The accutec family exhibit s out st anding ergonomics . An green LE D illuminat es when t he preset t orque has been reached . Improper screw drives are indicat ed by t he red LE D and an acoust ic signal . B at t ery capacit y is monit ored cont inuously. The LE D also indicat es when it is t ime t o replace t he bat t ery. 70 F E I N AccuTec F E I N AccuTec screwdrivers with a pistol grip handle or ... F E I N has set new st andards wit h t he accutec AS M screw gun feat uring a pist ol grip handle . The well-balanced and well t hought -out design cont ains an ext remely high level of funct ionalit y and is easy t o operat e . Reach the desired torque precisely. Screw guns wit h a pist ol grip handle feat ure soft -st art . In combinat ion wit h t he pat ent ed clut ch , unusually low st art ing t orques can be achieved . Brushless E C motor. St andard , maint enance-free , brushless E C mot or for great er bat t ery efficiency and charge t ime . High -per formance Li - ion batter y technology. F E I N Li-ion bat t eries wit h higher capacit y and reduced weight permit consider - ably more screw connect ions per charge . Frequent bat t ery changes are no longer necess ary. Two - stage screwdriver saves time . Hose clamps and sensit ive screw connect ions can be complet ed quickly wit h t his t wo- st age screwdriver. The second speed and t he swit chover point are individually select able , achieving opt imum set t ing behavior from t he mat erials . Model AS M 10-4 AS M 10-6 AS M 10-6 S AS M 10-6 2ST AS M 10-9 AS M 14-9 AS M 14-12 Torque rang e (in/lbs ) 8-35 9-53 13-53 9-53 9-80 9-80 18-106 No load spee d (rpm) 300 600 960 600/55-155 400 600 500 Current/Volt ag e (V) 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 14.4 14.4 Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 Chuc k 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in Part Number wit hout bat t ery 7 112 27 00 11 0 7 112 28 00 11 0 7 112 33 00 11 0 7 112 29 00 11 0 7 112 30 00 11 0 7 112 31 00 95 0 7 112 32 00 95 0 Part Number wit h Li - Ion re c harg e able bat t ery 7 112 27 60 00 0 7 112 28 60 00 0 7 112 33 60 00 0 7 112 29 60 00 0 7 112 30 60 00 0 7 112 31 60 00 0 7 112 32 60 00 0 A complet e overview can be found in t he accutec brochure . Model AS M 9-2 AS M 9-4 AS M 9-6-150 AS M 9-6 AS M 9-6-2 ST AS M 9-9 AS M 12-9 AS M 12-12 Torque rang e (in/lbs ) 4-18 9-35 9-53 9-53 9-53 13-80 13-80 13-106 No load spee d (rpm) 380 800 150 600 400 380 590 460 Current/Volt ag e (V) 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 12 12 Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.3 Chuc k 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in 1/4 in Part Number 7 112 .. wit h NiCd re c harg e able bat t ery .. 07 50 01 0 .. 06 50 01 0 .. 05 50 01 0 .. 04 50 01 0 .. 11 50 01 0 .. 03 50 01 0 .. 02 50 01 0 .. 01 50 01 0 Part Number 7 112 .. wit hout bat t ery .. 07 00 98 0 .. 06 00 98 0 .. 05 00 98 0 .. 04 00 98 9 .. 11 00 98 0 .. 03 00 98 3 .. 02 00 02 8 .. 01 00 02 2 F a s t e nin g 71 F E I N AccuTec ... an angle wrench screwdriver. Wit h accutec angle wrench screwdrivers ASW, you can achieve t orque up t o 221 in/lbs . in assembly product ion , even where t here are very t ight space const raint s . These pioneering cordless angle wrench screwdrivers are out st anding in performance and precision . Shor t and handy. At only 360 mm, t he accutec ASW is one of t he short est and handiest cordless bat on offset screwdrivers in t he world . About ergonomics . The out st anding ergonomics and weight dis - t ribut ion allow for single-handed operat ion . The st andard soft st art feat ure is easy on t he operat or’s hands and limbs and ext ends t he service life of t he mot or and gears as well . Higher speeds due to Li - ion batteries . Due t o t he higher bat t ery volt age , t he speeds were adjust ed up t o 600 rpm. That s aves t ime during assembly, and t he screw connec - t ion qualit y remains consist ent ly high . Space can be found ever y where . The offset design allows for driving screws in even difficult -t o-reach locat ions . In addit ion , t he angled head can be adjust ed by ± 180 degrees . Model ASW 10-6 ASW 10-6-2ST ASW 10-10 ASW 10-10-2ST ASW 10-10-250 ASW 14-14 Torque rang e (in/lbs ) 9-53 9-53 13-89 13-89 13-89 27-124 No load spee d (rpm) 600 60-15/600 400 250 50-150/400 500 Current/Volt ag e (V) 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 14.4 Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.5 Part Number wit hout bat t ery and wit hout ang le he ad 7 112 40 00 92 0 7 112 41 00 92 0 7 112 42 00 92 0 7 112 43 00 92 0 7 112 44 00 92 0 7 112 45 00 95 0 A complet e overview can be found in t he accutec brochure . Model ASW 12-16 ASW 12-16 ASW 12-16 ASW 12-25 ASW 9-10 ASW 9-10 ASW 9-10 Torque rang e (in/lbs ) 44-142 44-142 44-142 71-221 13-89 13-89 13-89 No load spee d (rpm) 300 300 300 300 340 340 340 Chuc k 1/4 in Hexagon socket 1/4 in Out er square 3/8 in Out er square 3/8 in Out er square 1/4 in Hexagon socket 1/4 in Out er square 3/8 in Out er square Current/Volt ag e (V) 12 12 12 12 9.6 9.6 9.6 Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 Part Number wit hout bat t ery 7 112 05 50 02 0 7 113 04 50 02 0 7 110 93 50 02 0 7 110 94 50 02 0 7 112 08 00 98 0 7 112 09 00 98 0 7 112 00 00 98 0 Part Number wit h NiCd re c harg e able bat t ery 7 113 05 50 01 9 7 113 04 50 01 3 7 110 93 50 01 7 7 110 94 50 01 3 7 112 08 50 01 0 7 112 09 50 01 0 7 112 00 50 01 0 Part Number wit h NiM H re c harg e able bat t ery 7 112 08 50 02 0 7 112 09 50 02 0 7 112 00 50 02 0 Price includes : Wit hout bat t ery, angle head or charger. 72 Grinding G r i n d i n g 73 Compact Angle Grinders Page 76 More t han reliable – t he right angle grinder for every job. Large Angle Grinders Page 92 Superior performance , comfort and opt imum s afet y – F E I N angle grinders for heavy-dut y grinding and cut t ing work . Die Grinders Page 96 Specialized t ools for use in met al working – grinding , finishing , deburring and polishing . High -Frequency Page 108 Higher frequency, higher performance – t he secret t o heavy-dut y grinding under t he most demanding condit ions . In continuous use for over 100 years : F E I N specialized grinders . Experience isn’t everyt hing , but it ’s very import ant . Especially for building resilient , user-orient ed , ergonomic and indurat ive grinding t ools for indust ry and t rades . F E I N offers various performance classes rang ing from 280 t o 3,700 wat t s and for t ough cont inuous use such as in foundries , st eel or shipbuilding . From handy compact angle grinders t o ext remely powerful and large angle grinders , t o a wide range of st raight grinders and a comprehensive high frequency range – F E I N works hard t o s at isfy your every need . 74 Mat erial removal Deburring Cut t ing Brushing Sat in finishing Polishing Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Chuck Mount ing hole Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Soft -st art Self-st art lock TipSt art Aut oSt op Brake Long neck WS G 10-115 Handy compact angle grinder for light deburring and grinding work . 77    800 10,000 4.4 5/8-11 4-1/2 4-1/2    WS G 10-115 T Handy compact s aft ey angle grinder wit h Tip- St art and Aut oSt op for light deburring and grinding work . 78    800 10,000 4.4 5/8-11 4-1/2 4-1/2      WS G 10-125 S Handy slow-speed angle grinder for deburring and grinding work . 80      800 7,000 4.9 5/8-11 5 5    WS G 14-125 Powerful compact angle grinder for indust ry and t rades . 81     1,200 10,000 4.9 5/8-11 5 5    WS G 14-125 S Powerful slow-speed angle grinder for grinding and cut t ing st ainless st eel . 82     1,200 7,000 5.3 5/8-11 5 5    WS G 14-125 T High performance compact angle grinder wit h TipSt art and Aut oSt op for indust rial and t rade use . 83    1,200 10,000 5.1 5/8-11 5 5      WS G 14-70 E Powerful compact angle grinder/polisher wit h variable speed for working on st ainless st eel . 121       1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3 5/8-11 5 5    WSS 14-125 Powerful compact angle grinder for indust ry and t rades wit h QuickI N rapid clamping syst em. 84    1,200 10,000 4.9 QuickI N 7/8 5 5    WSS 14-125 T High performance compact angle grinder wit h QuickI N rapid clamping syst em, TipSt art and Aut oSt op for indust rial and t rade use . 85    1,200 10,000 5.3 QuickI N 7/8 5 5      M Sfv 649-1 Long-necked angle grinder wit h M 14 spindle for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . 87   750 12,000 8.8 M 14 5  WS G 14-150 Powerful compact angle grinder for cut t ing and grinding work . 89     1,200 7,000 5.3 5/8-11 6 6    WS G 14-150 T High performance compact angle grinder for grinding and cut -off work wit h TipSt art and Aut oSt op . 90     1,200 7,000 5.3 5/8-11 6 6    Deburring Mat erial removal Brushing Cut t ing Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Chuck Mount ing hole Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Soft -st art Self-st art lock Brake Aut oSt op WS G 20-180 Powerful angle grinder for grinding work . 93    2,000 8,500 12.3 5/8–11 7 7    + WS G 20-230 Powerful angle grinder for cut t ing and grinding work . 94    2,000 6,600 12.3 5/8-11 9 9    + Sat in finishing Brushing Polishing Cut t ing Deburring Mat erial removal Cut t ing Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Drill chuck max. Ø (in ) Collet Ø ( Inch ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel for max. Ø x widt h (in ) Grinding wheel for max. Ø (in ) Long neck Cont act belt leader AH Sl 636 c Die grinder for finishing and polishing . 97    280 5,500 3.7 3/8 2 x 3/8 M Sh 635 Powerful die grinder for high-speed t ool and mould-manufact uring . 98  350 48,000 2.4 1/8 1/2 M Sh 636-1 Die grinder wit h high speed for difficult -t o-reach areas . 99    280 36,000 3.7 1/4 3/4  M Sh 648-1 Powerful die grinder for a wide range of applicat ions . 101     650 28,000 7.5 5/16 2  M She 648-1 Powerful die grinder wit h variable speed . 102     650 8,500-28,000 8.2 5/16 2  M Shy 648-1 Z Powerful die grinder for working on st ainless st eel . 103    650 6,000 7.3 5/16 2  M Shy 649-1 Die grinder for t ough grinding and polishing applicat ions . 105    750 9,000 9.0 M 12 4 x 1-1/4 / 1-3/32 M Shy 664-1 Die grinder for coarse grinding work . 106  1,400 7,500 13.0 M 12 5 x 1-1/4 / 1-1/32  + Grinding For cost - effective grinding work . F E I N angle and die grinders . Compac t Ang le Grinders L arg e Ang le Grinders Die Grinders Model Pag e Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s G r i n d i n g 75 Mat erial removal Deburring Cut t ing Brushing Sat in finishing Polishing Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Chuck Mount ing hole Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Soft -st art Self-st art lock TipSt art Aut oSt op Brake Long neck WS G 10-115 Handy compact angle grinder for light deburring and grinding work . 77    800 10,000 4.4 5/8-11 4-1/2 4-1/2    WS G 10-115 T Handy compact s aft ey angle grinder wit h Tip- St art and Aut oSt op for light deburring and grinding work . 78    800 10,000 4.4 5/8-11 4-1/2 4-1/2      WS G 10-125 S Handy slow-speed angle grinder for deburring and grinding work . 80      800 7,000 4.9 5/8-11 5 5    WS G 14-125 Powerful compact angle grinder for indust ry and t rades . 81     1,200 10,000 4.9 5/8-11 5 5    WS G 14-125 S Powerful slow-speed angle grinder for grinding and cut t ing st ainless st eel . 82     1,200 7,000 5.3 5/8-11 5 5    WS G 14-125 T High performance compact angle grinder wit h TipSt art and Aut oSt op for indust rial and t rade use . 83    1,200 10,000 5.1 5/8-11 5 5      WS G 14-70 E Powerful compact angle grinder/polisher wit h variable speed for working on st ainless st eel . 121       1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3 5/8-11 5 5    WSS 14-125 Powerful compact angle grinder for indust ry and t rades wit h QuickI N rapid clamping syst em. 84    1,200 10,000 4.9 QuickI N 7/8 5 5    WSS 14-125 T High performance compact angle grinder wit h QuickI N rapid clamping syst em, TipSt art and Aut oSt op for indust rial and t rade use . 85    1,200 10,000 5.3 QuickI N 7/8 5 5      M Sfv 649-1 Long-necked angle grinder wit h M 14 spindle for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . 87   750 12,000 8.8 M 14 5  WS G 14-150 Powerful compact angle grinder for cut t ing and grinding work . 89     1,200 7,000 5.3 5/8-11 6 6    WS G 14-150 T High performance compact angle grinder for grinding and cut -off work wit h TipSt art and Aut oSt op . 90     1,200 7,000 5.3 5/8-11 6 6    Deburring Mat erial removal Brushing Cut t ing Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Chuck Mount ing hole Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Soft -st art Self-st art lock Brake Aut oSt op WS G 20-180 Powerful angle grinder for grinding work . 93    2,000 8,500 12.3 5/8–11 7 7    + WS G 20-230 Powerful angle grinder for cut t ing and grinding work . 94    2,000 6,600 12.3 5/8-11 9 9    + Sat in finishing Brushing Polishing Cut t ing Deburring Mat erial removal Cut t ing Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Drill chuck max. Ø (in ) Collet Ø ( Inch ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel for max. Ø x widt h (in ) Grinding wheel for max. Ø (in ) Long neck Cont act belt leader AH Sl 636 c Die grinder for finishing and polishing . 97    280 5,500 3.7 3/8 2 x 3/8 M Sh 635 Powerful die grinder for high-speed t ool and mould-manufact uring . 98  350 48,000 2.4 1/8 1/2 M Sh 636-1 Die grinder wit h high speed for difficult -t o-reach areas . 99    280 36,000 3.7 1/4 3/4  M Sh 648-1 Powerful die grinder for a wide range of applicat ions . 101     650 28,000 7.5 5/16 2  M She 648-1 Powerful die grinder wit h variable speed . 102     650 8,500-28,000 8.2 5/16 2  M Shy 648-1 Z Powerful die grinder for working on st ainless st eel . 103    650 6,000 7.3 5/16 2  M Shy 649-1 Die grinder for t ough grinding and polishing applicat ions . 105    750 9,000 9.0 M 12 4 x 1-1/4 / 1-3/32 M Shy 664-1 Die grinder for coarse grinding work . 106  1,400 7,500 13.0 M 12 5 x 1-1/4 / 1-1/32  + + opt ional  included  suit able  very well-suit ed Model Pag e Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s 76 Compac t Ang le Grinders F E I N Compact Angle Grinders : Power ful and reliable angle grinders for industr y and trades . Ext reme durabilit y, performance , ease-of-use , and s afet y are what dist inguish F E I N compact angle grinders for indust ry and t rade use . Wit h t heir range of different ly-equipped models , t hey are perfect ly mat ched t o your requirement s . F E I N compact angle grinders are available in t wo st yles : a classic on/off swit ch or a s afet y angle grinder feat uring F E I N TipSt art operat ion and Aut oSt op . These powerful and reliable compact angle grinders are ideal for use every day, even in t he t oughest cont inuous use . F E I N compact angle grinders are available in a variet y of models – wit h wheel diamet ers from 4-1/2 in t o 6 in and power rat ings of 800 or 1,200 wat t s . G r i n d i n g 77 For accessories , see page 79 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 4-1/2 in W S G 10-115 Handy compact angle grinder for light deburring and grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 10-115 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 Power out put Wat t s 550 No load speed rpm 10,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.4 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 4-1/2 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 4-1/2 Part Number 7 221 61 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  High service life t hanks t o ext remely robust self-support ing mot or design .  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 78 For accessories , see page 79 Compact Angle Grinder Ø 4-1/2 in W S G 10-115 T Handy compact s aft ey angle grinder wit h Tip- St art and Aut oSt op for light deburring and grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 10-115 T Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 Power out put Wat t s 550 No load speed rpm 10,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.4 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 4-1/2 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 4-1/2 Part Number 7 221 55 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Complet e s afet y package wit h TipSt art , Aut oSt op , self-st art lock , and soft -st art .  High service life t hanks t o ext remely robust self- support ing mot or design and dust proof swit ch module .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  Low vibrat ion even wit hout an ant i-vibrat ion handle .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers Compac t Ang le Grinders G r i n d i n g 79 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Ant i -vibrat ion handle M 8, vibrat ion-absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 124 01 0 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Bevelle d k not - t wist wire wheel 4-1/2 in dia . Part Number 6 37 22 043 01 7 Prot e c t ive g uard for c ut t ing work Dia . in Part Number 4-1/2 6 38 11 001 01 0 Inner flang e Part Number 6 38 01 095 00 8 Out er flang e 5/8-11 in , for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels . Part Number 6 38 02 098 00 7 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WS G 10-115, WS G 10-115 T 80 For accessories , see page 86 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S G 10-125 S Handy slow-speed angle grinder for deburring and grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 10-125 S Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 Power out put Wat t s 550 No load speed rpm 7,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.9 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 62 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Reduced speed for working on st ainless st eel in order t o prevent t arnishing .  High service life t hanks t o ext remely robust self-support ing mot or design and dust proof swit ch module .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 81 For accessories , see page 86 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S G 14-125 Powerful compact angle grinder for indust ry and t rades . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-125 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 10,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.9 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 41 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  High service life t hanks t o ext remely robust self-support ing mot or design .  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 82 For accessories , see page 86 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S G 14-125 S Powerful slow-speed angle grinder for grinding and cut t ing st ainless st eel . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-125 S Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 7,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 44 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Reduced speed for working on st ainless st eel in order t o prevent t arnishing .  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 83 For accessories , see page 86 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S G 14-125 T High performance compact angle grinder wit h TipSt art and Aut oSt op for indust rial and t rade use . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-125 T Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 10,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.1 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 56 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Complet e s afet y package wit h TipSt art , Aut oSt op , self-st art lock , and soft -st art .  High service life t hanks t o ext remely robust self-support ing mot or design and dust proof swit ch module .  Low vibrat ion even wit hout an ant i-vibrat ion handle .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 84 For accessories , see page 86 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S S 14-125 Powerful compact angle grinder for indust ry and t rades wit h QuickI N rapid clamping syst em. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS S 14-125 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 10,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.9 Chuck QuickI N Mount ing hole Ø in 7/8 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 40 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 clamp for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels , 1 ant i-vibrat ion handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  High service life t hanks t o ext remely robust self-support ing mot or design .  Tool-free F E I N QuickI N rapid clamping syst em – s afely clamps abrasives wit hout a key.  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 85 For accessories , see page 86 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S S 14-125 T High performance compact angle grinder wit h QuickI N rapid clamping syst em, TipSt art and Aut oSt op for indust rial and t rade use . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS S 14-125 T Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 10,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Chuck QuickI N Mount ing hole Ø in 7/8 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 54 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 clamp for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels , 1 handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Complet e s afet y package wit h TipSt art , Aut oSt op , self-st art lock , and soft -st art .  Tool-free F E I N QuickI N rapid clamping syst em – s afely clamps abrasives wit hout a key.  Unique ergonomics .  Low vibrat ion even wit hout an ant i-vibrat ion handle .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 86 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Ant i -vibrat ion handle M 8, vibrat ion-absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 124 01 0 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Bevelle d k not - t wist wire wheel 5 in dia . Part Number 6 37 22 044 01 5 WS G 14-125, WS G 10-125 S , WS G 14-125 S , WS G 14-125 T Inner flang e Part Number 6 38 01 095 00 8 Out er flang e 5/8-11 in , for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels . Part Number 6 38 02 098 00 7 WS G 10-125 S , WS G 14-125 S Univers al dust ext rac t ion devic e Ø 5 in , for fan-pat t ern grinding wheels , elast ic backing pads , support plat es , and conical t wist ed st eel wire brushes Part Number 9 26 02 067 01 6 Brush insert For univers al dust ext ract ion device Part Number 3 32 18 101 01 4 WS S 14-125, WS S 14-125 T Bevelle d k not - t wist wire wheel 4-1/2 in dia . Part Number 6 37 22 043 01 7 Elast ic bac k ing pad Wit hout clamping unit Dia . in Part Number 4-1/2 6 38 06 143 01 7 5 6 38 06 138 01 5 Clamping unit For flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels , circular t wist ed st eel wire brushes and bevelled knot -t wist wire wheels Part Number 6 38 02 178 02 3 For elast ic backing pad and for t wist ed st eel wire brush Part Number 6 38 02 180 02 9 WS G 14-125, WS G 14-125 S , WS G 14-125 T, WS S 14-125, WS S 14-125 T Prot e c t ive g uard for c ut t ing work Dia . in Part Number 5 6 38 11 002 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WS S 14-125, WS S 14-125 T, WS G 14-125, WS G 14-125 T, WS G 14-125 S , WS G 10-125 S G r i n d i n g 87 For accessories , see page 88 Compac t Ang le Grinders Angle Grinder Ø 5 in M Sfv 649-1 Long-necked angle grinder wit h M 14 spindle for working in difficult -t o-reach areas . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Sfv 649-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 750 Power out put Wat t s 480 No load speed rpm 12,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 8.8 Mount ing t hread in M 14 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 31 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Flat drive head t o plunge deep int o workpieces .  Safe and comfort able handling t hanks t o convenient handle posit ions .  Safet y guard for prot ect ion ag ainst rot at ing .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers 88 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Inner flang e For wheels Ø 5" Part Number 6 38 01 079 00 9 Out er flang e M 14, for wheels up t o 1/2 in t hickness Part Number 6 38 02 084 00 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for M Sfv 649-1 G r i n d i n g 89 For accessories , see page 91 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 6 in W S G 14-150 Powerful compact angle grinder for cut t ing and grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-150 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 7,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 6 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 6 Part Number 7 221 42 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N H I G H -P OWE R-M OTO R – high mat erial removal capacit y t hrough t he ent ire working range .  Cut t ing work up t o 1-3/8 in can be undert aken wit h t he 6 in wheels .  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 90 For accessories , see page 91 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 6 in W S G 14-150 T High performance compact angle grinder for grinding and cut -off work wit h TipSt art and Aut oSt op . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-150 T Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 7,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 6 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 6 Part Number 7 221 57 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N H I G H -P OWE R-M OTO R – high mat erial removal capacit y t hrough t he ent ire working range .  Complet e s afet y package wit h TipSt art , Aut oSt op , self-st art lock , and soft -st art .  Cut t ing work up t o 1-3/8 in can be undert aken wit h t he 6 in wheels .  Unique ergonomics .  Low vibrat ion even wit hout an ant i-vibrat ion handle .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . G r i n d i n g 91 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Ant i -vibrat ion handle M 8, vibrat ion-absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 124 01 0 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Bevelle d k not - t wist wire wheel 5 in dia . Part Number 6 37 22 044 01 5 Prot e c t ive g uard for c ut t ing work Dia . in Part Number 6 6 38 11 003 01 0 Inner flang e Part Number 6 38 01 095 00 8 Out er flang e 5/8-11 in , for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels . Part Number 6 38 02 098 00 7 WS G 14-150 T Elast ic bac k ing pad Wit h flange 5/8 in - 11, for fiber s anding sheet s 5 in dia . Dia . in Part Number 5 6 38 06 087 01 3 Bac k ing pad M 14, 5 in dia ., wit h H&L, for s anding sheet s wit h Velcro rapid at t achment Part Number 6 38 06 168 01 2 Wire c up brush 2-9/16" dia ., M 14 Part Number 6 37 22 047 01 6 Out er flang e 5/8 in-11, for elast ic backing pads . Part Number 6 38 01 154 00 7 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WS G 14-150 T, WS G 14-150 92 Ang le Grinders Large Angle Grinders from F E I N : No compromise on per formance or safety. There are virt ually no ot her power t ools t hat combine more applicat ion t echnolog y t han t he especially powerful and robust F E I N angle grinders : pat ent ed rapid clamping syst em, pat ent ed elect ric brake and ergonomic design . We are part icularly proud of one of t hese pat ent s : t he elect ric brake , since we invent ed it , F E I N angle grinders have aut omat ically provided opt imum s afet y. F E I N angle grinders are available in various versions . G r i n d i n g 93 For accessories , see page 95 Ang le Grinders Angle Grinder Ø 7 in W S G 20-180 Powerful angle grinder for grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 20-180 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 2,000 Power out put Wat t s 1,250 No load speed rpm 8,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 12.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8–11 Grinding wheel Ø in 7 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 7 Part Number 7 221 07 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 handle , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Low gear head design for t ight areas .  Soft -st art for s afe handling .  Rear handle can be rot at ed t hrough 4 posit ions .  Dust proof ball bearing .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Self-st art lock .  Also available wit h Aut o St op for maximum s afet y (7 221 07 29). Measurement in millimet ers 94 For accessories , see page 95 Ang le Grinders Angle Grinder Ø 9 in W S G 20-230 Powerful angle grinder for cut t ing and grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 20-230 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 2,000 Power out put Wat t s 1,250 No load speed rpm 6,600 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 12.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 9 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 9 Part Number 7 221 08 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 handle , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Low gear head design for t ight areas .  Soft -st art for s afe handling .  Rear handle can be rot at ed t hrough 4 posit ions .  Dust proof ball bearing .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Self-st art lock .  Also available wit h Aut o St op for maximum s afet y (7 221 08 29). Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 95 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Met al Lengt h Widt h Height in in in Part Number 27-3/16 9-1/16 6-5/16 3 39 01 022 01 4 Ant i -vibrat ion handle M14, vibrat ion absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 117 01 5 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Dust ext rac t ion devic e Wit h adjust able guide for cut t ing wheels Ø 7 in , cut t ing dept h 1-9/16 in , connec - t ion Ø 1-1/4 in Part Number 9 06 04 008 01 3 Out er flang e 5/8-11 in , for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels . Part Number 6 38 02 098 00 7 Inner flang e Part Number 6 38 01 114 00 1 WS G 20-230 Dust ext rac t ion devic e Wit h adjust able guide for cut t ing wheels Ø 9 in , cut t ing dept h 2-9/16 in , connec - t ion Ø 1-1/4 in Part Number 9 06 04 009 01 7 Safet y g uard for c ut t ing work Dia . in Part Number 9 6 38 11 005 01 0 WS G 20-180 Safet y g uard for c ut t ing work Dia . in Part Number 7 6 38 11 004 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WS G 20-180, WS G 20-230 96 Die Grinders For fine and coarse work : F E I N Die Grinders . Powerful , robust and highly vers at ile , F E I N die grinders don’t just deliver impressive grinding result s . They are also t he number one choice for finishing and polishing , ideal whet her you are working on st ainless st eel , fabricat ing or ot her applicat ions . F E I N die grinders guarant ee efficient , s afe working and opt imum result s , wit h speed ranges of bet ween 4,500 and 45,000 rpm and power levels of bet ween 280 and 1,400 wat t s . These grinders are known for t heir robust ness , reliabilit y and manageabilit y. G r i n d i n g 97 For accessories , see page 100 Die Grinders Die Grinder 5,500/min A H Sl 636 c Die grinder for finishing and polishing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AH Sl 636 c Power consumpt ion Wat t s 280 Power out put Wat t s 150 No load speed rpm 5,500 C able wit h plug ft 10 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.7 Drill chuck max. Ø in 3/8 Grinding wheel for max. Ø x widt h in 2 x 3/8 Part Number 7 223 02 Pric e inc lude s 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Speed perfect ly adapt ed t o finishing and polishing accessories .  Small and compact design prevent s fat igue .  Tool mount wit h key-t ype drill chuck up t o 3/8 in for using a wide range of accessories .  Drill chuck wit h prot ect ive cover.  Drilling in st eel up t o 5/32 in dia . Measurement in millimet ers 98 For accessories , see page 100 Die Grinders Die Grinder 48,000/min M Sh 635 Powerful die grinder for high-speed t ool and mould-manufact uring . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Sh 635 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 220 No load speed rpm 48,000 C able wit h plug ft 10 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.4 Collet Ø In 1/8 Grinding wheel for max. Ø in 1/2 Part Number 7 223 12 Pric e inc lude s 1 wrench , 1 ret aining pin , 1 handle , 1 collet , 3 mm dia . Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Speed opt imized for grinding and deburring .  Short and compact design for rest rict ed spaces .  Safe and comfort able work t hanks t o handle t hat can be swivelled .  Allows use of collet s for shaft s up t o 1/4 in dia .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 99 For accessories , see page 100 Die Grinders Die Grinder 36,000/min M Sh 636-1 Die grinder wit h high speed for difficult -t o-reach areas . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Sh 636-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 280 Power out put Wat t s 150 No load speed rpm 36,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.7 Collet Ø In 1/4 Grinding wheel for max. Ø in 3/4 Part Number 7 223 03 Pric e inc lude s 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Long narrow neck allows t ool t o plunge deep int o workpieces (e .g . grinding inside pipes ).  Spindle wit h mult iple bearings for quiet operat ion and precision .  Allows use of collet s for shaft s up t o 5/16 in dia . Measurement in millimet ers 10 0 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 M Sh 636-1 Support Tool holder for pipe work . Part Number 3 18 01 010 01 2 Collet s Dept h 1-3/16 in Dia . in Part Number 1/4 6 32 07 088 00 9 1/8 6 32 07 089 00 3 AH Sl 636 c Work arbor Wit h 5/16 in dia . shaft , 1/2 in dia . bore Part Number 6 38 03 058 01 1 M Sh 635 Collet s Dia . in Part Number 1/8 6 32 07 097 00 0 1/4 6 32 07 103 00 9 Collet chuck 1/4 in dia ., suit able only for insert ing H M, H SS , and diamond t oot h and coat ed milling cut t ers . Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for M Sh 636-1, AH Sl 636 c , M Sh 635 G r i n d i n g 10 1 For accessories , see page 104 Die Grinders Die Grinder 28,000/min M Sh 648-1 Powerful die grinder for a wide range of applicat ions . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Sh 648-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 650 Power out put Wat t s 420 No load speed rpm 28,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 7.5 Collet Ø In 5/16 Grinding wheel for max. Ø in 2 Part Number 7 223 14 Pric e inc lude s 1 collet Ø 5/16 in , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Spindle wit h mult iple bearings for quiet operat ion and precision .  Long , narrow neck enables deep insert ion int o workpieces and molds .  5/16 in dia . collet s .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers 10 2 For accessories , see page 104 Die Grinders Die Grinder 28,000/min M She 648-1 Powerful die grinder wit h variable speed . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M She 648-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 650 Power out put Wat t s 420 No load speed rpm 8,500-28,000 C able wit h plug ft 10 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 8.2 Collet Ø In 5/16 Grinding wheel for max. Ø in 2 Part Number 7 223 14 95 Pric e inc lude s 1 wrench set , 1 collet Ø 5/16 in Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Adjust able speed allows different accessories t o be used .  Spindle wit h mult iple bearings for quiet operat ion and precision .  Narrow, non-slip neck and handle for a secure grip .  5/16 in dia . collet s .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 10 3 For accessories , see page 104 Die Grinders Die Grinder 6,000/min M Shy 648-1 Z Powerful die grinder for working on st ainless st eel . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Shy 648-1 Z Power consumpt ion Wat t s 650 Power out put Wat t s 420 No load speed rpm 6,000 C able wit h plug ft 10 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 7.3 Collet Ø In 5/16 Grinding wheel for max. Ø in 2 Part Number 7 223 13 Pric e inc lude s 1 wrench set , 1 collet Ø 5/16 in Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Speed opt imized for working wit h st ainless st eel , s at in-finishing , and polishing corners and edges .  Spindle wit h mult iple bearings for quiet operat ion and precision .  Narrow, non-slip neck and handle for a secure grip .  5/16 in dia . collet s .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers 10 4 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 Grinding wheel 2 x 3/8 x 1/2 in Model Part Number N K 24 (A ) 6 37 07 008 00 2 S C 24 ( C ) 6 37 07 009 00 6 Work arbor Wit h 5/16 in dia . shaft , 1/2 in dia . bore Part Number 6 38 03 058 01 1 Collet s Dept h 1-3/16 in Dia . in Part Number 3 6 32 07 087 00 1 6 6 32 07 059 00 6 8 6 32 07 069 00 5 1/4 6 32 07 088 00 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for M Shy 648-1 Z , M Sh 648-1, M She 648-1 G r i n d i n g 10 5 For accessories , see page 107 Die Grinders Die Grinder 9,000/min M Shy 649-1 Die grinder for t ough grinding and polishing applicat ions . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Shy 649-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 750 Power out put Wat t s 480 No load speed rpm 9,000 C able wit h plug ft 10 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 9.0 Mount ing t hread in M 12 Mount ing hole Ø in 13/16 Grinding wheel for max. Ø x widt h in 4 x 1-1/4 / 1-3/32 Part Number 7 224 04 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Speed designed for flap wheels .  Powerful mot or for wheels up t o 4 in dia .  Clamping t ools wit h flanges .  Rot at ing s afet y guard .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers 10 6 For accessories , see page 107 Die Grinders Die Grinder 7,500/min M Shy 664-1 Die grinder for coarse grinding work . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Shy 664-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,400 Power out put Wat t s 920 No load speed rpm 7,500 C able wit h plug ft 10 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 13.0 Mount ing t hread in M 12 Mount ing hole Ø in 13/16 Grinding wheel for max. Ø x widt h in 5 x 1-1/4 / 1-1/32 Part Number 7 224 05 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Powerful die grinder for wheels up t o 5 in dia .  Clamping t ools wit h flanges .  Wit h s anding arm can be expanded t o belt s ander wit h belt widt h of 1-1/4 or 2 in .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers G r i n d i n g 10 7 General Ac c e ssorie s Inner flang e Part Number 6 38 01 096 00 1 Dist anc e sleeve Part Number 3 05 01 242 00 1 Out er flang e Part Number 6 38 02 105 00 0 M Shy 664-1 Tool C ase Met al Lengt h Widt h Height in in in Part Number 27-3/16 9-1/16 6-5/16 3 39 01 022 01 4 Small belt s ander Consist ing of s anding arm, guide pulley, drive wheel , wheel flange and ret ent ion pin . Circumferent ial speed 12 ft/s . Widt h in Part Number 2 6 38 10 011 02 0 1-1/4 6 38 10 025 02 0 Drive wheel 4 in dia . Suit able for small belt s anders Widt h in Part Number 2 6 38 06 077 00 5 1-1/4 6 38 06 076 00 1 Pin wrenc h Wear part Suit able for small belt s anders Part Number 6 29 13 004 00 0 Sanding belt For small belt s anders lengt h 31-1/2 in , widt h 2 in . For grinding Grit Part Number 40 6 37 14 011 00 9 60 6 37 14 012 00 2 For finishing Grit Part Number 80 6 37 14 013 00 6 120 6 37 14 014 00 4 180 6 37 14 015 00 8 220 6 37 14 026 00 0 320 6 37 14 027 00 4 For small belt s anders lengt h 31-1/2 in , widt h 1-1/4 in . For grinding Grit Part Number 40 6 37 14 004 00 5 60 6 37 14 005 00 9 For finishing Grit Part Number 80 6 37 14 006 00 2 120 6 37 14 007 00 6 180 6 37 14 008 00 4 220 6 37 14 009 00 8 320 6 37 14 010 00 0 M Shy 649-1 Tool C ase Met al 27-9/16 x 7-1/16 x 4 in Part Number 3 39 01 021 01 1 L amellar s anding disc 4 x 1-1/4 x 3/4 in Grit Part Number 80 6 37 21 002 00 4 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for M Shy 664-1, M Shy 649-1 10 8 Hig h -Fre quenc y When others can’t take the pace , F E I N high -frequency power tools crank it up . Higher frequency, higher speeds , more power. The superior machine design of F E I N high-frequency power t ools makes t hem part icularly suit able for use in met alwork , heavy-dut y s anding and cont inuous use when roughing or cut t ing under t he t oughest environment al condit ions . Thanks t o design choices such as induct ion mot ors wit h squirrel cage rot ors and reject ion of wearing part s for power t ransmission , F E I N high-frequency power t ools s at isfy t he highest robust ness and service life requirement s . They have power reserves , t hat average at least 100% more t han t he rat ed value . In pract ice , t his means t he speed remains const ant over t he ent ire load range , for high grinding performance and low disc wear. The F E I N high-frequency product line offers a wide select ion of angle and die grinders for professional users in t rade and indust ry. The machines can be put t o mobile use on const ruct ion sit es or inst alled in fixed grinding st at ions . G r i n d i n g 10 9 The benefit s of F E I N  Powerful and simple design for ext remely long life .  Highly efficient performance .  Minimal wheel speed loss under heavy load .  High t orque .  Low wear.  Significant ly less expensive t o run t han a pneumat ic syst em.  Low maint enance and repair cost s .  Low t ool wear.  Low syst em maint enance requirement s for t he syst em. Hig h -Fre quenc y What is High -Frequency ? In elect rical eng ineering , only frequencies over 10 kHz are designat ed as high frequency. However, wit h power t ools t his t erm has been adopt ed for all grid frequencies t hat exceed st andard grid frequencies (50/60 Hz ). Today, high-frequency power t ools mainly use a frequency of 300 Hz . This requires special frequency convert ers t hat bring t he elect rical supply up t o t he increased frequency. These frequency convert ers are connect ed t o t he public single phase or t hree phase power supply. But why is t he power at t he out let raised t o a higher frequency? One reason is demand for higher performance . Higher speed is achieved by raising t he frequency. At 300 Hz , squirrel cage mot ors achieve approximat ely 18,000 rpm – ideal for t asks such as t ough grinding . Mot or out put also increases in direct proport ion t o t he higher frequency; at 300 Hz , power is six t imes great er, because t he frequency has been mult iplied six t imes compared t o 50 Hz . You will find a schemat ic represent at ion of a t ypical high frequency layout on t he next page . Sizing and inst allat ion can be carried out by any qualified elect rician . Speed comparison based on out put . Green : Pneumat ic Blue : St andard frequency Orange : High-frequency High -Frequency – a superior system. The encapsulat ed design of t he machines prevent s penet rat ion of t he rot at ing part s by dust . Machine cooling t akes place on t he mot or surface . All machines , including t he compact angle grinder H FW 9-125, have a durable met al casing . The met al gear head wit hst ands t he t oughest loading . Cut -away view of an encapsulat ed , surface-cooled , F E I N high-frequency mot or. 11 0 grey: normal frequency orange : high frequency Grey: Compressed Air Orange : High-frequency Hig h -Fre quenc y Save with high -frequency In t erms of invest ment , energ y and maint enance cost s , high- frequency power t ools are much cheaper t han comparable normal frequency machines or pneumat ic t ools . In addit ion , t hey make grinding much more efficient . The calculat ion examples below compare t he syst ems . The result s for pneumat ic grinding are based on a st udy by a t echnical universit y t hat compared t he capabilit ies and cost effect iveness of bot h power sources . Comparison with normal frequency machines The following general condit ions form t he basis of t he comparison : – 1 Grinding work st at ion – 250 working days per year; t wo shift operat ion , lengt h of shift , 8 hours – 50 % t ool use , i .e . 8 hrs/day or 2,000 hrs/year – 3 S F grinders per year (WS G 25-180) – 1 H F grinder for 2 years + 1 convert er for > 5 years (M Sfo 869-1d & H F S 27-300) Using t he high-frequency single-st at ion solut ion means up t o : – 50 % less grinding wheel consumpt ion – 33 % lower labor cost s for a defined job (more mat erial removal = great er product ivit y) – 75 % lower maint enance cost s – 32 % lower t ot al cost s Conc lusion : A H F t ool wit h sing le - st at ion c onvert er pays for it self wit hin one ye ar. Purchase cost s Grinding disc cost s Wages Maint enance cost s Tot al 1. Year Comparison with pneumatic grinders The following paramet ers form t he basis of t he comparison : – 15 grinding work st at ions – 250 work days per year – Two shift operat ion – Shift durat ion 8 hrs – Tool ut ilizat ion 60 %, equaling 9.6 hrs/day or 2 ,400 hrs/year The use of high-frequency power t ools led t o – 90 % lower energ y cost s – 70 % lower invest ment cost s – 75 % lower maint enance cost s – 50 % fewer grinding wheels consumed – 10 % increase in mat erial removal , i .e . increased product ivit y Conc lusion : An inve st ment t hat pays off in a short t ime . Energ y cost s Invest ment cost s Maint enance cost s Disc us age Mat erial removal G r i n d i n g 111 Hig h -Fre quenc y Two conver ters – one use : High -frequency grinding for ever yone – any where , any time . There are t wo single-workst at ion phase convert ers for new high frequency users : H F S 17-300 and H F S 27-300. They make indust rial high-frequency grinding wit h F E I N simple , cost -effect ive , and mobile for everyone . Now, individual high-frequency grinders can also be cont inuously used in locat ions where st at ionary high-frequency solut ions are cost -prohibit ive or impract ical . They are ideal for const ruc - t ion sit es , but also suit able for smaller foundries , shipbuilding , st eel const ruct ion , boiler and t ank fabricat ion businesses . Wit h t he new F E I N single st at ion convert ers , you can profit from t he advant ages of high-frequency t echnolog y on indust rial grinding t asks of every t ype . H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 Model H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 Input volt ag e (V) 220-230 220-230 Out put volt ag e (V) 200 200 Input fre quenc y ( Hz ) 50-60 50-60 Out put fre quenc y ( Hz ) 300 300 Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) 1,830 2,900 Power out put (wat t s ) 1,700 2,700 Operat or prot e c t ion P S U P S U Prot e c t ion rat ing I P 44 I P 44 C able wit h plug (ft ) 10 10 Out let ( C E E ) 16 A , 10h , 3 P+E 16 A , 10h , 3 P+E Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) 13.0 18.3 Part Number 9 33 00 10 9 33 00 20 Two versions – unique advant ag e s  Us able anywhere 220/230 V power is available .  No inst allat ion cost .  R apid pay-back due t o st raight forward st art up cost s .  Easy t o move and set up .  Robust housing , sealed component s .  Out st anding service life .  Prot ect ion class I P 44. 11 2 Mat erial removal Deburring Cut t ing Frequency ( Hz ) Volt age/t ype of current (V) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) C able (ft ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) Tool wit hout plug for st at ionary phase convert ers Tool wit h 16 amp plug for mobile phase convert er H F S H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 H FW 9-125 Handy high-frequency compact angle grinder for light grinding and deburring work .   300 200 900 690 7,100 16 5.5 5/8-11 5 5 7 820 86 7 820 86 95   M Sf 843-1c High performance , high-frequency compact angle grinder for medium grinding and deburring work .    300 200 1,100 700 6,500 16 7.9 5/8-11 5 5 7 820 85 7 820 85 95   Mat erial removal Deburring Cut t ing Brushing Frequency ( Hz ) Volt age/t ype of current (V) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) C able (ft ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) Tool wit hout plug for st at ionary phase convert ers Tool wit h 16 amp plug for mobile phase convert er H F S H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 M Sfov 852-1 Long-necked high-frequency angle grinder for working in difficult -t o-reach areas .   300 200 1,900 1,400 8,800 16 11.2 5/8-11 5 - 7 820 83 7 820 83 95  M Sfo 849-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for medium grinding work .   300 200 1,500 1,075 6,150 16 11.2 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 80 7 820 80 95   M Sfo 852-1d High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for medium t o heavy grinding and brushing work .    300 200 1,900 1,400 8,500 16 13.0 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 73 7 820 73 95  M Sfo 869-1d High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for heavy grinding and cut t ing work .     300 200 3,100 2,450 8,600 16 16.4 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 65 7 820 65 95  M Sfo 870-1d High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for ext reme cut t ing and grinding work .     300 200 3,700 2,800 8,600 16 18.1 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 77 M Sfo 852-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for medium t o heavy grinding and brushing work .     300 200 1,900 1,400 6,400 16 13.8 5/8-11 9 6-3/4 7 820 71 7 820 71 95  M Sfo 869-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for heavy cut t ing and grinding work .     300 200 3,100 2,450 6,500 16 17.0 5/8-11 9 6-3/4 7 820 62 7 820 62 95  M Sfo 870-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for ext reme cut t ing and grinding work .     300 200 3,700 2,800 6,600 16 18.7 5/8-11 9 6-3/4 7 820 75 Mat erial removal Deburring Sat in finishing Cut t ing Frequency ( Hz ) Volt age/t ype of current (V) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) C able (ft ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Collet Ø ( Inch ) Grinding wheel for max. Ø (in ) Tool wit hout plug for st at ionary phase convert ers Tool wit h 16 amp plug for mobile phase convert er H F S H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 M Shyo 869-1a High performance , high-frequency st raight grinder for grinding and surface condit ioning wit h large wheels .  300 200 3,100 2,450 5,000 16 19.6 5/8-11 5/16 7 824 37 M Shyo 852-3a High performance , high-frequency st raight grinder for medium t o heavy grinding work .  300 200 1,900 1,400 10,200 16 11.5 5/8-11 - 7 824 39 7 824 39 95  M Sho 840-2 Handy high-frequency die grinder for light grinding work .   300 200 410 290 18,000 16 4.6 - 1/4 7 823 03 M Sh 843-1 Light , handy high-frequency die grinder for milling work .  300 200 1,100 700 18,000 16 6.6 - 1/4 1-9/16 7 823 19 7 823 19 95   M Sho 849-1z High performance , high-frequency die grinder for grinding work .  300 200 1,500 1,075 18,000 16 8.6 - 5/16 2 7 823 20 7 823 20 95   M Sho 852-1 High performance , high-frequency die grinder for medium t o heavy grinding work using high speeds .    300 200 1,900 1,400 18,000 16 11.4 5/8-11 - 7 824 42 Hig h -Fre quenc y For cost - effective grinding work . F E I N angle and die grinders . Compac t Ang le Grinders L arg e Ang le Grinders Die Grinders Model Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Part Number Model Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Part Number Model Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Part Number G r i n d i n g 11 3 Mat erial removal Deburring Cut t ing Frequency ( Hz ) Volt age/t ype of current (V) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) C able (ft ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) Tool wit hout plug for st at ionary phase convert ers Tool wit h 16 amp plug for mobile phase convert er H F S H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 H FW 9-125 Handy high-frequency compact angle grinder for light grinding and deburring work .   300 200 900 690 7,100 16 5.5 5/8-11 5 5 7 820 86 7 820 86 95   M Sf 843-1c High performance , high-frequency compact angle grinder for medium grinding and deburring work .    300 200 1,100 700 6,500 16 7.9 5/8-11 5 5 7 820 85 7 820 85 95   Mat erial removal Deburring Cut t ing Brushing Frequency ( Hz ) Volt age/t ype of current (V) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) C able (ft ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Grinding wheel Ø (in ) Elast ic backing pad Ø (in ) Tool wit hout plug for st at ionary phase convert ers Tool wit h 16 amp plug for mobile phase convert er H F S H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 M Sfov 852-1 Long-necked high-frequency angle grinder for working in difficult -t o-reach areas .   300 200 1,900 1,400 8,800 16 11.2 5/8-11 5 - 7 820 83 7 820 83 95  M Sfo 849-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for medium grinding work .   300 200 1,500 1,075 6,150 16 11.2 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 80 7 820 80 95   M Sfo 852-1d High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for medium t o heavy grinding and brushing work .    300 200 1,900 1,400 8,500 16 13.0 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 73 7 820 73 95  M Sfo 869-1d High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for heavy grinding and cut t ing work .     300 200 3,100 2,450 8,600 16 16.4 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 65 7 820 65 95  M Sfo 870-1d High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for ext reme cut t ing and grinding work .     300 200 3,700 2,800 8,600 16 18.1 5/8-11 7 6-3/4 7 820 77 M Sfo 852-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for medium t o heavy grinding and brushing work .     300 200 1,900 1,400 6,400 16 13.8 5/8-11 9 6-3/4 7 820 71 7 820 71 95  M Sfo 869-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for heavy cut t ing and grinding work .     300 200 3,100 2,450 6,500 16 17.0 5/8-11 9 6-3/4 7 820 62 7 820 62 95  M Sfo 870-1c High performance , high-frequency angle grinder for ext reme cut t ing and grinding work .     300 200 3,700 2,800 6,600 16 18.7 5/8-11 9 6-3/4 7 820 75 Mat erial removal Deburring Sat in finishing Cut t ing Frequency ( Hz ) Volt age/t ype of current (V) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Power out put (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) C able (ft ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Collet Ø ( Inch ) Grinding wheel for max. Ø (in ) Tool wit hout plug for st at ionary phase convert ers Tool wit h 16 amp plug for mobile phase convert er H F S H F S 17-300 H F S 27-300 M Shyo 869-1a High performance , high-frequency st raight grinder for grinding and surface condit ioning wit h large wheels .  300 200 3,100 2,450 5,000 16 19.6 5/8-11 5/16 7 824 37 M Shyo 852-3a High performance , high-frequency st raight grinder for medium t o heavy grinding work .  300 200 1,900 1,400 10,200 16 11.5 5/8-11 - 7 824 39 7 824 39 95  M Sho 840-2 Handy high-frequency die grinder for light grinding work .   300 200 410 290 18,000 16 4.6 - 1/4 7 823 03 M Sh 843-1 Light , handy high-frequency die grinder for milling work .  300 200 1,100 700 18,000 16 6.6 - 1/4 1-9/16 7 823 19 7 823 19 95   M Sho 849-1z High performance , high-frequency die grinder for grinding work .  300 200 1,500 1,075 18,000 16 8.6 - 5/16 2 7 823 20 7 823 20 95   M Sho 852-1 High performance , high-frequency die grinder for medium t o heavy grinding work using high speeds .    300 200 1,900 1,400 18,000 16 11.4 5/8-11 - 7 824 42  suit able for  suit able  very well-suit ed Ot her frequencies and volt ages upon request Model Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Part Number Model Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Part Number Model Applic at ion Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Part Number 11 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 High -Frequency installation In a planned layout wit h several work st at ions , t he inst allat ion of a single large frequency convert er and fixed wiring is desirable . F E I N KS R-frequency convert ers are asynchronous-synchronous frequency convert ers . The out put volt age only deviat es slight ly (± 1%) from t he set idling volt age , even under load . The convert ers are short circuit prot ect ed . Parallel swit ching of several KS R models of approximat ely t he s ame t ype is usual . F E I N frequency convert ers are built wit h I P 54 prot ect ion . They require pract ically no maint enance . The recommended int erval for bearing maint enance is 20,000 hrs of operat ion . Placement of t he frequency convert ers simply requires unobst ruct - ed air int ake and exhaust (maximum + 40° C ). F E I N recommends inst alling unit s on ant i-vibrat ion buffers t o minimize vibrat ions . Model M O 83 - 7.5 K S R M O 83 - 11 K S R M O 83 - 15 K S R M O 83 - 20 K S R M O 83 - 25 K S R M O 83 - 30 K S R M O 83 - 45 K S R Se c ondary volt ag e (V) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Power out put (kVA ) 7,5 11 15 20 25 30 45 Mot or performanc e (kVA ) 8 11,6 15 20 24 28 41 Three phase (400V) (A ) 16 21,4 26,6 34,2 44,2 49,4 75,1 Power c onsumpt ion (kVA ) 11,1 14,9 18,5 23,8 30,7 34,4 52,1 No load spee d (kVA ) 1,1 1,4 2,4 2,8 3,3 3,7 5,4 Weig ht (lbs ) 165 243 362 388 441 529 794 Leng t h x heig ht ( Inc h ) 31-1/4 x 14-3/16 33-1/4 x 14-3/16 41-5/8 x 16-3/8 41-5/8 x 16-3/8 41-5/8 x 16-3/8 41-5/8 x 16-3/8 49-5/16 x 18-1/4 Part Number 9 28 19 9 28 21 9 28 22 9 28 28 9 28 29 9 28 24 9 28 26 Hig h -Fre quenc y G r i n d i n g 11 5 M O 83 - 25 K S R, M O 83 - 30 K S R, M O 83 - 45 K S R Ant i -vibrat ion feet 4 unit s are required for each frequency convert er. Part Number 3 14 15 020 00 8 M O 83 - 7.5 K S R, M O 83 - 11 K S R, M O 83 - 15 K S R, M O 83 - 20 K S R Ant i -vibrat ion feet 4 unit s are required for each frequency convert er. Part Number 3 14 15 081 00 1 M O 83 - 25 K S R, M O 83 - 30 K S R Devic e c ombinat ion Part Number 3 07 49 069 00 8 General ac c e ssorie s for H F t ools Ant i -vibrat ion handle M 8, vibrat ion-absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 124 01 0 M 10, vibrat ion absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 118 01 3 M14, vibrat ion absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 117 01 5 Plug Above 50 V, 16 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 123 00 7 Above 50 V, 32 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 124 00 5 Build - on Coupler Above 50 V, 16 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 130 00 0 Above 50 V, 32 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 131 00 9 Mot or overload plug F E I N overload plugs provide reliable overload prot ect ion for high-frequency power t ools . A bi-met allic circuit break - er, individually calibrat ed t o t he specific nominal current of t he t he connect ed t ool , prevent s premat ure or lat e t ripping in t he event of moment ary overloading . The mot or prot ect ion plug is at t ached t o t he cable of t he high-frequency power t ool in place of t he normal plug . The mot or prot ect ion plug consist s of a C E E plug , t emperat ure-compens at ing circuit breaker, and a rot ary act ivat ion knob. Suit able for 840 series , set t ing range 1.6 - 2.5 A Model Part Number 16 A 3 07 56 085 00 2 32 A 3 07 56 093 00 9 Suit able for H F 9, 843, 849 series , set t ing range 4 - 6.3 A Model Part Number 16 A 3 07 56 087 00 9 32 A 3 07 56 095 00 1 Suit able for 852 series , set t ing range 6.3 - 9 A Model Part Number 16 A 3 07 56 088 00 7 32 A 3 07 56 096 00 4 Suit able for 869 series , set t ing range 9 - 12.5 A Model Part Number 16 A 3 07 56 089 00 1 32 A 3 07 56 097 00 8 Suit able for 870 series , set t ing range 12.5 - 16 A Model Part Number 16 A 3 07 56 090 00 3 32 A 3 07 56 098 00 6 General Ac c e ssorie s Flush -mount wall plug Above 50 V, 16 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 141 00 8 Above 50 V, 32 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 142 00 1 Wall plug Above 50 V, 16 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 137 00 5 Above 50 V, 32 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10 h , 3 Ph + ground Part Number 3 07 28 138 00 3 Three -way plug and soc ket c onne c t or for mobile c onvert ers Above 50 V, 16 A , 100 - 300 Hz , 10h , 3 Ph + ground , 16 ft . Part Number 3 07 28 377 01 0 M O 83 - 20 K S R Devic e c ombinat ion Part Number 3 07 49 068 00 4 M O 83 - 45 K S R Devic e c ombinat ion Part Number 3 07 49 070 00 0 M O 83 - 15 K S R Devic e c ombinat ion Part Number 3 07 49 067 00 6 M O 83 - 11 K S R Devic e c ombinat ion Part Number 3 07 49 073 00 6 M O 83 - 7.5 K S R Devic e c ombinat ion Part Number 3 07 49 065 00 9 M O 83 - 7.5 K S R, M O 83 - 11 K S R, M O 83 - 15 K S R, M O 83 - 20 K S R, M O 83 - 25 K S R, M O 83 - 30 K S R, M O 83 - 45 K S R Double push but t on Part Number 3 07 32 020 00 4 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for Hig h -Fre quenc y 11 6 Surfac e Finishing S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 11 7 Sur face Finishing Tools Page 120 Perfect t ools for coarse and fine grinding of flat surfaces , pipe and profiles . Polisher Page 141 Prot ect ion and care of delicat e and high qualit y surfaces . Dust Extractors Page 147 For clean result s and healt hy working condit ions . Outstanding sur faces on stainless steel , wood and paint . In surface finishing , only one t hing count s : flawless result s in every respect . Whet her grinding or polishing , wit h t he ext ensive range of F E I N power t ools and specially-select ed Professional Set s , F E I N offers t he best product s for s at isfying t he highest demands for surface finishing . In st ainless st eel finishing , just as in wood - working , int erior renovat ion , aut omot ive repair, boat repair or special- purpose vehicle const ruct ion , you can count on F E I N’s powerful and pract ically indest ruct ible power t ools , wit h out st anding ergonomics for fat igue-free , energ y-s aving work and wit h applicat ion-orient ed accessories – for perfect result s . Furt her product s relat ed t o surface finishing can be found in t he Oscillat ion and St at ionary Belt Grinding Machine sect ions . 11 8 Coarse grinding Fine grinding Dry grinding Micro grinding Polishing Met al (st ainless st eel , brass , bronze , aluminum) Paint (boat , vehicle ) Plast ic ( G F RP, P U ) Solid surface product ( SS P) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Polishing disc Ø (in ) B acking pad Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Belt speed (m/sec ) Pipes up t o Ø (in ) St roke (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Dust collect ion Spindle lock Self-st art lock Soft -st art WS G 14-70 E Powerful compact angle grinder/polisher wit h variable speed for working on st ainless st eel . 121       1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3      WS G 14-70 ET High performance compact angle grinder wit h variable speed , TipSt art and Aut oSt op for st ainless st eel processing . 122       1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3 5 5 5/8-11      WS G 14-70 E St ainless St eel Professional kit t o prepare flat mat erial , t ubes and profiles for finishing . 123 1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3 WP O 14-25 E High performance met al finisher for processing of st ainless st eel surfaces . 125          1,200 900-2,500 5.5 9 9 5/8-11     WP O 14-25 E St ainless St eel Professional Set - For st andard applicat ions in surface processing . 126       1,200 900-2,500 5.5 9 9 5/8-11     ROT 14-200 E Ext remely high-performance rot ary grinder for high mat erial removal rat e on met al , wood , coat - ings , and fiberglass ( G F RP). 129       1,200 900-2,500 5.7 5/6 5/6 5/8-11      RS 10-70 E Handy, compact pipe polisher for st ainless st eel pipe up t o 1-3/4 in diamet er. 131 800 2,500-7,000 6.4 11.2-36 3/8 - 1-3/4 RS 12-70 E St ainless St eel Professional Set - for st andard applicat ions in t ube processing . 132       1,200 2,700–7,000 8.3 72 5/16 - 3-1/8    BF 10-280 E High-performance belt file for corners and edges in st ainless st eel processing . 134 800 10,000-28,000 4.6 39-105 BF 10-280 E St art - Set Belt File for corners and edges in st ainless st eel processing . 135 800 10,000-28,000 4.6 39-105 KS 10-38 E Compact fillet weld grinder for hard-t o-reach areas . 137 800 1,350-3,750 7.05 M Sf 636-1 Powerful 6 in random orbit s ander wit h ideal dust ext ract ion for all surfaces . 139          5.3 6 5/16 5/16  Coarse grinding Fine grinding Micro grinding Polishing Dry grinding Met al (st ainless st eel , brass , bronze , aluminum) Wood (nat ural and paint ed ) Paint (boat , vehicle ) Plast ic ( G F RP, P U ) Solid surface product ( SS P) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Polishing disc Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Dust collect ion Spindle lock Self-st art lock Soft -st art WP O 14-15 E High performance angle polisher for aut omot ive and boat maint enance . 142           1,200 500-1,500 5.5 9 5/8-11      WP O 14-15 X E Powerful angle polisher for vehicle repair. 143           1,200 200-1,500 5.5 9    WP O 14-15 E Polishing Set for boat maint enance . 144           1,200 500-1,500 5.5 9 5/8-11      Coarse grinding Fine grinding Micro grinding Dry grinding Met al (st ainless st eel , brass , bronze , aluminum) Wood (nat ural and paint ed ) Paint (boat , vehicle ) Plast ic ( G F RP, P U ) Solid surface product ( SS P) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Suct ion capacit y (cfm) St at ic wat er lift (in ) C apacit y (g al ) max. elect rical load (W ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Aut omat ic on/off Suct ion cont rol Soft -st art Turbo I Compact wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ion of power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . 148         1,000 116 90 6 2,000 17.7    Turbo I I Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . 149         1,050 116 90 9 2,000 28.5    Turbo I I I High capacit y wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ion of power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . 150         1,200 126 99 15 2,000 36.0    Surfac e Finishing The right products for high quality finishes and clean work . Surfac e Finishing Tools Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Polisher Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Dust Ext rac t ors Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 11 9 Coarse grinding Fine grinding Dry grinding Micro grinding Polishing Met al (st ainless st eel , brass , bronze , aluminum) Paint (boat , vehicle ) Plast ic ( G F RP, P U ) Solid surface product ( SS P) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Polishing disc Ø (in ) B acking pad Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) Belt speed (m/sec ) Pipes up t o Ø (in ) St roke (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Dust collect ion Spindle lock Self-st art lock Soft -st art WS G 14-70 E Powerful compact angle grinder/polisher wit h variable speed for working on st ainless st eel . 121       1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3      WS G 14-70 ET High performance compact angle grinder wit h variable speed , TipSt art and Aut oSt op for st ainless st eel processing . 122       1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3 5 5 5/8-11      WS G 14-70 E St ainless St eel Professional kit t o prepare flat mat erial , t ubes and profiles for finishing . 123 1,200 2,500-7,000 5.3 WP O 14-25 E High performance met al finisher for processing of st ainless st eel surfaces . 125          1,200 900-2,500 5.5 9 9 5/8-11     WP O 14-25 E St ainless St eel Professional Set - For st andard applicat ions in surface processing . 126       1,200 900-2,500 5.5 9 9 5/8-11     ROT 14-200 E Ext remely high-performance rot ary grinder for high mat erial removal rat e on met al , wood , coat - ings , and fiberglass ( G F RP). 129       1,200 900-2,500 5.7 5/6 5/6 5/8-11      RS 10-70 E Handy, compact pipe polisher for st ainless st eel pipe up t o 1-3/4 in diamet er. 131 800 2,500-7,000 6.4 11.2-36 3/8 - 1-3/4 RS 12-70 E St ainless St eel Professional Set - for st andard applicat ions in t ube processing . 132       1,200 2,700–7,000 8.3 72 5/16 - 3-1/8    BF 10-280 E High-performance belt file for corners and edges in st ainless st eel processing . 134 800 10,000-28,000 4.6 39-105 BF 10-280 E St art - Set Belt File for corners and edges in st ainless st eel processing . 135 800 10,000-28,000 4.6 39-105 KS 10-38 E Compact fillet weld grinder for hard-t o-reach areas . 137 800 1,350-3,750 7.05 M Sf 636-1 Powerful 6 in random orbit s ander wit h ideal dust ext ract ion for all surfaces . 139          5.3 6 5/16 5/16  Coarse grinding Fine grinding Micro grinding Polishing Dry grinding Met al (st ainless st eel , brass , bronze , aluminum) Wood (nat ural and paint ed ) Paint (boat , vehicle ) Plast ic ( G F RP, P U ) Solid surface product ( SS P) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) No load speed (rpm) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Polishing disc Ø (in ) Mount ing t hread (in ) F E I N high- performance mot or Dust collect ion Spindle lock Self-st art lock Soft -st art WP O 14-15 E High performance angle polisher for aut omot ive and boat maint enance . 142           1,200 500-1,500 5.5 9 5/8-11      WP O 14-15 X E Powerful angle polisher for vehicle repair. 143           1,200 200-1,500 5.5 9    WP O 14-15 E Polishing Set for boat maint enance . 144           1,200 500-1,500 5.5 9 5/8-11      Coarse grinding Fine grinding Micro grinding Dry grinding Met al (st ainless st eel , brass , bronze , aluminum) Wood (nat ural and paint ed ) Paint (boat , vehicle ) Plast ic ( G F RP, P U ) Solid surface product ( SS P) Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) Suct ion capacit y (cfm) St at ic wat er lift (in ) C apacit y (g al ) max. elect rical load (W ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Aut omat ic on/off Suct ion cont rol Soft -st art Turbo I Compact wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ion of power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . 148         1,000 116 90 6 2,000 17.7    Turbo I I Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . 149         1,050 116 90 9 2,000 28.5    Turbo I I I High capacit y wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ion of power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . 150         1,200 126 99 15 2,000 36.0     included  suit able  very well-suit ed Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s 12 0 Surfac e Finishing Tools Competency in grinding , finishing and polishing applications . F E I N offers a complet e range of mat ched t ools and accessories for st ainless st eel processing . The Met al Finisher WP O 14-25 E is uniquely suit able for all grinding , s at inizing and polishing work , even in cont inuous use . Grinding discs , drums or buffing wheels can be used wit hout difficult y. The mat ching F E I N accessory is perfect ly coordinat ed for cost -effect ive use , from grinding t o finishing . St ainless st eel t ubes can be prepared quickly and efficient ly wit h t he Pipe Polishers RS 10-70 E and RS 12-70 E . When it comes t o grinding weld seams flush or s at inizing ent ire hand rails , t he pipe polisher is t he right choice . Perfect surfaces on wood , solid surface product s , paint s , plast ics and ot her mat erials are achieved wit hout difficult y, using t he F E I N random orbit s ander. Wit h t heir great performance , t his is complet ed quickly and efficient ly on large and small surfaces , and wit h t he mat ching F E I N syst em backing pads , abrasive sheet s and dust ext ract or accessories , pract ically dust -free . S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 12 1 For accessories , see page 124 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S G 14-70 E Powerful compact angle grinder/polisher wit h variable speed for working on st ainless st eel . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-70 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 2,500-7,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 43 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high-performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Variable speed allows various abrasives t o be used for applicat ions , rang ing from s at in-finishing t o grinding and preserves t he surface .  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 12 2 For accessories , see page 124 Compac t Ang le Grinders Compact Angle Grinder Ø 5 in W S G 14-70 ET High-performance compact angle grinder wit h variable speed , TipSt art and Aut oSt op for st ainless st eel processing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-70 ET Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 No load speed rpm 2,500-7,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Polishing disc Ø in 5 B acking pad Ø in 5 Power out put Wat t s 750 C able wit h plug ft 13 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Part Number 7 221 58 Pric e inc lude s 1 guard , 1 pair of flanges , 1 handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high-performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Variable speed allows various abrasives t o be used for applicat ions , rang ing from s at in-finishing t o grinding and preserves t he surface .  Complet e s afet y package wit h TipSt art , Aut oSt op , self-st art lock , and soft -st art .  Self-support ing mot or design .  Low vibrat ion even wit hout an ant i-vibrat ion handle .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 12 3 For accessories , see page 124 Surfac e Finishing Tools Stainless Steel Professional - Set W S G 14-70 E - Stainless Steel Professional kit St ainless St eel Professional kit t o prepare flat mat erial , t ubes and profiles for finishing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WS G 14-70 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 2,500-7,000 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Grinding wheel Ø in 5 Elast ic backing pad Ø in 5 Part Number 7 221 43 61 Pric e inc lude s F E I N Compact Angle Grinder WS G 14-70 E in a plast ic carrying case , 1 Flap grinding disc , medium, 1 Finishing disc (5 in dia .), 5 of each Pyramix s anding discs , perforat ed , 4-1/2 in dia . (280, 400, 800 grit ), 25 Sanding discs ( K80, 4-1/2 in dia .), 1 Vent ilat ed backing pad (3 in dia ., 5/8 in-11), 1 backing pad wit h H&L (4-1/2 in dia . 5/8 in-11) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high-performance mot or – high removal rat e over t he ent ire operat ing range wit h loading up t o 150%.  Variable speed allows various abrasives t o be used for applicat ions , rang ing from s at in-finishing t o grinding and preserves t he surface .  Unique ergonomic design for fat igue-free work . Equally suit ed t o right or left -handers .  Low vibrat ion .  Reliable swit ching off and on .  Dust proof ball bearing .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust -prot ect ed speed cont rol .  Adjust able guard t hat will not rot at e or get lost .  Sealed elect ronic component s .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers 12 4 St ainle ss St eel Set s St ainle ss St eel Set Tube s/Profile s Smoot hing of fine weld seams wit hout damage t o adjacent surfaces . Wit h subsequent surface finish . Consist ing of: 10 medium flap s anding discs (6 37 30 018 01 0), 1 flap wheel , 120 grit (6 37 21 053 01 0), 1 finishing disc (6 37 32 005 01 0) Part Number 6 37 21 052 03 0 St ainle ss St eel Set Polish Preparat ion Flat Mat erial/Tube s/ Profile s Removes scrat ches quickly and effec- t ively; ideal preparat ion for polishing using coordinat ed grinding pat t ern development . R apid mat erial removal during preparat ion for polishing . Consist ing of: 5 Pyramix abrasive sheet s , 280 grit (6 37 17 239 01 0), 5 Pyramix abrasive sheet s , 400 grit (6 37 17 240 01 0), 5 abrasive sheet s , 800 grit (6 37 17 241 01 0), 5 Pyramix abrasive sheet s , 1,400 grit (6 37 17 242 01 0), 1 vent ilat ed back - ing pad , 3 in dia . (6 38 06 197 01 0), 25 abrasive sheet s , 80 grit (6 37 28 135 01 0), 1 vent ilat ed backing pad , 4-1/2 in dia . (6 38 06 194 01 0) Part Number 6 38 06 193 03 0 Addit ional ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0 Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Ant i -vibrat ion handle M 8, vibrat ion-absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs Part Number 3 21 19 124 01 0 Inner flang e Part Number 6 38 01 095 00 8 Out er flang e 5/8-11 in , for flexible grinding/cut t ing wheels Part Number 6 38 02 098 00 7 Bac k ing pad Wit h H&L, for working wit h s anding fleece , 5/8 in–11 Dia . in Part Number 4-1/2 6 38 06 184 01 0 Univers al dust ext rac t ion devic e Ø 5 in , for fan-pat t ern grinding wheels , elast ic backing pads , support plat es , and conical t wist ed st eel wire brushes Part Number 9 26 02 067 01 6 Brush insert For univers al dust ext ract ion device Part Number 3 32 18 101 01 4 Flee c e s anding disc s Ø 4-1/2 in , firm, wit h H&L, for use wit h backing pad 6 38 06 184 01 0 Grit Qt y pcs Part Number coarse 10 6 37 32 001 01 8 medium 10 6 37 32 002 01 1 fine 10 6 37 32 003 01 5 Vent ilat e d bac k ing pad Vent ilat ed backing pad , ideal for Pyramix grinding discs Dia . in Part Number 4-1/2 6 38 06 194 01 0 For furt her use if t he out er rim of t he grinding disc has been removed . Dia . in Part Number 3 6 38 06 197 01 0 Sanding sheet 4-1/2 in dia . for removal of very deep scrat ches and fine weld seams Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 25 6 37 28 135 01 0 80 50 6 37 28 096 01 9 Sanding disc s , P yramix The perforat ions in t he Pyramix hook and loop disc allow cont inued use , even aft er t he orig inal rim wears out 4-1/2 in dia . For removal of deep scrat ches Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 280 5 6 37 17 239 01 0 280 25 6 37 17 239 02 0 For removal of fine scrat ches , grinding pat t ern development , reduct ion of surface roughness Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 400 5 6 37 17 240 01 0 400 25 6 37 17 240 02 0 For removal of very fine scrat ches , grinding pat t ern development , reduct ion of surface roughness Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 800 5 6 37 17 241 01 0 800 25 6 37 17 241 02 0 Reduct ion of surface roughness , perfect preparat ion for subsequent polishing Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 1400 5 6 37 17 242 01 0 1400 25 6 37 17 242 02 0 Flap wheel s anding disc 5 in dia ., 5/8 in-11 Grit Part Number 120 6 37 21 053 01 0 Finishing disc 5 in dia ., for final finish Part Number 6 37 32 005 01 0 Flap g rinding disc me dium 5 in dia ., for t he removal of fine weld seams wit hout damage t o adjacent surfaces Qt y pcs Part Number 10 6 37 30 018 01 0 Prot e c t ive g uard for c ut t ing work Dia . in Part Number 5 6 38 11 002 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WS G 14-70 E - St ainle ss St eel Profe ssional k it , WS G 14-70 ET, WS G 14-70 E S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 12 5 For accessories , see page 127–128 Surfac e Finishing Tools Metal Finisher up to 2,500 rpm WP O 14-25 E High-performance met al finisher for processing of st ainless st eel surfaces . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WP O 14-25 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 900-2,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.5 Polishing disc Ø in 9 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 B acking pad Ø in 9 Part Number 7 221 49 Pric e inc lude s 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , 1 grip cap Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ext remely powerful even at low speeds due t o mechanical gear reduct ion and F E I N H I G H - P OWE R-M OTO R.  Variable speed , ideal for grinding , s at in finishing , brushing and mirror finish polishing of st ainless st eel .  Univers ally useable as a full-feat ured grinder, finisher and polisher.  Out st anding ergonomics .  Spindle lock .  Left and right handed operat ion .  Self-st art lock .  Soft -st art .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust proof ball bearing .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Wide range of accessories available . Measurement in millimet ers 12 6 For accessories , see page 127–128 Surfac e Finishing Tools Stainless Steel Professional - Set WP O 14-25 E - Stainless Steel Professional Set St ainless St eel Professional Set - For st andard applicat ions in surface processing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WP O 14-25 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 900-2,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.5 Polishing disc Ø in 9 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 B acking pad Ø in 9 Part Number 7 221 49 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N Met al Finisher WP O 14-25 E in a plast ic carrying case , 1 handle bracket (rot at able ), 1 hand guard , 1 arbor, 1 fleece wheel wit h corrug at ed folds , 1 backing pad wit h H&L (4-1/2 in dia . 5/8 in-11), 10 s anding fleece wit h H&L (4-1/2 in dia . fine ), 1 gum wheel (4 x 4 in dia ., 60 grit ), 1 fleece wheel (4 x 4 in dia ., 180 grit ), 2 wrenches Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ext remely powerful even at low speeds due t o mechanical gear reduct ion and F E I N H I G H - P OWE R-M OTO R.  Variable speed , ideal for grinding , s at in finishing , brushing and mirror finish polishing of st ainless st eel .  Univers ally useable as a full-feat ured grinder, finisher and polisher.  Out st anding ergonomics .  Spindle lock .  Left and right handed operat ion .  Self-st art lock .  Soft -st art .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust proof ball bearing .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Wide range of accessories available . S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 12 7 St ainle ss St eel Set s St ainle ss St eel Set Profile Sat inizing Sat inizing profiles for a perfect finish pat t ern . Consist ing of: 1 flexible wheel , 60 grit , medium (6 37 21 054 01 0), 1 flexible wheel , 180 grit , fine (6 37 21 055 01 0), 1 Sinus fleece wheel , fine (6 37 21 056 01 0), 1 arbor (6 38 03 072 02 0) Part Number 6 37 21 054 03 0 St ainle ss St eel Set St andard Flat Mat erial Set for st andard applicat ions in surface processing : From st ain removal , heat discolorat ion removal t o good s at inized finishes . Set includes : 1 gum wheel 60 grit (6 37 21 006 01 2), 1 fleece wheel (6 37 21 009 01 8), 1 s anding fleece wit h corrug at ed folds (6 37 23 021 01 3), 10 s anding fleeces , fine (6 37 32 003 01 5), 1 backing pad (6 38 06 184 01 0), 1 arbor (6 38 03 069 02 0), 1 t wo-pin wrench (6 29 10 022 00 2), 1 open-ended wrench 19 x 22 (6 29 04 003 00 0) Part Number 6 37 21 006 05 0 St ainle ss St eel Set Flat Mat erial Grinding High mat erial removal on flat mat erial . Set includes : 1 expansion roller (6 38 06 192 01 0), 5 abrasives sleeves 60 grit (6 37 14 132 01 0), 5 abrasives sleeves 80 grit (6 37 14 133 01 0), 5 abrasives sleeves 120 grit (6 37 17 134 01 0) Part Number 6 38 06 192 02 0 St ainle ss St eel Set Flat Mat erial Sat inizing Perfect , blemish-free s at in finishing . Ext remely low heat build-up during processing . Set includes : 1 gum wheel 60 grit medium (6 37 21 006 01 2), 1 gum wheel 180 grit fine (6 37 21 007 01 6), 1 sinus fleece wheel 180 grit fine (6 37 21 051 01 0) Part Number 6 37 21 050 02 0 St ainle ss St eel Set St andard Tube s Set for st andard applicat ions in t he process - ing of st raight t ubes . From st ain removal , heat discolorat ion removal t o good s at - inized finishes . Set includes : 1 s anding belt roller (6 38 06 181 01 6), 10 s anding belt s 60 grit (6 37 14 044 01 0), 10 s anding belt s 120 grit (6 37 14 045 01 4), 1 medium fleece belt (6 37 14 048 01 9), 1 fine fleece belt (6 37 14 049 01 3), 1 adhesive st rip (6 38 09 004 01 9) Part Number 6 38 06 181 03 0 St ainle ss St eel Set Polish Surfac e s/Tube s/Profile s Achieve a mirror finish on flat mat e - rial , pipes and profiles . No-lint polishing wheels . Set includes : 1 polishing buff, sis al , clot h (6 37 23 011 01 4), 2 polish - ing buffs , firm, clot h (6 37 23 013 01 1), 2 polishing buffs , soft , clot h (6 37 23 014 01 9), 1 brushing past e (6 37 26 027 01 0), 1 pre-polishing past e (6 37 26 028 01 0), 1 rumple past e (6 37 26 029 01 0), 1 arbor (6 38 03 070 02 0), 1 t wo-pin wrench (6 29 10 022 00 2), 1 open-ended wrench 19 x 22 (6 29 04 003 00 0) Part Number 6 37 23 011 05 0 Addit ional ac c e ssorie s Gum wheel 19 mm bore 4 x 4 in Grit Model Part Number 60 Medium 6 37 21 006 01 2 180 Fine 6 37 21 007 01 6 4 x 2 in Grit Model Part Number 60 Medium 6 37 21 054 01 0 180 Fine 6 37 21 055 01 0 Sinus flee c e wheel 19 mm bore 4 in dia . x 2 in , sinus shape for blemish-free s at in finishing Grit Model Part Number 180 Fine 6 37 21 056 01 0 4 in dia . x 4 in , sinus shape for blemish-free s at in finishing . Grit Model Part Number 180 fine 6 37 21 051 01 0 L amellar s anding disc 6 in dia ., 14 mm bore For eliminat ing minor blemishes and producing a mat t e finish Part Number 6 37 21 003 01 7 For medium brush applicat ions Part Number 6 37 21 004 01 5 For fine brush applicat ions Part Number 6 37 21 005 01 9 Flee c e wheel 4 x 4 in dia ., 19 mm bore For medium s at in finishing Grit Model Part Number 100 Medium 6 37 21 008 01 4 For fine s at in finishing Grit Model Part Number 180 Fine 6 37 21 009 01 8 For very fine s at in finishing Grit Model Part Number 280 Very fine 6 37 21 010 01 0 Sanding flee c e Wit h corrug at ed folds , widt h 1-3/16 in , bore hole 9/16 in , for light finishing work , derust ing , polishing , and decora - t ive work Dia . in Part Number 6 6 37 23 021 01 3 8 6 37 23 022 01 6 Flee c e s anding disc s Ø 4-1/2 in , firm, wit h H&L, for use wit h backing pad 6 38 06 184 01 0 Grit Qt y pcs Part Number coarse 10 6 37 32 001 01 8 medium 10 6 37 32 002 01 1 fine 10 6 37 32 003 01 5 Bac k ing pad Wit h H&L, for working wit h s anding fleece , 5/8 in–11 Dia . in Part Number 4-1/2 6 38 06 184 01 0 Sanding belt roller 19 mm bore 4 x 2-3/4 in Part Number 6 38 06 181 01 6 Grinding belt s 23-5/8 x 1-3/16 in Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 60 10 6 37 14 044 01 0 120 10 6 37 14 045 01 4 240 10 6 37 14 046 01 7 Adhe sive st rip For s anding belt s 23-5/8 in Part Number 6 38 09 004 01 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WP O 14-25 E - St ainle ss St eel Profe ssional Set , WP O 14-25 E 12 8 Flee c e belt s 23-5/8 in x 1-3/16 in Model Part Number coarse 6 37 14 047 01 1 medium 6 37 14 048 01 9 fine 6 37 14 049 01 3 Polishing buff, Sis al , c lot h For fine finishing/brushing and leveling of non-ferrous met als following preliminary s anding wit h grit 240–280 using polishing past e “yellow.” Fine finishing/ brushing and leveling of iron/st eel , and st ainless st eel following preliminary s anding wit h grit 280–320 using polishing past e “yellow.” Mat t e-shining/ brushing of nonferrous met als , iron/ st eel , and st ainless st eel using polishing past e “yellow.” Preliminary polishing of iron/st eel and st ainless st eel wit h preliminary polishing past e “orange ,” widt h about 1-3/16 in , 9/16 in bore Dia . in Part Number 6 6 37 23 011 01 4 8 6 37 23 012 01 7 Polishing buff, firm, c lot h Widt h approx. 9/16 in , bore hole 9/16 in , for preliminary polishing and polishing of non-ferrous met als , iron/st eel , st ainless st eel wit h preliminary polishing past e “orange” Dia . in Part Number 6 6 37 23 013 01 1 8 6 37 23 015 01 3 Polishing buff, soft , c lot h Widt h approx. 9/16 in , bore hole 9/16 in , for soft clot h , for high-gloss polishing of non-ferrous met als , iron/st eel , st ainless st eel and chrome , “whit e”. Dia . in Part Number 6 6 37 23 014 01 9 8 6 37 23 016 01 6 Polishing ring s , flee c e , ext ra - soft Widt h approx. 9/16 in , bore hole 9/16 in , for final polishing of non-ferrous met als , iron/st eel , st ainless st eel and many ot her plast ics , “whit e” Dia . in Part Number 6 6 37 23 019 01 2 8 6 37 23 020 01 4 Polishing wheel 6 in dia ., widt h 2-9/16 in , flexible , 14 mm bore for brushed finish , 16 grit (coarse ), soft , “green” Part Number 6 37 13 013 01 8 For delicat e surfaces , grit 24 (medium), soft , “blue” Part Number 6 37 13 015 01 0 For fine polishing , grit 46 (fine ), soft , “brown” Part Number 6 37 13 016 01 3 Required : Work arbor Part Number 6 38 03 069 02 0 L amellar s anding disc Widt h 2 in , for polishing non-rust ing st eel , 14 mm bore Dia . in Part Number 7-7/8 6 37 21 001 00 1 Mic rofiber c lot h Dense weave for removal of polish residue . Seamless for scrat ch and lint -free work Part Number 6 37 33 003 01 0 Vienne se c halk Special st eel cleaning powder t o remove polishing past e and fingerprint s , 2.2 lbs Part Number 6 37 26 007 01 4 Brushing past e “Yellow,” for Sis al/clot h for mat t e shining of non-ferrous met als , iron/ st eel and st ainless st eel Part Number 6 37 26 027 01 0 Pre -polishing past e “Orange ,” for firm clot h , for mat t e shining and polishing of non-ferrous met als , iron/st eel and st ainless st eel Part Number 6 37 26 028 01 0 Rumple past e “Whit e ,” for soft clot h , for high-gloss polishing of non-ferrous met als , iron/ st eel , st ainless st eel and chrome Part Number 6 37 26 029 01 0 Holder For side handle , 360° rot at able Part Number 6 37 33 006 01 0 Work arbor for s at inizing t ools (drum and roller), 5/8 in-11 t ool size 19 mm dia . Lengt h in Part Number 4 6 38 03 068 02 0 2 6 38 03 072 02 0 Clamping flange for polishing rings , abrasive fleece wheels , buffer, and pol - ishing wheels wit h 5/8 in-11 mount ing t hread , M14 shaft t hread , clamping range 9/16 in – 2 in Part Number 6 38 03 069 02 0 wit h flange , 5/8 in-11 mount ing t hread , 5/8 in-11 shaft t hread , for lamella grinding discs , buffing and polishing discs , range 15-50 mm, 14 mm dia . t ool mount Part Number 6 38 03 070 02 0 Prot e c t ive g uard For hand prot ect ion Part Number 3 02 29 216 00 5 Ant i -vibrat ion handle M 8, vibrat ion-absorbing , t o reduce t he vibrat ions during longer jobs . Part Number 3 21 19 124 01 0 Expansion roller 19 mm bore 4 in dia . x 4 in , for vibrat ion-free , secure capt ure of t he abrasive sleeves Part Number 6 38 06 192 01 0 Abrasive sleeve s For removal of fine weld seams , deep scrat ches , and mill scale Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 60 5 6 37 14 132 01 0 For removal of deep scrat ches Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 5 6 37 14 133 01 0 For removal of scrat ches , preparat ion for s at in finish Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 120 5 6 37 14 134 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WP O 14-25 E - St ainle ss St eel Profe ssional Set , WP O 14-25 E S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 12 9 For accessories , see page 130 Surfac e Finishing Tools Rotar y Grinder Set R OT 14-200 E Ext remely high-performance rot ary grinder for high mat erial removal rat e on met al , wood , coat ings , and fiberglass ( G F RP). Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ROT 14-200 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 900-2,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.7 Polishing disc Ø in 5/6 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Hose connect ion Ø in 1-1/2 B acking pad Ø in 5/6 Part Number 7 221 65 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N Met al Finisher WP O 14-25 E in a plast ic carrying case , 1 dust ext ract ion hood , 1 B acking pad , st iff, 8 in dia ., 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  8 in diamet er grinding disc – ext remely powerful across t he ent ire speed range .  The dust ext ract ion cap is suit able for 6 and 8 in grinding discs and ensures dust -free work .  Double gear reduct ion ensures const ant speed , even under t he heaviest loads .  Combinable wit h dust ext ract ors in t he F E I N Dust ex series .  Univers al use as a grinder or polisher.  Infinit ely variable speed . Ideal for prot ect ion of sensit ive surfaces .  Out st anding ergonomics .  Spindle lock .  Includes addit ional handle for secure grip when polishing .  Left and right handed operat ion .  Self-st art lock .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Dust proof ball bearing .  Ext remely light weight . 13 0 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic , 17-3/4 x 12-3/16 x 9-1/8 in Part Number 3 39 01 122 01 0 Suc t ion hood Part Number 3 18 10 240 01 4 F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during work - shop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” Sanding wit h 6 in dia . Sanding sheet s Perforat ed , Ø 6 in , wit h H&L. Applicat ion : fiberglass reinforced mat eri - als . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , silicon carbide . Feat ures : long t ool life , very high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 16 50 6 37 28 020 01 5 36 50 6 37 28 021 01 4 Applicat ion : wood , met al , car bodies , welds . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : high s and - ing capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 60 50 6 37 28 022 01 7 Bac k ing pad Ø 6 in , perforat ed , wit h H&L Model Part Number Hard 6 38 06 116 02 1 Ext ra soft 6 38 06 166 02 6 Spare H&L element Part Number 3 14 26 031 00 4 Sanding wit h 8 in dia . Sanding sheet s Perforat ed , Ø 8 in , wit h H&L Applicat ion : fiberglass reinforced mat eri - als . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , silicon carbide . Feat ures : long t ool life , very high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 16 50 6 37 28 024 01 9 36 50 6 37 28 025 01 3 Applicat ion : met al , car bodies , sol - dered point s , welds , fiberglass . Qualit y: high-performance emery canvas , fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : highly st able , very high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 60 50 6 37 28 082 01 1 80 50 6 37 28 083 01 5 Applicat ion : met al , car bodies , soldered point s , welds , fiberglass . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : st able , high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 60 50 6 37 28 077 01 5 80 50 6 37 28 078 01 3 Applicat ion : met al , aut omot ive paint s . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , medium bond , corundum. Feat ures : great ly reduces glazing . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 50 6 37 28 057 01 7 100 50 6 37 28 027 01 0 150 50 6 37 28 081 01 8 Bac k ing pad Ø 8 in , perforat ed wit h H&L Model Part Number Hard 6 38 06 102 02 3 Medium 6 38 06 095 02 1 Ext ra soft 6 38 06 118 02 3 Spare H&L element Part Number 3 14 26 033 00 1 Polishing L ambsk in For polishing wit h H&L. Dia . in Part Number 6 6 37 23 009 00 4 7-7/8 6 37 23 010 00 6 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for ROT 14-200 E S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 13 1 For accessories , see page 133 Surfac e Finishing Tools Pipe Polisher R S 10-70 E Star t - Set Handy, compact pipe polisher for st ainless st eel pipe up t o 1-3/4 in diamet er. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model R S 10-70 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 Power out put Wat t s 550 No load speed rpm 2,500-7,000 Belt speed ft/sec . 11.2-36 Minimum wall clearance in 2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 6.4 C able wit h plug ft 13 Pipes up t o Ø in 3/8 - 1-3/4 Part Number 7 221 66 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 Pipe Polisher RS 10-70 E in a plast ic carrying case , 10 of each grinding belt (120, 180 grit ), 5 fleece belt s (fine ) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high-performance mot or for const ant speed , even under load .  Ideal belt speeds for efficient use of different grinding , fleece , and polishing belt s .  Easy operat ion – Rot at able grinding arm, t ool-free belt inst allat ion and alignment .  Aut omat ic belt alignment .  Perfect belt t racking .  Wrap angle up t o 180°.  Infinit ely variable speed . Ideal for prot ect ion of sensit ive surfaces .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Wide range of accessories available . Measurement in millimet ers 13 2 For accessories , see page 133 Surfac e Finishing Tools Stainless Steel Professional - Set R S 12-70 E – Professional Set Stainless Steel St ainless St eel Professional Set - for st andard applicat ions in t ube processing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model R S 12-70 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 2,700–7,000 Belt speed ft/sec . 72 Minimum wall clearance in 2 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 8.3 C able wit h plug ft 13 Pipes up t o Ø in 5/16 – 3-1/8 Part Number 7 221 13 51 Pric e inc lude s 20 s anding belt s 13/26 x 32-1/16 in(10 each of grit s 120 and 180), 20 s anding belt s 1-9/16 x 22/16 in(10 each of grit s 120 and 180), 5 fleece belt s 13/16 x 32-5/16 in , very fine grit 280, 1 met al t ool case Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Efficient grinding of weld seams due t o ideal cut t ing speed of t he s anding belt s .  Variable speed for grinding , s at in finishing and mirror-finish polishing of previously-inst alled hand rails .  Flexible s anding belt s conform t hemselves per - fect ly, even on sharp pipe curves , and consequent ly produce seamless surfaces .  360° circumferent ial grinding in only t wo st eps .  Opt ional guide roller for limit ed wall clearance .  Self-st art lock .  Wide range of accessories .  Dust proof ball bearing .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion . Measurement in millimet ers S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 13 3 Pipe proc e ssing Basic Set Pipe Polisher From surface cleaning , scrat ch removal t o a perfect s at in finish . Set includes : 2 x 10 s anding belt s 13/16 in x 32-1/16 in , grit 120 and 180; 2 x 10 s anding belt s 1-5/16 in x 32-1/16 in , grit 120 and 180; 5 fleece belt s 12/16 in x 32-1/16 in Very fine Part Number 6 37 14 050 02 1 Polishing Set Pipe Polisher From polishing preparat ion t o perfect mirror finish . Set includes : 2 x 10 s and - ing belt s 13/16 in x 32-1/16 in , grit s 320 and 400; 3 polishing belt s 15/16 in x 32-1/16 in ; 1 pre-polishing cream red (6.7 fl . oz .); 1 polishing past e whit e (6.7 fl . oz .) Part Number 6 37 14 052 02 3 Ceramic belt s High mat erial removal combined wit h very long service life . Also for removal of fine weld seams Dimensions Qt y in pcs Part Number 13/16 x 32-1/16 10 6 37 14 130 01 0 1-9/16 x 32-1/16 10 6 37 14 131 01 0 Grinding belt s Very flexible , ideal for s anding curved t ube 13/16 x 32-1/16 in Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 120 10 6 37 14 050 01 5 180 10 6 37 14 051 01 4 320 10 6 37 14 052 01 7 400 10 6 37 14 053 01 1 1-9/16 x 32-1/16 in Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 120 10 6 37 14 054 01 9 180 10 6 37 14 055 01 3 Flee c e belt s Very soft version , or blemish-free surfaces , even on curved t ubes 13/16 x 32-1/16 in Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 5 6 37 14 056 01 6 120 5 6 37 14 057 01 0 280 5 6 37 14 058 01 8 Polishing belt s 13/16 in x 32-1/16 in very soft version , for blemish-free surfaces , even on curved t ubes Part Number 6 37 26 010 01 8 Guide pulley For confined space condit ions , wall clearance 2 in Part Number 3 13 35 017 01 1 General Ac c e ssorie s Pre -polishing past e , re d Preparat ion for polishing Part Number 6 37 26 008 01 2 Polishing past e , whit e For polishing and mirror finishing Part Number 6 37 26 009 01 6 Vienne se c halk Special st eel cleaning powder t o remove polishing past e and fingerprint s , 2.2 lbs Part Number 6 37 26 007 01 4 Mic rofiber c lot h Dense weave for removal of polish residue . Seamless for scrat ch and lint -free work Part Number 6 37 33 003 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for R S 10-70 E St art - Set , R S 12-70 E – Profe ssional Set St ainle ss St eel 13 4 For accessories , see page 136 Compac t belt file Compact belt file BF 10-280 E High-performance belt file for corners and edges in st ainless st eel processing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model BF 10-280 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 Power out put Wat t s 550 No load speed rpm 10,000-28,000 Belt speed ft/sec . 39-105 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.6 Belt dimension in 20-1/2 x 3/32 / 1/4 / 3/4 Part Number 7 228 05 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 offset grinding arm Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high-performance mot or for maximum mat erial removal and const ant speed , even under heavy load .  Ideal belt speeds for efficient use of different grinding , fleece , and polishing belt s .  Easy operat ion – t ool-free , 180° arm rot at ion , t ool-free belt inst allat ion and alignment .  Perfect belt t racking .  For belt s from 3/32 t o 3/4 in wide .  Infinit ely variable speed . Ideal for prot ect ion of sensit ive surfaces .  Offset and st raight grinding arms for varied applicat ions .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Wide range of accessories available . Measurement in millimet ers S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 13 5 For accessories , see page 136 Compac t belt file Compact belt file BF 10-280 E Star t - Set St art - Set Belt File for corners and edges in st ainless st eel processing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model BF 10-280 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 Power out put Wat t s 550 No load speed rpm 10,000-28,000 Belt speed ft/sec . 39-105 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.6 Belt dimension in 20-1/2 x 3/32 / 1/4 / 3/4 Part Number 7 228 05 51 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N Compact Belt File BF 10-280 E in a plast ic carrying case , 3 grinding arms (1 each : 3/32 / 1/4 in offset , 1/4 in st raight , 3/4 in st raight ), 10 Grinding belt s 3/32 in (120 grit ), 10 Grinding belt s 1/4 in (120 grit ), 10 Grinding belt s 3/4 in (120 grit ), 5 Fleece belt s 1/4 in (medium) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  F E I N high-performance mot or for maximum mat erial removal and const ant speed , even under heavy load .  Easy operat ion – t ool-free , 180° arm rot at ion , t ool-free belt inst allat ion and alignment .  St art - Set wit h offset and st raight grinding arms for varied applicat ions , ceramic grinding belt s for efficient weld seam processing , and fleece belt s in various widt hs for finishing work .  Ideal belt speeds .  Perfect belt t racking .  For belt s from 3/32 t o 3/4 in wide .  Infinit ely variable speed . Ideal for prot ect ion of sensit ive surfaces .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock .  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Wide range of accessories available . Measurement in millimet ers 13 6 General Ac c e ssorie s Offset g rinding arm Belt widt h in Part Number 3/32 / 1/4 6 38 10 026 01 0 St raig ht g rinding arm Belt widt h in Part Number 1/4 6 38 10 027 01 0 3/4 6 38 10 030 01 0 Ceramic g rinding belt High mat erial removal combined wit h very long service life . Also for removal of fine weld seams . 10 pack , lengt h 20-1/2 in . Widt h Grit in Part Number 3/32 80 6 37 14 061 01 0 3/32 120 6 37 14 062 01 0 3/32 180 6 37 14 063 01 0 1/4 80 6 37 14 068 01 0 1/4 120 6 37 14 069 01 0 1/4 180 6 37 14 070 01 0 3/4 80 6 37 14 089 01 0 3/4 120 6 37 14 090 01 0 3/4 180 6 37 14 091 01 0 Flee c e belt Soft t ype , for blemish-free surfaces . 5 pack , lengt h 20-1/2 in . Widt h Model in Part Number 1/4 Coarse 6 37 14 114 01 0 1/4 Medium 6 37 14 115 01 0 1/4 Fine 6 37 14 116 01 0 3/4 Coarse 6 37 14 123 01 0 3/4 Medium 6 37 14 124 01 0 3/4 Fine 6 37 14 125 01 0 Polishing belt Soft t ype , for a blemish-free mirror finish when used in combinat ion wit h F E I N polishing past es . 3 pack , lengt h 20-1/2 in . Widt h in Part Number 1/4 6 37 26 016 01 0 3/4 6 37 26 019 01 0 Pre -polishing past e , re d Preparat ion for polishing Part Number 6 37 26 008 01 2 Polishing past e , whit e For polishing and mirror finishing Part Number 6 37 26 009 01 6 Vienne se c halk Special st eel cleaning powder t o remove polishing past e and fingerprint s , 2.2 lbs . Part Number 6 37 26 007 01 4 Mic rofiber c lot h Dense weave for removal of polish residue . Seamless for scrat ch and lint - free work . Part Number 6 37 33 003 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for BF 10-280 E , BF 10-280 E St art - Set S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 13 7 For accessories , see page 138 Fillet weld g rinder Fillet weld grinder K S 10-38 E kit Compact fillet weld grinder for hard-t o-reach areas . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model K S 10-38 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 800 No load speed rpm 1,350-3,750 circumferent ial speed ft/sec . 29.5 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 7.05 Tool dia . in 6 Part Number 7 221 67 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 Fillet Weld Grinder KS 10-38 E in a plast ic carrying case , 1 Ant i-vibrat ion handle , one each medium fleece grinding disc , 6 in dia ., 1/8 and 1/4 in t hick , one each fine fleece grinding disc , 6 in dia ., 1/8 and 1/4 in t hick , Profiling st one for shaping fleece discs Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Flexible operat ion using t he t ool-free , rot at ing arm.  Low-profile design for corners , angles and hard- t o-reach places .  Long belt drive service life due t o maint enance- free t ensioning syst em.  Spindle lock for quick t ool changes .  Spark guard is adjust able and removable wit hout t ools .  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  Made in Germany qualit y.  H 07 Indust rial-st rengt h cable .  Soft -st art .  Self-st art lock . Measurement in millimet ers 13 8 General Ac c e ssorie s Flee c e g rinding disc Wit h a high removal rat e for grinding , descaling and s at inizing fillet welds . Model Dia . Thickness in in Part Number Coarse 6 1/8 6 37 34 001 01 0 Coarse 6 1/4 6 37 34 002 01 0 For grinding , adjust ing , descaling and fine s at in finishing of fillet welds . Removes light scrat ches on profiles and flat mat erial . Model Dia . Thickness in in Part Number Medium 6 1/8 6 37 34 003 01 0 Medium 6 1/4 6 37 34 004 01 0 Removes heat discolorat ion and light scrat ches , ideal as preparat ion for polishing fillet welds . Model Dia . Thickness in in Part Number Fine 6 1/4 6 37 34 005 01 0 Fine 6 1/4 6 37 34 006 01 0 For pre-polishing surfaces of fillet welds . Quickly removes heat discolorat ion wit hout reducing t he weld seam. Model Dia . Thickness in in Part Number Very fine 6 1/4 6 37 34 007 01 0 Felt disc For polishing fillet welds t o a mirror finish in combinat ion wit h F E I N polishing past es . Dia . Thickness in in Part Number 6 1/4 6 37 18 011 01 0 Profiling st one For shaping fleece discs t o produce uniform fillet weld profiles . Part Number 6 37 19 011 01 0 Pre -polishing past e , re d Preparat ion for polishing Part Number 6 37 26 008 01 2 Polishing past e , whit e For polishing and mirror finishing Part Number 6 37 26 009 01 6 Vienne se c halk Special st eel cleaning powder t o remove polishing past e and fingerprint s , 2.2 lbs . Part Number 6 37 26 007 01 4 Mic rofiber c lot h Dense weave for removal of polish residue . Seamless for scrat ch and lint -free work . Part Number 6 37 33 003 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for K S 10-38 E k it S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 13 9 For accessories , see page 140 Surfac e Finishing Tools Random Orbit Sander 6 in M Sf 636-1 Powerful 6 in random orbit s ander wit h ideal dust ext ract ion for all surfaces . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Sf 636-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 380 No load speed rpm 8,800 St roke in 5/16 Hose connect ion Ø in 1-1/4 Connect or t hread backing pad 5/16–24 U N F C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.3 Polishing disc Ø in 6 Mount ing t hread in 5/16 B acking pad Ø in 6 Part Number 7 220 78 Pric e inc lude s 1 eccent ric head Ø 6 in , 1 backing pad , medium, Ø 6 in , 1 prot ect ive suct ion hood , 1 wrench set Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  A part icularly wide eccent ric t ravel produces out - st anding performance on large and small surfaces .  Perfect dust ext ract ion t hrough t he ring of holes in t he s anding sheet s and backing pad as well as supplement ary ext ract ion at t he perimet er of t he pad .  Perfect s anding result s in finishing of paint s , G F RP, wood , solid surface , plast ic or met al .  Good handling due t o a slim mot or.  Durable met al gear head .  Sanding sheet s wit h hook and loop at t achment .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers 14 0 Sanding wit h 4-1/2 in dia . Bac k ing pad Ø 4-1/2 in , unperforat ed wit h H&L, hard Part Number 6 38 06 167 02 0 Ec c ent ric he ad 4-1/2 in dia . Part Number 3 12 07 131 02 9 Sanding wit h 5 in dia . Bac k ing pad 5 in dia . perforat ed wit h H&L Model Part Number Hard 6 38 06 103 02 7 Medium 6 38 06 088 02 7 Soft 6 38 06 117 02 5 5 in dia . unperforat ed , soft wit h vacuum ring for edge vacuum Wit h H&L, hard Part Number 6 38 06 155 03 0 Ec c ent ric he ad 5 in dia . Part Number 3 12 07 109 01 4 Sanding sheet s Perforat ed , 5 in dia . wit h hook and loop at t achment Applicat ion : wood , paint s , filler, aut o mot ive paint s , fiberglass , plast ics . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , medium bond , corundum. Feat ures : great ly reduces glazing , high s anding capacit y, flexible . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 50 6 37 28 001 01 6 100 50 6 37 28 002 01 9 Sanding wit h 6 in dia . Bac k ing pad Ø 6 in , perforat ed , wit h H&L Model Part Number hard 6 38 06 101 02 0 medium 6 38 06 090 02 3 soft 6 38 06 114 02 4 Ec c ent ric he ad 6 in dia . Part Number 3 12 07 103 01 3 Sanding sheet s Perforat ed , Ø 6 in , wit h H&L. Applicat ion : met al , car bodies , soldered point s , welds , fiberglass . Qualit y: high- performance emery canvas , fully synt het - ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : highly st able , high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 50 6 37 28 009 01 4 60 50 6 37 28 010 01 6 80 50 6 37 28 056 01 3 100 50 6 37 28 054 01 6 Applicat ion : wood , paint s , filler, aut o- mot ive paint s , fiberglass , plast ics . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : great ly reduces loading , flexible . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 50 6 37 28 074 01 4 100 50 6 37 28 011 01 5 120 50 6 37 28 084 01 3 150 50 6 37 28 012 01 8 180 50 6 37 28 013 01 2 220 50 6 37 28 014 01 0 240 50 6 37 28 015 01 4 280 50 6 37 28 016 01 7 320 50 6 37 28 017 01 1 400 50 6 37 28 061 01 0 Applicat ion : wood , met al , car bodies , welds . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , light bond , corundum. Feat ures : high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 50 6 37 28 072 01 2 60 50 6 37 28 073 01 6 Polishing L ambsk in For polishing wit h H&L. Dia . in Part Number 5 6 37 23 008 00 0 6 6 37 23 009 00 4 General Ac c e ssorie s F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic , 17-3/4 x 12-3/16 x 9-1/8 in Part Number 3 39 01 122 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for M Sf 636-1 S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 14 1 Polisher For brilliant results when polishing – F E I N Angle Polisher. F E I N offers brilliant solut ions for t he care of paint surfaces in t he vehicle and boat areas , even for large scale product ion use under heavy loads . The F E I N WP O 14-15 E angle polisher has a high- performance F E I N H I G H -P OWE R-M OTO R and a t wo-st age gear reduct ion , which ensures out st anding t orque , and an opt imized speed range t hat remains const ant under load ensures fast work and sparkling result s . Low weight and low heat out put combined wit h an ergonomic shape allow st ress-free work , even in con- t inuous use . F E I N is a single source of high qualit y, perfect ly coordinat ed accessories for every need . 14 2 For accessories , see page 145–146 Polisher Polisher WP O 14-15 E High-performance angle polisher for aut omot ive and boat maint enance . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WP O 14-15 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 500-1,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.5 Polishing disc Ø in 9 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Part Number 7 221 48 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle , 1 grip cap Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideal speed range wit h variable speed cont rol for professional surface t reat ment on vehicles and boat s .  Maximum speed st abilit y at any load t hroughout t he ent ire adjust ment range due t o mechanical gear reduct ion in combinat ion wit h t he F E I N H I G H - P OWE R-M OTO R.  Special syst em accessories for t he efficient prepara - t ion of used , new and high-scrat ch-resist ance paint s as well as cleaning , s anding and polishing of boat surfaces and gelcoat layers .  Convenient speed adjust ment .  St ays cool under cont inuous use .  The grip cap provides out st anding ergonomics .  Spindle lock .  Left and right handed operat ion .  Self-st art lock .  Soft -st art .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Convert s t o a rot ary s ander wit h ext ract ion hood . Measurement in millimet ers S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 14 3 For accessories , see page 145–146 Polisher Polisher WP O 14-15 X E Powerful angle polisher for vehicle repair. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WP O 14-15 X E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 200-1,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.5 Polishing disc Ø in 9 Mount ing t hread in M14 Part Number 7 221 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle , 1 grip cap Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideal speed range wit h variable speed cont rol for professional surface t reat ment on vehicles .  Maximum speed st abilit y at any load t hroughout t he ent ire adjust ment range due t o mechanical gear reduct ion in combinat ion wit h t he F E I N H I G H - P OWE R-M OTO R.  Special syst em accessories for t he efficient prepara - t ion of used , new and high-scrat ch-resist ance paint s as well as cleaning , s anding and polishing of paint ed surfaces .  Convenient speed adjust ment .  St ays cool under cont inuous use .  The grip cap provides out st anding ergonomics .  Spindle lock .  Left and right handed operat ion .  Self-st art lock .  Soft -st art .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  230 V only Measurement in millimet ers 14 4 For accessories , see page 145–146 Polisher Marine PowerPolisher Boat polisher WP O 14-15 E Marine Set Polishing Set for boat maint enance . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model WP O 14-15 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 No load speed rpm 500-1,500 C able wit h plug ft 13 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 5.5 Polishing disc Ø in 9 Mount ing t hread in 5/8-11 Part Number 7 221 48 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N Power Polisher WP O14-15 E wit h grip cap and addit ional side-mount ed ant i-vibrat ion handle in a robust plast ic case , 1 backing pad wit h H&L, 6-5/8 in dia ., 1 polishing sponge 7-11/16 in dia . Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideal speed range wit h infinit ely variable speed con - t rol for professional surface t reat ment on boat s .  Maximum speed st abilit y at any load t hroughout t he ent ire adjust ment range due t o mechanical gear reduct ion in combinat ion wit h t he F E I N H I G H - P OWE R-M OTO R.  Special syst em accessories for t he efficient prepara - t ion of used , new and high-scrat ch-resist ance paint s as well as cleaning , s anding and polishing of boat surfaces and gelcoat layers .  Convenient speed adjust ment .  St ays cool under cont inuous use .  The grip cap provides out st anding ergonomics .  Spindle lock .  Left and right handed operat ion .  Self-st art lock .  Soft st art .  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Convert s t o a rot ary s ander wit h ext ract ion hood and backing pad . Measurement in millimet ers S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 14 5 Paint set s Paint k it for new c ars Specially assembled for blending-in of new paint or lat e-model aut omobiles wit h unscrat ched paint and for use wit h NAN O polishes . Plast ic case cont ains : 1 applicat ion chart , 1 backing pad wit h hook and loop , 6 in dia .; 1 polishing sponge , 6 in dia ., medium; 1 polish - ing sponge , orange , 6 in dia .; 1 waffle sponge , 6 in dia .; 1 NAN O polish 8.5 fl .oz .; 1 NAN O paint sealer 8.5 fl .oz .; 1 spray wax 3.3 fl .oz .; 1 microfiber clot h ; 1 cleaning brush . Part Number 6 37 23 028 02 0 Paint k it for use d c ars The set for paint work preparat ion on used cars . Plast ic case cont ains : 1 ap - plicat ion chart ; 1 backing pad wit h hook and loop , 6 in dia .; 1 polishing sponge , 6 in dia ., medium; 1 polishing sponge , orange , 6 in dia .; 1 waffle sponge , 6 in dia .; 1 lamb’s fleece , 6 in dia .; 1 sheet s anding dot s (53 pcs , 2800 grit ); 1 hand s anding block ; 1 wet t ing sponge ; 1 NAN O polish 8.5 fl .oz .; 1 NAN O paint sealer 8.5 fl .oz .; 1 spray wax 3.3 fl .oz .; 1 microfiber clot h ; 1 cleaning brush . Part Number 6 37 23 028 03 0 Grinding Sanding Micro-fine self-adhesive abrasive paper (2800 grit ), for repair of paint flaws , e .g . embedded dust . 1 sheet of fift y-t hree 1-1/4 in dia . abrasive dot s . Fit hand s anding block 6 37 33 002 01 0. Part Number 6 37 17 221 01 0 Wet t ing spong e Handy foam cube for hyg ienic wet t ing of abrasive dot s . Part Number 6 37 33 001 01 0 Sanding bloc k Handy s anding block accept s self adhesive abrasive dot s at bot h ends . Part Number 6 37 33 002 01 0 Polishing F E I N 1- St ep Polish Perfect for slight ly t o heavily damaged scrat ch-resist ant paint s . Out st anding shine in just one st ep . Silicone oil free . Cont ent s lbs Part Number 2.2 6 37 26 014 01 0 Bac k ing pad Wit h hook and loop at t achment , 5/8 in-11 Dia . in Part Number 3-1/8 6 38 06 179 01 5 5 6 38 06 169 01 6 5-1/8 6 38 06 178 01 1 6 6 38 06 170 01 8 7-7/8 6 38 06 171 01 7 For lamb’s fleece wit h drawst ring , rubber coat ing , M14 t hread . Dia . in Part Number 4-3/4 6 38 06 012 00 8 6-3/4 6 38 06 030 00 4 For self-adhesive abrasive sheet s . Dia . in Part Number 3-1/8 6 38 06 180 01 7 Polishing spong e For polishing coat ed surfaces . Different hardness grades : soft for new coat ings , medium for light weat hering and wax applicat ion , hard for heavily weat hered coat ings . For hook and loop at t achment , height 40 mm. Dia . Model in Part Number 4 Soft 6 37 23 024 01 8 4 Hard 6 37 23 023 01 0 5 Medium 6 37 23 017 01 0 6 Medium 6 37 23 018 01 8 6-5/16 Soft 6 37 23 026 01 5 6-5/16 Hard 6 37 23 025 01 2 Mat ching backing pads : for Ø 4 in – 3-1/8 in dia . backing pad , for Ø 5 in – 5 in dia . backing pad , for Ø 6 in – 6 in dia . backing pad , for Ø 6-5/16 in – 5-1/8 in dia . backing pad . Polishing spong e , orang e Fine-pored , medium firm polishing sponge for new and old paint s , 6 in dia . Part Number 6 37 23 028 01 0 Waffle spong e Ext remely fine and soft polishing sponge for removal of holograms on dark paint s . 6 in dia . Part Number 6 37 23 029 01 0 L ambsk in Wit h drawst ring Dia . in Part Number 4-3/4 6 37 23 007 00 2 6-3/4 6 37 23 003 00 3 For polishing wit h H&L. Dia . in Part Number 5 6 37 23 008 00 0 6 6 37 23 009 00 4 7-7/8 6 37 23 010 00 6 Se aling F E I N Top Wax Paint Se aler Long-last ing paint sealer using high- qualit y nat ural and synt het ic waxes . For a sens at ional shine . Silicone oil free . Cont ent s lbs Part Number 2.2 6 37 26 015 01 0 Spray wax Sprayable paint sealer for cleaning and last ing sealing of polished surfaces . Removes polishing agent residue from plast ic part s . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 3.3 6 37 26 013 01 0 Cle aning Mic rofiber c lot h Dense weave for removal of polish residue . Seamless for scrat ch and lint - free work . Part Number 6 37 33 003 01 0 Cle aning brush For cleaning and brushing out lamb’s fleece and polishing sponges . Part Number 6 37 33 004 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WP O 14-15 E Marine Set , WP O 14-15 E , WP O 14-15 X E 14 6 General Ac c e ssorie s Mic rofiber c lot h Dense weave for removal of polish residue . Seamless for scrat ch and lint -free work . Part Number 6 37 33 003 01 0 Tool C ase Met al , 17-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 9-5/8 in Part Number 3 39 01 098 01 8 Plast ic , 17-3/4 x 12-3/16 x 9-1/8 in Part Number 3 39 01 122 01 0 Marine ac c e ssorie s Bac k ing pad Wit h hook and loop at t achment , 5/8 in-11 . Dia . in Part Number 6-5/8 6 38 06 187 01 0 Polishing spong e 7-11/16 in diamet er for 6-5/8 in backing pad 6 38 06 190 01 0, wit h H&L. Recommended working speed 500 - 1,000 rpm. Dia . in Part Number 7-11/16 6 37 23 034 01 0 Brist le flee c e Brist le fleece for cleaning or polishing of boat hulls and decks , 7-11/16 in diamet er, for 6-5/8 in diamet er backing pad , 5/8 in-11 wit h H&L. For fiberglass wit h ant i-slip t ext ure . Recommended working speed : About 500 rpm. Dia . in Part Number 7-11/16 6 37 23 033 01 0 L ambs wool bonnet Approx. 9-1/4 in diamet er for 6-5/8 in backing pad 6 38 06 190 01 0, wit h H&L. Recommended working speed 500 - 1,200 rpm. TO P WO O L qualit y, frisbee-shaped polishing bonnet . Lambs wool/synt het ic blend , washable . Dia . in Part Number 9-1/4 6 37 23 035 01 0 Bac k ing pad Wit h H&L, 6 in dia . perforat ed 5/8 in - 11. Hole spacing suit able for F E I N and ot her s anding product s . Dia . in Part Number 6 6 38 06 188 01 0 Sanding sheet s Perforat ed , Ø 6 in , wit h H&L. Applicat ion : met al , car bodies , soldered point s , welds , fiberglass . Qualit y: high-performance emery canvas , fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : highly st able , high s anding capacit y. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 60 50 6 37 28 010 01 6 Applicat ion : wood , paint s , filler, aut o mot ive paint s , fiberglass , plast ics . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : great ly reduces loading , flexible . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 50 6 37 28 074 01 4 120 50 6 37 28 084 01 3 150 50 6 37 28 012 01 8 180 50 6 37 28 013 01 2 240 50 6 37 28 015 01 4 320 50 6 37 28 017 01 1 Applicat ion : wood , paint s , filler, aut o mot ive paint s , fiberglass , plast ics . Qualit y: fully synt het ic-resin bonded , corundum. Feat ures : highly flexible . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 600 50 6 37 28 132 01 0 800 50 6 37 28 133 01 0 1200 50 6 37 28 134 01 0 Assort e d s anding sheet set Includes : 10 of each 60, 80, 120, 180, 240 grit . Qt y pcs Part Number 50 6 37 28 074 02 0 Sanding flee c e for ant i -fouling Sanding fleece for roughing or removal of ant ifouling coat ings . Produces an out st anding s anding pat t ern wit hout glazing of t he s anding fleece . Very long service life . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 6 5 6 37 32 004 01 0 Boat polish Simple t o use , produces an out st anding shine : For fiberglass/Gelcoat and paint ed boat s – also ideal for dark boat colors . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 020 01 0 All -purpose boat c le aner Cleans boat hulls and decks . C an also be used on aluminum, glass , plast ics , and fabrics . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 021 01 0 Ant i -yellowing spray Easily removes rust spot s as well as yellowing and alg ae at t he wat erline . Easy t o use . Does not affect plast ics and is very product ive . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 022 01 0 C arnauba wax + c le aner High-shine sealing wit h long-t erm effect : ant i-st at ic , shock-resist ant , shampoo- proof. Prot ect s your boat like a second skin . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 023 01 0 Nano wax and c le aner Durable , long-t erm sealing : ant i- st at ic , shock-resist ant , shampoo-proof. Ext remely fine due t o nano part icles . Fills cracks , prot ect s from t he element s and UV rays . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 024 01 0 Ext rac t ion hood set Part Number 3 18 10 264 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for WP O 14-15 E Marine Set , WP O 14-15 E , WP O 14-15 X E S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 14 7 Dust Ext rac t ors Clean job! – F E I N Turbo . The dust ext ract ors of t he F E I N Turbo series are t he ideal combinat ion for minimal dust when working wit h power t ools in indust ry, in t he workshop or on inst allat ion jobs . The convenient aut omat ic on/off feat ure allows t hese professional and excep- t ionally quiet wet and dry dust ext ract ors t o be t urned on and off by t he swit ch on connect ed power t ool . F E I N Turbo dust ext ract ors also have a soft -st art feat ure which reduces t he st art - ing current and avoids placing unnecess ary demand on weaker elect rical breakers . The dust ext ract ors come wit h an ext ra long power cord and hose t o g ive t he user maximum working range . 14 8 For accessories , see page 151–152 Dust Ext rac t ors Wet/Dr y Dust Extractor Turbo I Compact wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ion of power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model Turbo I Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,000 Suct ion capacit y cfm 116 St at ic wat er lift in 90 C apacit y g al 6 max. elect rical load Wat t s 2,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 17.7 C able wit h plug ft 16 Part Number 9 20 24 Pric e inc lude s 16 ft vacuum hose (1-1/4 in dia .), 1 crevice t ool , 1 round brush , 1 adapt er, 5 micron filt er clot h Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Aut omat ic on/off for connect ion of power t ools up t o 2,000 Wat t maximum.  Large range due t o 16 ft power cord and 16 ft vacuum hose .  Soft st art funct ion for t rouble-free operat ion on t he building sit e .  Wet and dry operat ion .  Suct ion cont rol .  Comprehensive package cont ent s for univers al ut ilizat ion . S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 14 9 For accessories , see page 151–152 Dust Ext rac t ors Wet/Dr y Dust Extractor Turbo I I Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model Turbo I I Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,050 Suct ion capacit y cfm 116 St at ic wat er lift in 90 C apacit y g al 9 max. elect rical load Wat t s 2,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 28.5 C able wit h plug ft 16 Part Number 9 20 25 Pric e inc lude s 16 ft vacuum hose (1-1/4 in dia .), 5 micron filt er clot h Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Aut omat ic on/off for connect ion of power t ools up t o 2,000 Wat t maximum.  Large range due t o 16 ft power cord and 16 ft vacuum hose .  Soft st art funct ion for t rouble-free operat ion on t he building sit e .  Wet and dry operat ion .  Suct ion cont rol .  Comprehensive package cont ent s for univers al ut ilizat ion . 15 0 For accessories , see page 151–152 Dust Ext rac t ors Wet/Dr y Dust Extractor Turbo I I I High capacit y wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ion of power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model Turbo I I I Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Suct ion capacit y cfm 126 St at ic wat er lift in 99 C apacit y g al 15 max. elect rical load Wat t s 2,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 36.0 C able wit h plug ft 16 Part Number 9 20 26 Pric e inc lude s 10 ft hose (2-1/4 in dia .), 1 st ep adapt er (2-1/2 – 1-1/4 in ), 5 micron filt er clot h Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Aut omat ic on/off for connect ion of power t ools up t o 2,000 Wat t maximum.  Large range due t o 16 ft power cord and 10 ft vacuum hose .  Soft st art funct ion for t rouble-free operat ion on t he building sit e .  Wet and dry operat ion .  Suct ion cont rol .  Comprehensive package cont ent s for univers al ut ilizat ion . S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 1 51 General Ac c e ssorie s 1 Mic ron Filt er Use wit h paper dust bag , flange and mount ing screw for dust such as drywall and sheet rock . Part Number TI I1M C RN 0.3 Mic ron H E PA Filt er Use wit h paper dust bag , flange and mount ing screw for hazardous small part iculat e dust . Part Number TI I H EPA Filt er Mount ing Sc rew Use wit h H E PA and 1 micron filt ers . Part Number TI I3001 Filt er Mount ing Flang e Use wit h H E PA and 1 micron filt ers . Part Number TI I3002 Ant i -Foam Filt er For foamy wat er removal , used by it self. Part Number 9 02 04 200 0 Power Be at er Brush 130 wat t , aut omat ic mot orized st art for t ext ile and linoleum, widt h 14 in . For use wit h Turbo I I I use Adapt or 2-1/2 in – 1-1/4 in 9 21 005 AK13). Part Number PB 350 3 Way Conne c t or Wit h cap for using 2 suct ion hoses . Part Number 9 21 086 A A13 Replac ement C ap For 3 Way Connect or. Part Number 9 21 087 AK13 Adapt er 1-1/4 in hose end t o a R andom Orbit dust free dust port . Part Number 9 21 069 A13 St ep Adapt er From 1-1/4 t o 3/4 in . Part Number 9 21 072 K13 Basket and st rap Part Number 5 26 301 AK13 Hose Cradle Part Number 3 9 16 054 A089 5 Mic ron Filt er Clot h For larger shop clean-up , used by it self, dry only. Part Number 9 13 079 AGA6 Turbo I , Turbo I I Hose Assembly 16 ft . long , dia . 1-1/4 in , ant i-st at ic . Part Number 9 21 049 G N1 Cord c lip for 1-1/4 in Hose Part Number 9 21 063 K13 Dry/Wet Cle an Up Kit 2 met al ext ension t ubes , air reduct ion handle , upholst ery nozzle , crevice nozzle , round brush , floor brush wit h wheels , round brush and an ant i-foam filt er for wat er pickup . Part Number DW 1 Handle Wit h air regulat ion slide . Part Number 9 21 067 A13 Ext ension Tube Plat ed met al , 1 pcs ., lengt h 19 in 2 required . Part Number 9 19 036 B94 Floor Brush wit h wheels Wit h sliding base . Part Number 9 19 064 B13 Thre ad Pic k for Brush For floor brush wit h wheels . Part Number 9 19 043 R14 Liquid Pic k Up Noozle Plast ic , widt h 11-3/4 in . Part Number 9 21 051 A13 Round Brush Plast ic , dia . 2-1/2 in . Part Number 9 19 001 A13 Upholst ery Nozzle Plast ic . Part Number 9 19 003 K13 Crevic e Nozzle Plast ic , lengt h 8 in . Part Number 9 19 007 K13 Turbo I I I Filt er bag k it 1 micron filt er, dust bag , flange , mount ing screw. Part Number FB K-3 Dust Bag Dust bag 3-pack for use wit h a 1 Micron or H E PA filt er, collect s larger part icles for t wo-st age dust collect ion . Part Number 9 13 048 K01 Hose Assembly 10 ft . long , dia 2-1/2 in , ant i-st at ic . Part Number 9 21 120 AG13 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for Turbo I , Turbo I I , Turbo I I I 15 2 Dry/Wet Cle an Up Kit Tools fit direct ly ont o 2-1/2 in hose , includes 2 plast ic ext ension t ubes , and air reduct ion handle , a crevice t ool , a round brush , an upholst ery nozzle , a floor brush , and an ant i-foam filt er. Part Number DW 3 Handle Part Number 9 21 085 AK13 Ext ension Tube Plast ic , 1 pcs ., lengt h 19 ft . (2 required ). Part Number 9 21 001 AK13 Floor Brush Housing Plast ic , widt h 15-3/4 in . Part Number 9 21 081 C D13 Fluid and floor insert Part Number 9 21 088 AK13 Floor Brush . Part Number 9 21 084 AK13 Liquid Pick Up Nozzle . Part Number 9 21 083 AK13 Round Brush Plast ic , dia . 2-3/4 in . Part Number 9 21 002 AK13 Upholst ery Nozzle Plast ic , 5 x 6 in . Part Number 9 21 003 AK13 Crevic e Nozzle Plast ic , lengt h 9 in . Part Number 9 21 004 AK13 Adapt or 2-1/2 – 1-1/4 in Part Number 9 21 005 AK13 Hose end replac ement 2-1/4 – 4 in . for st andard equipment openings such as t able s aw, planers . Part Number 9 21 116 AK13 Turbo I I Filt er bag k it 1 micron filt er, dust bag , flange , mount ing screw. Part Number FB K Dust Bag Dust bag 3-pack for use wit h a 1 Micron filt er, collect s larger part icles for t wo-st age dust collect ion . Part Number 9 13 036 K01 H E PA Filt er bag k it 1 H E PA filt er, dust bag , flange , mount ing screw. Part Number FB K- H E PA Safet y bag 5-pack for use wit h H E PA filt er for hazardous small part iculat e dust . Part Number 9 13 049 P01 Turbo I Filt er bag k it 1 micron filt er, dust bag , flange , mount ing screw. Part Number FB K-1 Dust Bag Dust bag 3-pack for use wit h a 1 Micron or H E PA filt er, collect s larger part icles for t wo-st age dust collect ion . Part Number 9 13 038 K01 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for Turbo I , Turbo I I , Turbo I I I S u r f ac e F i n i s h i n g 15 3 15 4 Osc illat ing O s c i l l a t i n g 15 5 F E I N MultiMaster Page 158 The univers al syst em for int erior work and renovat ion . F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Page 168 The powerful syst em for int erior work and renovat ion . F E I N superCut autoMotive Page 187 The powerful syst em for vehicle repair. More than 40 years experience : Oscillating power tools from F E I N . Wit h unique experience g ained from over 40 years of oscillat ion t echnolog y, F E I N present s t heir t hree syst ems – F E I N MultiMaster, F E I N superCut ConstruCtion and superCut autoMotive – a range of oscillat ing power t ools which st ands for applicat ion-orient ed solut ions and unbeat able load handling . There is a solut ion for every need ; t he F E I N superCut is t he specialist for glazing , finish carpent ry, t ile work , building sealant and aut omot ive t rades . The F E I N MultiMaster univers al syst em for const ruct ion and renovat ion is t he right choice for everyone who really values vers at ilit y. An ext ensive select ion of accessories makes a wide range of applicat ions possible . 15 6 Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (Wat t s ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Osc illat ions (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sanding pad , c orner t o c orner (in ) Chuc k Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) AFMM 14 The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h ample accessories for a wide range of applicat ions . 159 14.4 11,000-18,000 3-1/8 QuickI N 3.7 FMM 250 Q The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h t he basic accessories for t he most common applicat ions and QuickI N convenience . 160 250 11,000-20,000 3.1 3-1/8 QuickI N FMM 250 Q The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h a comprehensive range of accessories , including ext ensive s anding and dust ext ract ion accessories , for out st anding vers at ilit y. 161 250 11,000-20,000 3.1 3-1/8 QuickI N FMM 250 Q The univers al syst em wit h ample accessories for boat maint enance , boat repair, and int erior const ruct ion . 162 250 11,000-20,000 3.1 3-1/8 QuickI N Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (Wat t s ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Osc illat ions (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . 169 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise s awing work when working wit h wood . 170 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for perfect t ile and grout removal during bat hroom renovat ion . 171 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . 172 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The powerful cordless oscillat ing t ool wit h rapid-clamping syst em for const ruct ion , renovat ion , and t he aut omot ive field . 173 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . 174 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise s awing work when working wit h wood . 175 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for perfect t ile and grout removal during bat hroom renovat ion . 176 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for inst allat ion or repair of every kind of flooring . 177 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he most import ant applicat ions in caulking / sealant repair. 178 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise work in boat const ruct ion , maint enance , and repair. 179 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool wit h QuickI N syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion . 180 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (Wat t s ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Osc illat ions (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) Operat ing pre ssure (psi ) Air c onsumpt ion (cfm) Hose size Ø (in ) AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for t he quick and s afe removal of aut o glass . 188 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The powerful cordless oscillat ing t ool wit h rapid-clamping syst em for t he aut omot ive indust ry. 189 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for vers at ile use in t he aut omot ive workshop . 190 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for t he quick and s afe removal of aut o glass . 191 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and professional removal of bonded windows on busses , t rucks , and rail vehicles . 192 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool wit h rapid change syst em for t he aut omot ive indust ry. 193 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool for t he aut omot ive indust ry. 194 400 11,000–18,500 2.9 M Ot lx 6-25 Powerful F E I N pneumat ic superCut for indust rial use . 195 20,000 2.0 87 23.3 5/16 Osc illat ing One technology, three systems : The right system for ever y application . F E I N MultiMaster FEIN superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut autoMotive O s c i l l a t i n g 15 7 Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (Wat t s ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Osc illat ions (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Sanding pad , c orner t o c orner (in ) Chuc k Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) AFMM 14 The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h ample accessories for a wide range of applicat ions . 159 14.4 11,000-18,000 3-1/8 QuickI N 3.7 FMM 250 Q The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h t he basic accessories for t he most common applicat ions and QuickI N convenience . 160 250 11,000-20,000 3.1 3-1/8 QuickI N FMM 250 Q The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h a comprehensive range of accessories , including ext ensive s anding and dust ext ract ion accessories , for out st anding vers at ilit y. 161 250 11,000-20,000 3.1 3-1/8 QuickI N FMM 250 Q The univers al syst em wit h ample accessories for boat maint enance , boat repair, and int erior const ruct ion . 162 250 11,000-20,000 3.1 3-1/8 QuickI N Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (Wat t s ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Osc illat ions (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . 169 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise s awing work when working wit h wood . 170 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for perfect t ile and grout removal during bat hroom renovat ion . 171 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . 172 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The powerful cordless oscillat ing t ool wit h rapid-clamping syst em for const ruct ion , renovat ion , and t he aut omot ive field . 173 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . 174 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise s awing work when working wit h wood . 175 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for perfect t ile and grout removal during bat hroom renovat ion . 176 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for inst allat ion or repair of every kind of flooring . 177 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he most import ant applicat ions in caulking / sealant repair. 178 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise work in boat const ruct ion , maint enance , and repair. 179 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool wit h QuickI N syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion . 180 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 Model Pag e Power c onsumpt ion (Wat t s ) Bat t ery volt ag e (V) Osc illat ions (rpm) Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) Weig ht inc l . bat t ery (lbs ) Operat ing pre ssure (psi ) Air c onsumpt ion (cfm) Hose size Ø (in ) AF S C 18 The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for t he quick and s afe removal of aut o glass . 188 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 AF S C 18 The powerful cordless oscillat ing t ool wit h rapid-clamping syst em for t he aut omot ive indust ry. 189 18 11,000-18,500 4.4 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for vers at ile use in t he aut omot ive workshop . 190 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for t he quick and s afe removal of aut o glass . 191 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and professional removal of bonded windows on busses , t rucks , and rail vehicles . 192 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool wit h rapid change syst em for t he aut omot ive indust ry. 193 400 11,000-18,500 2.8 F S C 1.6 The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool for t he aut omot ive indust ry. 194 400 11,000–18,500 2.9 M Ot lx 6-25 Powerful F E I N pneumat ic superCut for indust rial use . 195 20,000 2.0 87 23.3 5/16 15 8 F E I N MultiMaster Long ser vice life and versatility : The F E I N MultiMaster. As a univers al syst em for int erior work and renovat ion , t he F E I N MultiMaster is a professional t ool for t hose who place part icular value on vers at ilit y – wit hout having t o s acrifice long service life . For example , t he F E I N MultiMaster can be used in renovat ion work around t he house , boat or car. The QuickI N at - t achment syst em support s univers al use of t he F E I N MultiMaster wit h fast accessory changes . The F E I N MultiMaster is available in different set s , which vary in t ool feat ures and accessory range . This means wit h t he F E I N MultiMaster, it s oscillat ing mot ion and user-orient ed accessories , you get a univers ally applicable power t ool which s at isfies t he highest professional requirement s . O s c i l l a t i n g 15 9 Set available in Januar y 2013 ! For accessories , see page 163–167 F E I N MultiMaster F E I N MultiMaster Cordless oscillating tool F E I N MultiMaster Cordless The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h ample accessories for a wide range of applicat ions . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AFMM 14 B at t ery volt age V 14.4 B at t ery capacit y Ah 3.0 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 3.7 Chuck QuickI N Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,000 Sanding pad , corner t o corner in 3-1/8 Part Number 7 129 09 61 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N MultiMaster AFMM 14, 1 backing pad , 20 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 Univers al e-Cut s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 e-Cut Long Life s aw blade (65 mm), 1 carbide segment s aw blade , 1 carbide rasp (t riangular), 1 H SS segment s aw blade , 1 rig id scraper blade , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 x rapid charger ALG 50 Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High t orque mot or wit h performance ident ical t o corded version .  Large bat t ery capacit y and maximum performance due t o 8 lit hium-ion cells .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Highest “Made in Germany” qualit y.  C apacit y indicat or on every bat t ery.  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit or - ing of individual cells .  8 point t ool mount ing for out st anding t orque t ransfer.  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  Int egrat ed int erface for mount ing addit ional syst em accessories .  Soft grip zone provides opt imal handling .  Wide select ion of accessories available for all applicat ions . Measurement in millimet ers 16 0 For accessories , see page 163–167 F E I N MultiMaster F E I N MultiMaster Oscillator – 250 W F E I N MultiMaster Star t Q The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h t he basic accessories for t he most common applicat ions and QuickI N convenience . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model FMM 250 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 250 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-20,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.1 C able wit h plug ft 16 Sanding pad , corner t o corner in 3-1/8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 229 37 58 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N MultiMaster FMM 250 Q, 1 backing pad , 20 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 Univers al e-Cut s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 rig id scraper blade , 1 t ool bag Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o met al gear case , consist ent use of ball or needle bearings and a mot or designed for cont inuous use .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  8 point t ool mount ing for out st anding t orque t ransfer.  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  Wide select ion of accessories available for all applicat ions .  Int egrat ed int erface for mount ing addit ional syst em accessories .  High performance 250 Wat t mot or.  Soft grip zone provides opt imal handling .  C arefully select ed accessories for t he most import ant applicat ions are included in t he price . Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 1 61 Set available in Januar y 2013 ! For accessories , see page 163–167 F E I N MultiMaster F E I N MultiMaster Oscillator – 250 W F E I N MultiMaster Top The univers al syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion wit h a comprehensive range of accessories , including ext ensive s anding and dust ext ract ion accessories , for out st anding vers at ilit y. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model FMM 250 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 250 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-20,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.1 C able wit h plug ft 16 Sanding pad , corner t o corner in 3-1/8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 229 37 68 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N MultiMaster FMM 250 Q, 1 backing pad , 20 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 perforat ed backing pad , 20 perforat ed s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 s anding disc 4-1/2 in dia . perforat ed , 6 s anding sheet s 4-1/2 in perforat ed (2 each of grit s 60, 80, 180), 1 Univers al e-Cut s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 e-Cut Long Life s aw blade (35 mm), 1 e-Cut Long Life s aw blade (65 mm), 1 M-Cut s aw blade , (10 mm), 1 M-Cut s aw blade (1-3/16 in ), 1 H SS segment s aw blade , 1 carbide segment s aw blade , 1 carbide rasp (t riangular), 1 rig id scraper blade , 1 dust ext ract ion assembly, 1 t ool case Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o met al gear case , consist ent use of ball or needle bearings and a mot or designed for cont inuous use .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  8 point t ool mount ing for out st anding t orque t ransfer.  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  Wide select ion of accessories available for all applicat ions .  High qualit y case and full range of accessories for (almost ) all applicat ions are included in t he price .  Int egrat ed int erface for mount ing addit ional syst em accessories .  High performance 250 Wat t mot or.  Soft grip zone provides opt imal handling . Measurement in millimet ers 16 2 Set available in Januar y 2013 ! For accessories , see page 163–167 F E I N MultiMaster F E I N MultiMaster Oscillator – 250 W F E I N MultiMaster Marine The univers al syst em wit h ample accessories for boat maint enance , boat repair, and int erior const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model FMM 250 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 250 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-20,000 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.1 C able wit h plug ft 16 Sanding pad , corner t o corner in 3-1/8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 229 37 70 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N MultiMaster FMM 250 Q, 1 backing pad , 20 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 dust ext ract ion assembly, 1 perforat ed backing pad , 20 perforat ed s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 M-Cut Saw and File Set , 1 Univers al e-Cut s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 H SS s aw blade 3 ⅛ in dia ., 1 carbide segment s aw blade , 1 rig id scraper blade , 2 deck sealant cut t ing blades (5/32 in and 3/16 in ), 2 felt polishing pads ,115 mm dia ., 2 felt polishing pads , t riangular, 1 s anding disc 4-1/2 in dia . perforat ed , 6 s anding sheet s 4-1/2 in perforat ed (2 each of grit s 60, 80, 180), 1 t ool case Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o met al gear case , consist ent use of ball or needle bearings and a mot or designed for cont inuous use .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  8 point t ool mount ing for out st anding t orque t ransfer.  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  Wide select ion of accessories available for all applicat ions .  High qualit y case and full range of accessories for (almost ) all applicat ions are included in t he price .  Int egrat ed int erface for mount ing addit ional syst em accessories .  High performance 250 Wat t mot or.  Soft grip zone provides opt imal handling . Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 16 3 Sawing H S S c irc ular s aw blade For plast ics , G F RP, wood , put t y, brass , bronze and sheet met al up t o approx. 19 g auge . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-1/2 1 6 35 02 096 02 3 2-1/2 2 6 35 02 096 01 7 2-1/2 5 6 35 02 096 05 0 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 097 02 7 3-1/8 2 6 35 02 097 01 1 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 097 05 0 H S S seg ment s aw blade For plast ics , G F RP, wood , put t y, brass , bronze and sheet met al up t o approx. 19 g auge . Ideal for work in corners . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 106 01 5 3-1/8 2 6 35 02 106 07 0 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 106 08 0 H S S c irc ular s aw blade , offset For plast ics , G F RP, wood , put t y, brass , bronze and sheet met al up t o approx. 19 g auge , flush t o t he surface . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 3-9/16 1 6 35 02 144 01 4 3-9/16 5 6 35 02 144 02 0 Seg ment s aw blade , offset Only for soft mat erials . Ideal for work in corners , flush t o t he surface . Dia . in Part Number 3-5/16 6 35 02 113 01 9 e-Cut St andard s aw blade s Saws wood up t o 2 in , drywall and soft plast ics . Enables easy plunge cut s int o t he mat erial at any spot . Lengt h 2 in , t ype 133. Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 133 01 7 1-3/8 3 6 35 02 133 03 0 1-3/8 10 6 35 02 133 04 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 134 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 134 01 5 2-9/16 3 6 35 02 134 02 5 2-9/16 10 6 35 02 134 03 0 e-Cut Pre c ision s aw blade s High cut t ing speed and precision due t o double row of Japanese-profile t eet h . Saws wood up t o 2 in , drywall and soft plast ics . Lengt h 2 in , t ype 126 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 126 01 3 1-3/8 3 6 35 02 126 03 0 1-3/8 10 6 35 02 126 04 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 127 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 127 01 7 2-9/16 3 6 35 02 127 02 0 2-9/16 10 6 35 02 127 03 0 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade s Wide range of applicat ions due t o bi-met al t eet h . Cut s wood up t o 2 in , plast ics , sheet met al up t o 1/16 in , cop - per and aluminum t ubes and profiles . Lengt h 2-1/4 in , t ype 151. Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-1/8 1 6 35 02 151 01 8 1-1/8 3 6 35 02 151 02 0 1-1/8 10 6 35 02 151 03 0 Lengt h 2-1/4 in , t ype 152 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-3/4 1 6 35 02 152 01 0 1-3/4 3 6 35 02 152 02 0 1-3/4 10 6 35 02 152 03 0 e-Cut long - life s aw blade s Bi-met al t eet h , offset , high cut t ing speed . Ext remely durable and robust . For hardwood , soft wood and all ot her wood mat erials – even wit h nails . Also very suit able for plast ics and drywall . Lengt h 2 in , t ype 160 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 160 01 0 1-3/8 3 6 35 02 160 02 0 1-3/8 10 6 35 02 160 03 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 161 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 161 01 0 2-9/16 3 6 35 02 161 02 0 2-9/16 10 6 35 02 161 03 0 e-Cut Combo Pac k Consist ing of 3 different e-Cut s aw blades : 1 e-Cut Precision 2-9/16 in wide , 1 e-Cut St andard 1-3/8 in wide , 1 e-Cut Univers al 1-3/4 in wide . Wit h t hese , you are ready for any job. Part Number 6 35 02 127 04 0 H S S s aw blade for wood Circular H SS s aw blade for wood – t he “mini circular s aw” is ideal for long , st raight cut s and cut t ing out inst alled parquet , laminat e flooring and wall paneling . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 4 1 6 35 02 154 01 0 Set version wit h dept h st op . Dia . in Part Number 4 3 26 07 065 02 0 Blade g uard Replacement s afet y guard for H SS s aw blade 6 35 02 154 01 0. Part Number 3 18 10 263 00 0 Dept h st op Fit s all e-Cut s aw blades as well as t he 4 in H SS s aw blade for wood . Part Number 3 26 07 065 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N MultiMaster 16 4 M-Cut s aw blade For cut -out s in fiberglass , CF RP, wood , and met al , 3/8 in edge lengt h . Max. cut t ing dept h approx. 1/8 in (fiberglass , wood ), in sheet met al approximat ely 1/32 in , lengt h 2 in . Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 3/8 2 6 35 02 159 01 0 For cut -out s in fiberglass , CF RP, wood , and met al , 1-3/16 in edge lengt h . Max. cut t ing dept h 1-3/4 in (fiberglass , wood ), in sheet met al approximat ely 1/32 in , lengt h 2 in . Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-3/16 2 6 35 02 157 01 0 C arbide file For deburring and filing cut -out s in fiberglass , CF RP, plast ics and wood , lengt h 2 in . Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 3/8 2 6 37 06 017 01 0 M-Cut Saw and File Set Saw and file set for cut -out s in fiberglass , CF RP, wood , and sheet met al . Includes M-Cut blades 3/8 in and 1-3/16 in , carbide file 3/8 in . Part Number 6 35 02 157 02 0 MiniCut and File Set For cut out s from 3/8 in . 2 s aw blades for wood and soft plast ics , 2 H SS s aw blades for hard plast ics , G F RP and sheet met al up t o 19 g auge , 1 diamond file , 1 carbide file . Part Number 6 39 01 025 06 0 MiniCut s aw blade For wood and ot her soft mat erials , plunge dept h 1-3/16 in . Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 3/8 2 6 35 02 132 01 3 3/4 2 6 35 02 131 01 0 MiniCut H S S s aw blade For non-ferrous met als and plast ics , plunge dept h 3/4 in . Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 3/8 2 6 35 02 130 01 1 3/4 2 6 35 02 129 01 9 Diamond file insert , for MiniCut For sharpening blades and cut t ers . Grit Widt h in Part Number Ext ra fine 3/8 6 37 06 014 02 6 Fine 3/4 6 37 06 013 02 8 Normal 3/4 6 37 06 012 02 4 C arbide file insert , for MiniCut For filing around cut out s and deburring applicat ions . Part Number 6 37 06 015 01 0 R asping C arbide rasp, t riang ular For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . Suit able for use wit h or wit hout dust collect ion . St andard version , 3-1/8 in edge lengt h . Part Number 6 37 31 001 01 4 C arbide rasp, fing er - shape d For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile ad- hesive , concret e , st one and wood . The finger shape , coat ed on bot h sides , is part icularly suit able for art ist ic work . Part Number 6 37 31 002 01 7 Grout removal C arbide seg ment s aw blade For cut t ing out defect ive t ile joint s and cut t ing grooves in plast er, porous con - cret e and similar const ruct ion mat erials . Kerf, approx. 1/16 in . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 3-9/16 1 6 35 02 170 01 0 3-9/16 5 6 35 02 170 02 0 Kerf, approx. 1/16 in . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-1/2 1 6 35 02 118 01 6 3-9/16 1 6 35 02 169 01 0 3-9/16 5 6 35 02 169 02 0 Kerf, approx. 3/16 in . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 3-9/16 1 6 35 02 171 01 0 3-9/16 5 6 35 02 171 02 0 C arbide s aw blade For reworking planked deck sealant s . Also suit able for separat ing t ile grout s . Kerf, approx. 1/32 in . Dia . in Part Number 2-1/2 6 35 02 125 01 0 Diamond s aw blade For t he removal of marble and concret e t rass joint s . Low dust generat ion , very high service life . Kerf, approx. 1/16 in . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-1/2 1 6 35 02 105 01 2 2-1/2 5 6 35 02 105 02 0 Diamond seg ment s aw blade For cut t ing out defect ive t ile grout and cut t ing grooves in plast er, light weight concret e and similar const ruct ion mat e - rials . High service life . Kerf, approx. 1/16 in . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-1/2 1 6 35 02 114 01 7 2-1/2 5 6 35 02 114 02 0 3-9/16 1 6 35 02 166 01 0 3-9/16 5 6 35 02 166 02 0 Cle aning bloc k Rhombus block for cleaning carbide- t ipped and diamond-coat ed accessories . Part Number 6 37 19 007 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N MultiMaster O s c i l l a t i n g 16 5 Sc raping Rig id sc raper blade For removal of st ubborn paint , ad- hesive residue , carpet , t ile adhesive and undercoat ings . Lengt h in Part Number 1-15/16 6 39 03 178 01 7 2-11/16 6 39 03 226 01 0 Flexible sc raper blade For removal of silicone or acrylic caulk - ing in plumbing work as well as st ickers . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 39 03 165 01 3 Grinding Bac k ing pad set , unperforat e d For s anding wit hout dust ext ract ion . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 129 02 6 Bac k ing pad set , plast ic Wit h a plast ic base plat e t o avoid marks . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 153 02 2 Bac k ing pad set , t hin For very narrow openings (e .g . slat s on cabinet s , shut t ers ). Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 142 02 9 Assort e d s anding sheet set For univers al use on almost all sur - faces . Aluminum oxide abrasive and full synt het ic resin bonding guarant ees high performance . 50 s anding sheet s (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180, 240), un perforat ed , wit h H&L. Part Number 6 37 17 082 03 3 Sanding sheet s Unperforat ed , wit h H&L. For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 36 5 6 37 17 086 04 8 40 5 6 37 17 081 04 6 60 5 6 37 17 082 04 9 80 5 6 37 17 083 04 3 100 5 6 37 17 084 04 1 120 5 6 37 17 085 04 5 150 5 6 37 17 087 04 2 180 5 6 37 17 088 04 0 220 5 6 37 17 089 04 4 240 5 6 37 17 090 04 6 36 50 6 37 17 086 01 0 40 50 6 37 17 081 01 8 60 50 6 37 17 082 01 1 80 50 6 37 17 083 01 5 100 50 6 37 17 084 01 3 120 50 6 37 17 085 01 7 150 50 6 37 17 087 01 4 180 50 6 37 17 088 01 2 220 50 6 37 17 089 01 6 240 50 6 37 17 090 01 8 Zirc onium s anding sheet s Unrivalled removal rat e on ext remely hard surfaces such as clear coat s (e .g . parquet finishes ) or met al . The s and - ing sheet for all floor covering work . Ext remely durable paper qualit y due t o ext remely heavy, full synt het ic resin bond wit h high qualit y zirconium alumi - num oxide coat ing . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 35 6 37 17 243 01 0 60 35 6 37 17 244 01 0 80 35 6 37 17 245 01 0 Bac k ing pad , super - soft For special applicat ions such as aluminum rims and paint repairs . Use only wit h super-soft s anding sheet s . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 141 02 6 Sanding sheet s , super - soft Special s anding sheet s for work on aluminum rims , repairs t o dust embed - ment s , paint runs , overspray on wood , plast ic , met al , et c . Use only in combina - t ion wit h backing pad 6 38 06 141 02 6. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 240 50 6 37 17 126 01 5 320 50 6 37 17 127 01 9 400 50 6 37 17 128 01 7 500 50 6 37 17 179 01 6 Profile Sanding Set Consist ing of 1 holder and 6 different profile insert s : 1 V-shape for 90˚ angles , 1 t rapezoidal shape for t ongue and groove joint s , 1 for st raight profiles , 1 convex shape (large ), 1 convex shape (small ), 1 concave shape (small ) t oget her wit h 15 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 80, 120, 180). Part Number 6 38 06 183 01 3 Sandpaper for Profile Sanding Set For almost all mat erials , e .g . wood , met al , paint and plast ics . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 80 25 6 37 17 217 01 6 120 25 6 37 17 218 01 4 180 25 6 37 17 219 01 8 St one Polishing Set Univers ally suit able for s anding st one and st one product s . Consist ing of: 40 unperforat ed s anding sheet s , 5 each of grit s 40, 80, 120, 220, 320, 400, 600, 800; 1 st andard unperforat ed backing pad , 1 plast ic backing pad , 1 felt polishing pad . Part Number 6 38 06 129 06 7 Sanding sheet s “st one” Specifically for coarse and fine s anding of nat ural and art ificial st one . Unperforat ed wit h H&L, fully synt het ic resin bonded , high s anding capacit y, dry s anding , silicon carbide . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 50 6 37 17 120 01 4 80 50 6 37 17 121 01 3 120 50 6 37 17 122 01 6 220 50 6 37 17 123 01 0 320 50 6 37 17 124 01 8 400 50 6 37 17 125 01 2 600 50 6 37 17 175 01 7 800 50 6 37 17 176 01 0 Sanding fing er For use in very narrow and hard-t o- reach spot s , in channels , grooves , open - ings and slot s . Height Qt y in pcs Part Number 1/4 2 6 38 06 159 02 3 Sanding sheet s for s anding fing ers Wit h H&L, full synt het ic resin bonding , high performance , aluminum oxide . Applicat ions , wood , met al , solder joint s , G F RP, plast ic , paint , filler and leat her. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 20 6 37 17 184 01 2 60 20 6 37 17 185 01 6 80 20 6 37 17 186 01 9 100 20 6 37 17 187 01 3 120 20 6 37 17 188 01 1 150 20 6 37 17 189 01 5 180 20 6 37 17 190 01 7 220 20 6 37 17 191 01 6 240 20 6 37 17 192 01 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N MultiMaster 16 6 Perforat e d bac k ing pad set For s anding wit h dust collect ion . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 136 02 9 Assort e d s anding sheet set 50 s anding sheet s , perforat ed wit h H&L, corundum (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180 and 240). Part Number 6 37 17 109 03 5 Sanding sheet s , perforat e d For s anding wit h dust collect ion . For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Aluminum oxide abrasive and full syn - t het ic resin bonding guarant ee high per- formance . Grit range from 36 t o 240. Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 36 5 6 37 17 107 04 9 40 5 6 37 17 108 04 7 60 5 6 37 17 109 04 1 80 5 6 37 17 110 04 3 100 5 6 37 17 111 04 2 120 5 6 37 17 112 04 5 150 5 6 37 17 113 04 9 180 5 6 37 17 114 04 7 220 5 6 37 17 115 04 1 240 5 6 37 17 116 04 4 36 50 6 37 17 107 01 1 40 50 6 37 17 108 01 9 60 50 6 37 17 109 01 3 80 50 6 37 17 110 01 5 100 50 6 37 17 111 01 4 120 50 6 37 17 112 01 7 150 50 6 37 17 113 01 1 180 50 6 37 17 114 01 9 220 50 6 37 17 115 01 3 240 50 6 37 17 116 01 6 Zirc onium s anding sheet s Perforat ed , wit h hook and loop at t ach - ment . Suit able for use wit h , or wit hout , dust ext ract ion . Unrivalled removal rat e on ext remely hard surfaces such as clear coat s (e .g . parquet finishes ) or met al . The s anding sheet for all floor cover - ing work . Ult ra-Dura ble paper qualit y due t o ext remely heavy, full synt het ic resin bond wit h high qualit y zirconium corundum coat ing . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 35 6 37 17 236 01 0 60 35 6 37 17 237 01 0 80 35 6 37 17 238 01 0 Sanding Disc Set For fast and cost -effect ive s anding of medium flat mat erial , includes 1 backing pad 4-1/2 in dia ., perforat ed . 6 s anding sheet s , perforat ed , wit h H&L (2 each of grit s 60, 80, 180). Dia . in Part Number 4-1/2 6 38 06 195 02 0 Assort e d s anding sheet set 16 s anding sheet s 4-1/2 in dia ., per- forat ed , wit h H&L, full art ificial resin bond , for high mat erial removal . (4 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180). Part Number 6 37 17 227 01 0 Sanding sheet s 4-1/2 in dia . perforat ed , wit h H&L, full synt het ic resin bonding for high mat erial removal performance . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 16 6 37 17 230 02 0 60 16 6 37 17 227 02 0 80 16 6 37 17 228 02 0 120 16 6 37 17 229 01 0 180 16 6 37 17 231 02 0 240 16 6 37 17 232 01 0 Zirc onium s anding sheet s Perforat ed , 4-1/2 in dia ., wit h hook and loop at t achment . Suit able for use wit h , or wit hout , dust ext ract ion . Unrivalled removal rat e on ext remely hard surfaces such as clear coat s (e .g . parquet finishes ) or met al . The s anding sheet for all floor covering work . Ult ra-durable paper qualit y due t o ext remely heavy, full synt het ic resin bond wit h high qualit y zirconium corundum coat ing . Grit Qt y pcs Part Number 40 12 6 37 17 233 01 0 60 12 6 37 17 234 01 0 80 12 6 37 17 235 01 0 Zirc onium s anding sheet k it 4 of each s anding sheet , 40 60, 80 grit , 4-1/2 in dia ., perforat ed , wit h hook and loop at t achment . Unrivalled removal rat e on ext remely hard surfaces such as clear coat s (e .g . parquet finishes ) or met al . The s anding sheet for all floor covering work . Ult ra-durable paper qualit y due t o ext remely heavy, full synt het ic resin bond wit h high qualit y zirconium corundum coat ing . Part Number 6 37 17 233 02 0 Polishing Felt polishing pad set For polishing met al part s , such as door and furnit ure fit t ings made of brass as well as for polishing and decorat ive polishing of st one and st one product s . Gelcoat layers on boat s can also be polished . Mat erial-specific polishing product s are available from specialized dealers . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 140 02 7 Felt polishing flee c e Felt polishing fleece for polishing boat decks (gelcoat ), chrome , st ainless st eel , aluminum, non-ferrous met als . Qt y pcs Part Number 5 6 37 23 032 01 0 4-1/2 in dia ., wit h hook and loop at - t achment . Mult iple uses . For polishing chrome , st ainless st eel , polycarbonat e mat erials , gel coat boat decks , buffing out paint scrat ches and removal of heat discolorat ion on exhaust s . Qt y pcs Part Number 5 6 37 23 036 01 0 Brist le flee c e Brist le fleece for cleaning boat decks or cleaning/polishing ant i-slip st ruct ures . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 37 23 031 01 0 Polishing liquid F E I N EXTR A polish wit h aluminum oxide base for polishing gel coat s and re - moval of scrat ches in aut omot ive paint s . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 8.45 6 37 26 030 01 0 All -purpose boat c le aner Cleans boat hulls and decks . C an also be used on aluminum, glass , plast ics , and fabrics . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 021 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N MultiMaster O s c i l l a t i n g 16 7 Ant i -yellowing spray Easily removes rust spot s as well as yellowing and alg ae at t he wat erline . Easy t o use . Does not affect plast ics and is very product ive . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 022 01 0 Boat polish Simple t o use , produces an out st anding shine . For fiberglass/Gelcoat and paint ed boat s – also ideal for dark boat colors . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 020 01 0 C arnauba wax + c le aner High-shine sealing wit h long-t erm effect : ant i-st at ic , shock-resist ant , shampoo- proof. Prot ect s your boat like a second skin . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 023 01 0 Nano wax and c le aner Durable , long-t erm sealing : Ant i- st at ic , shock-resist ant , shampoo-proof. Ext remely fine due t o nano part icles . Fills cracks , prot ect s from t he element s and UV rays . Cont ent s fl oz Part Number 16.9 6 37 26 024 01 0 Cut t ing Seg ment blade , c onc ave For cut t ing soft mat erials , e .g . felt , leat her, polyst yrene . Part Number 6 39 03 193 01 8 Seg ment blade , c onvex For cut t ing rig id mat erial , e .g . plast ic , linoleum, rubber, cardboard , leat her, wire mesh , wall-t o-wall carpet , and much more . Part Number 6 39 03 192 01 4 Cut t er blade Hooked blades for cut t ing out planked deck caulk mat erials rapidly and s afely. Ideal for problem locat ions such as cabin st ruct ures , rails , gunwales , cleat s and curves . Blade widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1/8 1 6 39 03 200 01 7 5/32 1 6 39 03 201 01 6 3/16 1 6 39 03 202 01 9 General Ac c e ssorie s Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 Cle aning bloc k Rhombus block for cleaning carbide- t ipped and diamond-coat ed accessories . Part Number 6 37 19 007 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N MultiMaster Dust ext rac t ion set 2 backing pads , perforat ed ; 5 of each s anding sheet , perforat ed , grit s 60, 80, 120; 1 ext ract ion hood wit h suct ion t ube ; 2 adapt ers for 27 mm (1-1/16 in ) and 32 mm (1-1/4 in ) hose connect ions t oget her wit h 2 adapt ers for use wit h most popular household vacuum cleaners . For F E I N MultiMaster corded model . Part Number 9 26 02 081 01 0 For F E I N MultiMaster Cordless . Part Number 9 26 02 086 01 0 Adapt er hose For connect ing t he dust ext ract ion device t o t he most common household vacuums . The adapt er hose is pushed ont o t he hose sleeve for hose connec - t ions of Ø 1-1/16 in . Model Part Number Thin 3 06 05 110 00 8 Thick 3 06 05 109 00 6 F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during workshop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” Table and drill st and holder Perfect for precision cut -out s ; t he F E I N MultiMaster can be clamped t o a t able or work bench and t he workpiece can be held securely. It can also be clamped t o popular drill st ands wit h a 1-11/16 in collar diamet er. Part Number 9 26 02 083 01 0 C arrying c ase , empt y Plast ic case wit h pract ical int erior divisions , wit hout t ool or accessories . Part Number 3 39 01 118 03 0 C arrying c ase , fille d Plast ic case cont aining 1 perforat ed backing pad for dust ext ract ion , 20 per- forat ed s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 dust ext ract ion assembly, 2 hose nozzles for 1-1/16 in dia . and 1-1/4 in dia . and 2 adapt ers for connect ion t o t he most common household vacuums , Profile Sanding Set , 1 carbide rasp . Part Number 3 39 01 118 17 0 Spe c ial ac c e ssorie s for AFMM 14 Re c harg e able bat t ery Li-ion bat t ery, 14.4 volt , 3 Ah wit h charge indicat or. Part Number 9 26 04 154 02 0 R apid c harg er ALG 50 For all F E I N lit hium-ion bat t eries . Charg ing t ime 45 min . or more . Part Number 9 26 04 131 01 0 16 8 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion – The power ful system for interior work and renovation . F E I N superCut ConstruCtion , t he powerful high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , is t he right solut ion for professional applicat ions . The powerful 400 W H I G H -P OWE R-M OTO R and t he durable gearbox are designed for t he t oughest applicat ions . Wit h it s more powerful mot or and it s st ronger oscillat ing mot ion , t he F E I N superCut ConstruCtion means opt imal performance result ing in enormous t ime and cost s avings . The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion is available in six different professional set s : Window Repair / Replacement , Int erior Const ruct ion , Tile / B at hroom Renovat ion , Flooring , C aulking / Sealant Repair and Marine . Each professional set is ideally mat ched t o meet t he requirement s of t hat part icular t rade . O s c i l l a t i n g 16 9 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordle ss F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordless Cordless oscillating tool F E I N Professional - Set Window Repair / Replacement The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 01 51 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 1 offset H SS 4 in dia . s aw blade , 1 H SS s aw blade for wood , 1 e-Cut St andard s aw blade (t ype 124), 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148), 1 cut t er blade , mushroom shaped , 1 dept h st op , 1 backing pad , 15 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120), 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High-performance superCut Cordless , specifically for use in window repair/replacement work , wit h t ime s avings of up t o 80%.  Complet e Set in a high-qualit y carrying case wit h t he most import ant accessories for t he most common applicat ions in t his field .  Ideal for on-sit e removal of old window frames wit hout damage t o walls or st ucco , or for t he repair of insulat ing glass panels .  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine .  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  Convenient QuickI N rapid-clamping syst em.  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer. Measurement in millimet ers 17 0 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordle ss F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordless Cordless oscillating tool F E I N Professional - Set Interior Construction The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise s awing work when working wit h wood . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 01 52 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 1 H SS s aw blade for wood , 4 e-Cut St andard s aw blades (t ypes 123, 124, 135, 136), 4 e-Cut Precision s aw blades (t ypes 119, 120, 121, 122), 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148), 1 dept h st op , 1 backing pad , 15 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120), 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High-performance superCut Cordless , specifically for use in int erior const ruct ion and carpent ry work .  Complet e Set in a high-qualit y carrying case wit h t he most import ant accessories for t he most common applicat ions in t his field .  Also us able as a full-fledged t riangular s ander, allowing s anding close t o edges at corners and angles wit hout kickback .  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine .  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  Convenient QuickI N rapid-clamping syst em  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 17 1 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordle ss F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordless Cordless oscillating tool F E I N Professional - Set Tile / Bathroom Renovation The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for perfect t ile and grout removal during bat hroom renovat ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 01 53 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 1 segment blade , diamond coat ed (t ype 162), 1 segment carbide blade (t ype 224), 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148), 1 cut t er blade , mushroom shaped , 1 rig id scraper blade , 2 rasps , carbide-coat ed , t riangular, perforat ed for dust ext ract ion , 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High-performance superCut Cordless , specifically for use in t ile/ bat hroom renovat ion work .  Complet e Set in a high-qualit y carrying case wit h t he most import ant accessories for t he most common applicat ions in t his field .  For precise , clean , fit t ing and renovat ion work wit h lit t le dust or dirt .  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine .  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  Convenient QuickI N rapid-clamping syst em.  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer. Measurement in millimet ers 17 2 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordle ss F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Cordless Cordless oscillating tool F E I N Professional - Set Flooring The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 01 57 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 1 e-Cut Precision blade (t ype 122), 1 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 segment carbide blade (t ype 224), 2 circular carbide blades (t ypes 155, 156), 1 carbide rasp , t riangular, perforat ed for dust ext ract ion , 1 rig id scraper blade , 1 dust ext ract ion assembly, 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine . Offers maximum work progress t o pro - fessionals in many t rades .  Complet e Set in a high-qualit y carrying case wit h t he most import ant accessories for t he most common applicat ions in t his field .  For precise , clean , fit t ing and renovat ion work wit h lit t le dust or dirt .  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  Convenient QuickI N rapid-clamping syst em  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 17 3 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut Cordle ss F E I N superCut Cordless Cordless oscillating tool A F S C 18 The powerful cordless oscillat ing t ool wit h rapid-clamping syst em for const ruct ion , renovat ion , and t he aut omot ive field . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 01 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine . Offers maximum work progress t o pro - fessionals in many t rades .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  All F E I N superCut accessories can be used .  Convenient QuickI N rapid-clamping syst em  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer.  Elect ronic speed cont rol . Measurement in millimet ers 1 74 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Window Repair / Replacement The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he removal of old windows and replacement of insulat ing glass set in glazing compound . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 51 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in t ool case , 1 offset H SS 4 in dia . s aw blade , 1 H SS s aw blade for wood , 1 e-Cut St andard s aw blade (t ype 124), 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148), 1 cut t er blade , mushroom shaped , 1 dept h st op , 1 backing pad , 15 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120), 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Ext ract ion of old window frames wit hout damage t o walls or plast er.  Repair of insulat ing panels wit hout damage t o t he old panes .  Time s avings of up t o 80 %. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 17 5 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Interior Construction The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise s awing work when working wit h wood . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 52 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in t ool case , 1 H SS s aw blade for wood , 4 e-Cut St andard s aw blades (t ypes 123, 124, 135, 136), 4 e-Cut Precision s aw blades (t ypes 119, 120, 121, 122), 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148), 1 dept h st op , 1 backing pad , 15 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120), 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Precise cut s , even by hand , wit hout clamps or vises .  Powerful oscillat ion mot ion for maximum work progress .  Convert s easily int o a det ail s ander. Measurement in millimet ers 17 6 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Tile / Bathroom Renovation The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for perfect t ile and grout removal during bat hroom renovat ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 53 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in t ool case , 1 segment blade , diamond coat ed (t ype 162), 1 seg - ment carbide blade (t ype 224), 1 cut t er blade , mushroom shaped , 1 rig id scraper blade , 2 rasps , carbide-coat ed , t riangular, perforat ed for dust ext ract ion , 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148), 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Highly suit ed for fit t ing work .  Very limit ed dirt or dust generat ion .  Powerful oscillat ion mot ion (2x 2° range ) for maxi - mum work progress . Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 17 7 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Flooring The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for inst allat ion or repair of every kind of flooring . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 200 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 57 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in t ool case , 1 e-Cut Precision blade (t ype 122), 1 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 segment carbide blade (t ype 224), 2 circular carbide blades (t ypes 155, 156), 1 carbide rasp , t riangular, perforat ed for dust ext ract ion , 1 rig id scraper blade , 1 dust ext rac - t ion assembly, 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing bolt s Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Highly suit ed for fit t ing work .  Very limit ed dirt or dust generat ion .  Powerful oscillat ion mot ion (2x 2° range ) for maxi - mum work progress . Measurement in millimet ers 17 8 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Caulking / Sealant Repair The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for t he most import ant applicat ions in caulking / sealant repair. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 54 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in a met al t ool case , 1 vibrat ion-reducing handle , 5 cut t er blades , st raight (t ype 117), 1 elong at ed point ed blade (t ype 116) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Ergonomic design for fat igue-free work .  Powerful oscillat ion mot ion (2x 2° range ) for maxi - mum work progress .  Vibrat ion-absorbing bail handle t o minimize physical st rain .  Dust ext ract ion assembly at t aches wit hout t ools . Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 17 9 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Marine The high-performance syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion , specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and precise work in boat const ruct ion , maint enance , and repair. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 55 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in t ool case , 1 backing pad , 20 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 1 dust ext ract ion assembly, 1 perforat ed backing pad , 20 perforat ed s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180), 2 M-Cut blades (t ypes 138, 158), 1 carbide file , 1 Univers al e-Cut s aw blade (t ype 148), 1 H SS s aw blade for wood , 1 dept h st op , 1 carbide s aw blade , 1 rig id scraper blade , 2 deck sealant cut t ing blades (5/32 in and 3/16 in ), 2 brist le fleece , 3 felt polishing pads Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Powerful oscillat ing mot ion (2 x 2° range ) for maximum work progress .  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  Very limit ed dirt or dust generat ion .  F E I N High-Power-Mot or for out st anding per- formance . Measurement in millimet ers 18 0 For accessories , see page 181–186 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion F E I N superCut ConstruCtion Oscillator – 400 W F S C 2.0 Q The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool wit h QuickI N syst em for int erior const ruct ion and renovat ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 2.0 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 36 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut ConstruCtion in t ool case Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Hexagonal t ool mount for out st anding t orque t ransfer bet ween t ool and accessories .  Powerful oscillat ing mot ion (2 x 2° range ) for maximum work progress .  Elect ronic speed cont rol .  F E I N High-Power-Mot or for out st anding per- formance .  Wide select ion of accessories available for all applicat ions . Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 18 1 Ac c e ssorie s for Int erior Const ruc t ion/ Window Repair/Replac ement e-Cut St andard s aw blade s Fine t eet h for all wood , drywall , and plast ics , flush cut . Lengt h 3-1/16 in , t ype 123 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-1/4 1 6 35 02 123 01 8 1-1/4 5 6 35 02 123 04 6 1-1/4 25 6 35 02 123 03 0 Lengt h 3-1/16 in , t ype 124 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-5/8 1 6 35 02 124 01 6 1-5/8 5 6 35 02 124 04 4 1-5/8 25 6 35 02 124 03 8 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 135 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 135 01 9 1-3/8 5 6 35 02 135 03 1 1-3/8 25 6 35 02 135 02 5 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 136 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 136 01 2 2-9/16 5 6 35 02 136 03 4 2-9/16 25 6 35 02 136 02 8 e-Cut Pre c ision s aw blade s Double-row orig inal Japanese t eet h , for t op-precision cut s and clean cut t ing edges even freely by hand , flush cut . Lengt h 2 in , t ype 119 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 119 01 0 1-3/8 5 6 35 02 119 04 8 1-3/8 25 6 35 02 119 03 2 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 120 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/4 1 6 35 02 120 01 2 1-3/4 5 6 35 02 120 04 0 1-3/4 25 6 35 02 120 03 4 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 121 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-3/16 1 6 35 02 121 01 1 2-3/16 5 6 35 02 121 04 9 2-3/16 25 6 35 02 121 03 3 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 122 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 122 01 4 2-9/16 5 6 35 02 122 04 2 2-9/16 25 6 35 02 122 03 6 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade s Bi-met al t eet h , recessed , high speed cut s , sheet met al (56,000 lbf/in²) up t o about 14 g auge , aluminum profiles , cop - per pipes , wood , drywall and almost all plast ics , flush cut . Lengt h 2-3/8 in , t ype 147 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-1/8 1 6 35 02 147 01 5 1-1/8 5 6 35 02 147 02 1 1-1/8 25 6 35 02 147 03 7 Lengt h 2-3/8 in , t ype 148 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/4 1 6 35 02 148 01 3 1-3/4 5 6 35 02 148 02 9 1-3/4 25 6 35 02 148 03 5 e-Cut long - life s aw blade s Bi-met al t eet h , offset , high cut t ing speed . Ext remely Dura ble and robust . For hardwood , soft wood and all ot her wood mat erials - even wit h nails . Also very suit able for plast ics and drywall . Lengt h 3-1/16 in , t ype 162 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-1/4 1 6 35 02 162 01 0 1-1/4 5 6 35 02 162 02 0 1-1/4 25 6 35 02 162 03 0 Lengt h 3-1/16 in , t ype 163 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-5/8 1 6 35 02 163 01 0 1-5/8 5 6 35 02 163 02 0 1-5/8 25 6 35 02 163 03 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 164 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 164 01 0 1-3/8 5 6 35 02 164 02 0 1-3/8 25 6 35 02 164 03 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 165 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 165 01 0 2-9/16 5 6 35 02 165 02 0 2-9/16 25 6 35 02 165 03 0 Dept h st op Dept h st op suit able for all e-Cut s aw blades and circular, non-offset s aw blades from 3-1/8 - 4 in diamet er. Part Number 3 26 07 062 02 2 M-Cut s aw blade For cut s , cut -out s , and grooves in sheet met al , plast ics , fiberglass , and carbon fiber-reinforced plast ic , 2-pack . Wide Widt h Lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/16 2 6 35 02 138 01 4 Narrow Widt h Lengt h in in Part Number 3/8 2 6 35 02 158 01 0 Saw blade s H SS , wit h fine t eet h for precise cut s . Univers al use on sheet met al up t o approx. 19 g auge , including double t hicknesses , and plast ics . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-1/2 2 6 35 02 102 01 6 2-1/2 5 6 35 02 102 07 0 3-1/8 2 6 35 02 103 01 0 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 103 05 0 H SS , offset , recessed clamping screw for flush cut s . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-3/8 1 6 35 02 145 01 8 3-3/8 5 6 35 02 145 02 0 3-15/16 1 6 35 02 137 01 6 3-15/16 5 6 35 02 137 02 0 H S S s aw blade for wood Ideal for long st raight cut s and cut -out s in exist ing wood or laminat e flooring . Wit hout dept h st op . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 4 1 6 35 02 153 01 0 Set version wit h dept h st op Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 4 1 3 26 07 062 04 0 Circ ular blade H SS , recessed , bevel-edged For general cut t ing applicat ions in leat her, plast ic foils , t ar paper, window screens , et c ., 1-pack . Dia . in Part Number 4 6 39 03 220 01 0 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut ConstruCtion 18 2 Cut t er blade Mushroom shaped , for cut t ing elast ic silicon or acrylic connect ing joint s as well as for separat ion of insulat ing glass . 5-pack Part Number 6 39 03 128 01 2 Seg ment s aw blade Segment ed and offset , for removing panes of insulat ing glass inst alled on a put t y bed . 2-pack . Part Number 6 39 03 166 01 6 Adapt er for F E I N superCut wit h Quic kI N Required for fit t ing accessories wit h 8-st ar mount ing (e .g . for rasping , s and - ing , and polishing ). Part Number 6 37 33 005 01 0 Bac k ing pad set , unperforat e d For s anding wit hout dust ext ract ion . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 129 02 6 Sanding sheet s Unperforat ed , wit h H&L. For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Grit Qt y Pcs Part Number 36 5 6 37 17 086 04 8 40 5 6 37 17 081 04 6 60 5 6 37 17 082 04 9 80 5 6 37 17 083 04 3 100 5 6 37 17 084 04 1 120 5 6 37 17 085 04 5 150 5 6 37 17 087 04 2 180 5 6 37 17 088 04 0 220 5 6 37 17 089 04 4 240 5 6 37 17 090 04 6 36 50 6 37 17 086 01 0 40 50 6 37 17 081 01 8 60 50 6 37 17 082 01 1 80 50 6 37 17 083 01 5 100 50 6 37 17 084 01 3 120 50 6 37 17 085 01 7 150 50 6 37 17 087 01 4 180 50 6 37 17 088 01 2 220 50 6 37 17 089 01 6 240 50 6 37 17 090 01 8 Assort e d s anding sheet set For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Aluminum oxide abrasive and full synt het ic resin bonding guarant ees high performance . 50 s anding sheet s (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180, 240), unperforat ed , wit h H&L. Part Number 6 37 17 082 03 3 St one Polishing Set Univers ally suit able for s anding st one and st one product s . Consist ing of: 40 un - perforat ed s anding sheet s , 5 each of grit s 40, 80, 120, 220, 320, 400, 600, 800; 1 st andard unperforat ed backing pad , 1 plast ic backing pad , 1 felt polishing pad . Part Number 6 38 06 129 06 7 Sanding sheet s “st one” Specifically for coarse and fine s anding of nat ural and art ificial st one . Unperforat ed wit h H&L, fully synt het ic resin bonded , high s anding capacit y, dry s anding , silicon carbide . Grit Qt y Pcs Part Number 40 50 6 37 17 120 01 4 80 50 6 37 17 121 01 3 120 50 6 37 17 122 01 6 220 50 6 37 17 123 01 0 320 50 6 37 17 124 01 8 400 50 6 37 17 125 01 2 600 50 6 37 17 175 01 7 800 50 6 37 17 176 01 0 Dust ext rac t ion set For all s anding and rasping work wit h t riangular s anding pad and carbide rasp . Incl . 2 s anding pads , perforat ed ; 15 perforat ed s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120); 1 ext ract or hood wit h suct ion t ube ; 2 hose nozzles for hose connect ion Ø 1-1/16 in and 1-1/4 in plus 2 adapt ers for connect ion t o t he most common dust ext ract ors . Part Number 9 26 02 074 01 4 Perforat e d bac k ing pad set For s anding wit h dust collect ion . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 136 02 9 Sanding sheet s , perforat e d For s anding wit h dust collect ion . For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Alu - minum oxide abrasive and full synt het ic resin bonding guarant ee high perfor - mance . Grit range from 36 t o 240. Grit Qt y Pcs Part Number 36 5 6 37 17 107 04 9 40 5 6 37 17 108 04 7 60 5 6 37 17 109 04 1 80 5 6 37 17 110 04 3 100 5 6 37 17 111 04 2 120 5 6 37 17 112 04 5 150 5 6 37 17 113 04 9 180 5 6 37 17 114 04 7 220 5 6 37 17 115 04 1 240 5 6 37 17 116 04 4 36 50 6 37 17 107 01 1 40 50 6 37 17 108 01 9 60 50 6 37 17 109 01 3 80 50 6 37 17 110 01 5 100 50 6 37 17 111 01 4 120 50 6 37 17 112 01 7 150 50 6 37 17 113 01 1 180 50 6 37 17 114 01 9 220 50 6 37 17 115 01 3 240 50 6 37 17 116 01 6 Assort e d s anding sheet set 50 s anding sheet s , perforat ed wit h H&L, corundum (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180 and 240). Part Number 6 37 17 109 03 5 F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during work - shop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” C arbide rasp, t riang ular For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . Suit able for use wit h or wit hout dust collect ion . St andard version , 3-1/8 in edge lengt h . Part Number 6 37 31 001 01 4 Large version for especially fast work progress and effect ive processing of several square met ers , edge lengt h 4-5/16 in . Part Number 6 37 31 005 01 0 C arbide rasp, fing er - shape d For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . The finger shape , coat ed on bot h sides , is part icularly suit able for art ist ic work . Part Number 6 37 31 002 01 7 Ac c e ssory Set Int erior Const ruc - t ion Ext ension t o Professional- Set Int erior Const ruct ion consist ing of: 1 H SS -s aw blade Wood (t ype 153); 4 e-Cut Long Life s aw blades (t ypes 162, 163, 164, 165); 4 e-Cut Precision-s aw blades (t ypes 119, 120, 121, 122); 2 e-Cut Univers al-s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148); 1 dept h st op; 1 backing pad ; 5 each abra - sive sheet s grit s 80, 120, 180; 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing pieces . Part Number 6 39 03 167 66 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut ConstruCtion O s c i l l a t i n g 18 3 Ac c e ssory Set Window Repair/ Replac ement Ext ension t o Professional- Set Window Repair/ Replacement consist ing of: 1 H SS s aw blade , offset (t ype 137); 1 H SS s aw blade , wood (t ype 153); 1 e-Cut Long Life s aw blade (t ype 163); 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148); 1 segment s aw blade (t ype 166); 1 mushroom-shaped cut t ing blade (t ype 128); 1 dept h st op; 1 backing pad ; 5 each abrasive sheet s , grit s 80, 120, 180; 1 adapt er and 2 mount ing pieces . Part Number 6 39 03 167 67 0 Cut t er blade Hooked blades for cut t ing out planked deck caulk mat erials rapidly and s afely. Ideal for problem locat ions such as cabin st ruct ures , rails , gunwales , cleat s and curves . 2-pack Blade widt h in Part Number 1/8 6 39 03 183 01 9 5/32 6 39 03 184 01 7 5/16 6 39 03 185 01 1 1/4 6 39 03 186 01 4 Felt polishing pad set For polishing met al part s , such as door and furnit ure fit t ings made of brass as well as for polishing and decorat ive polishing of st one and st one product s . Gelcoat layers on boat s can also be polished . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 140 02 7 Mat erial-specific polishing product s are available from specialized dealers . Ac c e ssorie s for Tile/ Bat hroom Renovat ion , He at ing/Plumbing Inst allat ion Cut t er blade Mushroom shaped , for cut t ing elast ic silicon or acrylic connect ing joint s as well as for separat ion of insulat ing glass . 5-pack Part Number 6 39 03 128 01 2 Adapt er for F E I N superCut wit h Quic kI N Required for fit t ing accessories wit h 8-st ar mount ing (e .g . for rasping , s anding , and polishing ). Part Number 6 37 33 005 01 0 Dust ext rac t ion set For all s anding and rasping work wit h t riangular s anding pad and carbide rasp . Incl . 2 s anding pads , perforat ed ; 15 per- forat ed s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 60, 80, 120); 1 ext ract or hood wit h suct ion t ube ; 2 hose nozzles for hose connect ion Ø 1-1/16 in and 1-1/4 in plus 2 adapt ers for connect ion t o t he most common dust ext ract ors . Part Number 9 26 02 074 01 4 F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during work - shop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” Seg ment blade Diamond-coat ed , for corners and for working wit hout overcut t ing . Cut t ing line approx. 3/32 in , st andard design for all marble , epoxy resins and cement mort ar. Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 39 03 162 01 7 5 6 39 03 162 03 0 Cut t ing line approx. 1/32 in , for ext remely t hin marble joint s . Cut t ing dept h max. 3/8 in . Not suit ed for epoxy resin . Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 39 03 196 01 3 5 6 39 03 196 02 0 Diamond s aw blade Cut t ing line approx. 3/32 in , st andard design for all marble , epoxy resins and cement mort ar. Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 115 01 1 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 115 03 0 4-1/8 1 6 35 02 167 01 0 4-1/8 5 6 35 02 167 02 0 Cut t ing line approx. 1/32 in , for ext remely t hin marbleized mort ar. Not suit ed for epoxy resin and cement mort ar. Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 116 01 4 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 116 02 0 4-1/8 1 6 35 02 168 01 0 4-1/8 5 6 35 02 168 02 0 Seg ment blade s , t ung st en c arbide c oat e d The cost is lower and t he service life short er, compared wit h t he diamond version . For corners , radii and working wit hout over cut s . Kerf approx. 1/16 in for all marble and epoxy resin t ile grout s . Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 39 03 225 01 0 5 6 39 03 225 02 0 25 6 39 03 225 03 0 For corners , radii and working wit hout over cut s . Ext ra t hin version . Kerf ap - prox. 1/32 in , maximum dept h of cut 3/8 in . Not suit able for very hard epoxy or pozzolan mort ar grout s . Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 39 03 224 01 0 5 6 39 03 224 02 0 25 6 39 03 224 03 0 C arbide s aw blade The cost is lower and t he service life short er, compared wit h t he diamond version . Recessed , kerf approx. 3/32 in , st andard for all marble , epoxy resin and pozzolan mort ar grout s . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 156 01 0 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 156 02 0 3-1/8 25 6 35 02 156 03 0 4-1/8 1 6 35 02 172 01 0 4-1/8 5 6 35 02 172 02 0 Ext ra t hin version , kerf approx. 1/32 in , not suit able for very hard epoxy or pozzolan mort ar grout s . Also suit able for reworking planked deck sealant s . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 155 01 0 3-1/8 5 6 35 02 155 02 0 3-1/8 25 6 35 02 155 03 0 4-1/8 1 6 35 02 173 01 0 4-1/8 5 6 35 02 173 02 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut ConstruCtion 18 4 C arbide rasp, t riang ular For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . Suit able for use wit h or wit hout dust collect ion . St andard version , 3-1/8 in edge lengt h . Part Number 6 37 31 001 01 4 Large version for especially fast work progress and effect ive processing of several square met ers , edge lengt h 4-5/16 in . Part Number 6 37 31 005 01 0 C arbide rasp, fing er - shape d For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . The finger shape , coat ed on bot h sides , is part icularly suit able for art ist ic work . Part Number 6 37 31 002 01 7 Rig id sc raper blade For removal of floor coverings and coat ings , such as wat erproofing , adhesive residue , et c . Lengt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2 2 6 39 03 206 01 8 2-11/16 2 6 39 03 227 01 0 Cut t er blade St raight shape . Univers al blade for removal of almost all expansion joint s . 5-pack . Part Number 6 39 03 117 01 5 Elong at ed point ed blade for very deep joint s , 5-pack . Part Number 6 39 03 116 01 1 Seg ment blade For V-cut s and for cut s in corners , 2-pack . Blade lengt h Overall lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/16 2-7/8 6 39 03 132 01 0 Re c e ss t ool For cut t ing of 1/2 x 1/4 in grooves in rig id foam panels for elect rical inst al - lat ion and wall or under-floor heat ing . 2-pack . Widt h Cut t ing Cut t ing widt h dept h in in in Part Number 2 1/2 1/4 6 39 03 223 01 0 For cut t ing grooves in rig id foam panels for elect rical cables up t o 15/32 in dia . 2-pack . Widt h Immersion dia . in in Part Number 2 15/32 6 39 03 222 01 0 For cut t ing grooves in rig id foam panels for wat er pipes and conduit for elect rical inst allat ions . 2-pack . Widt h Immersion dia . in in Part Number 2 7/8 6 39 03 221 01 0 Blade for 90° grooves for bending Schlüt er Kerdi-Boards ® . Cut t ing dept h in Part Number 1-1/2 6 39 03 228 01 0 1-1/8 6 39 03 229 01 0 3/4 6 39 03 230 01 0 1/2 6 39 03 231 01 0 Dust ext rac t ion devic e For jobs wit h diamond-coat ed t ools ; t ool-free mount . Suct ion hose at t ach - ment Ø 1-1/4 in . Part Number 9 26 02 084 01 0 Bow- Handle To reduce t he vibrat ions and for bet t er handling of t he F E I N superCut during longer jobs . C an be used wit h t he dust ext ract ion device 9 26 02 084 01 0. Part Number 3 21 19 116 01 1 Cle aning bloc k Rhombus block for cleaning carbide- t ipped and diamond-coat ed accessories . Part Number 6 37 19 007 01 0 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair . Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Ac c e ssory Set Tile/ Bat hroom Renovat ion Subsequent order t o Professional Set Tile/ B at hroom renovat ion . Set includes : 1 diamond segment blade (t ype 162); 1 t ungst en-carbide segment blade (t hin ), (t ype 224); 1 mushroom-shaped blade (t ype 128); 1 rig id scraper; 2 carbide rasps ; 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blades (t ypes 147, 148); 1 adapt er and 1 mount ing bolt . Part Number 6 39 03 167 58 0 Ac c e ssory Set He at ing/Plumbing Inst allat ion Replacement supplies for t he Profes - sional Set Heat ing/Plumbing Inst allat ion . Set includes : 1 diamond segment blade (Type 162); 3 groove cut t ing blades (12 mm, 13 mm, 22 mm); 1 st raight blade (Type 116); 2 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade (Types 147, 148); 1 rig id scraper; 1 carbide rasp; 1 adapt er and 2 mount - ing bolt s . Part Number 6 39 03 167 59 0 Ac c e ssorie s for Se alant repairs Cut t er blade St raight shape . Univers al blade for removal of almost all expansion joint s . 5-pack . Part Number 6 39 03 117 01 5 Elong at ed point ed blade for very deep joint s , 5-pack . Part Number 6 39 03 116 01 1 Seg ment blade For V-cut s and for cut s in corners , 2-pack . Blade lengt h Overall lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/16 2-7/8 6 39 03 132 01 0 Dust ext rac t ion devic e For jobs wit h diamond-coat ed t ools ; t ool-free mount . Suct ion hose at t ach - ment Ø 1-1/4 in . Part Number 9 26 02 084 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut ConstruCtion O s c i l l a t i n g 18 5 Bow- Handle To reduce t he vibrat ions and for bet t er handling of t he F E I N superCut during longer jobs . C an be used wit h t he dust ext ract ion device 9 26 02 084 01 0. Part Number 3 21 19 116 01 1 Cle aning bloc k Rhombus block for cleaning carbide- t ipped and diamond-coat ed accessories . Part Number 6 37 19 007 01 0 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair . Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Cle aning blade St raight , diamond-coat ed , for cleaning mort ar flanks before refilling . Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 39 03 161 01 4 5 6 39 03 161 03 0 Marine ac c e ssorie s e-Cut Pre c ision s aw blade s Double-row orig inal Japanese t eet h , for t op-precision cut s and clean cut t ing edges even freely by hand , flush cut . Lengt h 2 in , t ype 119 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 119 01 0 1-3/8 5 6 35 02 119 04 8 1-3/8 25 6 35 02 119 03 2 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 122 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 122 01 4 2-9/16 5 6 35 02 122 04 2 2-9/16 25 6 35 02 122 03 6 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade s Bi-met al t eet h , recessed , high speed cut s , sheet met al (56,000 lbf/in²) up t o about 14 g auge , aluminum profiles , copper pipes , wood , drywall and almost all plast ics , flush cut . Lengt h 2-3/8 in , t ype 147 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-1/8 1 6 35 02 147 01 5 1-1/8 5 6 35 02 147 02 1 1-1/8 25 6 35 02 147 03 7 Lengt h 2-3/8 in , t ype 148 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/4 1 6 35 02 148 01 3 1-3/4 5 6 35 02 148 02 9 1-3/4 25 6 35 02 148 03 5 e-Cut long - life s aw blade s Bi-met al t eet h , offset , high cut t ing speed . Ext remely Dura ble and robust . For hardwood , soft wood and all ot her wood mat erials - even wit h nails . Also very suit able for plast ics and drywall . Lengt h 3-1/16 in , t ype 162 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-1/4 1 6 35 02 162 01 0 1-1/4 5 6 35 02 162 02 0 1-1/4 25 6 35 02 162 03 0 Lengt h 3-1/16 in , t ype 163 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-5/8 1 6 35 02 163 01 0 1-5/8 5 6 35 02 163 02 0 1-5/8 25 6 35 02 163 03 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 164 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 1-3/8 1 6 35 02 164 01 0 1-3/8 5 6 35 02 164 02 0 1-3/8 25 6 35 02 164 03 0 Lengt h 2 in , t ype 165 Widt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-9/16 1 6 35 02 165 01 0 2-9/16 5 6 35 02 165 02 0 2-9/16 25 6 35 02 165 03 0 M-Cut s aw blade For cut s , cut -out s , and grooves in sheet met al , plast ics , fiberglass , and carbon fiber-reinforced plast ic , 2-pack . Wide Widt h Lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/16 2 6 35 02 138 01 4 Narrow Widt h Lengt h in in Part Number 3/8 2 6 35 02 158 01 0 Saw blade s H SS , wit h fine t eet h for precise cut s . Univers al use on sheet met al up t o approx. 19 g auge , including double t hicknesses , and plast ics . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2-1/2 2 6 35 02 102 01 6 3-1/8 2 6 35 02 103 01 0 H SS , offset , recessed clamping screw for flush cut s . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-3/8 1 6 35 02 145 01 8 3-15/16 1 6 35 02 137 01 6 H S S s aw blade for wood Ideal for long st raight cut s and cut -out s in exist ing wood or laminat e flooring . Wit hout dept h st op . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 4 1 6 35 02 153 01 0 Set version wit h dept h st op Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 4 1 3 26 07 062 04 0 Sanding sheet s Unperforat ed , wit h H&L. For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Grit Qt y Pcs Part Number 36 5 6 37 17 086 04 8 40 5 6 37 17 081 04 6 60 5 6 37 17 082 04 9 80 5 6 37 17 083 04 3 100 5 6 37 17 084 04 1 120 5 6 37 17 085 04 5 150 5 6 37 17 087 04 2 180 5 6 37 17 088 04 0 220 5 6 37 17 089 04 4 240 5 6 37 17 090 04 6 36 50 6 37 17 086 01 0 40 50 6 37 17 081 01 8 60 50 6 37 17 082 01 1 80 50 6 37 17 083 01 5 100 50 6 37 17 084 01 3 120 50 6 37 17 085 01 7 150 50 6 37 17 087 01 4 180 50 6 37 17 088 01 2 220 50 6 37 17 089 01 6 240 50 6 37 17 090 01 8 Assort e d s anding sheet set For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Aluminum oxide abrasive and full synt het ic resin bonding guarant ees high performance . 50 s anding sheet s (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180, 240), unperforat ed , wit h H&L. Part Number 6 37 17 082 03 3 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut ConstruCtion 18 6 Perforat e d bac k ing pad set For s anding wit h dust collect ion . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 136 02 9 Sanding sheet s , perforat e d For s anding wit h dust collect ion . For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Alu - minum oxide abrasive and full synt het ic resin bonding guarant ee high perfor - mance . Grit range from 36 t o 240. Grit Qt y Pcs Part Number 36 5 6 37 17 107 04 9 40 5 6 37 17 108 04 7 60 5 6 37 17 109 04 1 80 5 6 37 17 110 04 3 100 5 6 37 17 111 04 2 120 5 6 37 17 112 04 5 150 5 6 37 17 113 04 9 180 5 6 37 17 114 04 7 220 5 6 37 17 115 04 1 240 5 6 37 17 116 04 4 36 50 6 37 17 107 01 1 40 50 6 37 17 108 01 9 60 50 6 37 17 109 01 3 80 50 6 37 17 110 01 5 100 50 6 37 17 111 01 4 120 50 6 37 17 112 01 7 150 50 6 37 17 113 01 1 180 50 6 37 17 114 01 9 220 50 6 37 17 115 01 3 240 50 6 37 17 116 01 6 Assort e d s anding sheet set 50 s anding sheet s , perforat ed wit h H&L, corundum (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180 and 240). Part Number 6 37 17 109 03 5 F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during work - shop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” C arbide s aw blade The cost is lower and t he service life short er, compared wit h t he diamond version . Ext ra t hin version , kerf approx. 1/32 in , not suit able for very hard epoxy or pozzolan mort ar grout s . Also suit able for reworking planked deck sealant s . Dia . Qt y in Pcs Part Number 3-1/8 1 6 35 02 155 01 0 C arbide rasp, t riang ular For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . Suit able for use wit h or wit hout dust collect ion . St andard version , 3-1/8 in edge lengt h . Part Number 6 37 31 001 01 4 Large version for especially fast work progress and effect ive processing of several square met ers , edge lengt h 4-5/16 in . Part Number 6 37 31 005 01 0 C arbide rasp, fing er - shape d For coarse s anding of fillers , t ile adhe - sive , concret e , st one and wood . The finger shape , coat ed on bot h sides , is part icularly suit able for art ist ic work . Part Number 6 37 31 002 01 7 Rig id sc raper blade For removal of floor coverings and coat ings , such as wat erproofing , adhesive residue , et c . Lengt h Qt y in Pcs Part Number 2 2 6 39 03 206 01 8 2-11/16 2 6 39 03 227 01 0 C arbide file For deburring and filing cut -out s in fiberglass , CF RP, plast ics and wood , lengt h 2 in . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 37 06 018 01 0 Cut t er blade Hooked blades for cut t ing out planked deck caulk mat erials rapidly and s afely. Ideal for problem locat ions such as cabin st ruct ures , rails , gunwales , cleat s and curves . 2-pack Blade widt h in Part Number 1/8 6 39 03 183 01 9 5/32 6 39 03 184 01 7 5/16 6 39 03 185 01 1 1/4 6 39 03 186 01 4 Bac k ing pad set , plast ic Wit h a plast ic base plat e t o avoid marks . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 153 02 2 Profile Sanding Set Consist ing of 1 holder and 6 different profile insert s : 1 V-shape for 90˚ angles , 1 t rapezoidal shape for t ongue and groove joint s , 1 for st raight profiles , 1 convex shape (large ), 1 convex shape (small ), 1 concave shape (small ) t oget her wit h 15 s anding sheet s (5 each of grit s 80, 120, 180). Part Number 6 38 06 183 01 3 Sandpaper for Profile Sanding Set For almost all mat erials , e .g . wood , met al , paint and plast ics . Grit Qt y Pcs Part Number 80 25 6 37 17 217 01 6 120 25 6 37 17 218 01 4 180 25 6 37 17 219 01 8 Brist le flee c e Brist le fleece for cleaning boat decks or cleaning/polishing ant i-slip st ruct ures . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 37 23 031 01 0 Felt polishing pad set For polishing met al part s , such as door and furnit ure fit t ings made of brass as well as for polishing and decorat ive polishing of st one and st one product s . Gelcoat layers on boat s can also be polished . Mat erial-specific polishing product s are available from specialized dealers . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 140 02 7 AF S C 18 ac c e ssorie s Re c harg e able bat t ery Li-ion bat t ery, 18 volt , 2.4 Ah wit h charge indicat or . Part Number 9 26 04 128 02 0 ALG 30 c harg er R apid charger for F E I N NiC ad and Li-ion bat t eries . Part Number 9 26 04 101 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut ConstruCtion O s c i l l a t i n g 18 7 F E I N superCut autoMotive For highest per formance in glass removal and in the automotive body shop : F E I N superCut autoMotive . As one of t he int ernat ionally most successful power t ools for cut t ing out bonded aut o glass , t he F E I N superCut autoMotive , t he powerful syst em for aut omot ive repair, leaves pract ically no requirement wit hin t he indust ry unfulfilled . For cost -effect ive use , carefully select ed kit s are available for aut o glass , vehicle repair and indust rial specializat ions . The F E I N superCut autoMotive is suit able for almost all vehicle t ypes and is recommended by leading aut omobile manufact urers . The easy-t o-handle F E I N glass removal syst em offers considerable advant ages : t he Orig inal F E I N cut t ing blades guarant ee except ional ease-of-use , long service life , and cost -effect iveness . F E I N’s many years of experience provide a high level of confidence concerning glass and paint work damage . In addit ion , t he F E I N superCut autoMotive can be used for s anding , s awing , cut t ing and polishing , for professional result s in t he aut o - mot ive shop . 18 8 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive Cordle ss F E I N superCut autoMotive Cordless Cordless oscillating tool F E I N Professional - Set Auto Glass The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for t he quick and s afe removal of aut o glass . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 02 56 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 3 L-shaped cut t ing blades , serrat ed (t ype 207), 2 L-shaped cut t ing blades , t oot hed (t ype 208), 1 L-shaped cut t ing blade , serrat ed (t ype 209), 2 U -shaped cut t ing blades , reinforced model (t ypes 157 and 111), 2 U -shaped cut t ing blades , reinforced model , serrat ed (t ype 212), 1 st raight cut t ing blade , offset , wit h adjust able roller st op (t ype 143), 1 st raight cut t ing blade , offset , serrat ed (t ype 081), 1 prot ect ive cover for accessory changes , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High-performance superCut Cordless , specifically for use in t he aut o glass indust ry.  Complet e Set in a high-qualit y carrying case wit h t he most import ant accessories for removal of t he most common vehicle windshields .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine .  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer.  Long service life of t he cut t ing blades .  Increased s afet y wit h L-shaped blades .  Addit ional cut t ing blades can be found in t he accessory program.  Includes a t raining DVD. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 18 9 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive Cordle ss F E I N superCut autoMotive Cordless Cordless oscillating tool A F S C 18 The powerful cordless oscillat ing t ool wit h rapid-clamping syst em for t he aut omot ive indust ry. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AF S C 18 B at t ery volt age V 18 B at t ery capacit y Ah 2.4 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.4 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 136 02 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut AF S C 18 Cordless in a plast ic carrying case , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 1 prot ect ive cover for accessory changes , 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 charger Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Performance capabilit y ident ical t o a corded machine . Offers maximum work progress t o pro - fessionals in many t rades .  High-performance 18 Volt Li-ion bat t eries wit h charge indicat or.  High-t ech Li-ion bat t ery t echnolog y wit h monit oring of individual cells .  R apid charger wit h 25-30 min . charge durat ion for cont inuous work wit hout int errupt ion .  All F E I N superCut accessories can be used .  Convenient QuickI N rapid-clamping syst em  Out st anding F E I N qualit y and st urdiness .  Designed for cont inuous use and heavy loading .  Fact ory recommendat ion of leading aut o makers .  Variable speed cont rol .  Hexagonal accessory mount for opt imal t orque t ransfer.  Includes a t raining DVD. Measurement in millimet ers 19 0 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive F E I N superCut autoMotive Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Automotive Workshop The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for vers at ile use in t he aut omot ive workshop . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 1.6 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 42 55 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut F S C 1.6 Q in a plast ic carrying case , 2 U -shaped cut t er blades , short arm (t ype 076), 2 U -shaped cut t er blades , short arm (1 x t ype 079 and 1 x t ype 101), 2 L-shaped cut t ing blades , serrat ed (t ype 207), 1 L-shaped cut t ing blade , serrat ed (t ype 208), 1 U -shaped cut t er blade , heavy dut y version (t ype 157), 1 st raight cut t ing blade , offset , wit h adjust able roller st op (t ype 143), 1 shovel-shaped scraping blade wit h scrat ch-prevent ive coat ing (t ype 129), 1 H SS s aw blade 3-1/8 in dia ., 1 prot ect ive cover for accessory changes , 1 rig id scraper blade for removal of under-body prot ect ion , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 1 Training DVD Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  C arefully select ed st art er set for t he removal of windshields , side and rear windows .  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Increased s afet y wit h L-shaped blades .  Addit ional cut t ing blades can be found in t he acces - sory program.  Includes a t raining DVD. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 19 1 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive F E I N superCut autoMotive Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Auto Glass The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for t he quick and s afe removal of aut o glass . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 1.6 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 42 56 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut F S C 1.6 Q in a plast ic carrying case , 3 L-shaped cut t ing blades , serrat ed (t ype 207), 2 L-shaped cut t ing blades , t oot hed (t ype 208), 1 L-shaped cut t ing blade , serrat ed (t ype 209), 2 U -shaped cut t ing blades , reinforced model (t ypes 157 and 111), 2 U -shaped cut t ing blades , reinforced model , serrat ed (t ype 212), 1 st raight cut t ing blade , offset , wit h adjust able roller st op (t ype 143), 1 st raight cut t ing blade , offset , serrat ed (t ype 081), 1 prot ect ive cover for accessory changes , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 1 Training DVD Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  C arefully select ed set for removal of t he most popular t ypes of aut oglass .  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Long service life of t he cut t ing blades .  Increased s afet y wit h L-shaped blades .  Addit ional cut t ing blades can be found in t he accessory program.  Includes a t raining DVD.  230 V only. Measurement in millimet ers 19 2 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive F E I N superCut autoMotive Oscillator – 400 W F E I N Professional - Set Commercial Vehicle The high-performance syst em for aut omot ive repair, specially equipped wit h accessories for quick and professional removal of bonded windows on busses , t rucks , and rail vehicles . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 1.6 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 42 57 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut F S C 1.6 Q in a plast ic carrying case , 2 st raight cut t ing blades , serrat ed (t ype 073), 2 st raight cut t er blade , Z -bend , serrat ed (t ype 081), 1 hook-shaped blade , serrat ed (t ype 127), 1 curved cut t ing blade , offset (t ype 072), 2 L-shaped cut t ing blades , serrat ed (t ype 207), 1 L-shaped cut t ing blade , serrat ed (t ype 209), 1 U -shaped cut t er blade , serrat ed (t ype 212), 1 shovel-shaped scraping blade , wit h scrat ch-prevent ive coat ing (t ype 105), 1 pull cable , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 1 prot ect ive cover for accessory changes , 1 Training DVD Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  C arefully select ed Glass Removal Set for ext reme cut t ing demands .  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Long service life of t he cut t ing blades .  Serrat ed cut t ing blades especially for high-modular P U R adhesives .  Addit ional cut t ing blades can be found in t he accessory program.  Includes a t raining DVD.  230 V only. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 19 3 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive F E I N superCut autoMotive Oscillator – 400 W F S C 1.6 Q The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool wit h rapid change syst em for t he aut omot ive indust ry. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 1.6 Q Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000-18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.8 Chuck QuickI N Part Number 7 236 42 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut F S C 1.6 Q in a plast ic carrying case , 1 prot ect ive cover for accessory changes , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 1 Training DVD Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideal for removal of uret hane bonded glass and aut omot ive repair.  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Convenient , t ool-free accessory change , using t he QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Fact ory recommendat ion of leading aut o makers .  Variable speed cont rol .  Hexagonal t ool mount wit h decisive power connect ion bet ween machine and t ool .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Includes a t raining DVD. Measurement in millimet ers 19 4 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive F E I N superCut autoMotive Oscillator – 400 W F S C 1.6 The high-performance oscillat ing power t ool for t he aut omot ive indust ry. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model F S C 1.6 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 400 Power out put Wat t s 220 Oscillat ions rpm 11,000–18,500 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.9 Part Number 7 236 31 50 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut F S C 1.6, 1 t ool case , 1 whet st one (6 37 19 010 01 4), 1 mount ing bolt (3 30 01 039 01 7), 1 wrench , 1 Training DVD Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideal for removal of uret hane bonded glass and aut omot ive repair.  Highest qualit y and st abilit y due t o t he use of ball and needle bearings t oget her wit h a mot or and gearbox designed for cont inuous use and heavy loads .  Large select ion of accessories for cut t ing , s awing , s anding and scraping .  Fact ory recommendat ion of leading aut o makers .  Variable speed cont rol .  Hexagonal t ool mount wit h decisive power connect ion bet ween machine and t ool .  F E I N high-performance mot or.  C arbon brushes wit h aut omat ic swit ch-off funct ion .  Includes a t raining DVD. Measurement in millimet ers O s c i l l a t i n g 19 5 For accessories , see page 196–199 F E I N superCut autoMotive F E I N superCut autoMotive Oscillator – pneumatic M Otlx 6-25 Powerful F E I N pneumat ic superCut for indust rial use . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model M Ot lx 6-25 Operat ing pressure psi 87 Air consumpt ion cfm 23.3 Oscillat ions rpm 20,000 Hose size Ø in 5/16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 2.0 Part Number 7 536 03 Pric e inc lude s 1 F E I N superCut pneumat ic M Ot lx 6-25, 1 t ool case , 2 wrenches Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideal for removal of uret hane bonded glass in cars , t rucks , buses and railroad cars .  Available wit h a comprehensive range of accesso - ries for professional use in many indust rial sect ors .  Powerful oscillat ion mot ion (2x 1.6° range ) for maximum work progress .  No air leaks , no oil mist ing in working area .  Small dimensions .  Hexagonal mount .  Includes supply and vent hoses . Measurement in millimet ers 19 6 General Ac c e ssorie s Prot e c t ive c over For secure t ool changes on t he superCut wit h QuickI N when opening and closing t he locking lever. Part Number 3 21 74 011 00 0 Sharpening st one For sharpening t he blade before use t o obt ain t he best cut . Part Number 6 37 19 010 01 4 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair . Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Aut omot ive work shop ac c e ssorie s Removal devic e For dismant ling rear and side glass panes wit hout damag ing t he vulcanized sealing lip . Consist ing of: 1 sliding guide and 2 cut t er blades (t ypes 197 and 113). Part Number 9 06 07 003 01 3 St raig ht c ut t ing blade Curved , Z -bend , as subsequent order for removal device 9 06 07 001 01 6, 2-pack . Part Number 6 39 03 197 01 7 Saw blade s H SS , wit h fine t eet h for precise cut s . Univers al use on sheet met al up t o approx. 19 g auge , including double t hicknesses , and plast ics . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 2-1/2 2 6 35 02 102 01 6 3-1/8 2 6 35 02 103 01 0 H SS , offset , recessed clamping screw for flush cut s . Dia . Qt y in pcs Part Number 3-3/8 1 6 35 02 145 01 8 3-15/16 1 6 35 02 137 01 6 M-Cut s aw blade For cut s , cut -out s , and grooves in sheet met al , plast ics , fiberglass , and carbon fiber-reinforced plast ic , 2-pack . Wide Widt h Lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/16 2 6 35 02 138 01 4 Narrow Widt h Lengt h in in Part Number 3/8 2 6 35 02 158 01 0 C arbide file For deburring and filing cut -out s in fiberglass , CF RP, plast ics and wood , lengt h 2 in . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 37 06 018 01 0 e-Cut Univers al s aw blade s Bi-met al t eet h , recessed , high speed cut s , sheet met al (56,000 lbf/in²) up t o about 14 g auge , aluminum profiles , copper pipes , wood , drywall and almost all plast ics , flush cut . Lengt h 2-3/8 in , t ype 147 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-1/8 1 6 35 02 147 01 5 1-1/8 5 6 35 02 147 02 1 Lengt h 2-3/8 in , t ype 148 Widt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 1-3/4 1 6 35 02 148 01 3 1-3/4 5 6 35 02 148 02 9 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 St raig ht c ut t ing blade Suit able for rounded grooves in plast ics . Serrat ed , 2-pack . Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-1/2 2-3/16 6 39 03 073 01 1 Suit able for removal of at t ached aut o body part s . Z -bend , serrat ed , 2-pack . Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 2-1/4 4-3/4 6 39 03 081 01 3 Rig id sc raper blade For removal of floor coverings and coat ings , such as wat erproofing , adhesive residue , et c . Lengt h Qt y in pcs Part Number 2 2 6 39 03 206 01 8 2-11/16 2 6 39 03 227 01 0 Adapt er for F E I N superCut wit hout Quic kI N Required for fit t ing accessories wit h 8-st ar mount ing (e .g . for rasping , s and - ing , and polishing ). Part Number 3 06 05 114 01 1 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut autoMotive O s c i l l a t i n g 19 7 Adapt er for F E I N superCut wit h Quic kI N Required for fit t ing accessories wit h 8-st ar mount ing (e .g . for rasping , s anding , and polishing ). Part Number 6 37 33 005 01 0 Bac k ing pad set , unperforat e d For s anding wit hout dust ext ract ion . Qt y pcs Part Number 2 6 38 06 129 02 6 Assort e d s anding sheet set For univers al use on almost all surfaces . Aluminum oxide abrasive and full synt het ic resin bonding guarant ees high performance . 50 s anding sheet s (10 each of grit s 60, 80, 120, 180, 240), unperforat ed , wit h H&L. Part Number 6 37 17 082 03 3 F E I N offers an ext ensive select ion of s andpapers . Det ailed informat ion is available from your F E I N dealer. Cut t er blade Mushroom shaped , for cut t ing elast ic silicon or acrylic connect ing joint s as well as for separat ion of insulat ing glass . 5-pack Part Number 6 39 03 128 01 2 Ac c e ssorie s for t he removal of re sidual adhe sive be ads Sc raper k nife Spade-shaped , wit h scrat ch-prot ect ive coat ing , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1/2 2 -1/2 6 39 03 129 05 0 11/16 2-9/16 6 39 03 146 01 8 1 2-1/2 6 39 03 105 01 9 Wit h cross cut t er and scrat ch-prot ect ive coat ing on front limit st op , 2-pack Widt h of cut in Part Number 1/2 6 39 03 113 01 6 1 6 39 03 131 01 7 Wit h cross cut t er, 2-pack Widt h of cut in Part Number 1/2 6 39 03 144 01 1 Sc raper k nife set Consist ing of: 1 of each spade-shaped scraper knife , wit h scrat ch-prot ect ive coat ing (form 129/105). Part Number 6 39 03 129 01 6 Consist ing of: 1 of each scraper knife wit h cross cut t er and scrat ch-prot ect ive coat ing on front limit st op (form 113/131). Part Number 6 39 03 113 02 2 Aut o g lass ac c e ssorie s U - shape d c ut t ing blade Ideal for glass removal from behind t he hood . Short side , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 3/8 6 39 03 083 01 0 5/8 6 39 03 095 01 1 5/8 6 39 03 108 01 4 11/16 6 39 03 087 01 9 3/4 6 39 03 118 01 3 7/8 6 39 03 115 01 8 15/16 6 39 03 076 01 6 1-1/8 6 39 03 163 01 1 1-1/4 6 39 03 147 01 2 1-7/16 6 39 03 079 01 2 1-9/16 6 39 03 110 01 0 2-3/8 6 39 03 101 01 0 2-3/4 6 39 03 155 01 4 Long side , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 11/16 6 39 03 127 01 4 1-1/2 6 39 03 114 01 4 1-1/2 6 39 03 191 01 1 1-3/4 6 39 03 154 01 0 2-1/16 6 39 03 153 01 2 2-3/8 6 39 03 107 01 6 Reinforced design , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 2-3/4 6 39 03 157 01 1 3-3/4 6 39 03 111 01 9 Reinforced design , serrat ed , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 3/4 6 39 03 210 01 6 1 6 39 03 211 01 5 1-1/2 6 39 03 212 01 8 L - shape d c ut t ing blade Serrat ed , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 3/4 6 39 03 208 01 0 1 6 39 03 207 01 2 1-1/2 6 39 03 209 01 4 St raig ht c ut t ing blade 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1 2-3/16 6 39 03 121 01 8 1-9/16 3-9/16 6 39 03 176 01 5 5-5/16 5-11/16 6 39 03 194 01 6 Z -bend , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 3/4 2-11/16 6 39 03 122 01 1 11/16 3-5/16 6 39 03 181 01 2 7/8 2-9/16 6 39 03 173 01 0 1 2-9/16 6 39 03 124 01 3 1-1/16 3-3/8 6 39 03 174 01 8 1-1/4 4-5/16 6 39 03 123 01 5 2-3/4 4-3/4 6 39 03 171 01 3 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut autoMotive 19 8 Curved , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 9/16 2-9/16 6 39 03 120 01 9 5/8 3 6 39 03 104 01 5 1-3/8 3 6 39 03 103 01 7 1-3/8 3 6 39 03 109 01 8 1-3/8 3 6 39 03 164 01 9 1-3/8 3 6 39 03 172 01 6 Curved , Z -bend , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/4 4-3/4 6 39 03 168 01 8 2-3/4 4-3/4 6 39 03 125 01 7 Z -bend , wit h rig id dept h st op , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 5/8 4-3/4 6 39 03 099 01 0 2-5/16 4-15/16 6 39 03 097 01 8 Z -bend , wit h adjust able dept h st op , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 5/8 - 1-11/16 4 6 39 03 143 01 3 11/16 - 1-9/16 4 6 39 03 170 01 4 13/16 - 1-3/8 4 6 39 03 198 01 5 2-3/8 - 3 4-3/4 6 39 03 169 01 2 Flat , wit h adjust able dept h st op , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-5/8 - 2-3/8 5-11/16 6 39 03 182 01 5 Z -bend , bent wit h rig id dept h st op , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 2-1/8 4-3/4 6 39 03 160 01 5 Curve d c ut t ing blade Z -bend , wit h rig id dept h st op , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 9/16 3-1/8 6 39 03 082 01 6 5/8 3-1/8 6 39 03 133 01 4 1-9/16 3-3/8 6 39 03 152 01 8 Z -bend , wit h adjust able dept h st op , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-1/4 -1-13/16 4-5/16 6 39 03 195 01 0 Commerc ial vehic le ac c e ssorie s L - shape d c ut t ing blade Serrat ed , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 1 6 39 03 207 01 2 1-1/2 6 39 03 209 01 4 St raig ht c ut t ing blade Suit able for rounded grooves in plast ics . Serrat ed , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-1/2 2-3/16 6 39 03 073 01 1 Suit able for removal of at t ached aut o body part s . Z -bend , serrat ed , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 2-1/4 4-3/4 6 39 03 081 01 3 Z -bend , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 2-3/8 4-3/4 6 39 03 216 01 7 Angle cut t er, 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 2-9/16 / 5/16 3-1/2 6 39 03 177 01 9 1-3/8 / 3/4 3-1/2 6 39 03 203 01 3 Curve d c ut t ing blade Z -bend , 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/4 3-1/3 6 39 03 072 01 7 U - shape d c ut t ing blade Wit h elong at ed t raverse , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 1-9/16 6 39 03 156 01 7 Hook shape d Serrat ed , 2-pack Blade lengt h in Part Number 1-1/2 6 39 03 217 01 1 Seg ment blade For V-cut s and for cut s in corners . 2-pack Blade Overall lengt h lengt h in in Part Number 1-3/16 2-7/8 6 39 03 132 01 0 Trac t ion c able Wit h bail handle . Use is recommended when cut t ing out from out side wit h L-shaped or hook-shaped cut t er blade . Easier work and less effort when cut t ing out glass panes from problem spot s on buses , commercial vehicles , t rams and rail vehicles . Part Number 9 26 02 030 01 4 Work g love s Vibrat ion-reducing , cert ified according t o E N 388/420, E N I S O 10819, E E C No . 0200, No . in pack 1 pair. Size Part Number 9 L 3 21 73 003 00 3 10 X L 3 21 73 004 00 1 11 XX L 3 21 73 005 00 5 Bow- Handle To reduce t he vibrat ions and for bet t er handling of t he F E I N superCut during longer jobs . C an be used wit h t he dust ext ract ion device 9 26 02 084 01 0. Part Number 3 21 19 116 01 1 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut autoMotive O s c i l l a t i n g 19 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for F E I N superCut autoMotive Ac c e ssory set s Aut o g lass ac c e ssory k it Set includes : 3 L-shaped cut t er blades , serrat ed (form 207); 2 L-shaped cut t er blades , serrat ed (t ype 208); 1 L-shaped cut t er blade , serrat ed (t ype 209); 2 U -shaped cut t er blades , reinforced design (t ypes 157 and 111); 2 U -shaped cut t er blades , reinforced design , serrat ed (form 212); 1 st raight cut t er blade , Z -bend , wit h adjust able roller st op (t ype 143); 1 st raight cut t er blade , Z -bend , serrat ed (t ype 081). Part Number 6 39 03 167 38 3 Aut omot ive work shop ac c e ssorie s k it Set includes : 2 U -shaped cut t er blades , short leg (t ype 076), 2 U -shaped cut t er blades , short leg (t ypes 079 and 101); 2 L-shaped cut t er blades , serrat ed (t ype 207); 1 L-shaped cut t er blade , serrat ed (t ype 208); 1 U -shaped cut t er blade , reinforced (t ype 157); 1 st raight cut t er blade , Z -bend , wit h adjust able roller st op (t ype 143); 1 spade-shaped scraper blade wit h scrat ch-prevent ive coat ing (t ype 129); 1 scraper; 1 H SS s aw blade (3-1/8 in dia .). Part Number 6 39 03 167 25 7 Ac c e ssory Set Commerc ial Vehic le Consist ing of: 2 st raight cut t er blades , t oot hed (t ype 073); 2 st raight cut t er blades , Z -bend , t oot hed (t ype 081); 1 hook-shaped cut t er blade , t oot hed (t ype 217); 1 curved cut t er blade , Z -bend (t ype 072); 3 L-shaped cut t er blades , t oot hed (2x t ype 207 and 1x t ype 209); 1 U -shaped cut t er blade , t oot hed (t ype 212); 1 shovel-shaped scraper blade wit h scrat ch prevent ion coat ing (t ype 105); 1 pull cable wit h at t achment . Part Number 6 39 03 167 32 0 AF S C 18 ac c e ssorie s Re c harg e able bat t ery Li-ion bat t ery, 18 volt , 2.4 Ah wit h charge indicat or . Part Number 9 26 04 128 02 0 ALG 30 c harg er R apid charger for F E I N NiC ad and Li-ion bat t eries . Part Number 9 26 04 101 01 0 2 0 0 Sheet met al work S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 0 1 Slitting Shears Page 204 Clean , dist ort ion-free cut t ing of sheet met al , profiles and pipes – wit h just one cont inuous chip . Sheet Metal Shears Page 209 The right choice for everyone who values t he highest cut t ing performance in sheet met al and st ainless st eel . Nibblers Page 215 Ext remely vers at ile and curve-compat ible , part icularly suit ed for t rapezoid sheet met al , corrug at ed sheet met al , profiles and curved single rolled sheet s . There are many different kinds of metal and our tools can tell the difference . Corrug at ed and t rapezoid sheet met als , st eel plat es and profiles all require special solut ions . F E I N knows what it t akes t o handle sheet met al – since 1927. From t his long-st anding experience comes a range of product s t hat are unsurpassed in t heir diversit y and professionalism. Compact nibblers are t he most vers at ile t ools wit h unrivalled curve-cut t ing precision . Met al shears combine speed , robust ness and reliabilit y, and slit t ing shears are ideal for cut t ing wit hout chip loss . No mat t er what t heir specialt y, all F E I N met alworking t ools have one t hing in common : t hey are perfect ly designed for t asks you face every day. 2 0 2 Cut s Curve cut s Cut -out s Profiles Spiral-seam pipes Single rolled sheet s Single rolled sheet s – slight ly corrug at ed Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) St rokes (rpm) Cut t ing speed (ft/min ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) St eel 56,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 84,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 112,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Cut t ing widt h (in ) R adius of smallest curve (in ) Immersion dia . (in ) F E I N high-perfor - mance mot or Chip clipper QuickI N B SS 1.6 C Easy-t o-use and curve-compat ible slit t ing shear wit h int egrat ed chip cut t er. 205        350 3,800 20-32 3.1 16 18 21 14 3/16 3-1/2 (1-3/16)¹ 5/8 (5/16)¹   B SS 1.6 Easy-t o-use and curve-compat ible slit t ing shear for dist ort ion-free cut t ing . 206        350 3,800 20-32 3.1 16 18 21 14 3/16 3-1/2 (1-3/16)¹ 5/8 (5/16)¹   B SS 2.0 High-power slit t ing shear for spiral seam pipes and dist ort ion-free cut s . 207      350 2,200 6-13 3.7 14 16 17 11 3/16 9-5/8 1/2 Cut s Curve cut s Single rolled sheet s Single rolled sheet s – slight ly corrug at ed Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) St rokes (rpm) Cut t ing speed (ft/min ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) St eel 56,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 84,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 112,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) R adius of smallest curve (in ) F E I N high-perfor - mance mot or Reversing blade Chip suppressor B LS 1.6 X Easy-t o-use , curve-compat ible sheet met al shear for cut t ing and t rimming t hin sheet s . 210     350 4,000 16.4–26.2 3.5 16 18 19 14 9/16  4 x B LS 2.5 Easy-t o-use , curve-compat ible sheet met al shear for working wit h st ainless st eel . 211     350 1,500 9–19 4.4 12 14 16 11 13/16  4 x B LS 3.5 Univers al sheet met al shear wit h t ool-free set t ing of mat erial t hickness . 212     1,200 1,500 13–16 11.9 10 11 14 8 1-3/16  2 x  B LS 4.2 Powerful sheet met al shear for cut t ing , separat ing and t rimming sheet met al . 213     1,200 750 13–16 11.5 8 11 14 6 1  2 x  Curve cut s Cut -out s Trapezoid sheet met al up t o 3-11/32 in deep channels Corrug at ed sheet met al Profiles Single rolled sheet s Single rolled sheet s – slight ly corrug at ed Trapezoid sheet met al up t o 6-5/16 in deep channels Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) St rokes (rpm) Cut t ing speed (ft/min ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Weight incl . bat t ery (lbs ) St eel 56,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 84,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 112,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Plast ics (g auge ) Cut t ing widt h (in ) Immersion Ø wit h die (in ) R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) (in ) QuickI N Cut t ing direct ion Rot at ing round punch AB LK 1.3 TE Compact , fast cordless nibbler for t rapezoid sheet met als . 216        1,600 6.2 4.6 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  AB LK 1.3 C S E Compact , fast nibbler for corrug at ed sheet met als . 216       1,600 6.2 4.6 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  AB LK 1.6 E Univers al nibbler for t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met al , profiles and cut plat es . 217        1,300 4.9 4.6 16 19 22 13 3/16 7/8 1-3/16 / 1-3/8  8 x 45°  B LK 1.3 TE Compact and rapid nibbler for t rapezoid sheet met als . 218        350 1,800 7.5 4.0 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  B LK 1.3 C S E Compact and rapid nibbler for corrug at ed sheet met als . 218       350 1,800 7.5 3.9 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  B LK 1.6 E Univers al nibbler for sheet s , profiles , t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met al . 219        350 1,500 8.2 4.0 16 19 22 13 3/16 7/8 1-3/16 / 1-3/8  8 x 45°  B LK 1.6 LE Compact nibbler for t rapezoidal sheet met al in roof and facade const ruct ion . 220        350 1,500 8.9 4.2 16 19 22 13 3/16 7/8 1-3/16 / 1-3/8  8 x 45°  B LK 2.0 E Compact nibbler wit h unlimit ed curve compat ibilit y for corners and edges . 221      350 1,000 8.9 4.0 14 17 19 13 12 5/16 11/16 3/16 / 0  8 x 45° B LK 3.5 Powerful nibbler wit h unlimit ed curve-compat ibilit y for grooves and cut -out s . 223      1,200 750 9.2 7.7 10 13 15 10 9/16 1-3/16 1/4 / 0  3 x 90° B LK 5.0 Powerful nibbler for heavy dismant ling and cut t ing applicat ions . 224      1,200 750 9.5 8.4 6 10 12 2 6 1-5/16 1-3/16 3-3/8 / 3-11/16 3 x 90° Sheet met al work Application - oriented diversity : An over view of our product offering . Slit t ing She ars Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Sheet Met al She ars Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Nibblers Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 0 3 Cut s Curve cut s Cut -out s Profiles Spiral-seam pipes Single rolled sheet s Single rolled sheet s – slight ly corrug at ed Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) St rokes (rpm) Cut t ing speed (ft/min ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) St eel 56,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 84,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 112,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Cut t ing widt h (in ) R adius of smallest curve (in ) Immersion dia . (in ) F E I N high-perfor - mance mot or Chip clipper QuickI N B SS 1.6 C Easy-t o-use and curve-compat ible slit t ing shear wit h int egrat ed chip cut t er. 205        350 3,800 20-32 3.1 16 18 21 14 3/16 3-1/2 (1-3/16)¹ 5/8 (5/16)¹   B SS 1.6 Easy-t o-use and curve-compat ible slit t ing shear for dist ort ion-free cut t ing . 206        350 3,800 20-32 3.1 16 18 21 14 3/16 3-1/2 (1-3/16)¹ 5/8 (5/16)¹   B SS 2.0 High-power slit t ing shear for spiral seam pipes and dist ort ion-free cut s . 207      350 2,200 6-13 3.7 14 16 17 11 3/16 9-5/8 1/2 Cut s Curve cut s Single rolled sheet s Single rolled sheet s – slight ly corrug at ed Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) St rokes (rpm) Cut t ing speed (ft/min ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) St eel 56,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 84,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 112,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) R adius of smallest curve (in ) F E I N high-perfor - mance mot or Reversing blade Chip suppressor B LS 1.6 X Easy-t o-use , curve-compat ible sheet met al shear for cut t ing and t rimming t hin sheet s . 210     350 4,000 16.4–26.2 3.5 16 18 19 14 9/16  4 x B LS 2.5 Easy-t o-use , curve-compat ible sheet met al shear for working wit h st ainless st eel . 211     350 1,500 9–19 4.4 12 14 16 11 13/16  4 x B LS 3.5 Univers al sheet met al shear wit h t ool-free set t ing of mat erial t hickness . 212     1,200 1,500 13–16 11.9 10 11 14 8 1-3/16  2 x  B LS 4.2 Powerful sheet met al shear for cut t ing , separat ing and t rimming sheet met al . 213     1,200 750 13–16 11.5 8 11 14 6 1  2 x  Curve cut s Cut -out s Trapezoid sheet met al up t o 3-11/32 in deep channels Corrug at ed sheet met al Profiles Single rolled sheet s Single rolled sheet s – slight ly corrug at ed Trapezoid sheet met al up t o 6-5/16 in deep channels Power consumpt ion (wat t s ) St rokes (rpm) Cut t ing speed (ft/min ) Weight according t o E PTA (lbs ) Weight incl . bat t ery (lbs ) St eel 56,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 84,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) St eel 112,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² (g auge ) Plast ics (g auge ) Cut t ing widt h (in ) Immersion Ø wit h die (in ) R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) (in ) QuickI N Cut t ing direct ion Rot at ing round punch AB LK 1.3 TE Compact , fast cordless nibbler for t rapezoid sheet met als . 216        1,600 6.2 4.6 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  AB LK 1.3 C S E Compact , fast nibbler for corrug at ed sheet met als . 216       1,600 6.2 4.6 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  AB LK 1.6 E Univers al nibbler for t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met al , profiles and cut plat es . 217        1,300 4.9 4.6 16 19 22 13 3/16 7/8 1-3/16 / 1-3/8  8 x 45°  B LK 1.3 TE Compact and rapid nibbler for t rapezoid sheet met als . 218        350 1,800 7.5 4.0 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  B LK 1.3 C S E Compact and rapid nibbler for corrug at ed sheet met als . 218       350 1,800 7.5 3.9 18 21 23 14 3/16 3/4 9/16 / 13/16  8 x 45°  B LK 1.6 E Univers al nibbler for sheet s , profiles , t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met al . 219        350 1,500 8.2 4.0 16 19 22 13 3/16 7/8 1-3/16 / 1-3/8  8 x 45°  B LK 1.6 LE Compact nibbler for t rapezoidal sheet met al in roof and facade const ruct ion . 220        350 1,500 8.9 4.2 16 19 22 13 3/16 7/8 1-3/16 / 1-3/8  8 x 45°  B LK 2.0 E Compact nibbler wit h unlimit ed curve compat ibilit y for corners and edges . 221      350 1,000 8.9 4.0 14 17 19 13 12 5/16 11/16 3/16 / 0  8 x 45° B LK 3.5 Powerful nibbler wit h unlimit ed curve-compat ibilit y for grooves and cut -out s . 223      1,200 750 9.2 7.7 10 13 15 10 9/16 1-3/16 1/4 / 0  3 x 90° B LK 5.0 Powerful nibbler for heavy dismant ling and cut t ing applicat ions . 224      1,200 750 9.5 8.4 6 10 12 2 6 1-5/16 1-3/16 3-3/8 / 3-11/16 3 x 90°  included  suit able  very well-suit ed ¹ wit h blade for curves . Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s Model Pag e Applic at ion Mat erial Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Fe at ure s 2 0 4 Slit t ing She ars First - class cutting – F E I N Slitting Shears . For an absolut ely clean , dist ort ion-free cut wit h one cont inuous chip: F E I N slit t ing shears come in t hree models , which are suit ed for rapid cut t ing and clean cut s of sheet met al , profiles or pipes . Curve cut s are also no problem. Furt her advant ages : t he excellent ergonomics and t he light weight of t he F E I N slit t ing shears make flexible and fat igue-free , unint errupt ed work possible . The open-front cut t ing head also offers an opt imum view of t he cut t ing line – a key condit ion for precise work result s . They are ideal for HVAC applicat ions , when working in t he climat e cont rol or elect rical inst allat ion sect ors . In addit ion , t he B SS 1.6 C can be st opped or wit hdrawn from t he cut at any t ime . Thanks t o QuickI N , t he blade can be changed in seconds – complet ely t ool-free and wit hout furt her adjust ment . F E I N slit t ing shears always ensure t hat your work is made easy. S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 0 5 For accessories , see page 208 Slit t ing She ars Slitting Shear up to 16 gauge B S S 1.6 C Easy-t o-use and curve-compat ible slit t ing shear wit h int egrat ed chip cut t er. Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B S S 1.6 C Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 3,800 Cut t ing speed ft/min 20-32 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.1 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 18 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 21 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 R adius of smallest curve in 3-1/2 (1-3/16)¹ Immersion dia . in 5/8 (5/16)¹ Part Number 7 230 28 Pric e inc lude s 1 blade , st raight , up t o 16 g auge , 1 pair of cut t ing bars , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Chip cut t er for clipping off t he cut chip at any point .  Left and right curve cut s and dist ort ion-free cut t ing possible wit h one cont inuous chip .  R apid work progress due t o excellent view of t he cut t ing line t hrough t he open-front cut t ing head .  Excellent ergonomics and low weight .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Cut t ing blade wit h out st anding service life .  16 ft . cable .  Clean swarf removal prevent s injuries or scrat ches on workpieces .  St ainless st eel up t o 19 g auge .  Wide range of accessories .  ¹ Wit h blade for curves . Measurement in millimet ers 2 0 6 For accessories , see page 208 Slit t ing She ars Slitting Shear up to 16 gauge B S S 1.6 Easy-t o-use and curve-compat ible slit t ing shear for dist ort ion-free cut t ing . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B S S 1.6 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 3,800 Cut t ing speed ft/min 20-32 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.1 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 18 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 21 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 R adius of smallest curve in 3-1/2 (1-3/16 )¹ Immersion dia . in 5/8 (5/16 )¹ Part Number 7 230 27 Pric e inc lude s 1 blade , st raight , up t o 16 g auge , 1 pair of cut t ing bars , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  R apid work progress due t o excellent view of t he cut t ing line t hrough t he open-front cut t ing head .  Left and right curve cut s and dist ort ion-free cut t ing possible wit h one cont inuous chip .  QuickI N for rapid , t ool-free blade chang ing , wit h no furt her adjust ment required .  Excellent ergonomics and low weight .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Cut t ing blade wit h out st anding service life .  16 ft . cable .  Clean swarf removal prevent s injuries or scrat ches on workpieces .  St ainless st eel up t o 19 g auge .  Wide range of accessories .  ¹ Wit h blade for curves . Measurement in millimet ers S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 0 7 For accessories , see page 208 Slit t ing She ars Slitting Shear up to 14 gauge B S S 2.0 High-power slit t ing shear for spiral seam pipes and dist ort ion-free cut s . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B S S 2.0 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 2,200 Cut t ing speed ft/min 6-13 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.7 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 17 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 11 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 R adius of smallest curve in 9-5/8 Immersion dia . in 1/2 Part Number 7 230 22 Pric e inc lude s 1 cut t er blade , 1 pair of cut t ing bars Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Powerful mot or wit h enough t orque even for t he most difficult jobs . Suit able for spiral-seam pipes wit h connect ing folds 4 x 1/32 in .  Robust cut t ing head for st at ionary use . The t ool can be easily clamped int o a vice .  Left and right curve cut s and dist ort ion-free cut t ing possible wit h one cont inuous chip .  Ideal for t rimming profiled sect ions .  Best suit ed for t rimming and cut t ing .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Cut t ing blade wit h out st anding service life .  16 ft . cable .  Clean swarf removal prevent s injuries or scrat ches on workpieces .  St ainless st eel up t o 17 g auge .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers 2 0 8 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 B S S 1.6 C , B S S 1.6 Cut t er blade For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 20 3 13 08 149 00 7 16 3 13 08 150 00 9 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 22 3 13 08 152 00 1 Blade for c urve s For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 20 3 13 08 151 00 8 Parallel st op Part Number 3 13 08 166 00 9 B S S 1.6 Cut t ing bars 1 pair Part Number 3 13 08 153 01 4 B S S 1.6 C Cut t ing bars 1 pair Part Number 3 13 08 153 02 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for B S S 1.6, B S S 1.6 C , B S S 2.0 B S S 2.0 Parallel st op Lengt h 10 in for st rip cut s Part Number 3 13 08 121 00 1 Support roll For convenient working wit h longer cut s Part Number 3 13 08 122 00 4 Cut t er blade For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 14 3 13 08 110 00 3 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 18 3 13 08 123 00 8 Cut t ing bars 2-pack Part Number 3 13 08 113 00 9 Blade bolt Part Number 3 13 08 111 00 2 S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 0 9 Sheet Met al She ars Fast , reliable and efficient – that’s how F E I N sheet metal shears work . Wit h F E I N slit t ing shears , you will always score well – even when t he going get s t ough . Wit h four different models , F E I N offers t he opt imal solut ion for every mat erial t hickness up t o 11/64 inch in met al const ruct ion , HVAC work , or use in met al roofing , gut t er inst allat ion or met al fabricat ion firms . This is because t he ext remely powerful and reliable F E I N high-performance mot or provides ext remely high cut t ing performance in bot h regular and st ainless st eel sheet met al , and it s compact , light weight design ensures fat igue-free , accurat e work . Compared t o ot her 11/64 in capacit y slit t ing shears , t he F E I N B LS 3.5 and B LS 4.2 models are also dist inguished by t he pat ent ed F E I N chip deflect or. It enables a cont inuous , unint errupt ed cut , so large surfaces can be handled in much less t ime – easily, precisely and efficient ly. 2 10 For accessories , see page 214 Sheet Met al She ars Sheet Metal Shear up to 16 gauge B LS 1.6 X Easy-t o-use , curve-compat ible sheet met al shear for cut t ing and t rimming t hin sheet s . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LS 1.6 X Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 4,000 Cut t ing speed ft/min 16.4–26.2 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 3.5 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 18 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 19 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 R adius of smallest curve in 9/16 Part Number 7 230 29 Pric e inc lude s 1 pair of blades , 1 set of wrenches , 1 hand guard Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Out st anding ergonomics and compact design for opt imal mobilit y of t he shear.  Good curve precision wit h low sheet -met al dist ort ion .  Indexable cut t ing blades wit h four sides for clean and burr-free cut t ing wit h low operat ing cost s .  Perfect for t rimming and cut t ing .  Unrest rict ed view of t he cut t ing line .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 20 g auge . Measurement in millimet ers S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 11 For accessories , see page 214 Sheet Met al She ars Sheet Metal Shear up to 12 gauge B LS 2.5 Easy-t o-use , curve-compat ible sheet met al shear for working wit h st ainless st eel . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LS 2.5 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 1,500 Cut t ing speed ft/min 9–19 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.4 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 12 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 11 R adius of smallest curve in 13/16 Part Number 7 230 26 Pric e inc lude s 1 pair of blades , 1 set of wrenches , 1 hand guard Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High-performance and powerful mot or for t he most difficult t asks .  Unrest rict ed view of t he cut t ing line makes fast er work progress possible .  Indexable cut t ing blades wit h four sides for clean and burr-free cut t ing wit h low operat ing cost s .  Perfect for t rimming and cut t ing .  Unrest rict ed view of t he cut t ing line .  Good curve precision wit h low sheet -met al dist ort ion .  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 16 g auge . Measurement in millimet ers 2 12 For accessories , see page 214 Sheet Met al She ars Sheet Metal Shear up to 10 gauge B LS 3.5 Univers al sheet met al shear wit h t ool-free set t ing of mat erial t hickness . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LS 3.5 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 St rokes rpm 1,500 Cut t ing speed ft/min 13–16 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 11.9 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 10 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 11 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 8 R adius of smallest curve in 1-3/16 Part Number 7 230 23 Pric e inc lude s 1 pair of blades , 1 hand guard , 1 handle , 1 set of wrenches Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Tool-free height adjust ment of t he plunger blade for adapt ing t o various mat erial t hicknesses .  Out st anding work progress for rapid complet ion of large and long surfaces .  Pat ent ed swarf suppresser for opt imal and s afe swarf removal .  Perfect for t rimming sheet met al .  Excellent power-t o-weight rat io .  Unrest rict ed view of t he cut t ing line .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Two-fold reversing blade .  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 14 g auge .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 13 For accessories , see page 214 Sheet Met al She ars Sheet Metal Shear up to 8 gauge B LS 4.2 Powerful sheet met al shear for cut t ing , separat ing and t rimming sheet met al . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LS 4.2 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 St rokes rpm 750 Cut t ing speed ft/min 13–16 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 11.5 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 8 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 11 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 6 R adius of smallest curve in 1 Part Number 7 230 24 Pric e inc lude s 1 pair of blades , 1 hand guard , 1 handle , 1 sharpening g auge , 3 wrenches Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High-performance and powerful mot or for t he most difficult t asks .  Out st anding work progress for rapid complet ion of large and long surfaces .  Pat ent ed swarf suppresser for opt imal and s afe swarf removal .  Perfect for t rimming sheet met al .  Excellent power-t o-weight rat io .  Unrest rict ed view of t he cut t ing line .  Two-fold reversing blade .  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 14 g auge .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers 2 14 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 B LS 1.6 X Plung er and fixe d blade For sheet met al up t o 56,000 lbf/in² Part Number 3 13 08 072 00 0 B LS 2.5 Plung er and fixe d blade For sheet met al up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 16 6 36 01 101 00 9 B LS 3.5 Fixe d blade For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 9/64 3 13 08 136 00 2 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 14 3 13 08 143 00 6 Plung er blade For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 10 3 13 08 146 00 1 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 14 3 13 08 147 00 5 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for B LS 4.2, B LS 1.6 X, B LS 2.5, B LS 3.5 B LS 4.2 Fixe d blade Part Number 3 13 08 092 00 8 Plung er blade For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 7 3 13 08 096 00 7 11 3 13 08 097 00 1 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² g auge Part Number 14 3 13 08 098 00 9 S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 15 Nibblers Uncompromisingly versatile , slim and power ful : F E I N cordless and corded nibblers . Due t o it s compact design , t he F E I N nibbler is one of t he most vers at ile and curve-compat ible cut t ing t ools for t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met als and profiles up t o 3/16 inch in roof and facade const ruct ion , met al const ruct ion , cont rol cabinet const ruct ion , sheet met al fabricat ion workshops , and t he dismant ling and recycling indust ries . The working direct ion of all F E I N nibblers can be alt ered wit hout t he need for t ools . This makes t he nibbler adapt able t o t he most confined working spaces , and left -handers are not forced t o use t heir weak hand . In addit ion , QuickI N allows for rapid , t ool-free chang ing of t he punch and die . The virt ually indest ruct ible H I G H -P OWE R-M OTO R ensures rapid work progress for all mat erial t hicknesses up t o 7.5 ft per minut e . Opt imum ergonomics , long t ool life , and pract ical , applicat ion-orient at ed accessories ensure low operat ing cost s and uncompromisingly good work result s everyt hing t hat you’ve come t o expect from a F E I N power t ool . 2 16 For accessories , see page 222 Nibblers Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AB LK 1.3 TE AB LK 1.3 C S E B at t ery volt age V 14.4 14.4 B at t ery capacit y Ah 3.0 3.0 St rokes rpm 1,600 1,600 Cut t ing speed ft/min 6.2 6.2 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.6 4.6 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 18 18 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 21 21 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 23 23 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 14 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 3/16 Immersion Ø wit h die in 3/4 3/4 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 9/16 / 13/16 9/16 / 13/16 Part Number 7 132 03 61 7 132 02 61 Pric e inc lude s 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ), 1 x rapid charger ALG 50, 1 AB LK 1.3 in a plast ic carrying case . Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  100 ft cut t ing capacit y in 1/32 in t rapezoid sheet met al wit h one bat t ery.  7.5 ft ./min cut t ing speed for excellent work progress .  Variable drilling speed t hanks t o elect ronically adjust able st roke speed .  Brief overlapping area up t o 12 g auge .  Opt imum handling due t o an ext remely slim gear head .  More t han 1,000 charges per bat t ery.  Comfort able , light weight of 4.6 lbs .  QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Rot at ing punch for up t o 30% longer service life .  Cut t ing direct ion set t ing can be changed in 45° increment s up t o 360° using t ool-free rot at ing cut t ing head .  Proven F E I N MultiMaster mot or wit h out st anding power and st abilit y. Cordless nibbler for up to 18 gauge thickness A B LK 1.3 TE Compact , fast cordless nibbler for t rapezoid sheet met als . A B LK 1.3 C S E Compact , fast nibbler for corrug at ed sheet met als . Measurement in millimet ers S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 17 For accessories , see page 222 Nibblers Cordless nibbler for up to 16 gauge thickness A B LK 1.6 E Univers al nibbler for t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met al , profiles and cut plat es . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AB LK 1.6 E B at t ery volt age V 14.4 B at t ery capacit y Ah 3.0 St rokes rpm 1,300 Cut t ing speed ft/min 4.9 Weight incl . bat t ery lbs 4.6 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 19 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 22 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 13 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 Immersion Ø wit h die in 7/8 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 1-3/16 / 1-3/8 Part Number 7 132 01 61 Pric e inc lude s 1 AB LK 1.6 E in a plast ic carrying case , 1 x rapid charger ALG 50, 2 rechargeable bat t eries ( Li-ion ) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  100 ft cut t ing capacit y in 1/32 in t rapezoid sheet met al wit h one bat t ery.  7.5 ft ./min cut t ing speed for excellent work progress .  Variable drilling speed t hanks t o elect ronically adjust able st roke speed .  Brief overlapping area up t o 12 g auge .  Opt imum handling due t o an ext remely slim gear head .  More t han 1,000 charges per bat t ery.  Comfort able , light weight of 4.6 lbs .  QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Rot at ing punch for up t o 30% longer service life .  Cut t ing direct ion set t ing can be changed in 45° increment s up t o 360° using t ool-free rot at ing cut t ing head .  Proven F E I N MultiMaster mot or wit h out st anding power and st abilit y.  Low operat ing cost . Punch and die can be exchanged independent ly. Measurement in millimet ers 2 18 For accessories , see page 222 Nibblers Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LK 1.3 TE B LK 1.3 C S E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 210 St rokes rpm 1,800 1,800 Cut t ing speed ft/min 7.5 7.5 C able wit h plug ft 16 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.0 3.9 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 18 18 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 21 21 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 23 23 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 14 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 3/16 Immersion Ø wit h die in 3/4 3/4 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 9/16 / 13/16 9/16 / 13/16 Part Number 7 232 41 60 7 232 42 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 punch (6 36 02 050 00 0), 1 die for t rapezoidal sheet met al (3 01 09 170 00 1) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  7.5 ft ./min cut t ing speed for excellent work progress .  Opt imum ergonomics , including a mot or housing t hat is up t o 20% slimmer t hanks t o an ext remely narrow drive head .  Cut t ing direct ion set t ing can be changed in 45° increment s up t o 360° using t ool-free rot at ing cut t ing head .  QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Rot at ing punch for up t o 30% longer service life .  Low operat ing cost s due t o long t ool life of punch and die .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Chip prot ect ion mesh on vent slot s .  16 ft . cable .  Brief overlapping area up t o 12 g auge .  St ainless st eel up t o 25 g auge . Nibbler up to 18 gauge B LK 1.3 TE Compact and rapid nibbler for t rapezoid sheet met als . B LK 1.3 C S E Compact and rapid nibbler for corrug at ed sheet met als . Measurement in millimet ers S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 19 For accessories , see page 222 Nibblers Nibbler up to 16 gauge B LK 1.6 E Univers al nibbler for sheet s , profiles , t rapezoid and corrug at ed sheet met al . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LK 1.6 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 1,500 Cut t ing speed ft/min 8.2 C able wit h plug ft 16´ Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.0 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 19 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 22 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 13 Immersion Ø wit h die in 7/8 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 1-3/16 / 1-3/8 Part Number 7 232 38 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 cut t ing head for t rapezoidal and corrug at ed sheet met al , 1 die (3 01 09 141 00 3), 1 punch (6 36 02 048 00 4) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Virt ually indest ruct ible . Ideal for flexible and univers al use wit h sheet t hickness up t o 16 g auge .  Opt imum ergonomics , including a mot or housing t hat is up t o 20% slimmer t hanks t o an ext remely narrow drive head .  Cut t ing direct ion set t ing can be changed in 45° increment s up t o 360° using t ool-free rot at ing cut t ing head .  QuickI N rapid change syst em.  High cut t ing speed .  Rot at ing punch for up t o 30% longer service life .  Low operat ing cost s due t o long t ool life of punch and die .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Chip prot ect ion mesh on vent slot s .  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 24 g auge .  Ret rofit t able t rapezoid profile set up t o 6-5/16 in deep channels . Measurement in millimet ers 2 2 0 For accessories , see page 222 Nibblers Nibbler up to 16 gauge B LK 1.6 LE Compact nibbler for t rapezoidal sheet met al in roof and facade const ruct ion . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LK 1.6 LE Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 1,500 Cut t ing speed ft/min 8.9 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.2 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 16 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 19 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 22 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 13 Immersion Ø wit h die in 7/8 Cut t ing widt h in 3/16 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 1-3/16 / 1-3/8 Part Number 7 232 39 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 cut t ing head , 1 die for t rapezoidal sheet met al (3 13 09 122 00 5), 1 punch (6 36 02 049 00 8), 1 wear plat e Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  An uncompromising t ool for handling t rapezoid sheet met al wit h channels up t o 6.3 in deep .  Opt imum ergonomics , including a mot or housing t hat is up t o 20% slimmer t hanks t o an ext remely narrow drive head .  Cut t ing direct ion set t ing can be changed in 45° increment s up t o 360° using t ool-free rot at ing cut t ing head .  QuickI N rapid change syst em.  High cut t ing speed .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Chip prot ect ion mesh on vent slot s .  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 24 g auge . S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 21 For accessories , see page 222 Nibblers Nibbler up to 14 gauge B LK 2.0 E Compact nibbler wit h unlimit ed curve compat ibilit y for corners and edges . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LK 2.0 E Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 Power out put Wat t s 210 St rokes rpm 1,000 Cut t ing speed ft/min 8.9 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.0 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 14 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 17 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 19 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 13 Plast ics g auge 12 Immersion Ø wit h die in 11/16 Cut t ing widt h in 5/16 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 3/16 / 0 Part Number 7 232 40 60 Pric e inc lude s 1 cut t ing head , 1 die (3 13 09 040 0 02), 1 punch (6 36 02 051 00 9) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  High curve precision due t o special cut t ing head geomet ry. Nibbler can t urn on t he spot .  Especially well-suit ed for cut t ing edged sheet met al wit h a minimum bend radius of 1/8 in .  Cut t ing direct ion set t ing can be changed in 45° increment s up t o 360° using t ool-free rot at ing cut t ing head .  QuickI N rapid change syst em.  Opt imal ergonomics .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Ideal for cut -out s .  Opt imally suit ed for t emplat e cut s .  Chip prot ect ion mesh on vent slot s .  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 20 g auge . 222 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 AB LK 1.6 E , B LK 1.6 E Punc h Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 36 02 048 00 4 5 6 36 02 048 04 0 10 6 36 02 048 05 0 Die Qt y pcs Part Number 1 3 01 09 141 00 3 2 3 01 09 141 02 0 5 3 01 09 141 03 0 Punc h and die set Set includes 1 punch 6 36 02 048 00 4 and 1 die 3 01 09 141 00 3. Part Number 6 36 02 048 01 3 Die holder For t rapezoidal and corrug at ed sheet met al . Part Number 3 01 09 154 00 7 Profil - Set 160 For deep-channel t rapezoidal sheet met als 3-3/8 – 6-5/16 in . Includes lower die , lower die holder, and upper die . Part Number 9 26 02 071 01 9 AB LK 1.3 TE , AB LK 1.3 C S E , B LK 1.3 TE , B LK 1.3 C S E Punc h For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² Qt y g auge pcs Part Number 18 1 6 36 02 050 00 0 18 5 6 36 02 050 03 0 18 10 6 36 02 050 01 0 Die For t rapezoidal sheet met al Qt y pcs Part Number 1 3 01 09 170 00 1 2 3 01 09 170 04 0 Punc he s and die s in a set Consist ing of 5 x punches 6 36 02 050 00 0 and 1 x die 3 01 09 169 00 9. Part Number 3 01 09 169 03 0 B LK 2.0 E Die Part Number 3 13 09 040 00 2 Punc h Part Number 6 36 02 051 00 9 Punc he s and die s in a set includes : 1 Punch 6 36 02 051 00 9 and 1 die 3 13 09 040 00 2 . Part Number 6 36 02 051 01 8 B LK 1.6 LE Punc h and die set Set includes wear plat e , screws and wrench . Part Number 6 36 02 049 01 7 Punc h Qt y pcs Part Number 1 6 36 02 049 00 8 2 6 36 02 049 04 0 5 6 36 02 049 05 0 Die Qt y pcs Part Number 1 3 13 09 122 00 5 2 3 13 09 122 02 0 5 3 13 09 122 03 0 We aring plat e Part Number 3 13 09 121 00 2 AB LK 1.3 TE , AB LK 1.3 C S E , AB LK 1.6 E R apid c harg er ALG 50 For all F E I N lit hium-ion bat t eries . Charg ing t ime 45 min . or more . Part Number 9 26 04 154 01 0 ALG 30 c harg er R apid charger for F E I N NiC ad and Li-ion bat t eries . Part Number 9 26 04 101 01 0 Re c harg e able bat t ery Li-ion bat t ery, 14.4 volt , 3 Ah wit h charge indicat or . Part Number 9 26 04 154 02 0 AB LK 1.3 C S E , B LK 1.3 C S E Die For corrug at ed sheet met al Qt y pcs Part Number 1 3 01 09 169 00 9 2 3 01 09 169 04 0 AB LK 1.3 TE , B LK 1.3 TE Punc he s and die s in a set Consist ing of 5 x punches 6 36 02 050 00 0 and 1 x die 3 01 09 170 00 1. Part Number 3 01 09 170 03 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for B LK 1.3 C S E , B LK 1.6 E , AB LK 1.3 TE , AB LK 1.6 E , B LK 1.3 TE , AB LK 1.3 C S E , B LK 2.0 E , B LK 1.6 LE S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 2 3 For accessories , see page 225 Nibblers Nibbler up to 10 gauge B LK 3.5 Powerful nibbler wit h unlimit ed curve-compat ibilit y for grooves and cut -out s . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LK 3.5 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 St rokes rpm 750 Cut t ing speed ft/min 9.2 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 7.7 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 10 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 13 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 15 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 10 Immersion Ø wit h die in 1-3/16 Cut t ing widt h in 9/16 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 1/4 / 0 Part Number 7 232 30 Pric e inc lude s 1 cut t ing head , 1 die (3 13 09 093 00 3), 1 punch (3 13 09 097 00 2), 1 handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Best suit ed for grooves and cut -out s in sheet met als , t ool can t urn on t he spot .  Cut t ing direct ion can be adjust ed in t hree 90° st eps wit hout t he need for t ools .  QuickI N rapid change syst em for rapid , t ool-free punch and die changes .  Opt imum power-t o-weight rat io .  Long t ool life , punches can be reground .  Mot or wit h out st anding performance and st abilit y.  Warp-free cut t ing of flat and bent sheet met al .  Opt imally suit ed for t emplat e cut s .  Chip prot ect ion mesh on vent slot s .  Handle can be rot at ed 180°.  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 15 g auge .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers 2 24 For accessories , see page 225 Nibblers Nibbler up to 6 gauge B LK 5.0 Powerful nibbler for heavy dismant ling and cut t ing applicat ions . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model B LK 5.0 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 1,200 Power out put Wat t s 750 Cut t ing speed ft/min 9.5 St rokes rpm 750 C able wit h plug ft 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 8.4 Max. cut t ing capacit y St eel 56,000 lbf/in² g auge 6 St eel 84,000 lbf/in² g auge 10 St eel 112,000 lbf/in² g auge 12 Non-ferrous met als up t o 35,000 lbf/in² g auge 2 Plast ics g auge 6 Immersion Ø wit h die in 1-3/16 Cut t ing widt h in 1-5/16 R adius of smallest curve (inside/out side ) in 3-3/8 / 3-11/16 Part Number 7 232 31 Pric e inc lude s 1 cut t ing head , 1 die (3 13 09 107 00 0), 1 punch (3 13 09 110 00 4), 1 handle , 1 wrench Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Powerful 1,200 wat t mot or for out st anding performance while maint aining excellent ergonomics .  Cut s over 90° edges , for example on guard rails or t anks .  Cut t ing direct ion can be adjust ed in t hree 90° st eps wit hout t he need for t ools .  Opt imum power-t o-weight rat io .  Long t ool life of punch and die .  Chip prot ect ion mesh on vent slot s .  Handle can be rot at ed 180°.  16 ft . cable .  St ainless st eel up t o 13 g auge .  Wide range of accessories . Measurement in millimet ers S h e e t m e t a l w o r k 2 2 5 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 Balanc er Det ailed informat ion on F E I N B alancers can be found in t he chapt er Accessories / B alancers . B LK 3.5 Punc h For st eel up t o 28,000 lbf/in² Part Number 3 13 09 097 00 2 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² Part Number 3 13 09 098 00 0 Die For st eel up t o 56,000 lbf/in² Part Number 3 13 09 093 00 3 For st ainless st eel up t o 112,000 lbf/in² Part Number 3 13 09 094 00 1 Chip bag Part Number 3 13 09 099 00 4 Circ le and rip g uide For circular cut -out s up t o Ø 30 in and parallel st rips up t o 14-9/16 in . Part Number 3 13 09 077 02 9 B LK 5.0 Punc he s and die s in a set Up t o 6 g auge st eel plat e (56,000 lbf/in²), consist ing of: 1 punch 3 13 09 110 00 4 and 1 die 3 13 09 107 00 0 Part Number 3 13 09 110 01 3 Up t o 12 g auge st eel plat e (84,000 lbf/in²), consist ing of: 1 punch 3 13 09 134 00 6 and 1 die 3 13 09 108 00 8 Part Number 3 13 09 134 01 5 Up t o 2 g auge aluminum plat e (35,000 lbf/in²), consist ing of: 1 punch 3 13 09 110 00 4 and 1 die 3 13 09 109 00 2 Part Number 3 13 09 110 02 9 Chip bag Part Number 3 13 09 114 00 8 Circ le and rip g uide For circular cut -out s Ø 7–30 in and parallel st rips up t o 15 in widt h . Part Number 3 13 09 077 03 5 Punc h Up t o 2 g auge aluminum sheet (35,000 lbf/in²), up t o 6 g auge st eel sheet (56,000 lbf/in²) Part Number 3 13 09 110 00 4 Up t o 12 g auge st ainless st eel plat e (84,000 lbf/in²) Part Number 3 13 09 134 00 6 Die For st eel sheet up t o 6 g auge t hickness Part Number 3 13 09 107 00 0 Up t o 12 g auge st ainless st eel plat e (84,000 lbf/in²) Part Number 3 13 09 108 00 8 Up t o 2 g auge aluminum sheet (35,000 lbf/in²), up t o 6 g auge st eel sheet (56,000 lbf/in²) Part Number 3 13 09 109 00 2 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for B LK 3.5, B LK 5.0 2 2 6 Sawing and Cut t ing S a w i n g a n d C u t t i n g 2 2 7 Jigsaws and Hacksaws Page 229 Opt imum cut t ing speed wit h minimal wear. Pipe Milling Machines Page 235 Robust cut t ing t echnolog y from F E I N’s pipe machining range . Tried and tested technology for per fect results : Sawing and milling from F E I N . St ainless st eel processors , kit chen builders , met al workers , proces - sors and indust ry – F E I N jigs aws are perfect ly designed for t he high loads involved in processing st eel and st ainless st eel . As genuine specialized met al t ools , F E I N jigs aws maint ain const ant rpm and t herefore const ant cut t ing speed even under ext reme load . The robust met al casing and unrivalled resilient gearing g ive t hese ma - chines legendary endurance , oft en last ing decades . The F E I N range is being expanded wit h t ools for pipe processing : jigs aws for pipes of up t o max. 24 in , mainly for plant const ruct ion and communit y supply connect ions . F E I N also manufact ures special pipe milling machines for pipes up t o approx. 118 in dia . for plant and pipeline const ruct ion . 2 2 8 Sawing and Cut t ing * Chain ext ension available . F E I N saws and milling machines – Tough and durable . Model ASt 638 ASt e 638 AStx 649-1 AStxe 649-1 STS 325 R Met al jigs aw wit h unsur - passed precision , robust - ness and service life . Met al jigs aw wit h variable speed cont rol for unsur - passed precision , robust - ness and service life . Powerful hacks aw for pipes and profiled sec - t ions . Powerful hacks aw for pipes and profiled sec - t ions wit h cont inuously variable st roke adjust - ment . Pneumat ic hacks aw for pipes and profiled sect ions . Pag e 230 230 232 232 232 Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Power c onsumpt ion (wat t s ) 350 450 750 750 St roke s (rpm) 3,350 1,050-2,600 350 100-350 330 St roke of blade (in ) 3/4 3/4 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 Operat ing pre ssure (psi ) 87 Air c onsumpt ion (cfm) 51.2 Weig ht ac c ording t o E PTA (lbs ) 4.8 5.1 13.4 14.1 15.9 Max. c ut t ing c apac it y St ainle ss st eel (V2A ) (in ) 1/8 1/4 St eel ( St 37) (in ) 5/16 3/8 Aluminum, c opper, brass (in ) 3/8 / 3/8 9/16 / 3/8 Hard/soft wood and plywood (in ) 2 / 1-9/16 2-3/8 / 2 Hard part ic le/fiberg lass mat erials (in ) 1 / 3/4 1-3/16 / 1-3/16 Smalle st radius St eel/woods and plast ic s (in ) 5/16 / 1/4 5/16 / 1/4 Aluminum / brass (in ) Pipe s up t o Ø (in ) 24 * 24 * 24 * Profile s up t o W x H (in ) 11-27/64 x 21-11/16 11-27/64 x 21-11/16 11-27/64 x 21-11/16 S a w i n g a n d C u t t i n g 2 29 Jig s aws / Hac k s aws Sawing can be an easy task , with F E I N Jigsaws . For precise cut s in st eel (up t o 1 in t hick ) or wood (up t o 4 in t hick ) and for cut t ing profiled sect ions or plast ic , st eel and duct ile cast iron pipes wit h a diamet er of up t o 24 in , F E I N jigs aws can’t fail t o impress due t o t heir durabilit y, opt imum performance and first -class result s . What is t heir secret ? In t erms of st roke and gear loading , t hey are consist ent ly designed for t ough applicat ions in t he met al sect or. The int egrat ed elect ronics ensure t hat F E I N jigs aws const ant ly maint ain t heir st roke set t ing at t he required level even under heavy loads , for opt imum cut t ing speed – and wit hout excessive s aw blade wear. Saw blades mat ch perfect ly t o t he job at hand . Profes - sional accessories like t he F E I N clamp and feed device for pipes and round mat erial makes light work of even t ough s awing jobs . Try t hem and see for yourself. 2 3 0 For accessories , see page 231 Jig s aws / Hac k s aws Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model ASt 638 ASt e 638 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 350 450 Power out put Wat t s 200 245 St rokes rpm 3,350 1,050-2,600 St roke of blade in 3/4 3/4 C able wit h plug ft 16 16 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 4.8 5.1 Max. cut t ing capacit y St ainless st eel (V2A ) in 1/8 1/4 St eel ( St 37) in 5/16 3/8 Aluminum, copper, brass in 3/8 / 3/8 9/16 / 3/8 Hard/soft wood and plywood in 2 / 1-9/16 2-3/8 / 2 Hard part icle/fiberglass mat erials in 1 / 3/4 1-3/16 / 1-3/16 Smallest radius St eel/woods and plast ics in 5/16 / 1/4 5/16 / 1/4 Part Number 7 234 17 7 234 15 Pric e inc lude s 2 packs of s aw blades , 1 ant i-chipping prot ect or Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS ASt 638  Ext remely low levels of wear and maint enance , even when used in very demanding indust rial applicat ions .  Opt imum result s in met al , insulat ion mat erials (s andwich ) and hard wood . ASt e 638  Machine design for opt imal result s in met als , st ain - less st eel , insulat ion mat erial (s andwich ) and hard wood . Wit h an ext remely robust , 5/32 in t hick , st ainless st eel base plat e .  Variable elect ronic speed cont rol for opt imum cut t ing speed and s aw blade service life .  Excellent ergonomics .  Precise weight balancing result s in ext remely smoot h operat ion .  Swarf removal can be swit ched bet ween ext ract ion or blowing .  230 V only. Jigsaws up to 5/16 inches in Steel / 2 inches in Wood A St 638 Met al jigs aw wit h unsurpassed precision , robust ness and service life . A Ste 638 Met al jigs aw wit h variable speed cont rol for unsurpassed precision , robust ness and service life . Measurement in millimet ers S a w i n g a n d C u t t i n g 2 31 General Ac c e ssorie s Tool C ase Plast ic , int erior dimensions : 18-1/2 x 12-1/4 x 5-1/4 in . Part Number 3 39 01 118 01 0 Plast ic box Box insert wit h lockable lid for small part s and accessories , suit able for t ool case 3 39 01 118 01 0. Part Number 3 39 01 119 00 0 Shoe plat e Long , for s awing profiles and corrug at ed insulat ion . Lengt h approx. 13-3/4 in . Part Number 3 27 14 084 00 8 Ant i - c hipping prot e c t or Pack of 5 Part Number 3 14 28 102 01 6 Chip prot e c t ion plat e For ASt(e ) 638 Part Number 3 27 14 088 00 7 Hose nozzle For t he connect ion of F E I N Elect ric Power Tools wit h dust ext ract ion . Dia . in Part Number 1-1/4 3 05 17 028 00 7 1-1/16 3 05 17 029 00 1 F E I N Turbo dust ext rac t ors Powerful wet and dry dust ext ract or for connect ing power t ools during work - shop and inst allat ion use . Refer t o t he dust ext ract or chapt er for det ailed informat ion about F E I N dust ext ract ors and “dust -free s anding .” Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for ASt e 638, ASt 638 Saw blade s for met al and c omposit e mat erial SANDWICH L Qualität/ Quality Qt y ( pc s ) Part Number < 18 < 17 3 36 H SS 5 6 35 03 060 01 0 < 18 4 36 H SS 5 6 35 03 076 01 0 < 14 < 14 < 14 < 14 < 1/8 3-15/32 21 H SS 5 6 35 03 035 01 1 < 14 < 14 < 14 < 14 < 1/8 3-15/32 21 B I M 5 6 35 03 112 01 0 < 3/8 < 5/16 < 3/8 < 12 < 5/16 3-15/32 12 H SS 5 6 35 03 036 01 4 < 3/8 < 5/16 < 3/8 < 12 < 5/16 3-15/32 12 B I M 5 6 35 03 113 01 0 < 12 < 9/16 4 8 B I M 5 6 35 03 088 01 1 < 14 < 14 < 14 < 1/8 < 2-3/4 4-1/2 21 H SS 5 6 35 03 077 01 4 < 3/8 < 5/16 < 3/8 < 1-3/16 < 4-3/4 7 12 B I M 5 6 35 03 114 01 0 Saw blade s for wood and misc ellane ous mat erials L Qualität/ Quality Qt y ( pc s ) Part Number < 1 < 1 3 12 H C S 5 6 35 03 087 01 3 < 1-9/16 < 9/16 < 1 3-15/32 8 H C S 5 6 35 03 037 01 8 < 2 < 1-3/16 < 2 3-15/32 6 H C S 5 6 35 03 038 01 6 < 2-3/8 < 1-3/16 < 2-3/8 4 6 H C S 5 6 35 03 082 01 0 < 1 < 1-3/16 3-15/32 6 H SS 5 6 35 03 039 01 0 3 HM 5 6 35 03 089 01 5 < 3/8 3 1 6 35 03 061 01 9 2 32 For accessories , see page 234 Jig s aws / Hac k s aws Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model AStx 649-1 AStxe 649-1 Power consumpt ion Wat t s 750 750 Power out put Wat t s 480 480 St rokes rpm 350 100-350 St roke of blade in 2-3/8 2-3/8 C able wit h plug ft 8 8 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 13.4 14.1 Max. cut t ing capacit y Pipes up t o Ø in 24 * 24 * Profiles up t o W x H in 11-27/64 x 21-11/16 11-27/64 x 21-11/16 Part Number 7 234 22 7 234 23 Pric e inc lude s 1 handle , 1 wrench set , 2 s aw blades (t ype 063) Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideally suit ed for cut t ing pipes and profiles made of st eel , cast iron , aut oclaved aerat ed concret e , and plast ics .  Clamp and feed device available for profiles and pipes from Ø 3-1/8 in t o Ø 24 in .  Especially suit able for s andwich mat erial and layers of different mat erials . AStxe 649-1  Elect ronic speed cont rol for opt imal cut t ing speed .  Adjust able clamping devices permit mit re cut s up t o 45° as well .  * Chain ext ension available . Hacksaw for pipes up to Ø 24 in A Stx 649-1 Powerful hacks aw for pipes and profiled sect ions . A Stxe 649-1 Powerful hacks aw for pipes and profiled sect ions wit h cont inuously variable st roke adjust ment . Measurement in millimet ers S a w i n g a n d C u t t i n g 2 33 For accessories , see page 234 Jig s aws / Hac k s aws Hacksaw for pipes up to Ø 24 in STS 325 R Pneumat ic hacks aw for pipes and profiled sect ions . Te c hnic al spe c ific at ions Model STS 325 R Operat ing pressure psi 87 Air consumpt ion cfm 51.2 Power out put Wat t s 1,100 St rokes rpm 330 St roke of blade in 2-3/8 Weight according t o E PTA lbs 15.9 Max. cut t ing capacit y Pipes up t o Ø in 24 * Profiles up t o W x H in 11-27/64 x 21-11/16 Part Number 7 534 08 Pric e inc lude s 2 s aw blades (t ype 063), 1 wrench set , 1 handle , 1 hose coupling Emission values (sound/vibrat ion ) can be found at www.fein .com/vibrat ion F E I N BE N E F ITS  Ideally suit ed for cut t ing pipes and profiles made of st eel , cast iron , aut oclaved aerat ed concret e , and plast ics .  Clamp and feed device available for profiles and pipes from Ø 3-1/8 in t o Ø 24 in .  Adjust able clamping devices permit mit re cut s up t o 45° as well .  Clamp and feed device available .  Adjust able clamping fixt ures .  * Chain ext ension available . Measurement in millimet ers 234 General Ac c e ssorie s Clamp and Fee d Devic e (W x D x H ) 11 x 11 x 15-1/2 in , Designed for pipe diamet er from 3 up t o 15-3/4 in . Part Number 9 07 02 005 00 0 Price includes : 1 met al carrying case , 1 square socket rat chet (1/2 in ), 1 wrench set , 1 t ensioning rat chet wit h st rap , 1 locking screw, 1 ret aining pin Prot e c t ive St eel Jaws For use wit h Adjust able St rap Clamp (prevent s damage t o work surface – 4 required ). Part Number 3 13 27 064 00 8 Cle aning bloc k Rhombus block for cleaning carbide- t ipped and diamond-coat ed accessories . Part Number 6 37 19 007 01 0 Pipe Clamp Designed for pipe diamet er up t o 6 in , also for angle cut s . Part Number 9 07 02 001 00 1 Pipe Clamp is designed for pipes from 4 in up t o 12-3/4 in diamet er. Up t o 17 in diamet er wit h ext ension chain 3 02 31 003 00 3 and bolt 3 02 16 130 00 4. Part Number 9 07 02 004 00 6 Pipe Clamp is designed for T- and I -Beam st ock wit h profiles up t o 21-5/8 in high and 11-3/8 in wide . Part Number 9 07 02 003 00 8 Saw Blade Guide The Saw Blade Guide is used on pipe up t o 12-3/4 in diamet er and blades up t o 20-3/4 in long . Guides blade t o cent er of cut t ing area . Part Number 9 06 06 002 00 9 Free - Hand Support Tool Support t o allow bet t er handling and more cont rol while cut t ing . Not for use wit h Pipe Clamps or Saw Blade Guide . Part Number 3 27 14 062 02 3 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for STS 325 R, AStx 649-1, AStxe 649-1 Tool C ase Met al Lengt h Widt h Height in in in Part Number 27-3/16 9-1/16 6-5/16 3 39 01 022 01 4 Split t ing we dg e Prevent s t he jamming of t he s aw blade . Part Number 6 33 05 006 00 8 Cut t ing past e Lubricant for working on sheet met al . Part Number 3 21 32 020 12 9 STS 325 R Hose c oupling Part Number 4 11 40 004 00 7 S a w i n g a n d C u t t i n g 2 35 Pipe Milling Mac hine s Best possible results from exper t technology – F E I N Pipe Milling Machines . F E I N pipe milling machines mean t hat your work is always s afe , precise and reliable , whet her you are working wit h cast or st eel pipes for oil , g as or wat er as used for pipelines , public supply net works , in power plant s or in indust rial syst ems . Tough condi - t ions are when t he F E I N pipe milling machines really show off F E I N’s experience in producing pract ical professional t ools . For example , different gear rat ios for each pipe mat erial make possible ideal cut t ing and advance speeds , which guarant ee t he economic use of H SS and carbide-t ipped t ools . The t wo-chain syst em ensures accurat e cut s on pipes wit h diamet ers of bet ween 10 and 118 in . F E I N pipe milling machines are available in elect ric or compressed air versions . The ext ra advant age is t he elect ric mot ors are pro - t ect ed from explosions and meet t he s ame s afet y requirement s as t he compressed air mot ors . In ot her words , even t he elect rically- powered pipe milling machines are perfect ly suit ed t o work on g as and oil pipelines . (You can find more det ailed informat ion about F E I N pipe milling machines in our special brochure or online at www.fein .com.) 2 3 6 Ac c e ssorie s A c ce s s or ie s 2 37 Balancer Page 238 B alancers increase ease of use and operat ing s afet y. For loads from 1.1 t o 132 lbs . Tool Case Page 242 F E I N plast ic or met al t ool cases for secure st orage and t ransport of t ools and accessories . Practical , useful , and sometimes indispensable : Customized accessories from F E I N . Wit h over 140 years of experience in building power t ools , we know what really mat t ers in t he most diverse applicat ions and in every indust ry. This explains why so much is included in t he t he basic models of F E I N power t ools – and why some t hings are only available as opt ional accessories . What seems indispens able t o one person might be superfluous t o anot her. We know t hat from experience . 2 3 8 Balanc er Ever y thing in balance – F E I N Balancer. For more operat ing comfort and s afet y when working wit h power t ools and heavy machines , t he ext ension lengt hs of t he F E I N B alancers g ive you a wide working radius and t he infinit ely adjust able load range from 1.1 t o 132 lbs . depending on which balancer you choose . Ot her advant ages of t he F E I N B alancers include const ant t ract ion , secure “weight less” suspension of t he t ool and power cable , compact design and ease of handling . Accessories such as t he swivel hook or locking device furt her increase s afet y and comfort . A c ce s s or ie s 2 39 Balanc er For accessories , see page 241 For accessories , see page 241 Balancer Safe suspension of device and power line in “weight less” st at e . Adjust able load l bs Pre - set by manuf. l bs Rope ext ension max. ft Weig ht l bs Part Number 1.1-3.3 2.2 3 0.7 9 08 01 012 00 8 3.3-5.5 4.4 3 0.7 9 08 01 023 00 1 F E I N BE N E F ITS  Coiled power cord available as an accessory.  Const ant t ract ion .  Durable nylon rope .  Easily adjust able .  Small size . Measurement in millimet ers Balancer Safe suspension of device and power line in “weight less” st at e . Adjust able load l bs Pre - set by manuf. l bs Rope ext ension max. ft Weig ht l bs Part Number 2.2-6.6 4.4 6.5 7.0 9 08 01 024 00 9 5.5-11 7.7 6.5 7.0 9 08 01 025 00 3 7.7-14.3 11 6.5 7.0 9 08 01 026 00 6 9.9-19.8 15.4 6.5 7.0 9 08 01 027 00 0 16.5-25.4 19.8 6.5 7.0 9 08 01 028 00 8 22-30.9 26.4 6.5 7.0 9 08 01 029 00 2 29.7-37.4 33 6.5 7.1 9 08 01 030 00 4 F E I N BE N E F ITS  Break-resist ant st eel cable .  Coiled power cord available as an accessory.  Const ant t ract ion . Measurement in millimet ers 24 0 Balanc er For accessories , see page 241 Balancer Safe suspension of device and power line in “weight less” st at e . Adjust able load l bs Pre - set by manuf. l bs Rope ext ension max. ft Weig ht l bs Part Number 28.6-55.2 33 6.2 15.4 9 08 01 048 00 6 48.5-70.5 55 6.2 15.4 9 08 01 049 00 0 66-99.2 88 6.2 39.6 9 08 01 050 00 2 99-132.3 110 6.2 40.5 9 08 01 051 00 1 F E I N BE N E F ITS  Break-resist ant st eel cable .  Coiled power cord available as an accessory.  Const ant t ract ion . Measurement in millimet ers A c ce s s or ie s 2 41 General Ac c e ssorie s Coile d power c able For elect ric t ools wit h mains connect ion cables of qualit y H O 5 RN -F 2 x 1. Part Number 3 07 07 157 03 5 Balanc er up t o 132 lbs load Loc k ing devic e To hold an ext ended cable . Facilit at es replacement of t he suspended t ool . Part Number 3 02 40 239 01 4 Swivel hook To hook int o t he t op of t he balancer and lock t he swivel . Part Number 3 02 32 044 01 0 Orig inal F E I N ac c e ssorie s for Balanc ers 24 2 Tool C ase Carr y safely, store securely – F E I N tool cases . F E I N power t ools are very robust and designed t o be used in t he t oughest condit ions . Nevert heless , t o make sure your valuable power t ools can be t ransport ed and st ored s afely and convenient ly, we recommend invest ing in one of our met al or plast ic t ool cases . They are available in a wide range of sizes and for almost all F E I N power t ools . What ’s more , t hey will help t o ensure t hat your F E I N power t ools not only keep working for years t o come , but st ay looking good t oo . A c ce s s or ie s 24 3 Tool C ase Plastic tool cases Fit s model (The dimensions st at e d are int erior dimensions ) Leng t h (in ) Widt h (in ) Heig ht (in ) Part Number AB LK 1.6 E ; WP O 10-25 E ; B LS 3.5; B LS 4.2; ASse 636; D Sse 642; WS G 14-70 E - St ainless St eel Professional kit ; B SS 1.6 C ; B SS 1.6; ASkeu 636; ASke 636; S C U 7-9; WS G 14-125 S ; ASt 638; B LK1.3 T/N12; B LS 4.2/N12; AS CT 14 M; AS CT 5-40 M; WS G 10-115; S CT 5-40 U M; B LK 1.6 E ; B LK 1.6 LE ; M Sf 636-1; M Ot lx 6-25; S C S 4.8-25; ASye 636; D Ske 636; D Seu 638; AS CT 18; AS CT 5-40 U ; AS C S 6.3; AS CT 5-40; B LK 3.5/N12; ASzxeu 636-1; WS B 10-115 T; WS B 14-125 T; WS G 14- 150; S C S 6.3- 19 X; S CT 6-25 X; B LK 1.3 T; B LK 1.6; B LK 1.6 L; B LK 2.0; ROT 14-200 E ; B SS 1.6C/N09; WS G 14-150 T; S C S 4.8-25/N09; AB LK 1.3 C S E ; WS G 10-125 S ; S CT 5-40 M; B LS 1.6 X; AB LK 1.3 TE ; ASb 636- E C 2; ASy 630; D Skeu 636; AS CT 14; B LK 3.5; AH Sl 636 c ; M Sh 636-1; B LK 1.3 C S ; M S F 636-1/KB517; WSS 14-125 T; B LS 1.6 X/N12; B LK1.3 C S/N12; AS CT 18 M; ASge 636; B LK 2.0 E ; B LK 1.3 TE ; B SS 2.0; B LS 2.5; ASb 636; WS G 14-70 E ; S CT 5-40 UX; S CT 5-40 X; AS C S 4.8; AS CT 5-40 U M; B LK 5.0; B LK 5.0/N12; WP O 14-15 E Marine Set ; WS G 14-125; B LK 1.3 C S E ; WSS 14-125; M Sh 635; ASt e 638; S C S 6.3-19 X/N09; B SS 2.0; B LS 2.5/N12; B LS 3.5/N12; HAMM E R D RI LL D Sceu-638KI/KB517 60H120 17-3/4 12-1/4 5-1/4 3 39 01 118 01 0 WP O 10-25 E ; WP O 14-15 E ; WP O 14-15 X E - Set ; M Sf 636-1; ROT 14-200 E ; M S F 636-1/KB517; WP O 14-25 E ; WP O 14-15 E Marine Set ; WP O 14-15 X E 17-3/4 12-3/16 9-1/8 3 39 01 122 01 0 Metal tool cases Fit s model (The dimensions st at e d are int erior dimensions ) Leng t h (in ) Widt h (in ) Heig ht (in ) Part Number M She 648-1; M Shy 648-1 Z ; M Shy 649-1; D S 648; ASz 648 a ; ASze 648 a ; D Se 648; ASzx 648; ASge 648; M Sfv 649; M Sh 648; M She 648; M Shy 648 Z ; M Shy 649; S CW 16-6 MaMMut ; ASzx 648-1; M Sfv 649-1; M Sh 648-1 27-9/16 7-1/16 4 3 39 01 021 01 1 WS G 20-180/N12; WS G 20-230/N12; M Shy 664; AStxe 649; M OT 6-18-2; STS 325 R; AStx 649-1; WS B 20-180; WS B 20-230; WS G 20-180; WS B 25-180 X; WS G 25-180; WS G 20-230; WS B 25-230 X; WS G 25-230; AStx 649; STS 325 R/KB524; ASTx 649-1/N13; AStxe 649-1; M Shy 664-1 27-3/16 9-1/16 6-5/16 3 39 01 022 01 4 D D Sk 672; D Ske 672; D Sk 658-1; D Ske 658-1; D D Sk 672-1; ASb 647-1; ASb 648; ASbe 648; ASbe 647-1; ASb 648- E C 2; ASb 647-1- E C 2; ASb 658-1; ASb 658-1 E C 2 8 5-1/8 8 3 39 01 032 01 3 24 4 Addit ional informat ion A d di t i o n a l In f or ma t i o n 24 5 F E I N Repair and Customer Ser vice Page 246 Thanks t o our dense int ernat ional service net work , we are always close at hand . We make sure t hat your power t ool has a long life . F E I N Par tners Page 247 F E I N has always used specialt y st ores for dist ribut ion – a part nership wit h many benefit s . F E I N Vibration reduction Page 248 Tools should not only have a long life , but also be user-friendly. Best example : F E I N’s exemplary vibrat ion reduct ion . F E I N Built - on Motors Page 249 Our machines and t ools are reliable , when it really count s . The s ame is also t rue for highly reliable F E I N built -on mot ors , no mat t er where you use t hem or what you use t hem for. What you need to know about F E I N . The name F E I N st ands for resilient power t ools for use in t he t rades and indust ry, but F E I N is much more t han t hat . As well as durable , powerful machines , t ools and accessories , we offer a range of individual services . Read on t o find out more about t hem, and what makes F E I N service and our part nership wit h dist ribut ors so special . 24 6 Repair and c ust omer servic e Why you should rely on specialists , even in customer ser vice and repair. No one can guarant ee , especially in t ough indust rial product ion use , t hat a machine will run forever. But F E I N guarant ees you t hat it will be running ag ain soon , should you have t rouble . Wit h a dense net work of aut horized repair cent ers , F E I N is t here for you on all your regular maint enance , repairs and s afet y t est s , quickly and economically. In t he process , we work wit h aut horized F E I N repair cent ers t hat receive regular t raining from us in order t o remain t echnically up-t o-dat e . Of course , our old part s and machine dispos al is environment ally friendly, or t hey are recondit ioned . We t est t he operat ion and elect rical s afet y of every machine , and we g ive you a 12 mont h guarant ee on every repaired machine .  Our repair cent ers st ock all regularly needed spare part s .  All repairs are carried out quickly and reliably, normally wit hin t wo business days (excluding shipping t ime ) – free of charge during t he guarant ee period if a mat erial or manufact uring defect is found !  Spare part s are st ocked for at least 10 years aft er product ion ends , and frequent ly even longer.  A binding cost est imat e is provided for out -of-warrant y. Guaranteed F E I N . F E I N power t ools carry a manufact urer’s guarant ee of workman - ship and mat erials . F E I N power t ools are put t hrough t ough workplace t est s before t hey ent er t he market . You and many ot her users in different t rades t hroughout t he world benefit from t hese high t echnical st andards . That not only makes us proud , it g ives us confidence in t he reliable , problem-free funct ioning of our product s for years t o come . We’ll show just how much easier and more successful your work will be by ext ending your warrant y wit h t he 3 year F E I N P LU S guarant ee . Obt aining t he F E I N P LU S 3 year guarant ee is very easy. Reg ist er your new F E I N power t ool online at www.fein .com wit hin six weeks of purchase and you will immediat ely receive a guarant ee cert ificat e , allowing you t o enjoy t he peace of mind t hat comes wit h t he 3 year F E I N P LU S guarant ee . At www.fein .com, you will find complet e informat ion about t he coverage of t he 3 year F E I N P LU S guarant ee . You can also cont act your F E I N specialt y dist ribut or. They will be happy t o help you . Guarant eed ! Your closest authorized repair facility can be found at : www.fein .com A d di t i o n a l In f or ma t i o n 24 7 Spe c ialist st ore Profit as a F E I N par tner. F E I N is commit t ed t o specialt y dealers . This is t he only way we can guarant ee professional and knowledgeable consult at ion and s ales for our cust omers . We rely on a win/win st rat eg y in t his collabora - t ion – wit h joint support for t he end-user, increased compet it ive and performance capabilit y, and profit able growt h for bot h sides . In t he process , we support our part ners wit h varied init iat ives from act ive s ales support wit h appropriat e P O S advert ising mat erial t o online act ivit ies , joint demonst rat ion t ours , cust om promot ion packages , t raining and special part nership models . In short , F E I N provides everyt hing t he dealer needs t o sell successfully. 24 8 Vibrat ion re duc t ion F E I N combats vibration , before it begins . Vibrat ions are not only uncomfort able , t hey can even be damag ing t o your healt h . Regulat ors have t herefore limit ed t he accept able durat ion of work wit h handheld power t ools . Only t ools which do not exceed a cert ain vibrat ion level - t he so-called “exposure t hreshold value A” of 16 ft/sec ., are permit t ed t o be used eight hours a day. Wit h equipment t hat does not comply wit h t his value , prot ect ive measures must be t aken or t he durat ion of use is lim - it ed . Inst ead of aft ert hought measures like ant i-vibrat ion handles , F E I N is combat ing vibrat ion before it arises – in t he const ruct ion . 90 % of all F E I N t ools , like our compact angle grinders , meet t he requirement s for cont inuous indust rial use – in fact , several t imes over. Unlike many of our compet it ors who deal wit h vibrat ion at t he handle , t hese F E I N t ools deal wit h vibrat ion in advance t hrough special design of t he ent ire t ool t o achieve a decisive reduct ion . Only t ools like hammer drills , whose const ruct ion and mechanical act ion prevent any reduct ion wit hin t he t ool , might require supplement al aids such as ant i-vibrat ion gloves for eight hours of cont inuous use . Us age durat ion in hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 F E I N P r o du c t B P r o du c t A A d di t i o n a l In f or ma t i o n 24 9 Flang e -mount e d mot or F E I N built - on motors – proven as a reliable power source . F E I N built -on mot ors have made a name for t hemselves as proven machine component s . As a power source for t ools and special machines , t hey prove t heir reliabilit y day-in , day-out and under t he t oughest condit ions . They are available in a variet y of configurat ions which allow all manner of modificat ions and cust omizat ion t o cust omers’ specific requirement s . In discussion wit h you , our specialist s will det ermine which is t he best possible drive variant for your requirement s . Subsequent ly, t he F E I N built -on mot or only needs t o be mount ed on t he gear box or equipment t o be driven . Int ernal wiring is already complet e . You can obt ain F E I N built -on mot ors in a range of performance from 250 Wat t s t o 2,500 Wat t s power consumpt ion . Rechargeable bat t eries wit h F E I N lit hium-ion t echnolog y are available wit h 14.4 Volt s or 18 Volt s . The choice is yours . Model AM O L 14 E AM O L 18 E M O L 250 E M O L 350 E M O L 400 E No load spee d (rpm) 11,000-18,000 11,000-18,500 12,000-21,000 12,500-26,500 11,000-18,500 Current/Volt ag e (V) 14,4 18 230 230 230 Power c onsumpt ion (kVA ) 250 350 400 Mot or rot at ion dire c t ion Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Clockwise Model M O L 2000 M O L 2500 M O P 400 M O P 450 M O P 500 No load spee d (rpm) 25,000 27,000 0-32,500 0-34,500 0-34,500 Current/Volt ag e (V) 230 230 230 230 230 Power c onsumpt ion (kVA ) 2,000 2,500 400 450 500 Mot or rot at ion dire c t ion Clockwise Clockwise Reversible Reversible Reversible Ot her volt ages upon request . 2 5 0 Part Number Model Pag e 7 105 01 61 AB O P 6 18 7 105 02 61 AB O P 10 18 7 105 03 61 AB O P 13-2 18 7 110 93 50 017 ASW 12-16 71 7 110 94 50 013 ASW 12-25 71 7 112 00 50 010 ASW 9-10 71 7 112 01 50 010 AS M 12-12 70 7 112 02 50 010 AS M 12-9 70 7 112 03 50 010 AS M 9-9 70 7 112 04 50 010 AS M 9-6 70 7 112 05 50 010 AS M 9-6-150 70 7 112 06 50 010 AS M 9-4 70 7 112 07 50 010 AS M 9-2 70 7 112 08 50 010 ASW 9-10 71 7 112 09 50 010 ASW 9-10 71 7 112 11 50 010 AS M 9-6-2 ST 70 7 112 27 60 000 AS M 10-4 70 7 112 28 60 000 AS M 10-6 70 7 112 29 60 000 AS M 10-6 2ST 70 7 112 30 60 000 AS M 10-9 70 7 112 31 60 000 AS M 14-9 70 7 112 32 60 000 AS M 14-12 70 7 112 33 60 000 AS M 10-6 S 70 7 112 40 00 92 0 ASW 10-6 71 7 112 41 00 92 0 ASW 10-6-2ST 71 7 112 42 00 92 0 ASW 10-10 71 7 112 43 00 92 0 ASW 10-10-2ST 71 7 112 44 00 92 0 ASW 10-10-250 71 7 112 45 00 95 0 ASW 14-14 71 7 113 04 50 01 3 ASW 12-16 71 7 113 05 50 01 9 ASW 12-16 71 7 113 10 61 AS C S 4.8 55 7 113 11 62 AS C S 6.3 56 7 129 09 61 AFMM 14 159 7 132 01 61 AB LK 1.6 E 217 7 132 02 61 AB LK 1.3 C S E 216 7 132 03 61 AB LK 1.3 TE 216 7 136 01 AF S C 18 173 7 136 01 51 AF S C 18 169 7 136 01 52 AF S C 18 170 7 136 01 53 AF S C 18 171 7 136 01 57 AF S C 18 172 7 136 02 AF S C 18 189 7 136 02 56 AF S C 18 188 Part Number Model Pag e 7 202 03 D S 648 24 7 203 04 ASzx 648-1 34 7 205 01 D D Sk 672-1 26 7 205 34 ASzxeu 636-1 33 7 205 43 50 B O P 6 19 7 205 44 50 B O P 10 20 7 205 45 50 B O P 10-2 21 7 205 46 60 B O P 13-2 22 7 209 16 ASge 648 40 7 209 37 ASge 636 38 7 210 71 ASse 636 48 7 210 94 S C U 7-9 52 7 210 98 S CW 16-6 66 7 213 04 S C S 4.8-25 57 7 213 06 50 S CT 5-40 M 62 7 213 09 S C S 6.3-19 X 58 7 213 13 S CT 5-40 X 61 7 213 15 S CT 6-25 X 50 7 220 78 M Sf 636-1 139 7 221 07 WS G 20-180 93 7 221 08 WS G 20-230 94 7 221 13 51 RS 12-70 E 132 7 221 31 M Sfv 649-1 87 7 221 40 WSS 14-125 84 7 221 41 WS G 14-125 81 7 221 42 WS G 14-150 89 7 221 43 WS G 14-70 E 121 7 221 43 61 WS G 14-70 E 123 7 221 44 WS G 14-125 S 82 7 221 48 WP O 14-15 E 142 7 221 48 60 WP O 14-15 E 144 7 221 49 WP O 14-25 E 125 7 221 49 50 WP O 14-25 E 126 7 221 50 WP O 14-15 X E 143 7 221 54 WSS 14-125 T 85 7 221 55 WS G 10-115 T 78 7 221 56 WS G 14-125 T 83 7 221 57 WS G 14-150 T 90 7 221 58 WS G 14-70 ET 122 7 221 61 WS G 10-115 77 7 221 62 WS G 10-125 S 80 7 221 65 50 ROT 14-200 E 129 7 221 66 60 RS 10-70 E 131 7 221 67 60 KS 10-38 E 137 Produc t Overview You will find your product here . Here you will find all of t he product s described in t his cat alog in t able form and in numerical order – wit h it em/order number, const ruct ion t ype designat ion and page reference . This way, you can find any product or accessory, in an inst ant even if you only have t he it em number (e .g . from t he price list ). A d di t i o n a l In f or ma t i o n 2 51 Part Number Model Pag e 7 223 02 AH Sl 636 c 97 7 223 03 M Sh 636-1 99 7 223 12 M Sh 635 98 7 223 13 M Shy 648-1 Z 103 7 223 14 M Sh 648-1 101 7 223 14 95 M She 648-1 102 7 224 04 M Shy 649-1 105 7 224 05 M Shy 664-1 106 7 228 05 50 BF 10-280 E 134 7 228 05 51 BF 10-280 E 135 7 229 37 58 FMM 250 Q 160 7 229 37 68 FMM 250 Q 161 7 229 37 70 FMM 250 Q 162 7 230 22 B SS 2.0 207 7 230 23 B LS 3.5 212 7 230 24 B LS 4.2 213 7 230 26 B LS 2.5 211 7 230 27 B SS 1.6 206 7 230 28 B SS 1.6 C 205 7 230 29 B LS 1.6 X 210 7 232 30 B LK 3.5 223 7 232 31 B LK 5.0 224 7 232 38 60 B LK 1.6 E 219 7 232 39 60 B LK 1.6 LE 220 7 232 40 60 B LK 2.0 E 221 7 232 41 60 B LK 1.3 TE 218 7 232 42 60 B LK 1.3 C S E 218 7 234 15 ASt e 638 230 7 234 17 ASt 638 230 7 234 22 AStx 649-1 232 7 234 23 AStxe 649-1 232 7 236 31 50 F S C 1.6 194 7 236 36 50 F S C 2.0 Q 180 7 236 36 51 F S C 2.0 Q 174 7 236 36 52 F S C 2.0 Q 175 7 236 36 53 F S C 2.0 Q 176 7 236 36 54 F S C 2.0 Q 178 7 236 36 55 F S C 2.0 Q 179 7 236 36 57 F S C 2.0 Q 177 7 236 42 50 F S C 1.6 Q 193 7 236 42 55 F S C 1.6 Q 190 7 236 42 56 F S C 1.6 Q 191 7 236 42 57 F S C 1.6 Q 192 7 271 01 61 KB H 25 29 Part Number Model Pag e 7 534 08 STS 325 R 233 7 536 03 M Ot lx 6-25 195 7 820 62 M Sfo 869-1c 112 7 820 65 M Sfo 869-1d 112 7 820 71 M Sfo 852-1c 112 7 820 73 M Sfo 852-1d 112 7 820 75 M Sfo 870-1c 112 7 820 77 M Sfo 870-1d 112 7 820 80 M Sfo 849-1c 112 7 820 83 M Sfov 852-1 112 7 820 85 M Sf 843-1c 112 7 820 86 H FW 9-125 112 7 823 03 M Sho 840-2 112 7 823 19 M Sh 843-1 112 7 823 20 M Sho 849-1z 112 7 824 37 M Shyo 869-1a 112 7 824 39 M Shyo 852-3a 112 7 824 42 M Sho 852-1 112 9 08 01 012 008 B alancer up t o 3.3 lbs load 239 9 08 01 023 001 B alancer up t o 5.5 lbs load 239 9 08 01 024 009 B alancer up t o 6.6 lbs load 239 9 08 01 025 003 B alancer up t o 11 lbs load 239 9 08 01 026 006 B alancer up t o 14.3 lbs load 239 9 08 01 027 000 B alancer up t o 19.8 lbs load 239 9 08 01 028 008 B alancer up t o 25.4 lbs load 239 9 08 01 029 002 B alancer up t o 30.9 lbs load 239 9 08 01 030 004 B alancer up t o 37.4 lbs load 239 9 08 01 048 006 B alancer up t o 55.2 lbs load 240 9 08 01 049 000 B alancer up t o 70.5 lbs load 240 9 08 01 050 002 B alancer up t o 99.2 lbs load 240 9 08 01 051 001 B alancer up t o 132.3 lbs load 240 9 20 24 Turbo I 148 9 20 25 Turbo I I 149 9 20 26 Turbo I I I 150 9 28 19 M O 83 - 7.5 KS R 114 9 28 21 M O 83 - 11 KS R 114 9 28 22 M O 83 - 15 KS R 114 9 28 24 M O 83 - 30 KS R 114 9 28 26 M O 83 - 45 KS R 114 9 28 28 M O 83 - 20 KS R 114 9 28 29 M O 83 - 25 KS R 114 9 33 00 10 H F S 17-300 111 9 33 00 20 H F S 27-300 111 2 5 2 Addre sse s Always nearby : F E I N F E I N is available for you wit h expert cont act s in over 45 count ries , worldwide . You can find your closest dist ribut ion or service part - ner in t he following address list or online at www.fein .com. Germany: C . & E . F E I N GmbH Hans-Fein- St r. 81 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd-B arg au Phone : +49 (0) 7173 / 183-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7173 / 183-800 www.fein .com U SA : F E I N Power Tools Inc . 1030 Alcon St reet Pit t sburgh , PA 15220 Phone : (412) 922-8886 Toll Free : 1-800-441-9878 www.feinus .com C anada : F E I N C anadian Power Tool Company 323 Traders Boulevard East Mississ aug a , Ont ario L4Z 2E5 Phone : 905-890-1390 Toll Free : 1-800-265-2581 www.fein .com F E I N Quebec Lt ee 2810 De Miniac St . Laurent , Quebec H4S 1K9 Phone : 514-331-7390 Toll Free : 1-800-789-8181 www.fein .com www.fein .c om A d di t i o n a l In f or ma t i o n 2 53 Not e s 2 5 4 Not e s A d di t i o n a l In f or ma t i o n 2 55 Not e s 2 5 6 Not e s Subject t o change . The product s shown may differ from t hose supplied . Print ed in Germany. 1 88 10 084 21 0